Re: AntiVirus

2001-06-06 Thread Daniel Riera

The best antivirus for qmail is AVP

D. Riera


Hi all.

Where can I find information about antivirus for qmail
(scan incomming and outgoing messages)?



Two servers for QMail

2001-04-17 Thread Daniel Riera

Hi, I have configured one server with qmail+vmailmgr, Can I put another 
server accepting connections and accessing the first server via NFS? how?

QMail + AvpKeeper

2001-04-04 Thread Daniel Riera

Hi, I'm using qmail with avpkeeper. For every message I have this line 
in the ../mail/error log

Apr  4 19:17:23 mail avpkeeper[23209]: Invalid message format
Apr  4 19:17:24 mail avpkeeper[23213]: Invalid message format
Apr  4 19:17:25 mail avpkeeper[23217]: Invalid message format
Apr  4 19:17:26 mail avpkeeper[23221]: Invalid message format

Who knows solve this problem?

Dani R.