Re: [QGIS-it-user] Progetti in rete con spatialite molto lenti

2021-05-14 Thread Andrea Giudiceandrea
Ciao Stefano,
a parte confermare tutto quello che ti è stato detto in merito alle
limitazioni dei database basati su SQLite (come SpatiaLite e GeoPackage)
usati non in locale con quanto riportato nella documentazione di GDAL (su
cui è basato QGIS):
"SQLite databases often do not work well over NFS, or some other networked
file system protocols due to the poor support for locking. It is safest to
operate only on SQLite files on a physical disk of the local system." [1]
e dello stesso SQLite:
"SQLite will work over a network filesystem, but because of the latency
associated with most network filesystems, performance will not be great.
Also, file locking logic is buggy in many network filesystem implementations
(on both Unix and Windows)" [2]

sotto alcune condizioni potresti comunque provare a migliorare le

Non ho capito se il database in questione viene usato tramite rete in sola
lettura o deve essere modificato e se deve essere usato contemporaneamente
da vari utenti in lettura o in lettura/scrittura.

Non ho nemmeno capito quale versione esattamente di QGIS stai utilizzando,
quale versione di GDAL usa, su quale sistema operativo...

Comunque, nel caso debba essere usato in sola lettura, potresti provare a
settare la proprietà read-only del file. Questo solitamente migliora le
Un altra possibilità è quella di settare la seguente variabile di sistema:

Potresti trovare altre informazioni utili nel seguente thread:

e nel seguente bug report:

Si riferiscono entrambi a problemi relativi a GeoPackage in rete, ma
potrebbero essere utili anche al tuo caso perché GeoPackage si base su
SQLite come SpatiaLite.

A presto.



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Re: [Qgis-user] Field calculator - converting string to int with possible NULL values

2021-05-14 Thread David Strip

To answer my own question - 
My problem occurred in a layer that was joined to a csv file. I had
"NULL" values where there was no matching join field, as one might
But it turns out that the csv file had the string "null" in an
otherwise integer column for missing entries. Thus, when I thought
the field calculator was rejecting NULL values, it was actually
rejecting the "null" string.

Sorry for the distraction.

On 5/14/2021 4:21 PM, David Strip wrote:

  I have a string field I wish to convert to int. A small subset of
  the records contain NULL.
  I tried the following in the field calculator:
when ("bb_usage" IS NULL) then 0
else to_int("bb_usage"")
  When I look at the preview, the result is correct whether or not
  the field contains int or NULL. But when I try to run it, I get an
  I also tried
when ("bb_usage" IS NULL) then 0
when  ("bb_usage" IS NULL) then to_int("bb_usage")
  and get the same error.
  I tried
  if ("bb_usage" IS NULL, 0, to_int("bb_usage"))
  same error.
  I know there are workarounds, but why don't any of these work? Why
  does to_int get evaluated on the NULLs?
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[Qgis-user] Field calculator - converting string to int with possible NULL values

2021-05-14 Thread David Strip

I have a string field I wish to convert to int. A small subset of
the records contain NULL.
I tried the following in the field calculator:

  when ("bb_usage" IS NULL) then 0
  else to_int("bb_usage"")

When I look at the preview, the result is correct whether or not the
field contains int or NULL. But when I try to run it, I get an

I also tried

  when ("bb_usage" IS NULL) then 0
  when  ("bb_usage" IS NULL) then to_int("bb_usage")

and get the same error.

I tried
if ("bb_usage" IS NULL, 0, to_int("bb_usage"))

same error.

I know there are workarounds, but why don't any of these work? Why
does to_int get evaluated on the NULLs?

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[Qgis-user] Fw: How to change Map resolution in QGIS Print Layout

2021-05-14 Thread John Antkowiak
 Hi. I cannot find an answer to this in the QGIS User Guide or online tutorial 
videos, and I'm a very inexperienced user.

