Denying email by sender's "From" address

2001-08-14 Thread Nick Papageorge

Hi all,

I've tried searching through the qMail documentation as well as the 
databases here with no luck.

What I'm trying to do is drop a message from an external sender 
before it reaches the email of a specific internal sender (also, if 
possible, I would like to modify the scope of this so that it 
includes the ability to block globally, but that's much less 

The use a .qmail file or a perl script to drop the messages before 
they reach their destination, but I would think that qMail would have 
something built into it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Nick Papageorge


2001-07-28 Thread Nick Fish

On 2001.07.26 16:11 alexus wrote:
> hello everyone
> I have 3 different servers at different locations on different
> backbones.
> what I need to do is somehow implement some kind of redundancy
> on
> e-mail system ... each of domains that hosts on my servers has all of
> those
> servers as ns and mx records in dns ... the question is.. is it
> possible
> somehow to implement something that if 1 server is down at one time
> person
> still be able to retrive his/her email from another server and in
> addition
> to that person shouldn't know that one of the server is down ? (i.e.
> he
> wouldn't have to change any settings on his/her end in order to
> retrive
> e-mail)
> thank you in advance

Not really.  The closest you can really come to redundancy would be to
put in MX records for all the servers with differing priorities (the one
where mail is stored should be marked with the lowest number) and put
the domain just into the control/rcpthosts file on the other two and not
into the control/locals file.  The reason you cannot have a seamless
uptime over three different servers spread across the US is because
clients would somehow have to be able to connect to a server where the
mail is stored.  Unless you can figure out a way to get the mail servers
to synchronize the queue over the 'net, you're out of luck.

BTW, tell your MUA to wrap your messages at 72 characters, it quotes
better then. ^ ^

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Selective relaying problem

2001-07-28 Thread Nick Fish

On 2001.07.27 10:54 Michele Schiavo wrote:
> Help me i use Xinetd and I'm not to be able to set RELAY client. 

Ah!  Gross!  Abort!  Abort!  Seriously, run tcpserver, you will like it
alot better.  I actually do remember I had xinetd working on one of our
nameservers at one time; but it took be a good five hours crawling
through archives (many in German :-P) to figure it out.

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.


2001-07-24 Thread Nick

My question is about virtualdomains file
this puts the .qmail-alias files in /home/peter
say I want all qmail alias files to be in /home/peter/qmail directory.

Is this possible ?

Wildthing Communications 
 ICQ# 64851373 


2001-07-23 Thread Nick

My question is about virtualdomains file
this puts the .qmail-alias files in /home/peter
say I want all qmail alias files to be in /home/peter/qmail directory.

Is this possible ?

Wildthing Communications 
 ICQ# 64851373 

Re: Man Pages

2001-06-30 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Stephen Froehlich wrote:
> After doing a Life with Qmail installation, I'd like to add all of the
> appropriate entries to the default MANPATH.  Where is the default MANPATH
> set, and what should I add besides /var/qmail/man?
> Thanks,
> Stephen Froehlich

You probably would have been better off making a symlink from
/var/qmail/man to /usr/local/man before doing `make setup check` on the
source; but you can add additional parameters to your MANPATH by either
placing them in ~/.bashrc (for a single user) or /etc/profile (for all

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Alter bounce messages?

2001-06-26 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Amanda wrote:
> Who can tell me how to alter the bounce messages in the qmail-send file without 
> it up? I tried hexeditor, but I musta not done a very good job.
> In particular I'd like to terminate with extreme prejudice the message that says
> something to the effect of, "Hi. This is the qmail program at 
> =)
> Amanda

A hex editor?  I never got those things.  Ummm . . . try looking at about
line 733 of the qmail-send.c file.

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily

2001-06-22 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Henning Brauer wrote:

> Use of dig is depreciated (sp? me too...). Use dnsq/dnsqr instead ;-))
> sorry, couldn't resist.

I wasn't aware of this.  Everyone rants "DIG!  USE DIG!" on the BIND
mailing lists.  Anyone point me to some good reading I can toast them all
with? :-)

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily

2001-06-21 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

"Ricardo D. Albano" wrote:
> Hello, I've noticed that all mails sent from my qmail box to any email in
> ends with the error "CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily" after 25
> minutes that qmail-remote is lunched. (yes!, qmail-remote sleeps 25 minutes
> before log the error).
> I do a nslookup from the qmail box and I resolve this :

Use of nslookup is deprecated .  Use dig instead:

$ dig +notcp -t MX

; <<>> DiG 9.2.0a2 <<>> -t MX
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 64354
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 12, AUTHORITY: 5, ADDITIONAL: 7

;   IN  MX

[bla bla bla]
;; Query time: 4 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Jun 21 21:55:56 2001
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 491

> I think is a problem with the bug "oversize DNS", but i'm not shure.

