RE: qmail-queue question

2001-08-09 Thread Edward McLain
2001-08-09 13:41:28.533103500.s:@40003b72c33a3620be2c delivery 26:
deferral: qmail-remote_crashed./
[root@mail send]#

Ok.. so qmail-remote crashed.. but why?
It had also been running for over 3 hours?

Well to test it out I did the following:

[root@mail qmail]# telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 EL_3_4_0 /EL_3_4_0  ESMTP Earthlink
Mail Service Thu, 9 Aug 2001 16:20:40 -0400 (EDT)
250 Hello
[], please to meet you
mail from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender ok
250 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Recipient ok
354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
this is a test.
please disregard
250 tn5s62.1dc.37kbi14 Message accepted for delivery
221 closing connection
Connection closed by foreign host.

Ok.. so I can send mail directly just fine.. So what in the heck is
going on here?  This is what is puzzling me the most..?

BTW.. this was happening with "stock" qmail also before I patched it
with the qmail-queue patch for qmailscanner.

Any ideas?

Ed McLain

-Original Message-
From: MarkD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 2:04 PM
To: Edward McLain
Subject: Re: qmail-queue question

On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 12:39:28PM -0500, Edward McLain allegedly wrote:
> -Original Message-
> From: MarkD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 12:23 PM
> Subject: Re: qmail-queue question
> >> 3. When the queue shows the message arriving on 30 Jul 2001
> I
> >> tend to think that it actually arrive at 3:08 on Jul 30 of 2001,
> is
> >> unless qmail is doing something funking with date and time stamps.
> >But you didn't show the log entry that corresponds to this message.
> >a consultant with 8 years experience you have probably deduced that
> >*all* messages inserted into the queue create a "new msg" log
> >entry. Where is it?
> There was no "new msg" log entry.  Best I can tell the logs only go
> maybe 3 or 4 days and the messages originated 9 days ago.. Thus the
> problem.

It probably would have been helpful if you'd told us about this at the
start. It seemed like you were trying to suggest that the log entry
never existed. I guess that's a lesson for next time.

> I took Richard's advice and added the socket keep-alive patch and that
> actually seems to have fixed the problem.  The old messages seemed to
> have mysteriously disappeared after replacing the qmail-remote exec.  

Mysteriously? Since we've stressed the importance of looking at logs
for answers, I'm sure you've checked the logs to solve the
"mystery". What did they say? I'm sure if you bother, you'll see that
it's not a "mystery" at all. Unless of course you kill -9 qmail-send,
but no one or no docs have ever told you to do this, right?

In any event, as I said in the the last post; queuelifetime applies
*after* the last delivery attempt has exited. It's almost certainly
the case that you killed qmail-remote (or it exited of its own accord)
at which point qmail-send would notice that queuelifetime is exceeded
and bounce the mail. The logs show this stuff by the way.

> Not to start anything else, but is there any better way to stop qmail
> when using tcp-daemonts than svc -d /service/qmail-send ?
> This doesn't seem to always work and I can't ever seem to get all the

It always works. But qmail-send won't exit until all current
deliveries have exited - in fact it logs an entry each time an
outstanding delivery completes.  Did you see different when you
checked the logs? If so, show us.

Edward, for someone with 8 years experience, you should rejoice that
so many of your mysteries and misunderstandings can be solved by
examining and understanding the logs. If the log messages are a
mystery to you, there are plenty of archived posts explaining the


RE: qmail-queue question

2001-08-09 Thread Edward McLain

-Original Message-
From: MarkD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: qmail-queue question

>> 3. When the queue shows the message arriving on 30 Jul 2001 15:08:23
>> tend to think that it actually arrive at 3:08 on Jul 30 of 2001, that
>> unless qmail is doing something funking with date and time stamps. ;)

>But you didn't show the log entry that corresponds to this message. As
>a consultant with 8 years experience you have probably deduced that
>*all* messages inserted into the queue create a "new msg" log
>entry. Where is it?

There was no "new msg" log entry.  Best I can tell the logs only go back
maybe 3 or 4 days and the messages originated 9 days ago.. Thus the

>> 5. To get the logs I went to /var/log/qmail/send and did a grep on
>> message id number like so:
>>  grep 112535 *
>> If you know something I don't know, then please tell me, but as far
as I

>How long does the system keep the logs for? Has it been rolled off by,
>eg, newsyslog?

>> Any real help on this issue would be appreciated from anyone.

>We want all the log entries associated with the message. If your log
>system has rolled them off, then stop the log rolling so you can
>retain all the information. Then pick an example that shows us the
>full life-cycle of the message and how it exceeds queuelifetime after
>the last delivery attempt.

>It may simply be that the delivery program is not exiting. It's only
>at the point that qmail-send looks at queuelifetime.


I took Richard's advice and added the socket keep-alive patch and that
actually seems to have fixed the problem.  The old messages seemed to
have mysteriously disappeared after replacing the qmail-remote exec.  

