2001-07-06 Thread Cleiton Luiz Siqueira


The Perl "delivery" program is only used  to call safecat program,
nothing else.
Because this I think the safecat is failing sometimes.
The variables $login and $domain I get through the enviroment variables
$ENV{'RECIPIENT'} and after I split the address in two parts.
I use these variables when I run safecat program with the following

system("/usr/local/bin/safecat /home/$domain/$login/Maildir/tmp

I verified how this variables get and if they are being splited
correctly. They always are getting and splited correctly.
Safecat program is the only one thing that probably is failing, due to
Perl program does nothing else.



2001-07-05 Thread Cleiton Luiz Siqueira

Hi all,

I've had some problems lately with safecat program.
Sometimes some users of my qmail server ask me why your messages aren't
getting in them directories.
They send messages to themselves and sometimes this messages aren't
delivered in the directory.
I have an alias .qmail-default with the following expression
This "delivery" program is a perl program. There are a procedure like
this into this program:

system("/usr/local/bin/safecat /home/$domain/$login/Maildir/tmp

I checked the variables $domain and $login and they are right, but
sometimes happen some error that
I can't see and the message isn't delivered.
Can someone help me about it?

Best regards,

Safecat error

2001-07-02 Thread Cleiton Luiz Siqueira

Hi all,

I've had some problems lately with safecat program.
Sometimes some users of my qmail server ask me why your messages aren't
getting in them directories.
They send messages to themselves and sometimes this messages aren't
delivered in the directory.
I have an alias .qmail-default with the following expression
This "delivery" program is a perl program. There are a procedure like
this into this program:

system("/usr/local/bin/safecat /home/$domain/$login/Maildir/tmp

I checked the variables $domain and $login and they are right, but
sometimes happen some error that
I can't see and the message isn't delivered.
Can someone help me about it?

Best regards,

Safecat error

2001-07-02 Thread Cleiton Luiz Siqueira

Hi all,

I've had some problems lately with safecat program.
Sometimes some users of my qmail server ask me why your messages aren't
getting in them directories.
They send messages to themselves and sometimes this messages aren't
delivered in the directory.
I have an alias .qmail-default with the following expression
This "delivery" program is a perl program. There are a procedure like
this into this program:

system("/usr/local/bin/safecat /home/$domain/$login/Maildir/tmp

I checked the variables $domain and $login and they are right, but
sometimes happen some error that
I can't see and the message isn't delivered.
Can someone help me about it?

