[ql-users] QPC2 v3 & DOS & MVIEW

2002-10-03 Thread Christopher Cave

I now have the latest version of QPC running under W98. Since I 
believe that the DOS device has been rewritten, I tried out 
opening it as a directory in MVIEW. This uses the qdir type 
calls in C68. NO LUCK and hence no change. I raised this some 
time ago with Dave Walker who explained why that result was to 
be expected.

But wait a moment. If I open DOS1_subdir_ as a directory I get a 
result and can browse down that sub-tree of the DOS1_ directory. 
What happens if I switch from the sub-directory to the parent 
directory, i.e. DOS1_ itself? Again success, so now I can browse 
the whole of DOS1_ but still cannot open it straight off. 

Any ideas Dave or Marcel?

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] QPC2 v3 & DOS & MVIEW

2002-10-04 Thread Christopher Cave

Thanks for looking at this. I have just rechecked and find that 
I cannot open DOS1_ directly with MVIEW. QPC_VER$ returns 3.03 
on my system. I'm afraid that I don't have a historical run of 
versions to check.

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] QPC2 v3 & DOS & MVIEW

2002-10-04 Thread Christopher Cave

It works a treat. If I replace C:\ with C:\Download I get the 
contents of the Download sub-directory with no problem. 

Christopher Cave

 Original Message ----

Christopher Cave wrote:
> Thanks for looking at this. I have just rechecked and find that
> I cannot open DOS1_ directly with MVIEW. QPC_VER$ returns 3.03 
> on my system. I'm afraid that I don't have a historical run of 
> versions to check.

What happens if you configure DOS1 to something other than "C:\"?


[ql-users] QPC2 v3 & DOS & MVIEW

2002-10-05 Thread Christopher Cave

I have always been able to view DOS files either picked from the 
File_Select$ type menu activated by 'N' or entered on the 
invoking command line. But NOT the DOS directory. Try 'N','D',F5 
and . This fails to produce a directory listing for 

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] GhostScript

2002-11-18 Thread Christopher Cave

I have today been experimenting with GhostScript on my Q60/80 
and on my SGC/Aurora combination. With simple line diagrams it 
works on both but what a lot of memory it uses! On the 4MB SGC, 
I had to strip out Emacs and MView before I had (just) enough 
memory to print out a diagram comprising two circles and a 

Is this everyone else's experience? What will happen when I get 
round to downloading some fonts - does the use of text make a 

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] Printer Codes

2002-11-25 Thread Christopher Cave

O.K., I know its an old-fashioned issue but I really don't have 
an owner's manual for a recently acquired HP Deskjet 500 and I 
really do want to set it up for Psion use! Please can anyone let 
me have copies of the commands (it isn't one of the printers 
listed in PCL.ZIP from Dilwyn J.) or point me at a source. I 
tried the HP site with no success.

Thank you

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] Printer Codes

2002-11-26 Thread Christopher Cave

In-Reply-To: <QLXTT06JF2XZVECPMTQ983YNJUKHXV.3de29cdd@quantumcentral>
Thank you all for your response. I guess,Tony, that I just 
couldn't find(recognise ?) what I wanted on the HP site - that 
the 500 was also a PCL3 printer had escaped me. Phoebus, thanks 
for the offer but if you hold on for me to try out the PCL stuff 
I may be O.K. anyway.
Christopher Cave

[ql-users] WMAN progress - Easyc

2002-11-27 Thread Christopher Cave

I have Easyc here. It was bundled with the Tony Tebby example 
code on a PD disk from Ron Dunnett. Just fired it up and it did 
start, so if anyone wants a copy .

I have also acquired Easyptr and use neither. They don't ever 
seem to do what I want and it has proved easier (eventually) to 
work from the TT example code and JH's code.

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] WMAN progress(wm_rptrt)

2002-11-30 Thread Christopher Cave

In-Reply-To: <002201c29806$d8b40f60$0100a8c0@gamma>
This is a very useful call and is documented by JHudson in his 
WINEXPLO program which explores some errors (in the C68 wrapper 
?) for which he provided corrections. The call is

int wm_rptrt(WM_wwork *wwk,timeout t,unsigned short event);

I use it for transient pop up windows and providing cross-hairs 
in my drawing program.

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] pointer programming - 'C' routine problem list

2002-12-01 Thread Christopher Cave

Sorry, not true. See my earlier message re Jonathan Hudson's 
work on this. I have now used wm_rptrt in 2 programs - although 
only using the timeout rather than the signal process. JH 
provided corrected code some time ago.

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] 5.25 inch disks and MDVs

2002-12-13 Thread Christopher Cave

In-Reply-To: <NJWSRHFWRD8JD98MG64TYSIMGRON.3df8e4bf@quantumcentral>
I have a GC machine set up just for this archive activity - 2 
3.5" drives and 1 5 1.4" drive. I don't know where Phoebus is 
located but I'm in Croydon(London) if that's more convenient.

