Re: Denying email by sender's "From" address

2001-08-14 Thread David Raistrick

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Nick Papageorge wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've tried searching through the qMail documentation as well as the 
> databases here with no luck.
> What I'm trying to do is drop a message from an external sender 
> before it reaches the email of a specific internal sender (also, if 

If you are satisfied with droping based on the mail From:  line (which may
or may not match the From: in the body)  qmail is equiped with the
dir/control/badmailfrom  file.  add the address there.

There is a patch (it required some tweaking to work on my install..) that
uses a badmailpatterns file instead, and allows you to use wildcard
expressions to drop by...either mail from: or rcpt to: matches.

And for an even broader scope, if you apply the qmail-queue patch, you can
stick all sorts of filters in after -smtpd to accept or reject...though
without patching qmail.c I dont see any way to change the error messages
that are given on blocked mail (exit(31))

Dru has a python script that allows you (the latest version, thanks
Dru!) to block, drop, or save off to a file based on a regular
expression(requires the qmail-queue patch)

I'd still like to figure out a way to use custom bounce messages ala the
way bouncesaying doesanyone have any idea?


David Raistrick (deep in the south georgia woods)

qmail exit codes..?

2001-08-10 Thread David Raistrick

Hey folks.

So, more questions. Always, eh.

I've got a script that uses the qmail-queue patch that scans and
logs/drops/saves/rejects mail based on content..

What I'm wondering is if there is a way I can change the "message"  that
is sent when various exit codes are recieved?

For example,

if I exit(31) I get:

(reason: 554 mail server permanently rejected message (#5.3.0)

If I exit anything else between 11 and 40 except 11 and 31, I get:

(reason: 554 qq permanent problem (#5.3.0)

man qmail-queue   pretty much mentions this as well.  Also, looking at
qmail.c I see the full list of what does what. (its right at the bottom,
easy to find.)

Now, I could obviously twist on this to get it to produce a desired
message...(even I with my nonexistant programming skills could probably
handle doesnt look like it would take much more then a line or

BUT, I'd rather not add more patches then I have to, so I fall on the
accumulated wisdom here.

Is there a way, short of a code patch, that I can change the
"message" that is sent back when a certian exit code is returned?

I'm not seeing anything in the scattered docs...

I know that bouncesaying pretty much does this...but I dont think it would
be good to use bouncesaying in the between-smtpd and -queue stages...would
it?   I'm finding no reference to how it pulls this off in the docs, and
the code..well...its the sort that makese no sense to me. :)

I googled on this for a bit and came up with nada...but I dont claim to be
very good at searches...ah well.

Any suggestions or pointers?


David Raistrick (deep in the south georgia woods)

genericstable equivalent?

2001-08-08 Thread David Raistrick

Hey folks...

Ok, its time to try to talk qmail into doing some virtualdomains for me.

I admit its rather annoying to only have the option of doing a -prepend
instead of mapping ala sendmails virtualusertable...

But I find NO equivalent for sendmails genericstable ?!?!?! Is this true?

To clarify, the genericstable rewrites the (presumably...I've always taken
it for granted..) From: and the envelope sender as apropriate on outgoing

for example,


mail sent from the robert31 local account would show as being
from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for all intents and purposes.

Is there a way to do this with qmail??


    David Raistrick (deep in the south georgia woods)

Re: selective relaying

2001-07-09 Thread David Raistrick

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, ~darkage wrote:

> from the document mentioned above it seems like all u need to do is to add
> this "-x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb" to tcpserver for qmail-smtpd & to make sure u
> have a properly formatted tcp.smtp.cdb file..
> This is what my tcp.smtp.cdb looks like -

Sounds like you are need a tcp.smtp that is formatted

> I've ran "tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp"

This then builds the .cdb

so you actually edit /etc/tcp.smtp and make text changes there

David Raistrick 
note:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] email should be directed to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] from now on.