Possibly.  I get a MSG SIZE of 491 on this UDP query.  When I do a TCP
query, on the other hand, I get:

$ dig +tcp -t M
[bla bla bla]
;; Query time: 5 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Jun 21 22:06:43 2001
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 651

Not being familiar enough with DNS protocols or qmail's inner DNS
workings, all I can really say is that it works fine for me; but I have
the big-dns patch applied.

> Any here has the same problem with ?
> Bye.
> RDA.-

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: smtp auth failures

2001-06-20 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Jost Krieger wrote:
> > Encourage your customers to use non-broken MUA.  Our company refuses to
> > support anything other than Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger, and our
> > own web-based e-mailing service.  You might try that: promoting a
> > web-based e-mail service they can access FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!  That
> > always makes them giddy. :-)
> And which of these is the non-broken MUA?
> Jost

Well, Outlook Express seems to behave pretty well in any circumstance
(I've never had a problem with it).  Messenger works alright as long as
you don't make any changes to the Maildir it doesn't know about (seems as
though it saves a "popstate" file which isn't very intuitive).

Probably your best solution is to simply provide your customers with the
web-based MUA.  I've heard alot of people ranting about SquirrelMail
lately.  Check it out at .  This gives you
A.) access the source code which you can directly customize to any quirks
your systems might express; B.) access to an entire community of
developers devoted to making their creation better; and, C.) PHP4 which is
executed server-side and thus very stable.

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: smtp auth failures

2001-06-19 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

joc wrote:

>There it is. any wise thoughts here?
> Thanks
> John

Encourage your customers to use non-broken MUA.  Our company refuses to
support anything other than Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger, and our
own web-based e-mailing service.  You might try that: promoting a
web-based e-mail service they can access FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!  That
always makes them giddy. :-)

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: spam/other custom bouncing

2001-06-19 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Mike Culbertson wrote:

> Therefore, I would like to maintain a list of domains a la
> badmailfrom, but rather than doing an smtp reject, an autoreponse would
> result (your mail has been reject because , please contact  etc.
> etc. ).  This way, legitimate users on "banned" domains would have an
> opportunity to notify us and get unbanned.

> Mike Culbertson
> sysadmin

Hmmm . . .  Check out a qmail homepage mirror, search for
"autoresponder".  Try them, see which one you like best.  Use qmail's
alias files to sort through by domain and feed blocked domains to the
autoresponder using qmail's environment variables to generate a message. 
That feasible?  I've never tried it. :-)

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: ReiserFs and qmail

2001-06-19 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Paco Gracia wrote:
> I have done some research and I found a "Qmail and ReiserFS integration and
> optimization HOWTO" in
> How accurate is the information on that web?
> Anything else to take care of?
> Thanks in advance
> ===
> Paco Gracia

Looks good to me.  I can't offer any technical advice on the suggest
settings for ReiserFS since I haven't had a chance to play with it yet;
but he seems to know what he is talking about. :-)

I highly recommend against applying the patch he has at the top of the
Qmail Tuning section, though.  That is very unethical e-mail practice.

I am not sure about the recommendation to lower the conf-split, since,
again, I am not in any way familiar with ReiserFS's operation.  Generally
you want a large split since filesystems perform better with many
directories with a couple of files than a few directories with lots of
files.  My advice, test it for yourself; just make sure you are using a
prime number for the split.

I'm not sure on the statement that qmail is unreliable under Linux due to
its assumptiopn that "link is a synchronous operation".  I've never read
anything about it.  Anyone else?

Like it says, I wouldn't use ReiserSMTP in a production environment.

Lastly, common recommendations: if you are going to be running a big
server, run your queue and Maildirs (run Maildirs, not Mailboxes) on a 15k
RPM SCSI disk with a good controller.  Don't be afraid to spend some cash,
here.  You will have a lot less headaches if/when one of your customers
decides to start spamming from your server or your own server comes under
siege from UBE.

