Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-19 Thread John Gilpin

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

> > The magazine could also be provided (by email) in say pdf form, again
> > saving money.
> >
> > Tony
> Hmmm, reminds me too much of last night where I was trying to put WinXP
onto my PC after having its new hard disk fitted.
> A couple of error messages came up which left me wondering whether to
laugh or cry. I mention these because they show how lucky we are as QLers in
some ways and how even seemingly simple suggestions like Tony's can drive
fear into my heart.
> "Your CD-ROM is not responding to the standard drivers, please insert the
drivers CD to install the manufacturer-supplied drivers." (or message to
that effect).
> (Reminds of me of "Keyboard failure, press F1 to continue.")
> Err, OK, no CD drive to install the CD drivers. Fine. Its next suggestion
is get a driver fof the net. Of dear, no internet connections set up yet,
because no modem, which needs a CD.
> Newly installed WinXP. The modem needs drivers (this was a modem which
came with the PC from its manufacturer) from a CD but it is not at all clear
how to do this, because the drivers are buried deep in an obscure folder
level. The leaflet says "refer to instructions on the CD" which turns out to
be a PDF file. Where are the two places I can get a PDF file reader? Off a
CD, or off the net. Uhelp.
> Wouldn't it be great if Roy sold us a Qubide with only instructions which
say "you'll need a driver for this, there's probably one out there somewhere
but I'll leave you to sort it out how to get it and everything else, by the
way you need a PDF program to read your next issue of QUanta too."
> In other words, leave PDF out of the QL equation please Tony!
> Dilwyn Jones
Still monitoring. I rather like the ideas which run thus:

1.Develop internet software for all common ql platforms - Black box,
(S)GC, Aurora, Qx0 etc.

2.Encourage Quanta members to use the software 1. above and to access
the user list, Web Site etc. Provide practical help with this for members
who need it - I'm sure I'm not the only one!!!

3.Develop the Web Site so that all Quanta services - Magazine, Software
Library, Help line, Back Issues, Advertisements etc. etc. can be accessed by
all members. - with up to date links to other websites related to QL.

It is the 21st Century. Can we drag ourselves out of the (early) middle

Now, it seems to me that the first step is to appoint a Web Master - any

The Quanta committee is down to its minimum number of members. As Geoff has
said on many occasions, we have the ideas but not the manpower to execute
them all. Is ANYBODY offering their help?

John Gilpin.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-19 Thread John Gilpin

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

> Jim Hunkins wrote:
> > Yes, a real web site could do the following:
> >
> > 1) current QL activities, shows, etc.
> > 2) ongoing discussions with Quanta
> > 3) mirror this and/or lists
> > 4) distribution of the library (can be done securely by membership ID,
> > etc)
> > 5) offer programming help files (to encourage more programmers)
> > 6) perhaps offer programmers help forum (kind of like the list for
> > developers used to do)
> > 7) etc, etc...
> >
> > I would view this as actually more important than the newsletter
> > however, since many members probably still do not have web access, the
> > newsletter still holds an important role to play.
> >
> > jim
> I've been on a members forum for the brand of TV Tuner Card I have in my
PC where members help each other out with problems (got my more than my fair
share of help!) and the company has a 'moderator' (I think that's what he's
called ont he list) who often dives in and answers questions, tells people
'you can't discuss that here' etc himself.
> Might there be a role for a 'Quanta person' on this list to both represent
Quanta's interests on this list, help with discussion and queries pertinent
to Quanta and inject summaries from this list into the newsletter for the
benefit of both the membership who are not on email and also encouraging
those members who have email access but are not on this list to join us?
Would help to provide some copy for the newsletter as well, of course.
> A lot of ideas have sprung up in discussions here recently, not all of
which I agree with, but nonetheless I hope someone (Geoff? John G.?) is
taking note from a Quanta viewpoint.
> Dilwyn Jones
I am monitoring this thread and hope that something will come about at the
next Quanta Committee meeting. Keep the comments coming, the more the

John Gilpin.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-19 Thread dilwyn.jones
Jim Hunkins wrote:
> Yes, a real web site could do the following:
> 1) current QL activities, shows, etc.
> 2) ongoing discussions with Quanta
> 3) mirror this and/or lists
> 4) distribution of the library (can be done securely by membership ID, 
> etc)
> 5) offer programming help files (to encourage more programmers)
> 6) perhaps offer programmers help forum (kind of like the list for 
> developers used to do)
> 7) etc, etc...
> I would view this as actually more important than the newsletter 
> however, since many members probably still do not have web access, the 
> newsletter still holds an important role to play.
> jim
I've been on a members forum for the brand of TV Tuner Card I have in my PC 
where members help each other out with problems (got my more than my fair share 
of help!) and the company has a 'moderator' (I think that's what he's called 
ont he list) who often dives in and answers questions, tells people 'you can't 
discuss that here' etc himself.

