Re: [Ql-Users] Fw: Fwd: Quanta Web site down?

2012-10-22 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message <5C559A9CD57842EE930B6FC99AF121F6@geoffbqm5ccx41>, Geoff 
Wicks  writes

Umm ... your briefest comment, yet, Geoff ... :-)

From: "Geoff Wicks" 
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2012 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Fwd:  Quanta Web site down?

From: "Quanta Webmaster" 
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 8:38 PM
Subject: [Ql-Users] Fwd:  Quanta Web site down?


The QUANTA website was not taken down intentionally, I am now working to
get the site back on-line, but did not know it was down until I 
received a

message from the mailing list! If people know the site is down please let
the committee know as we want to know as quickly as possible so we 
can  fix

issues as soon as they become apparent.

Thank you for your suggestions Geoff, I would like to let you know about
the outcome of the committee meeting.

The committee decided that moving to a cheaper platform was a good 
idea  and

I have now been tasked with finding a service to use (I know there are
plenty around so will be feeding back my thoughts to the committee). 
It  was

also agreed that the new site will be mainly static so the committee will
not be making much effort in updating the site (though we will use a
different CMS system we can make updates as required.

In relation to your point number 3 however the magazine will not be made
available to members or the public, I have spent quite some time on the
current Typo3 CMS getting it ready for a new members area and having all
the latest magazines available for users to download and we were about to
get the emails sent out so members could access the site (the 
magazines  are

only made public after 1 to 2 years as this is one of the benefits of
membership of QUANTA). However, as the committee has agreed to create a
more static website, use a CMS easier to maintain and configure 
which  does
not have this ability this functionality will now be lost. Given 
that Typo3

has been difficult to maintain AND the vocal membership does not want to
pay for am maintained server this seems to be the only option. Of 
course  if
anyone wants to join the QUANTA committee and help implement these 

I would be pleased to have some help.

As for your other points:

1. once the new site is up and running the news MAY not be updated on a
regular basis, Dilwyn has already had training and issues with Typo3 
and  he

may not want training on another platform (I will have to speak to him
about this). Also the feeds to facebook and twitter will be stopped.

2. It will be up to the committee as to what is displayed and when, Typo3
and the new CMS do have facilities where articles and content can be 
set  to

appear/disappear at certain times, however, this is down to the editor to
set. If it is not set they will be there until we are notified to remove
the article. If anyone sees anything out of place a simple email to would quickly get the article updated rather than
waiting 3 months then posting on a public forum!

4. It is unlikely that the committee will update the static website with
QUANTA news. It will be just a static site with information about how to
join and about the various QL's.

*. The membership area will not be recreated as this will be in a 

CMS and the site will be a static site.

Of course these are my current opinions of what will happen, if the 

QUANTA membership or the QUANTA committee decide something else is needed
then perhaps this will change, however, the only way I can see this
changing is if more volunteers help with the website but people seem more
interested in attacking the site rather than contributing to it.

Realistically Geoff, if you have a real desire to implement the features
you have mentioned, can I suggest you take over the webmaster role on the


Many thanks for this reply. It is not often that we get such a 
detailed reaction from Quanta and it is much appreciated. You have 
given a lot of clarity about the situation.

Unfortunately as Webmaster you are a convenient scapegoat if things 
go  wrong with the website. I do not blame you for the problems and I 
hope I  have made that clear during this discussion.

Perhaps I should recap the history of Quanta websites. The site was 
first  set up about 10 years ago by the then Chairman, Robin Barker, 
who had  considerable web skills. He came very near to setting up a 
members' area,  but, unfortunately, in those days we were less aware 
of the need for  firewalls and it became a target for hackers and spammers.

Since Robin's departure there have been very few members of the 
committee  with web expertise and none of the officers except for your 
year as  treasurer. For about 8 years the officers have been parroting 
Robin's  ideas without any understanding of the technical or practical 
problems  involved. They just assumed a webmaster

Re: [Ql-Users] R-pi

2012-10-22 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message 
<>, John 
Alexander  writes

Hi Bryan,

Well done with getting your R-Pi going ... :-)

... and, as John says SD cards are low cost enough to use more than one 
of them. So, worth getting some more 'G's.

To Be fair Bryan I'm using a supadupa 32GB 45MB/s card and this costs a 
whopping £20 fro Amazon a cheaper 32GB is just £13 so really these or 
smaller still cheaper cards arn't

Going to break the bank.
Personally I would invest in a faster card anyway as it really does 
seem to make a difference in the usability of the RPi !!


--- On Sun, 21/10/12, Bryan Horstmann  wrote:

From: Bryan Horstmann 
Subject: [Ql-Users] R-pi
Date: Sunday, 21 October, 2012, 14:42

Hello All,

I've loaded an SD card with the Raspian-wheezy recommended and it just 
goes onto a 2G with 20M to spare.  All that just to host a tiny QL 
emulator. 'Twould be nice if the ARM could emulate the 68000 and we 
could go straight on.  There are minimal distros I understand, and I 
would like one to use solely for the QL emulator.  Will have to get a 
bigger SD if I come to do anything more adventurous.  Will the Ql 
emulator fit in the spare 20M?

Bryan H

QL-Users Mailing List
QL-Users Mailing List

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] R-pi

2012-10-22 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message , 
""  writes

Hmmm. It seems that I type my reply on top, but it actually posts on 
the bottom!


Umm ... Mr Magic . :-)

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] R-pi

2012-10-22 Thread Bryan Horstmann

On 22/10/2012 01:04, John Alexander wrote:

To Be fair Bryan I'm using a supadupa 32GB 45MB/s card and this costs a 
whopping £20 fro Amazon a cheaper 32GB is just £13 so really these or smaller 
still cheaper cards arn't
Going to break the bank.
Personally I would invest in a faster card anyway as it really does seem to 
make a difference in the usability of the RPi !!


--- On Sun, 21/10/12, Bryan Horstmann  wrote:

From: Bryan Horstmann 
Subject: [Ql-Users] R-pi
Date: Sunday, 21 October, 2012, 14:42

Hello All,

I've loaded an SD card with the Raspian-wheezy recommended and it just goes 
onto a 2G with 20M to spare.  All that just to host a tiny QL emulator. 'Twould 
be nice if the ARM could emulate the 68000 and we could go straight on.  There 
are minimal distros I understand, and I would like one to use solely for the QL 
emulator.  Will have to get a bigger SD if I come to do anything more 
adventurous.  Will the Ql emulator fit in the spare 20M?

Bryan H

Thanks for helpful comment.

I came across a bit about ARM emulating 68000, so that Atari and early 
Mac programs would run.  Way above my head, but it seems to be another 
way round. I know SD cards 8G and above are quite cheap but I see no 
point in having programs like word processor, spreadsheet and browser 
etc loaded when they are redundant.  They'll only pop up asking to 
update etc.  Just need a bare Linux with only the tools to manage it; 
not even sound in my case.   My son-in-law has his R-pi just tucked away 
driving his home server and nothing else.   I just want the lightest 
Raspian there is.  Perhaps I need to get into the Debian community.

Bryan H
QL-Users Mailing List