Best regards,

Perl doubts

2000-11-25 Thread Cleiton Luiz Siqueira

Hi all,
I know this mailing list is about qmail, but I have some doubts about
perl pogram
as checkpassword.
I use this perl program "checkpassword", because I use Postgres Database
authenticate my users.
There are somethings into this perl program that I am not able to figure
I start POP3 through inetd using the following line into the inted.conf
pop3 stream tcp nowait root /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup qmail-popup
/bin/checkpassword  /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir
I know that qmail-popup is a responsible program to get username and
password from the
network and after  it gets it  runs a sub-program (checkpassword)
to check username
and password and set the environment variables.
I have three questions about it:
How does qmail-popup get the username and password from the network?
How does qmail-popup send to sub-program (checkpassword) the
informations about username and password?
More specifically what is the format of the data sent to this sub-program
I have the checkpassword program done, but I would like you to help
me about understanding
what the program does. If someone could help about my checkpassword
program I would thank.
This is my checkpassword program:
The most important line that I'd like to figure out is about how it
gets from the qmail-popup the
informations about username and password, how it gets to split this
information and what means
the lines started with $ENV.
If it gets from the standart input, where is it? In the expression
If the lines $ENV are to set up the environment variables why must
it do this?
What Do the procedures in bold do?
About the connection with database I don't have any problem.
use Pg;
my $TABLE = 'emails';
$conn = PQsetdb('','','','','ab');
%ENV = () ;
my( $len, $buf, ) ;
open( USER, "<&=3" )
  or exit( -3 ) ;
$len = read( USER, $buf, 512 ) ;
close USER ;
exit(-3) if $len < 4 ;
# extract null-terminated user/pass pair from buf
my( $user, $pass ) = split /\x00/, $buf ;
$user = lc $user ;
$buf = "\x00" x $len ;
# Verifying the username and password
$domain = '';
$result = PQexec($conn,"SELECT * from $TABLE where email= '$user' AND
password = '$pass';");
if (PQntuples($result) > 0) {
if (-e "/home/$domain/$user") {
 system("mkdir /home/$domain/\"$user\"");
 system ("/var/qmail/bin/maildirmake /home/$domain/\"$user\"/Maildir");
 system (" echo ./Maildir/ > /home/$domain/\"$user\"/.qmail");
 system (" touch /home/$domain/$user/.timestamp");
 system("/usr/sbin/chown -R alias.qnofiles /home/$domain/\"$user\"");
 system("/usr/sbin/chown -R alias.qnofiles /home/$domain/\"$user\"/*");
 system (" touch /home/$domain/$user/.timestamp");
$ENV{'USER'}  = $user;
$ENV{'UID'}   = "alias"; #$ary[0][3];
$ENV{'GID'}   = "qnofiles"; #$ary[0][4];
$ENV{'HOME'}  = "/home/$domain/$ENV{'USER'}";
$ENV{'SHELL'} = "/bin/date";
  exit(-4) unless $ENV{UID} ;
  $ENV{HOME} =~ m!((?:/\w[-_.\w]+)+)! ;
  $ENV{HOME} = $1 ;
  chdir $ENV{HOME} ;
  $> = $ENV{UID} ;
  $) = $ENV{GID} ;
  exec @ARGV;
  exit( -4 );
Thanks in advance!


2000-11-23 Thread Cleiton Luiz Siqueira

Hi all,

I have some doubts about the qmail system. I've read the FAQ's and
"Life with
qmail" and others documentations, but I didn't get to figure out
I'm a begginner in this subject and I count on you to help me.
I installed the qmail package in a freeBSD box, but initially it
doesn't working.
So, I'd like to know if qmail system always needs additional
programs to
authenticate users and delivery messages like a checkpassword and
safecat programs.
Are there others programs to do them?
I would like to figure out how checkpassword and safecat work.
My doubts are!
How does checkpassword catch the messages from the maildir mailbox
and delivery
to the message to qmail-pop3 or the client?
How does safecat put in the messages into the maildir mailbox?
I know that safecat catchs the messages from the standard input and
into the maildir mailbox, but how are this messages put in the std input
and how
does safecat catch them?

Regards Cleiton.


2000-11-21 Thread Cleiton Luiz Siqueira

Hi all,

Does anyone know how I can set up qmail with postgres database?

Regards Cleiton


2000-11-20 Thread Cleiton Luiz Siqueira

Hi all,
    I just started using qmail 1.03 a week ago too, I
have had some problems with it,
and I've not found in the FAQ the solutions for these problems.
    Qmail is using postgres to authenticate the users.
The authentications is working
    I used checkpassword daemon to connect in the database
and authenticate the
    My problems are with SMTP. I installed the "qmail-1_03.tgz"
package in a
FreeBSD 3.4  Box. When I send a message for a local user, this
message doesn't
get in the mailbox. And the qmail-send answer me that the mailbox doesn't
exist, but
the mailbox exist, and it is with the right permissions. I use qmail
with maildir option.
    The domain is in the locals, me and rcpthosts files.
    I've started pop3 and smtp in the inetd.conf file
with the follow lines:
pop3 stream tcp nowait root /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup
qmail-popup /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir
smtp stream tcp nowait qmaild /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
tcp-env /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
    I use the shell script in the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
with the follow lines:
# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
# Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~/Mailbox
by default.
exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start ./Maildir splogger qmail &
    Another thing is when I send a message from the local
network to other domains,
it answers me that these domains aren't in the rcpthosts files, but
it's is very strange!!!
    Can you imagine if  I put in the rcpthosts
files whole the domains that exist in the
Internet networking?
    I understood that the rcpthosts file is to avoid
spam from the other networks,
and not to filter the destination addresses.
    If you could help me about it I would thank.
Regards Cleiton.