Might there be a role for a 'Quanta person' on this list to both represent 
Quanta's interests on this list, help with discussion and queries pertinent to 
Quanta and inject summaries from this list into the newsletter for the benefit 
of both the membership who are not on email and also encouraging those members 
who have email access but are not on this list to join us? Would help to 
provide some copy for the newsletter as well, of course.

A lot of ideas have sprung up in discussions here recently, not all of which I 
agree with, but nonetheless I hope someone (Geoff? John G.?) is taking note 
from a Quanta viewpoint.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-19 Thread dilwyn.jones
> - a real web-page, because the existing one is rather a shame
> - also web access to the sw-library(sending floppies by snail mail is 
> rather funny nowadays ...) blown up with ALL available freeware & shareware
> wolfgang
In principle, I'd have no objection to my PD Library CD being distributed by 
Quanta, if that was a viable option for Quanta. I don't want to commit myself 
to being a 'PD software librarian' for them or anything like that (obvious lack 
of time and fingers in too many pies), but equally if giving Quanta a copy of 
the PD Library CD to offer alongside the members-only library helps the 
situation, I'd be happy to pursue that as an option.

The PD Library CD is all full of freely distributable stuff anyway, the only 
possible copyright on it is the format of the collection as a whole and perhaps 
the large text file catalogue, neither of which I'm bothered about. I've always 
said anyway that the PD Library CD could be freely copied for the benefit of 
all QLers.

As the PD library is organised as collections of floppy disks, I'd be happy for 
Quanta to make it into a second (public) library for their members, starting 
off as I've arranged it, but obviously they can go their own way with it or if 
they prefer, new PD collections get sent to me as new PD library disks which I 
add to my collection, keeping both libraries consistent.

Just an idea...

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-17 Thread Bill Cable
I would prefer that Quanta not lower its membership fee. But I would like to see
it eliminate the magazine format and just send out a simple flyer of important
QL news to get the cheapest rate for mailing. Thereby freeing itself of the work
of trying to do a proper magazine and also freeing up more funds to support
events such as QL2005 and support hardware and software efforts that have merit
and could use a little helping hand. Such efforts would help the QL community
much more than a magazine of recycled articles. Just sending out a simple flyer
of fresh news and meeting schedules would still keep Quanta members informed
even if they did not have online access but it would not be so much work as to
wear somebody out. Perhaps it could be done each month and once or twice a year
a multipage issue could be done.

Geoff has done a great job of invigerating the QL scene and in a helpful way by
trying to nudge Quanta in the right direction from the inside. For its part
Quanta has shown itself to be a rock solid QL institution even if frustrating
tight with its funds. It should be able to continue to serve the "Old Guard" and
the more active QL community at the same time. I would suggest a target of
spending 1/2 the funds in the Quanta bank account this next year trying out
different ideas and then stick with the ones that seem to help the QL community
the most. That is money that many of us have contributed over the years and it
is doing little good where it is.  As has been said: "Money is like manure - it
is not much use if kept in a pile, it needs to be spread around to help things

-- Bill
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-17 Thread gwicks
- Original Message - 
Subject: Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

I'm glad there is discussion on all this. And so far it's been reasonably 
friendly >and constructive apart from the odd pot shot at passing Quanta 
names - although >they are the committee, remember they are unpaid 
voluteers before you get ttoo >harsh with them! If you are unhappy, do 
what Geoff did, get yourself elected to >the committee next year, I'm sure 
the committee would welcome new faces from >time to time.
Hear! Hear!
Quanta's problem is just as much apathetic members as an apathetic 

Best wishes,
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-17 Thread dilwyn.jones

>> > > Quanta sponsored Workshops are covered by Public Liability Insurance 
>> > > until
> > 16th April 2005 when the policy is due for renewal. And it is still getting
> > more expensive every time we renew!!
> Even though, I presume, you never had to call on the insurance. Ha, 
> who said Lawyers were leeches?
> Wolfgang
While you have insurance, you'll never need to claim.