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] IDE drives

2003-04-12 Thread Christopher Cave

Thanks Derek for the reply. Yes, I have set the jumper on the 
SyQuest drive to slave. I think the problem is either insoluble 
or related to the master drive jumpers.

To have two IDE ports as you do, does that require a second I/O 
card? What then would I do for ethernet?

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] Byfleet - 2003

2003-06-09 Thread Christopher Cave

I can confirm that Ken Bain IS organising the Byfleet show for 

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] QPAC"

2003-10-15 Thread Christopher Cave

For some time now, the JOBS facility under QPAC2 has indicated 
corrupt memory for all jobs. Naturally this has made me a bit 
suspicious of some of my programming but I have now tackled the 
problem and find that the problem persists even when booting 
with the following:

LRESPR 'win1_sys_qpac2' : EXEP 'JOBS'

This is under QPC2 v3.03, SMSQ/E v2.99, QPCA2 v1.38 & JOBS 

Any bright ideas? Should I have upgraded QPAC2 sometime?

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] WM.RPTRT again

2004-01-06 Thread Christopher Cave

I have been watching this exchange with trepidation since I have 
been using wm_rptrt surrounded by many thousands of lines of 
C68 code WITH NO PROBLEM. I was under the impression that 
Jonathan Hudson had sorted this call out some time ago. But I 
must admit that it has only been the timeout aspect of this call 
that I have been using.

On a slightly different tack, what is the state of play on 
implementing new WMAN vectors for use in C68. At the moment, C68 
calls to QMENU enjoy 3-d buttons etc. etc. but homegrown windows 
do not yet.

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] New wman borders

2004-02-29 Thread Christopher Cave

At the last London show, I picked up a disk from Roy Wood which 
enabled me to have nice 3-d borders to buttons etc. Over the 
last few days, I have been getting to grip with using the new 
wman colours in my latest program(in C68). All is well except 
that the nice new borders to loose items are replaced with plain 
black when the cursor has moved over one of the application 
windows (and so activated the appropriate hit routine - which 
includes a call wm_swapp). The borders can be reinstated by 
calling wm_ldraw(wwk,-1) - redraw all loose items in window. 
This produces a nasty flicker and is clearly overkill.

Please how do I avoid/correct this problem?

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] New wman borders

2004-03-01 Thread Christopher Cave

Thanks for the response. I have boiled the program down to just 
the main window, one loose item and one application window. It 
still displays the offending behaviour.

Do you want just the source? Should I send it to you off this 

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] New wman borders

2004-03-01 Thread Christopher Cave

I have now had a close look at the much reduced program and I 
believe that the problem was that I had used sd_setmd in the 
application hit routine to alter the writing mode to XOR. BUT I 
had not altered it back to OVER on return from this routine. 
Having now done so, the problem has gone away. With reference to 
my earlier message, I suppose that wm_ldraw must somehow do just 

My thanks to Wolfgang for prodding me to isolate the problem.

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] New wman & C68

2004-03-09 Thread Christopher Cave

I have downloaded George Gwilt's interface for C68 and the new 
wman calls. All I have used works a treat and Roy Wood's colour 
scheme can now be used on my programs.

For the record, I have made two small changes to the set up:

1) In the file wman.h I have included lines that test for 
_QPTR_H and if it is not defined then include qptr.h. This 
prevents me falling on my face by getting the include order 

2) I have set up a file syspal.h with 57 lines of the type:
#define SP_WINBG 0x201. This is in the hope that I will 
eventually remember what SP_INFWINBG is.

Thanks George for all the work on this.

Has anyone given serious thought as to the best way to set up a 
program that will run in QL-mode 4 as well as hi-colour, and 
that will run on the old as well as the new window manager? For 
the moment, I have used a mixture of separate declarations of, 
e.g., WM_wwork_t's and of runtime changes such as:
info[0].attr.t.ink=RED. The simplest solution is to abandon 
historical compatibility for a program with near zero 
circulation but for others?

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] problem with the new C68 pieces for WMAN

2004-03-14 Thread Christopher Cave

I have been using this new stuff from George Gwilt with no 
problem BUT I suspect that in my setup the old version of the 
library can still be found by the linker. Is it not possible to 
extract this module from the old library using ar and then stick 
it in the new one?

Christopher Cave

[ql-users] problem with the new C68 pieces for WMAN

2004-03-14 Thread Christopher Cave

The various versions are:

QPC 3.11
SMSQ/E 3.04
WMAN 2.01
C68 4.24f

I use these 'straight out of the box'.

By way of a test, I hid the old libc_a and still it all worked. 
When I ran 'slb -t ram1_lis libc_a', I could find no evidence of 
your missing name.

Christopher Cave