Not to start anything else, but is there any better way to stop qmail
when using tcp-daemonts than svc -d /service/qmail-send ?

This doesn't seem to always work and I can't ever seem to get all the
daemons to stop loading and running without editing /etc/inittab and
commenting out the line that runs the svcscanboot and doing a kill -HUP
1.  Then I have to do a kill or killall on all the qmail daemons to
actually shut it down.


RE: qmail-queue question

2001-08-09 Thread Edward McLain

OK... Let me explain this a little bit better and maybe clear some
things up.  

1.  I've been using unix for about 8 years now and when someone says to
restart a service or proggy after changing a config file, by god that
service or proggy gets restarted, even if it takes a kill -9 or killall
-9 to do it.

2. The only patch on this system is the qmailqueue-patch for the

3. When the queue shows the message arriving on 30 Jul 2001 15:08:23 I
tend to think that it actually arrive at 3:08 on Jul 30 of 2001, that is
unless qmail is doing something funking with date and time stamps. ;)

4. I am a freaking consultant and I wouldn't bother this mailing list
unless it was something worthwhile.  But when all the instructions fail,
and searching through code, and rewriting part of qmail-remote output
actual logging, this is generally the place to turn to.

5. To get the logs I went to /var/log/qmail/send and did a grep on the
message id number like so:
grep 112535 *
If you know something I don't know, then please tell me, but as far as I
know, that scans all the files for that number and outputs the line, but
then again, what do I know.

6. You really could try to be just a little bit less of an ass to
everyone that may seem new and actually *TRY* to help them, that is what
mailing list are for aren't they.  Arrogance is nice and all, but what
good does it do you an empty room when everyone has left you.

Any real help on this issue would be appreciated from anyone.

Ed McLain

-Original Message-
From: Charles Cazabon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: qmail-queue question

Edward McLain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But I have messages that are getting stuck in the queue sometimes for 
> more than 3 weeks.  I have /var/qmail/control/queuelifetime set to 
> 345600 (4 days).  Anyone have any idea why this is happening?

You broke something.  You didn't restart qmail after changing
queuelifetime, or you've got buggy patches applied, or you're incorrect
about how long these messages have been in the queue, or something else
-- stock qmail simply will not do this.
> Q. What do the logs say about the messages?
> A. @40003b71c07c05d4d9ec.s:@40003b71ba7b07110754 starting 
> delivery 5: msg 112535 to remote emailTrimmed
> That is all I can find in the qmail-send logs about it

Nope, there's lots more in your logs about that -- like the "new msg"
line, and the delivery result line, and various other things.  Either
post all the relevant lines from your log, or put the whole log
somewhere on the net for an interested party to look at, or hire a qmail

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:

qmail-queue question

2001-08-08 Thread Edward McLain

I’ve got a slight problem here and hoping that someone
can help solve this.  Due to a high
volume of stupid users and mailing list addicts on our network (a small isp) we tend to get a lot of
bounced messages, or messages to address that don’t exist or what have
you.  The problem here is that they start
to fill the queue up pretty fast.  Now
this isn’t that big of a problem anymore since I raised our connection
limit way the hell up there.  But I have
messages that are getting stuck in the queue sometimes for more than 3
weeks.  I have /var/qmail/control/queuelifetime
set to 345600 (4 days).  Anyone have any
idea why this is happening?  


Just to answer all the simple questions:

Q. Is the file readable by qmail?

A. -rw-r--r--    1 root
7 Jul 20 18:06 queuelifetime


Q. What do the logs say about the messages?

A. @40003b71c07c05d4d9ec.s:@40003b71ba7b07110754
starting delivery 5: msg 112535 to remote emailTrimmed

    That is all
I can find in the qmail-send logs about it


Q. Is it bouncing?

A. Output from mailq | grep 112535 :

31 Jul 2001 01:01:12 GMT  #112535  15511 


On a side note, is there any reason that qmail-remote
should start up and then just sit there connected to a remote host for like 6
or 7 hours trying to send one email?  I
get this all the freaking time and I’m just wandering what exactly the
freaking thing is doing? (although this problem only really seems to occur with, yet if I telnet to port 25 of mindsprings
mail server and send the same message through telnet to the same user, from the
same user as the one qmail’s trying to send it
works just fine and I don’t get any errors or return codes.)


Any thoughts would be appreciated.




Ed McLain

High Speed Solutions

RE: Problem with Qmail Queueing

2001-07-24 Thread Edward McLain

Tried that one.. What I did was:
/usr/local/bin/svc -d /service/qmail-send
qmail-send still didn't exit or anything so I did:
killall -TERM qmail-send
Now there were 20 qmail-remote's running so I figured that it was
waiting on them.  Since they have been sitting there for about 3 hours
now I did:
Killall -HUP qmail-remote
This seemed to clear everything out.  I then did:
/usr/local/bin/svc -u /service/qmail-send
killall -ALRM qmail-send
This started the queuing back but it still only handle 20 and I have
like 40 in the queue.