My datasets are linked below. They're from the State of North Carolina and 
consist of 1) all the streets in the State, and 2) all the county boundaries. I 
clipped each layer so that I'm working with the streets in Alamance County 
only. I use the "StreetName" attribute to label the layer.
I need to create a paper wall map to help a charity plan its delivery routes. I 
have no innate sense exactly how big the map has to be; I'm starting with an 
assumption of a 60" roll of paper. (I've already had to rule out a commercial 
or purchase of a predesigned product. Doing it myself will cost me probably ten 
hours, which I can spare, but save nearly a thousand dollars that I can't.) 
In my Print Layout, I set the paper size to 60" wide by 115" high. (It would be 
nice if I could change the interface ruler units from mm to inches, but I don't 
see how. This would help me ensure the desired margin.)
I add the map and adjust its scale to fit the entire county as large as 
possible on the layout page. I hope I'm expressing the scale correctly, but I 
believe the smaller the scale number, the closer-in the map appears. The closer 
I zoom in, the more street names should appear. I would prefer that all street 
names are visible.
But here's the first challenge.
The Print Layout window acts as a preview of the final printed product, and 
what it shows me when viewed at 1:1 scale is not what I want to see. All the 
vector lines and all the labels are so pixelated that they're almost illegible. 
It makes no difference what the map scale is, because the size of the labels 
and their resolution doesn't change with the map scale. 
I tried going back to the source map and adjusting the label font size from the 
default (10) to 12, but it didn't change the outcome. It only yielded bigger 
pixelated illegible labels. (I exaggerate; they're not illegible they're just 
very difficult to read, almost to the point of rendering the whole exercise 
moot.) I tried adjusting the output dpi in the Print Layout to 500 dpi, but I 
think all that does is make the pixelated labels more sharply pixelated. The 
preview didn't change at all.
A screen capture is attached.
Once I solve that problem, I suspect I'm going to find that a scale of 18,000 - 
which allows the entire county to be shown on one page without losing any 
vector data - isn't close enough to display enough of the street names. I'm 
going to have to create map panels, which adds a level of complexity to my 
learning curve. 
Any insights on this situation would be most appreciated. Have a good day -
John A.

The two datasets are found 

Download the layers titled "Road Characteristics Arcs Shapefile Format" and 
"County Boundary Shoreline" to reproduce exactly what I see. Clip them as 
described above.

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Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS file version control

2021-05-14 Thread Alexandre Neto
Hi Hugh,

Check this plugin to make you qgs files more trackable:

Best regards,

Alexandre Neto
User support

A sexta, 14/05/2021, 18:03, Hugh Kelley  escreveu:

> Hi,
> Is anyone aware of any thought or work put into version control for a qgis
> file?
> I had a look through the open issues on github and didn't turn anything
> up. I found some conversation about data versioning on stack overflow but
> nothing specific to the qgis file itself.
> Unzipping the qgz file and tracking the qgs file with git worked fairly
> smoothly for the few basic tests i just tried. it would become much more
> complicated as some other files get created for more complicated maps are
> built. For instance the .qgd files are binaries which aren't handled very
> well in git.
> If anyone is currently using git to version control their qgis projects i
> would be interested in hearing how they manage it and any best practices
> they could share.
> Thanks
> Hugh
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[Qgis-user] QGIS file version control

2021-05-14 Thread Hugh Kelley

Is anyone aware of any thought or work put into version control for a qgis

I had a look through the open issues on github and didn't turn anything up.
I found some conversation about data versioning on stack overflow but
nothing specific to the qgis file itself.

Unzipping the qgz file and tracking the qgs file with git worked fairly
smoothly for the few basic tests i just tried. it would become much more
complicated as some other files get created for more complicated maps are
built. For instance the .qgd files are binaries which aren't handled very
well in git.

If anyone is currently using git to version control their qgis projects i
would be interested in hearing how they manage it and any best practices
they could share.


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Re: [Qgis-user] Shapefile and GeoPackage

2021-05-14 Thread Andrea Giudiceandrea
Riccardo D'Alvito wrote
> In the creation of a Shapefile, in the choice of the type of geometry you
> have point, multipoint, line and polygon. 

The shapefile format (as you can read in the ESRI technical description
already linked by Nicolas Cadieux) supports only the following base "shape
types" (excluding Null Shape, Multipatch and Z and M variants) called:

- Point
- MultiPoint
- PolyLine
- Polygon

The "Point" type only stores single-part geometries, while MultiPoint,
PolyLine and Polygon types can store multi-part geometries.