One day after you let it expire, you'll be hit with a massive compensation 
claim. See my Murphy's Law compilation on my website ;-)

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-17 Thread dilwyn.jones
> > Geoff Wicks wrote : "I don't think a reduction to £10 would bring in
> > any new members, but £4 per member invested in QL development might
> > encourage one or two more people to join."
I suspect it might have been better for a 'first year £4 off your membership' 
offer, but it isn't so long ago that Quanta were actively looking at 'living 
within their means' and cutbacks like bi-monthly newsletters and fewer 
workshops and so on were under consideration. It was often said that Quanta had 
money banked for the leaner times. I don't think the membership is goign to 
rise by large numbers soon, so it would seem to make sense to retain the same 
priceas it hasn't gone up for so many years and bank any 'profit' (if the 
consitution and Quanta's legal status allows it) for the benefit of membership, 
whether it be as money to draw on in later years or to sponsor projects, e.g. 
my original suggestion of commissioning Tony Tebby or someone else to enhance 
SDUMP and take a good look at the future of printing which looks like being the 
significant "crisis" ahead of us in years to come when we can no longer rely on 
Mssrs Epson, HP et al to produce printers we can still use f
 rom a QL.

Even my Windows PC here at work runs into a problem. I needed to get a list of 
files to wade through a huge pile of files I found from my predecessor hidden 
away on this machine. No problem, DIR C:\FOLDER\*.* >PRN  (at least I think 
from memory that was the DOS command). Oh oh, same problem. Nothing at all 
happened - it was a Windows only printer and DOS command line didn't seem to go 
to the Windows printer (I thought DOS command line from Windows was supposed to 
be able to print, but maybe I'm mistaken), so I ended up DIR to a file 
(something like DIR C:\FOLDER\*.* >C:\TMP.TXT - the directories and so on are 
fictitious but you get the idea) and importing the C:\TMP.TXT into Quill (which 
itself was running via QPC2 off a plug in mobile disk thingie) or Word just to 
be able to print a list of files!

> > Some other ideas : Internet access on QL systems : It is possible using a
> > UNIX shell
> > account & software that already exists according to an article on the DJ
> > emulators
> > CD : - The QUANTA committee could identify a provider & bundle access to
> > this sort
> > of account plus software with membership.
I'm not sure, I think one of the earliest QL Todays carried something on this 
from an American writer.

> > The magazine : shortage of articles but healthy finance : why not 
> > commission
> > some
> > show piece articles to make the magazine worth reading again - eg an 
> > idiots
> > guide to using Ghostscript, line design etc etc.
Assuming you can get someone to write, paid or not, that's always the problem.

I'm glad there is discussion on all this. And so far it's been reasonably 
friendly and constructive apart from the odd pot shot at passing Quanta names - 
although they are the committee, remember they are unpaid voluteers before you 
get ttoo harsh with them! If you are unhappy, do what Geoff did, get yourself 
elected to the committee next year, I'm sure the committee would welcome new 
faces from time to time.

Dilwyn Jones (trying to be constructively critical without being too harsh).

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-17 Thread Wolfgang Lenerz
On 16 Nov 2004 at 20:11, gwicks wrote:
> The trouble is that you can't trust any damn lawyer! (Quickly dives under 
> desk.)

No, of course not, only trust the good ones...

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-17 Thread Wolfgang Lenerz
On 16 Nov 2004 at 23:10, John Gilpin wrote:

> > Quanta sponsored Workshops are covered by Public Liability Insurance until
> 16th April 2005 when the policy is due for renewal. And it is still getting
> more expensive every time we renew!!

Even though, I presume, you never had to call on the insurance. Ha, 
who said Lawyers were leeches?

