Hi All,

I am now back from Holiday and more than ready to accept your bookings for the Celebratory Dinner at QL is 21. Full details are in the Aug/Sept issue of the Quanta Magazine. £10.00 non-returnable deposit will reserve your place - balance payable by 2.00pm. 29th October 2005 - at the Workshop

Vegetarian Ducks will be available on request!!

Hope to meet you all there.

John Gilpin.
Quanta Treasurer.

----- Original Message ----- From: "gwicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ql-users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 2:06 PM
Subject: [ql-users] QL is 21 dinner

The QL is 21 Celebratory Dinner will be held on Saturday Evening 29th October and will be in the form of a three course carvery buffet followed by tea or coffee. A vegetarian option will be available. More details are in the next Quanta Magazine, which is now at the printers.

The cost of the meal will be £18 and we shall accept bookings up to 2.00 p.m. on the day. However to guarantee a place at the dinner you are advised to pay a £10 deposit to John Gilpin, Treasurer of Quanta. John is away on holiday for another week and will not be at Byfleet. However you can pay your deposit at the Quanta table.

I hope to update the QL is 21 webpage within a few days,

Best Wishes,


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