Best regards.


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Re: [Qgis-user] From Clarke 1880 and 1866 to WGS1984

2021-05-14 Thread Nicolas Cadieux

If this is vector data, open the file and make sure it’s in Clarke 1880 or 
1866.  Make sure the data is in the proper place (georeferenced) by opening 
another data source like a Google layer from quickmap services.  Then, simply 
select the layer in the layer panel, right click it and use save as or export.  
You will have the possibility to change the projection.  You then will be 
possibly face with the choice of various transformations.  Select the best one.

For raster data, you can try Gdal warp under the raster menu or found in 
“processing”, a plugin that you must activate under the plugin menu.

Nicolas Cadieux

> Le 14 mai 2021 à 07:32, jean Lukusa  a écrit :
> Hi all .
> I have some data recorded in clarke1880 and 1866 .
> So I want to convert them into WGS1984.
> Would you tell me the procedure
> Jean Lukusa
> B.Sc. Geology
> Trained on Jorc  Code
> GIS  Operator 
> +243812156128
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[Qgis-user] From Clarke 1880 and 1866 to WGS1984

2021-05-14 Thread jean Lukusa
Hi all .
I have some data recorded in clarke1880 and 1866 .
So I want to convert them into WGS1984.
Would you tell me the procedure

Jean Lukusa
B.Sc. Geology
Trained on Jorc  Code
GIS  Operator
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Re: [QGIS-it-user] Progetti in rete con spatialite molto lenti

2021-05-14 Thread Stefano Menichetti
Ok grazie Enzo, sì il problema è di rete come dicevo, in locale funziona 

Avrei difficoltà a fare installare a tutti i colleghi che condividono il 
progetto Postgres comunque.

Vedimao che mi rispondono dal Midvatten ...

Grazie mille,


Il 13/05/2021 18:09, Enzo Cocca ha scritto:
Postgres è un server db, quindi su una macchina deve essere installato 
per potervi connettere (da qualche parte i dati devono stare).
Inoltre non è per nulla difficile l'installazione e sicuramente è un 
rdbm robusto. Considera se in futuro il tuo db deve gestire migliaia 
di dati, spatialite potrebbe non essere la soluzione migliore.
Ad ogni modo se il tuo db non è relazionato prova con il geopackage 
che deriva da spatialite, ma non so se midvatten lo gestisce.
Prova a verificare se Midvatten ti da gli stessi problemi se il db è 
sulla tua macchina, magari la questione è la rete


Il giorno gio 13 mag 2021 alle ore 18:00 Stefano Menichetti>> 
ha scritto:

Ciao Enzo ok per il personal geodatabase lo tengo presente, il db
con il progetto si trovano su una rete condivisa locale risulta
lento sia internamente che tramite accesso via vpn.

Sto scrivendo a questo proposito anche sul sito del Midvatten
notando che nelle ultime versioni del plugin è prevista la
possibilità di utilizzare un db postgis (forse non a caso ?)

Non sono molto pratico di postgis lavoro sopratutto su Oracle come
utente non certo come dba. Spatialite da quando è stata fatta la
scelta open nella mia agenzia è diventato l'alternativa ad access
per i dati di progetto.

Ricordo che l'installazione e gestione del postgis è abbastanza
complicata roba da dba quasi.

Una domanda: Qgis riesce a gestire file postgis ance in assenza
del postgre/postgis installato ?


Il 13/05/2021 17:51, Enzo Cocca ha scritto:

Ciao Stefano,
il db sqlite è un personal geodatabase e ci si può accedere solo
una alla volta  altrimenti si rischia il lock.
Per quanto riguarda la lentezza il db si trova in una rete
condivisa locale o su un ip pubblico? nel secondo coso hai
provato con una connessione vpn?


Il giorno gio 13 mag 2021 alle ore 17:46 Stefano Menichetti>> ha scritto:

Grazie Totò anche questa è un'informazione utile, ma non è
tanto un
problema di diritti di accesso che potrebbero anche essere
separati, ma
proprio di lentezza in una connessione non locale.