Hope this helps,

Ed McLain

-Original Message-
From: John White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 5:26 PM
To: Edward McLain
Subject: Re: Problem with Qmail Queueing

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 03:45:25PM -0500, Edward McLain wrote:
> I set up the system originally based on the "Life with QMail" way to
> it so if there any problems with doing this please let me know.
No, that's a pretty good starting point.

I think all you needed to do was give qmail-send a kill -HUP.


RE: Problem with Qmail Queueing

2001-07-24 Thread Edward McLain

>From the suggestions I have gotten so far this is where I am and what I
have done already to alleviate this problem.

Changed /var/qmail/rc to read as follows:
QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
MAXSMTPD=`cat /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 200 \
   /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -R -l 0 -x
/var/vpopmail/etc//tcp.smtp.cdb -c "$MAXSMTPD" \
-u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 0 smtp
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd  2>&1
Changed /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming to read as follows:
Changed /var/qmail/control/concurrencyremote to read as follows:
Changed /var/qmail/control/queuelifetime to read as follows:

After changing any of the files I run:
qmailctl restart
qmailctl stop then qmailctl start
I set up the system originally based on the "Life with QMail" way to do
it so if there any problems with doing this please let me know.


Ed McLain

-Original Message-
From: Jamin A. Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 4:40 PM
To: Edward McLain
Subject: Re: Problem with Qmail Queueing

It sounds to me like you didn't stop and restart the qmail-send daemon
after making those changes. Read the man page on qmail-send.

This little snippet is probably the most helpful:

   WARNING:  qmail-send  reads its control files only when it
   starts.  If you change the control files,  you  must  stop
   and restart qmail-send.  Exception: If qmail-send receives
   a HUP signal, it will reread locals and virtualdomains.


On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Edward McLain wrote:

> I’ve got a quick problem and I hope that someone can help me with
> In the past month my company has switched from using Sendmail with
> linuxconf and virtualpop3 to using qmail with vpoppasswd.  Everything
> converted great and I have a couple of bash scripts and php scripts
> make this conversion easy and fast if anyone is interested.  The
> I am having is in the queuing.  I cannot seem to get qmail-send to run
> more than 20 qmail-remotes at any one time.  I have changed
> /var/qmail/control/concurrencyremote to 90 and it still stops at 20.
> I’ve searched through the archives and done as much research as
> possible, but still can’t find anyway around this.  I also set
> /var/qmail/control/queuelifetime to 345600, which should reflect about
> days, however mail is still sticking around in the queue for a week.
> Anyone have any suggestions or otherwise on this?
> Thanks,
> Ed McLain
> High Speed Solutions

Jamin A. Brown  Systems Operations Supervisor
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   * Great Works Internet *   207.286.8686 x142
RSA 1024 PGP Key:

RE: Problem with Qmail Queueing

2001-07-24 Thread Edward McLain



-Original Message-
From: Dahnke, Eric
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 3:57 PM
Subject: RE: Problem with Qmail


are you using tcpserver
or inetd.

-Original Message-
From: Edward McLain
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 3:39 PM
Subject: Problem with Qmail

I’ve got a quick problem and I
hope that someone can help me with this. 
In the past month my company has switched from using Sendmail with
linuxconf and virtualpop3 to using qmail with vpoppasswd.  Everything converted great and I have a
couple of bash scripts and php scripts that make this conversion easy and fast
if anyone is interested.  The problem I
am having is in the queuing.  I cannot
seem to get qmail-send to run more than 20 qmail-remotes at any one time.  I have changed
/var/qmail/control/concurrencyremote to 90 and it still stops at 20.  I’ve searched through the archives and
done as much research as possible, but still can’t find anyway around
this.  I also set
/var/qmail/control/queuelifetime to 345600, which should reflect about 4 days,
however mail is still sticking around in the queue for a week.  Anyone have any suggestions or otherwise on




Ed McLain

High Speed Solutions


Problem with Qmail Queueing

2001-07-24 Thread Edward McLain

I’ve got a quick problem and I hope that someone can
help me with this.  In the past month my
company has switched from using Sendmail with linuxconf and virtualpop3 to using qmail
with vpoppasswd. 
Everything converted great and I have a couple of bash scripts and php scripts that make this conversion easy and fast if
anyone is interested.  The problem I am
having is in the queuing.  I cannot seem
to get qmail-send to run more than 20 qmail-remotes at any one time.  I have changed /var/qmail/control/concurrencyremote
to 90 and it still stops at 20.  I’ve
searched through the archives and done as much research as possible, but still
can’t find anyway around this.  I
also set /var/qmail/control/queuelifetime to 345600,
which should reflect about 4 days, however mail is
still sticking around in the queue for a week. 
Anyone have any suggestions or otherwise on this? 




Ed McLain

High Speed Solutions