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Connection difficulties

2001-06-19 Thread Nick

    I've also noticed these sypmtoms 
with Oversize DNS packets.
there is a few patches that address this issue 

  - Original Message - 
  Thomas Rokamp 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 1:20 
  Subject: Connection difficulties
  I'm using Qmail with vpopmail as pop3-server, but 
  most of the time when clients connect to the server, it takes like forever 
  before they are allowed to check for mail. Both external and internal. 
  Internally I thought I had solved it, by putting my local hosts into the 
  /etc/hosts file, but it doesn't seem to work that well. It still takes too 
  long time to connect. Most of the times the connection gets a 
  Any suggestions?
  (and yes, I think I have been through the faq 3 
  times... no luck)
  Thanks in advance!

Re: Spam Removal

2001-06-18 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Ruprecht Helms wrote:
> Hi,
> >...
> >I am considering screening out ALL .cn and .kr mailservers.  Is there
> >an easy way to do that?
> how about the badmailfrom-file. I think append/inserting .cn and .kr to/in
> that file and all mails from that top-level domains will be rejected.
> Regards,
> Ruprecht

That will only help if .cn/.kr appears as the envelope sender.  You're
better of using tcpserver's rules file to block by domain address,
assuming they don't have false DNS entries to hide their origin, in which
case you would need to block by IP address.

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.


2001-06-18 Thread Nick

2001-06-18 12:38:27.274620500 delivery 22712: deferral:
2001-06-18 12:38:27.274635500 status: local 0/10 remote 1/60

I checked the permission on the alias dir
and the alias files.
I don't understand where it's failing.
anyone have any idea's?
Thanks in advance


Re: Spam Removal

2001-06-17 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Jeremy Suo-Anttila wrote:
> I keep getting sent SPAM from this company based in CA trying to sell me a
> MasterDisc 2000 which i know is a scam i have followed all there procedures
> to remove my domains from there lists and they went and actaully added them
> and more to there lists so i ave been getting flooded with there crap mails.
> I have faxed in removal requests, emailed them, phoned them and they still
> will not remove my domains. Any suggestions on what i can do ? I would like
> to setup some sort of spam removal but i would also if possible like to take
> some sort of legal action.

Ahh . . . if only we could sue them, think of the money to be had there. 
In all seriousness, just throw their mail server's IP address/block into
your tcpservers' rules with a deny parameter.

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: qmail Size Problem

2001-06-16 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Eugene Teo wrote:
> The thing is: whenever i start qmail, my /usr which qmail is occuping
> keeps on growing. And when I stop qmail, it halts. It grows up to
> the point it says no space left where in fact it has 2.2gb space. Next,
> i did a du -s /usr and the space is not the same as reported df. It's
> big difference. one is 500mb and the other is 4.5gb?
> Eugene

Sounds like a permissions problem.  What does `ls -ls ~qmailq/queue` look
like?  Here's mine:

   4 drwx--   2 qmails   qmail4096 Jun 14 21:15 bounce/
   4 drwx--  25 qmails   qmail4096 Apr 26 20:49 info/
   4 drwx--   2 qmailq   qmail4096 Jun 16 14:01 intd/
   4 drwx--  25 qmails   qmail4096 Apr 26 20:49 local/
   4 drwxr-x---   2 qmailq   qmail4096 Apr 26 20:49 lock/
   4 drwxr-x---  25 qmailq   qmail4096 Apr 26 20:49 mess/
   4 drwx--   2 qmailq   qmail4096 Jun 16 14:01 pid/
   4 drwx--  25 qmails   qmail4096 Apr 26 20:49 remote/
   4 drwxr-x---   2 qmailq   qmail    4096 Jun 16 14:01 todo/

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: beginner of qmail - creating of users cdb database

2001-06-16 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Martin Kubecek wrote:
> Hi Penguins
> When I run qmail-pw2u, it newer finish. So, it doesn´t create /users/assign
> file.

I am guessing that you are simply running `qmail-pw2u` here, which sits
and waits for input.  In actuality, qmail-pw2u is a filter, so you need to
send your passwd file through it with the command:

`cat /etc/passwd | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pw2u > /var/qmail/users/assign`

> When I create /users/assign file manually (for example
> =martin:martin:1001:0:/home/martin:::), then I run qmail-newu to create cdb
> database, I receive following error message: qmail-newu: fatal: bad format
> in users/assign

Like Arjen said, you prolly didn't end it with a dot on the last line.

