Dear All,

The 15th Sinclair QL Italian meeting will take place on Sunday 14th October
at DTM Technologies premises in Modena. We will start around 10:00 and the
meeting will continue till 17:00 with a break of one hour for lunch in the
nearby shopping centre. 

Information to reach the meeting place by car or public transport can be
found clicking here:

We will organize educational sessions and we plan to have presentation of
ongoing projects both in Italy as well as abroad. The tentative agenda will
be provided before the meeting.

We would be glad if anybody from the international community would like to
present ongoing or future projects. Please don't be shy!

It will be possible to take part to the meeting via WebEX. Details on how to
connect to the web-conference will be provided separately to the interested

For information and support: Davide Santachiara Mobile +39
328 9454484

Web info and updates: 

Davide Santachiara web site:
Giorgio Garabello web site (Quantum Technology):

QL-Users Mailing List

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