When creating a style for a polygon layer I noticed a difference between QGIS 
2.99 (Windows standalone installer) and QGIS 3.0 (OSGeo4W) when I use 
segments_to_lines & @geometry_part_num.

  *   I created a polygon layer and added some polygons.

  *   Then I started editing the layer style:
     *   I added a Geometry generator as symbol layer to create a Linestring 
type that contains  segments_to_lines($geometry)
     *   Then I changed the line type of the result to a "Marker line"
     *   Then I changed the Symbol layer type of this "Marker line" to "Font 
     *   Then I changed the "Data defined override" of the content of this font 
marker to @geometry_part_num
     *   Then I changed the font size of the font marker

The results are different in QGIS 2.99 and 3.0 (see images below). Is this a 
bug in 3.0 or is it an intentional change? The result in QGIS 2.18 is the same 
as in 2.99. The result in QGIS 3.1 is the same as in 3.0.




Attachment: segments.qml
Description: segments.qml

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