> Could you tell me plese, what is wrong?
> Thank sou very much for answers

BTW, for future reference, include the actual commands you are entering
into your shell and we won't all have to guess at what you are doing
wrong. =)

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Relay IP address ranges - NEWBIE

2001-06-15 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

"Technology Strategic Planning, Inc." wrote:
> OK, so both xinetd and tcpserver are running.  I get the feeling that I
> should pull xinetd out of the startup scripts.  How will this effect apache
> and other services (most epically bind)?
> I assume the two don't coexist well?  (A logical push-me-pull-you?)
> I have two instances of tcp server, both called with the command:
> /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -H -R -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u 502 -g 501 0
> smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smptd
> xinetd is also running (one process).
> The other services can go;  (I'd like the ability to run a web server in a
> pinch, however, the Mac can actually take care of that on an emergency basis
> (which is all I want locally).), however I need DNS on the mail box for the
> internal (NAT) DNS configuration.

Just remove any e-mail related protocols from xinetd's conf files and send
it a reload signal (SIGUSR1 if I remember correctly from my darker
experiences with it).

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: POP/IMAP server - more NEWBIE

2001-06-15 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Stephen Froehlich wrote:
> OK, I'd like to also gather some opinions on how best to implement POP
> and/or IMAP.
> Here are my requirements:
> In the immediate present, I just need to allow the local network to access.
> In the near future, I'll need to allow encrypted remote access.  (Encrypted
> only.)  I have a few, relatively trusted users.  How would you go about
> meeting those requirements?

Run two copies of tcpserver under supervise (well, four if you want both
POP and IMAP), one not encrypted and available to your local network as
specified in tcpserver's rules files, and the other encrypted and
available to anyone.  You could also bind them to separate interfaces; but
I also recommend using tcpserver in more or less of the same manner, it's
considered quite secure.  As far as what packages to run for the
encryption, I wouldn't be of any explicit help there considering I haven't
ever attempted at doing so myself. =)

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: vscan

2001-06-15 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Tim Rainier wrote:
> Okay, here's a better look at the problems we're having:
> the vscan daemon is running, but it just sits there and does nothing, until
> I touch the lock files, and then off she goes.  Doesn't make sense to me.
> Why would a touch fix something like this?
> Tim Rainier
> Manufacturing Systems Analyst
> Kalsec Inc.

What environment are youu running svscan in?  What does the structure of
the files it is active upon look like?

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Using mail.local to put the mail in /var/mail/

2001-06-14 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

benl wrote:

> @40003b2866de266761fc delivery 12: deferral:
> mail.local:_/var/spool/mail/benl:_Permission_denied/
> Here's the permissions on /var/spool/mail
> drwxrwxr-x2 root qmail4096 Jun 14 17:04 mail
> Thanks,
> Ben
> Qmail Wannabe

The user should own that Mailbox, not root.

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Log Entry question

2001-06-13 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Drew Hawn wrote:
> In my log file (/var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd) I have files named similarly to:
> "@40003b26027a37dfa084.s"
> These files contain thousands of entries similar to :
> @40003b262932196daa9c tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address already
> used
> I don't know what this is and I've got 25MB of log files with these entries.
> What do they mean?

They mean what they say: qmail is unable to start the SMTP service because
something else is already running (probably SMTP) on port 25.  Find out is
running there.  Places to look include inetd.conf or xinetd.conf.  Most
likely you forgot to kill the copy of sendmail you have running on your
system is this is your first attempt at starting qmail or you have an old
tcpserver process running qmail on that port which was never killed
correctly.  Do `ps aux | grep [tcpserver/sendmail]`, respectively.

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: qmail-ldap

2001-06-13 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

> Rohit Gupta wrote:
> where do i find qmail-ldap to download
> can anyone give me a hint

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: qpop3-d: connects but doesn´t gives OK

2001-06-11 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

> Pablo Martín wrote:
> Help! We have a system running bruce´s patched qmail and AVP. It has 400
> accounts.
> It has been running ok for 2 months, but now sometimes pop-3d doesn´t
> work.
> I can telnet localhost 110, it greets me but it doesn´t says OK.
> Sometimes I restart it with the supervise scripts and all returns to
> normallity, but sometimes it needs a reboot.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks from Argentina

Whenever I hear sporadic behavior like this, my first instinct is to blame
hardware; but I'm a die-hard *NIX fan so it's not always the case. 
Anyways, I would recommend checking through your system for
descrepencies.  Usually what I do to check for this is grab the latest
stable release of GCC and compile away (with `make -j [number of CPUs]
bootstrap`).  If I get any SegFaults or the like, I dig into the matter
more using the checklist at .  Do it late
at night, though, and you won't have as many angry customers in the event
you do manage to crash your system.  It's tedious; but it works. =)

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: newbie question (it's an easy one i'm sure, but it's not in theFAQ)