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-16 Thread John Gilpin

- Original Message - 
From: "gwicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

> - Original Message - 
> From: "Wolfgang Lenerz"
> Subject: Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005
> > On 16 Nov 2004 at 12:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> I think isnurance might be a major reason why(...)
> >
> > Just a quick question: was QL 2004 insured?
> >
> That's a question for Sin_QL_Air. I assume they, or the school, were
> covered.
> The problem with the UK is that there is a growing compensation culture so
> that you have to be doubly certain with insurance.
> The trouble is that you can't trust any damn lawyer! (Quickly dives under
> desk.)
> Best Wishes,
> Geoff
Quanta sponsored Workshops are covered by Public Liability Insurance until
16th April 2005 when the policy is due for renewal. And it is still getting
more expensive every time we renew!!


John Gilpin,
Quanta Treasurer.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-16 Thread gwicks
- Original Message - 
From: "Wolfgang Lenerz"
Subject: Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

On 16 Nov 2004 at 12:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think isnurance might be a major reason why(...)
Just a quick question: was QL 2004 insured?
That's a question for Sin_QL_Air. I assume they, or the school, were 

The problem with the UK is that there is a growing compensation culture so 
that you have to be doubly certain with insurance.

The trouble is that you can't trust any damn lawyer! (Quickly dives under 

Best Wishes,

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-16 Thread gwicks
- Original Message - 
Subject: Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

I think isnurance might be a major reason why it's best done under the 
Quanta banner, although there might not be any reason why the committee 
couldn't "delegate" it's organisation of the QL2005 to Geoff and a couple 
of other co-opted members to do the organising? Especially as Roy Brereton 
seems to be the "show organiser" without really having the time on his 
hands to do it as effectively as he'd like, especially as he's got the 
newsletter to worry about as well.

Of course, it might just be possible that I could still be on the Quanta 
Committee. I am still considering all the options. To misquote some USA 
president, I forget which, when asked why kept critics in his cabinet.

"Is it better to have them inside the tent pissing out, or outside the tent 
pissing in?"

Best Wishes,

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-16 Thread Wolfgang Lenerz
On 16 Nov 2004 at 12:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I think isnurance might be a major reason why(...)

Just a quick question: was QL 2004 insured?


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-16 Thread dilwyn.jones
> > Just to put another issue into the mix here, John Mason called me last 
> > week and asked if I would organise the 2005 Hove show so it could be the 
> > AGM. I have looked into dates for this that would fit Quanta's schedule 
> > and I am preparing to book the hall for 17th April.
> >
> Fine by me. Seems to me to be a sensible solution for next year's AGM.
As the consensus of opinion seemed to be that QL2005 would be better in the 
second half of the year, this seems to be the best way forward.

> >> If Quanta cannot organise the QL2005 why don't we do it ourselves and
> > charge a small admission fee?
> > -- 
> I have been wondering whether it would be possible to do QL2005 without 
> Quanta. I get the impression that with Quanta we are dragging a reluctant 
> bride to the altar and that rarely makes for a happy marriage.
I think isnurance might be a major reason why it's best done under the Quanta 
banner, although there might not be any reason why the committee couldn't 
"delegate" it's organisation of the QL2005 to Geoff and a couple of other 
co-opted members to do the organising? Especially as Roy Brereton seems to be 
the "show organiser" without really having the time on his hands to do it as 
effectively as he'd like, especially as he's got the newsletter to worry about 
as well.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

2004-11-16 Thread dilwyn.jones
> > Just to put another issue into the mix here, John Mason called me last 
> > week and asked if I would organise the 2005 Hove show so it could be the 
> > AGM. I have looked into dates for this that would fit Quanta's schedule 
> > and I am preparing to book the hall for 17th April.
> >
> Fine by me. Seems to me to be a sensible solution for next year's AGM.
As the consensus of opinion seemed to be that QL2005 would be better in the 
second half of the year, this seems to be the best way forward.

> >> If Quanta cannot organise the QL2005 why don't we do it ourselves and
> > charge a small admission fee?
> > -- 
> I have been wondering whether it would be possible to do QL2005 without 
> Quanta. I get the impression that with Quanta we are dragging a reluctant 
> bride to the altar and that rarely makes for a happy marriage.
I think isnurance might be a major reason why it's best done under the Quanta 
banner, although there might not be any reason why the committee couldn't 
"delegate" it's organisation of the QL2005 to Geoff and a couple of other 
co-opted members to do the organising? Especially as Roy Brereton seems to be 
the "show organiser" without really having the time on his hands to do it as 
effectively as he'd like, especially as he's got the newsletter to worry about 
as well.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List