Non capisco il perchè come se lasciasse aperta nella
connessione una
serie di verifiche continue ... magari c'è  da impostare
qualcosa per
usare la cache, il db è pure piccolo < 1M



Il 13/05/2021 16:54, Totò ha scritto:

> Stefano Menichetti wrote
>> Buongiorno a tutti, qualcuno sa spiegarmi per quale motivo
un progetto
>> Qgis che utilizza un db spatialite (nel caso il plugin
Midvatten delle
>> stratigrafie) funziona egregiamente in locale ma diventa
lentissimo in
>> una cartella condivisa della rete aziendale ?
>> Ho notato questo malfunzionamento da tempo e con diverse
versioni di
>> Qgis. Tenderei ad escludere un problema del plugin. E'
lento anche in
>> fase di caricamento del progetto non solo quando il plugin
interroga le
>> tabelle.
> Benvenuto,
> solo un piccolo contributo:
> il db spatialite non è adatto per un uso condiviso di più
persone, come si
> suol dire è un db monoutente.
> saluti
> -
> --
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Dr. Geol. Stefano Menichetti
ARPAT - Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente
dela Toscana 
SIRA - Sistema Informativo Regionale Ambientale
Tel. 055 3206333 3668217978 (3383550147)
Fax 055 3206410
skype stefano.menichetti63

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Re: [Qgis-user] tfw Parameters

2021-05-14 Thread Alexandre Neto

This has to do with projections. Putting it as simple as possible, because
the earth is "round" any try to flatten it (a projection) implies some form
of distortion. Using different projections means different distortions.

When we reproject a raster, that distortion difference is applied to each
pixel, which leads to different pixel sizes and shape.

Best regards,

Alexandre Neto
Users Support

A terça, 11/05/2021, 07:55, ludwig  escreveu:

> Perhaps because pixels must not necessarily be quadratic? A grafic in Din
> A1 has to sides with a relation of sqrt(2), 594x841mm, I think qgis tries
> to fill the area without rest, which is not possible with quadratic pixels.
> Just a thought...
> Von meinem/meiner Galaxy gesendet
>  Ursprüngliche Nachricht 
> Von: "Preuß, Sylvia" 
> Datum: 11.05.21 07:55 (GMT+01:00)
> An: 'Marco Lechner' , "Quantum Gis mailinglist (
> Betreff: Re: [Qgis-user] tfw Parameters
> Hi Marco,
> thank you, the original data is from a SpatiaLite database with EPSG:25832
> Sylvia
> *Von:* Marco Lechner 
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 10. Mai 2021 16:33
> *An:* Preuß, Sylvia ; Quantum Gis mailinglist (
> *Betreff:* AW: tfw Parameters
> I’d guess the original TIFF is not EPSG:25832 and is based on a different
> elipsoid?
> best regards
> Marco
> *Von:* Qgis-user [] *Im Auftrag
> von *Preuß, Sylvia
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 10. Mai 2021 15:51
> *An:* Quantum Gis mailinglist ( <
> *Betreff:* [Qgis-user] tfw Parameters
> Hi all,
> I exported vectordata DIN A1 TIFF in EPSG 25832, scale 1:25000 and got
> different Pixelsizes in the worldfile.
> 2.116892375645
> 0.
> 0.
> -2.116681770004
> 391333.92426485
> 5663925.500010723248
> Does anybody know how come?
> Thank you
> Sylvia
> --
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[Qgis-user] How to select a polygon feature underneath another in the same ArcGIS REST feature layer.

2021-05-14 Thread Michael Dufty
Does anyone know the best way to select a feature entirely underneath another 
in an ArcGIS REST feature layer.
The standard select tool seems to only select one feature, is there a setting 
to let is select all?
Freehand select actually seemed to work well to get both features, which was 
enough for my purpose.
Radius select initiated an indexing of the whole layer which freezes QGIS for 
about 15 minutes (huge layer).

Related question is there any way to cancel these indexing operations?  Turning 
on snap with such a layer active causes the same issue.

Michael Dufty
Senior Environmental Engineer

4 Cook Street, West Perth  WA 6005

t:+61 8 9226-3166

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