2001-06-11 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

David Talkington wrote:
> John Wolford wrote:
> >qmail is running.
> Nope, not quite ...
> >If i check the ps listing, i see, in part:
> >[root@homer init.d]# ps -ef |grep qmail
> >root 29806 29805  1 Jun01 ?02:43:31 supervise qmail-pop3d
> >root 29808 29805  0 Jun01 ?00:00:00 supervise qmail-send
> >root 29810 29805  1 Jun01 ?02:55:05 supervise qmail-smtpd
> That means svscan knows about it, but hasn't been told to start it.
> I don't know Thing One about the Mandrake rpm, so you may have an init
> script which does this, but what you specifically need to do is this
> (assuming here for the sake of argument that svscan uses /service as
> its working directory):
> # svc -u /service/qmail-*
> Then your ps should tell a very different story.
> Good luck -d
> - --
> David Talkington

In the case that you do already have an instance of tcpserver running
under your supervise (`pstree` command could be very helpful in
determining that =) ) instance, you probably do not have the appropriate
IP addresses allowed within tcpserver's rules.  Usually this is placed in
/etc/tcp.smtp and then built into a binary database which can be used by
tcpserver; but if its not (and I am also unfamiliar with the structure
used by these RPMs) you will have to find the script that supervise is
attempting to execute and give it a glance over to determine the location
of this file.

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Double Bounce Help

2001-06-04 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Alastair Rundlett wrote:
> Thnx Charles
> So where I could find these patches you talking about?
> Why don't you use them ?
> >> There are patches to change this if you like, but I don't use them.
> I had over 200 msg's bounced to postmaster this over weekend to invalid
> mailboxes. What happens when this reaches thousands ? surely not delete
> postmaster msg's all day !!
> Alastair

*chuckles* Our postmaster Mailboxes grow at a rate of about one gigabyte
per month.

Here's a nice anti-spam FAQ for qmail:

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: xinetd

2001-06-02 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Eduardo Gargiulo wrote:
> Hi all.
> I had installed qmail and it's running ok.
> All the examples says to add a line in /etc/inetd.conf to run
> qmail-smtpd, but I don't know how to configure it in xinetd.
> Where can I find an xinetd example and what is tcp-env for?
> --xgnu powered by vi editor
> :%s/Micros~1/GNU\/Linux/g^M
> :wq!^M

Don't use xinetd.  Use tcpserver instead.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Netscape Messenger Configuration

2001-06-01 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Lye On Siong Johnny wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone tell me how do I configure netscape to talk to my qmail/vpopmail
> server?
> I can retrieve mail. But I cannot get it to authenticate to send out mail...
> many Thanks.
> Johnny

There is also a patch for qmail that will make it require authentication
from Netscape/Outlook clients available on one of the qmail mirrors.  Just
search for "Netscape" (Hint: It's in the "Yet More Qmail Addons"
section.)  Also note that this will be in addition to the rules set for

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Requires domain address

2001-05-29 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Harry Chahal wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am new to the list, first I get the following message . Any suggestions
> please. Is to do with the Host name?
> "Connected to but my name was rejected.
> Remote host said: 501 HELO requires domain address
> I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long"

What do you have in your controls/me file?

> Second I am not able to connect to qmail server through outlook express, any
> idea.

POP3 or SMTP or IMAP or . . . ?

> hc

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Setting up a second server..........

2001-05-29 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Constantine Koulis wrote:
> Hello all..
> I am a newbie general in linux and especially to qmail.I have another server
> running sendmail and i want to move everything to a new mail server running
> qmail but untill now is impossible.My network is :
> a gateway with 2 local ips :
>and a routable ip
> The is connected with  the second server which has the qmail.
> My first question is that should i change this to a routable ip address.I
> mean the to be changed to 217.10.220... and also the ip from the
> second so i will see them from the net?
> Now as i said i have non-routable ips.I can use my pop3 server and IMAP
> which is the courier by the way if i only put the ip of the

I thought the qmail host was

> second computer.Why?In linux i gave an IP ALIASES FOR VIRTUAL HOSTS but i
> cant see the server from the net.

Alright, as I understand it, you have a local network hooked up to a
router hooked up the Internet.  You want clients inside the network to be
able to connect to the qmail server ( on SMTP, POP3, and IMAP
ports.  You want people on the 'net to be able to connect only to SMTP to
send messages to your internal net.  

Is this what you are trying to do?

