Re: [ql-users] PE linkage block

2001-11-20 Thread Wolfgang Lenerz

Hi all, 

out of idle curiosity, does anybody have some info on what can be 
found in the PE kinkage block?
(i.e. when you do TRAPĀ²3, D0=
on return A1 points to the linkage block.
I have some info here:

some info on the PE linkage block:
offsets to A1:
$34 .w = mouse acceleration (10 complement!)
$4C .B = mouse wake up
$8e .B = mouse hotkey (when clicking both buttos)
$E8 .L = scr_base = base address of screen
$EE .L = scr_llen = nbr of bytes per screen line   .L
$F2 .W = scr_xlim = xsize of screen (in pixels)
$F4 .W = scr_ylim = ysize of screen (in pixels)

Anybody ?



Re: [ql-users] PE linkage block

2001-11-20 Thread Marcel Kilgus

Wolfgang Lenerz wrote: 
 out of idle curiosity, does anybody have some info on what can be
 found in the PE kinkage block?

Well, of course.
Most things are internal variables and of no big relevance. The more
interesting things are almost all accessible through standard
procedures, except perhaps the ones you mentioned already.

 $34 .w = mouse acceleration (10 complement!)

pt_accel equ$30   w accelerator (keyboard cursor)
pt_kaccl equ$32   w accelerator constant (d=1+ticks/kaccl)
pt.kaccl equ8
pt_xaccl equ$34   w x mouse accelerator (x=x+(xinc*(xaccl+xinct)/(xaccl+1)
pt.xaccl equ3
pt_yaccl equ$36   w y mouse accelerator
pt.yaccl equ3

 $4C .B = mouse wake up

pt_wake  equ$4c   b external interrupts to wake up pointer
pt.wake  equ3
pt_relax equ$4d   b relaxation time before pointer falls onto kbd input
pt.relax equ25

 $8e .B = mouse hotkey (when clicking both buttos)

pt_stuf1 equ$8d  b  first character to stuff
pt.stuf1 equ  $ff
pt_stuf2 equ$8e  b  second character to stuff
pt.stuf2 equ  '.'

 $E8 .L = scr_base = base address of screen
 $EE .L = scr_llen = nbr of bytes per screen line   .L
 $F2 .W = scr_xlim = xsize of screen (in pixels)
 $F4 .W = scr_ylim = ysize of screen (in pixels)

pt_scren equ$e8; long  address of visible SCREeN
pt_scrsz equ$ec; long  SCReen SiZe in bytes
pt_scinc equ$f0; word  SCreen row INCrement
pt_xscrs equ$f2; word  X SCReen Size in pixels
pt_yscrs equ$f4; word  Y SCReen Size in pixels

Some more stuff which might be interesting (I think many of those are
also accessible in a standard way):

pt_bstat equ$48   b button status
ptb.bnce equ  -2  ... button bouncing
ptb.up   equ   0  ... button up
ptb.pres equ   1  ... button pressed
pt_bsupp equ$49   b button suppressed
ptb.psup equ  -1  ... press suppressed
ptb.ssup equ   1  ... stroke suppressed
pt_bpres equ$4a   b button pressed (space/HIT or ENTER/DO)
pt_bcurr equ$4b   b button currently pressed (becomes stroke)

pt_head  equ$68 head pointer to linked list of primary windows
pt_tail  equ$6c tail pointer to linked list of primary windows

pt_offscr equ   $8f  b  bits set if pointer on limits of screen
pt..otop   equ 3
pt..obot   equ 2
pt..oleft  equ 1
pt..oright equ 0

pt_cchad equ$a8  l  current channel address (the window the pointer is in)

pt_svers equ$b0  b  dynamic Sprite VERSion
pt_mvers equ$b1  b  Max count for this sprite VERSion

pt_sfnt1 equ$108   ; long  pointer to Standard FoNT 1
pt_sfnt2 equ$10c   ; long  pointer to Standard FoNT 2

pt_palql equ$114   ; long  pointer to QL palette
pt_pal256 equ   $118   ; long  pointer to 256 colour palette

Ciao, Marcel

Re: [ql-users] PE linkage block

2001-11-20 Thread Wolfgang Lenerz

On 20 Nov 2001, at 23:49, Marcel Kilgus wrote:
