Re: [Ql-Users] Micro men

2011-02-26 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message B8CF8D1895524A398939139E40AD5628@mine5e8ac60903, Lee 
Privett writes

BBC Four tonight at 21:00 to 22:25 are repeating Micro Men for those 
who are interested


Hi Lee,

Thanks for the reminder.

I read your email at 21.05, so I managed to see it this time ... :-)

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-26 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message 9DB876C170EF4365AC0C6C9968C69C37@d3hkh9x94, Dilwyn Jones writes

16th  17th April. The Quanta website has not been updated since July of
last year and my understanding is that there is little chance of it
being updated in the near future.

Ah - a weekend *totally* full for me with Bach St John Passion (8-(#
Another AGM missed.

Draw your own conclusions for the reason for this from Dilwyn's
yesterday email about the lack of updating to the news items,

I thought I read here quite recently that someone had worked out the
logon and *was* updating it.


That was John Sadler saying he'd managed to recover the Scottish QL 
users group (SQLUG) website and nothing to do with the Quanta one.

You've seen Geoff's email about the website earlier on tonight. A 
little bit more on this...

Quanta website is a source of frustration to me and I think to all of 
us. The various faults and incompatibilities have caused too much 
wasted time, too much time worrying about the SYSTEM at the expense of 
CONTENT. The faults meant it has been impossible to update some things 
like the News since the last item you see on the site, for example. 
It's a free CMS, and in my experience it's not been very pleasant 
trying to edit a site with it. Over my broadband, the editor is slow 
and clunky. Various facilities either don't work at all when I try 
them, or fail to work in various contexts. I get endless error 
messages. Pages show up differently on Internet Explorer and on Firefox 
(not tried other browsers). I have no idea if this is due to my own 
system here, the CMS itself, or the problems with the servers it runs 
on. Just look at the homepage of on the two browsers 
mentioned to see what I mean. This is an example of things I have 
moaned about in emails to Keith
and Dan (until I'm sure they are fed up of me), which have proved 
difficult, or impossible, or very time consuming to fix.

The webmasters will be at Quanta AGM in April (just spoken to Keith 
now). So if you are concerned about Quanta's website, go there to ask 
questions and get answers. I hope that they will be able to do a 
session on the website at some point over the weekend to explain the 

Of course, the situation gives the impression that as far as members 
are concerned the website is just out of date. This is not inactivity 
or laziness on the part of the committee but a huge and endless 
struggle just to get the basic CMS working at all. Dan and Keith are 
people who have worked with IT for a living, so it's not a case of 
nobody knowing what they're doing either. However, the website 
situation is unacceptable as it stands in my view and rapid progress 
must be seen to happen now.

The good news is that while I was abroad recently a committee meeting 
was held which took major decisions to move forward to a costlier 
managed service selected, which should free everyone up to focus on 
CONTENT, provided it works better than the free service used until now.

However, the failure to explain all this publicly and the fact it went 
on for a long time without explanation does give the impression of 
negligence in updating the website, whereas the truth is that the whole 
sorry situation is actually down to the CMS not working as it should on 
the free server spaces used, making it impossible to provide a decent 
website while that system is in use. Too long was spent trying to get a 
free service working, so hopefully the move to a paid for service will 
improve the situation.

Another matter is that I have resigned as Quanta Librarian today. I was 
trying to do too many things - News, Helpline, Library and occasionally 
website pages (when the CMS last worked properly). The rush to get 
things in to meet the deadline for the current issue before I went 
abroad (sorry, I rather monopolised the issue with my ramblings) and 
the subsequent decision to produce another issue with deadline 5th 
March convinced me the time was right to find someone with new ideas to 
the Quanta Library properly and give it the time and attention it 
deserves. The Library is in need of modernising, especially as it is 
still intended that in time it will go online for members, which I 
haven't the time to do. I'll remain as caretaker Librarian until the 
AGM when I can hopefully hand the master disks etc over.

This email has NOT been issued or authorised by the Quanta committee 
and is only the personal views of one frustrated committee member, sent 
with the best of intentions and without intending any personal 
criticism of anyone concerned.

Dilwyn Jones

Hi Dilwyn,

I can accept the feelings of frustrations.

A CMS - Content Management System - can just tie people in to something 
that is then hard to maintain ... :-(

In the meantime, it is very easy to simply put text information on to a 
web site, without a CMS.

So, the question remains - why has it just been left so long?

PS -