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: problem with local mailboxes

2001-05-27 Thread Nick Fish

Kelly Shutt wrote:
> for those of you that were asking, i'm running slackware 7.1 and i've installed
> seems to me that the problem is the zero length files.
> thanks,
> Kelly
> #!/bin/sh
> # Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
> # Using binmail to deliver messages to /var/spool/mail/$USER by default.
> # Using BSD 4.4 binmail interface: /usr/libexec/mail.local -r
> exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
> qmail-start \
> '|preline -f /usr/libexec/mail.local -r "${SENDER:-MAILER-DAEMON}" -d "$USER"' \
> splogger qmail

Are you sure you have a mail.local program in /usr/libexec?  I'm running
Slack 7.1 same as you and the only one I see on my system is in
/opt/kde/bin.  Do a `locate mail.local` and see what it turns up.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: cleaning mailbox

2001-05-14 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Martín Marqués wrote:
> No, thats not what I want. It a mailbox!
> I would need to trace the mailbox, slit the different mails and see the date
> line to decide if it should be deleted.
> But that is not so trivial. :-(
> Saludos... .-)

Hmmm . . . switch to Maildir.  You could prolly write a simple shell script (or
a C program if you're feeling up to it) to accomplish this; but I cringe to
think of how long it would take.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: how to make pine works with maildir

2001-05-14 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

andi wrote:
> i try to make pine works with maildir..
> and i use freebsd4.1.1 release , pine4.31
> and  pine-4.31-maildir.patch .
> i get the error below when my machine compile the command
> ./build bsf
> cc: ../c-client/c-client.a: No such file or directory
> andi hari

Did you run the configure script before applying the patch?

Is pine4.31/c-client a symlink to pine4.31/imap/c-client?

If you answered yes to both of these questions, try getting the source code for
pine4.33 and the pine-4.33-maildir.patch (I have a copy of it up at ) and re-attempting with
this version.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: alias documentation

2001-05-13 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Neil Grant wrote:
> maybe this is a stupidly easy question but I cant find where do I find out
> about the format of .alias files, and other documentation on them?
> Neil

`man dot-qmail`

or if you didn't put qmail's man files in one of your MANPATH directories:

`man -M /var/qmail/man dot-qmail`

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Case in email address

2001-05-10 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Matt Simonsen wrote:
> For additional information, I have read the man page for addresses. *SLAP* I
> should have done this first, sorry.
> It says that case does matter in Qmail (as most of you know probably), yet
> when I pipe mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] both get
> delivered to my real account, [EMAIL PROTECTED] What am I missing? By
> default is case sensitivity disabled for interoperability? I get the
> impression that case does matter, yet I can't get it to fail.
> Thanks-
> Matt

Ahhh . . . nope, qmail ignores case in both the instance of domains and users
except when .  Read the section of
whatever documentation you read on aliases.  It should prattle on about
mailer-daemon being equal to MAILER-DAEMON.  That man page I had you read was
just a recommendation on what you should do; but since a lot of people don't do
that, qmail attempts to make up for their mistakes. =)

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: tcpserver blues

2001-05-10 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Chris Ochap wrote:

> start() {
> # Start daemons.
> echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
> daemon /var/qmail/rc
> /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcprules/tcp.smtp.cdb -u
> 51 -g 50 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
> [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/qmail
> echo
> return $RETVAL
> }

Try adding "2>&1" to the end of the tcpserver line, so:

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcprules/tcp.smtp.cdb -u 51 -g 50 0 smtp
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1

This should cause qmail-smtpd to run in the background instead of directly on
whatever tty you are attached to.  To test rather it is running or not, tail it
the log file it outputs while telnetting into port 25 of your machine.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: timeout downloading mail while connecting to the server using dial-up

2001-05-02 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Christian DRESSEND wrote:

> The problem is not whn looking for the server or for the messages, but
> during download. It stops responding in the middle of messages in case of
> large messages >100kbyte using dial-up, when the connection speed is low
> (MODEM) so the downloads last longer.
> Christian

Ahh . ..  I don't know about everyone else here; but I have never gotten big
messages do download or upload via e-mail on a dial-up connection.  I always
assumed that the speed of the type of transfer used by POP1 (ASCII?) degraded
over time.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Strange behavior in outgoing mail

2001-04-25 Thread Nick Popoff

>Charles Cazabon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Except that it's actually a lowercase letter L.

Actually, it is a one. :)

>Are you using tcpserver for qmail-smtpd?  If so, show us your rules file. 
>You may be setting the RELAYCLIENT environment variable to "1" or "l" 
>accidentally, for the IP address(es) you're testing from at least.

Ahhh!!!  That's it. Thanks. I was troubleshooting relay earlier, and like an 
idiot forgot that I'd changed RELAYCLIENT.  I'd thought of that variable as 
a flag, and had no idea it was used to build relayed outgoing addresses.

Much appreciated.  Thanks for the tip about qmail-showctl as well...

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Strange behavior in outgoing mail

2001-04-25 Thread Nick Popoff


I just did an install of qmail 1.03 following the instructions from Life 
With Qmail using all his recommended defaults, not using any patches or 
additional modules.  I'm seeing a really strange problem that I'm sure must 
have a simple cause, but can't figure it out...

Whenever outgoing mail is sent (relayed) through qmail, the number 1 is 
appended to the end of the recipient domain name at some point during the 
delivery, which of course causes it to bounce.

I can telnet in to and give "rcpt to:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" 
and a few moments later a bounce message will go to the sender address 
saying that "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" does not exist.  That "1" at the end 
there is NOT a typo.  If I examine the logs of the transaction, I see this:

 starting delivery 1: msg  to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So at some point betweent the client handing off the message to my Qmail 
install (or me typing it in myself) and when Qmail goes to deliver it, a "1" 
is tacked on.

Note however that it sends bounces fine... the sender address is not garbled 
and the sender gets a bounce informing it of the invalid domain.

Any help would be much appreciated.  If more information would help, let me 
know and I'll dig it up.  Thanks.

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: The Golden Monkey Has Arrived!! (OT)

2001-04-19 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

> Dear Friends & Future Millionaire:
> ... more spam

*chuckles* Off topic; but isn't it ironic that this guy decided to send
spam to a list of e-mail admins?  I know I'll be tracking him down and
reporting it.

Keith  <-- still fighting in the holy war on spam
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Qmail internal domain routing?

2001-04-16 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Iain Morrison wrote:
> I was thinking that by assigning sub domains to the e.g.
> etc... This would enable this to happen via DNS MX records. I would propose
> to have one system as the server that sends & receives all mail from the
> internet acting as a gateway for our internal network, scanning for viruses
> using qmail-scanner and mapping email for the few real e-mail address to
> their internal ones. But I am not sure how to limit only certain users to
> send mail outside whilst allowing unlimited e-mail internally i.e. across
> our WAN!
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Iain Morrison

How about settting tcpserver to set the RELAYLCLIENT="" variable only
for IP addresses of the users that need to relay out to the net and
having it not set that variable for those that don't?

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: "an alias can never override a valid user's deliveries" ???

2001-04-15 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Adam Andrzej Jaworski wrote:
> for aliases I am using fastforward with /etc/aliases.cdb
> and have problem with above rule when there exists aliases
> with the same name in different domains _and_ if exists
> real user with that name, say we have user "john" but
> want have also aliases [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], etc. for others, pointed to different real users,
> and because of that rule all messages sent
> to these aliases goes to one Maildir of user "john" however he has
> his own domain and alias [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> So, how to override this?
> thanks for any help
> --Adam

We alias all of our mail for our server with the domain first:

(excerpt from /var/qmail/users/assign):



(excerpt from /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains)

Is this not a viable option for you?

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: clustering

2001-04-15 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Brett wrote:
> The search engine always says it's
> broken when I try to search the archives so I apologize if this is in there
> somewhere. Thanks in advance.

I always use this search engine for the archives:

Make sure you are typing in queuries as just single words and not any
+"bla" or boolean operations.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Fw: supervise scripts error

2001-04-15 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Carl Jeptha wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Carl Jeptha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 7:25 PM
> Subject: superscripts error
> > Hi,
> > Thanks for your help. But I cannot rebuild the supervise scripts. It ends
> > with an error - cannot find the command: Patch.
> >
> > Could you please assist? Thank you.
> >
> > You have a good day now
> >
> > Carl A Jeptha
> >

Umm . . my guess is that this particular install of Linux doesn't have
the patch binary installed.  You can find the source for it at

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Pine for Maildir

2001-04-14 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

tc lewis wrote:
> i use that same patch for pine 4.33.  it appears to work much better than
> whatever i was using before.  something with pine 4.10 i think.
> in pine's config i simply set inbox-path to the string: $MAIL
> /etc/profile.d/ exists to set $MAIL (and $MAILDROP) properly.
> that profile file came with Bruce Guenter's qmail rpms
> (  typically $MAIL would look like:
> /home/user/Maildir/ (with the trailing slash).

*chuckles* Sure enough, that worked.  It even moves read messages from
~/Maildir/new to ~/Maildir/cur.  Ah well.  A little more info on this
(for the archives if not for anyone presently dealing with it):

- My $MAIL environment variable is not set because I did not use those
particular RPMs for the install.  To set it for your users, check out
/etc/profile (just set the line with MAIL="/some/path/here" to
NOTE: Apparently, you must set inbox-path as an absolute path (which
means you can't set it to ~/Maildir because pine doesn't seem to
recognize ~/ as /home/$USER/).  This, obviously, will make root's
Maildir inaccessible on 99% of Linux systems, to solve this, either make
a symlink from /home/root to /root (or whatever root's home directory
is) or make a /root/.pinerc file with the line inbox-path=/root/Maildir

- You can set inbox-path for pine globally by editing /etc/pine.conf or
you can force your users to use that inbox-path by editing

> i've never used pine with imap, so i'm not sure how that works.

Well, I've been devoting a couple of hours to understanding courier-imap
in all of its intracacies and I'd say that your method is loads simpler
yet just as reliable.
> -tcl.

By the way, for those of you trying to obtain a copy of the file
pine-maildir-4.33 to patch pine with, I realize Larrson's site is down
so I have an alternate copy up at
To apply the patch, just copy the file into the directory you extracted
pine into and do `patch -p1 < pine-maildir-4.33'

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Pine for Maildir

2001-04-14 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Stefan Laudat wrote:
> there are patches for pine Maildir access, please rtfm at
> I've tested that and worked a couple of months ago.

I am working on this issue right now.  What it's boiled down to has
been my installing the courier-imap package with the intent of having
Pine access that.  I've patched pine's source code with Mattias
Larsson's pine-maildir-4.33 patch; but couldn't figure out how to
configure Pine to access the Maildirs (namely due to lack of
documentation on Larsson's patch, and his site seems to be down as
well).  I would be interested to hear of the patch you used and the
configuration adjustments you made to Pine.
By the way, I must say that I do not care for mutt.  The interface is
rather dirty (I don't mean its aesthetics) and the configuration rather
cryptic.  Maybe I just didn't devote enough time to it?  Anyways, it's
not a viable option.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: User Interface for Autoresponder

2001-04-12 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Bill Luckett wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just started using Bruce Guenter's autoresponder but I was wondering
> if anyone had written a user interface for it. I'd like my users to be able
> to set their own responses when they want it without bugging me but I don't
> want them creating files on the mailserver--God forbid!
> I have some ideas (like an address they can send their request to and the
> program sends them back a confrimation request ala ezmlm then once
> confirmed, it sets up the files) and believe I could do it myself but hate
> to re-invent the wheel...
> Anybody done this already and feel like sharing?

Well, we haven't done it yet, but we are going to write a PHP page that
will interface with a MySQL database to determine rather or not the user
wishes to have an autoresponder message set in place based upon an entry
in another field of the database.  I'll be sure to post it when we get
around to it, though.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Another newsletter question..

2001-04-12 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Peter van Dijk wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 04:24:54PM -0400, Nick (Keith) Fish wrote:
> [snip]
> > Sure.  You could even run an entirely separate copy of qmail processes
> > that interfaces with the same queue when you send out the newsletter.
> What do you mean by 'the same queue'?
> Greetz, Peter.

I meant that it would interface with the same queue directory (and
therefore messages) as the original qmail program.  Does this not seem

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Problem forwarding/keeping copies with .qmail

2001-04-11 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

- Original Message - 
From: Rafael Angarita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   The .qmail file looks like this (and the permissions are 644):
> /qspool/mydomain/n_s5/e6/raadvip/Maildir/
> &user2@otherdomain
>   Any suggestions?
>   BTW, I'm using qmailldap.

| forward user2@otherdomain
on the second line.

- Keith

Re: Some mail is getting to qmail, some others aren't

2001-04-10 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Steve Quezadas wrote:
> I have a weird problem. 90% of the people can email me fine to my qmail
>  D:\>nslookup -q=mx
> *** Can't find server name for address Non-existent domain
> *** Can't find server name for address Non-existent domain
> *** Default servers are not available
> Server:  UnKnown
> Address:
> Non-authoritative answer:
>  MX preference = 5, mail exchanger =
>  nameserver =
>  nameserver =
>  nameserver =
>  internet address =
> Is this a problem with the DNS server or is this a problem with qmail?
> - Steve

Looks to be DNS.  I'd recommend refreshing the domain on all of the
aforementioned servers (make sure to get MX right) and throw in the
reverse entries as well.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Qmail stoppages

2001-04-10 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Stewart Vardaman wrote:
> Really strange problem - qmail starts and runs fine, sending out our weekly
> ...
> stop.  Don't see anything strange on the system logs either.  Any ideas?

Sounds like bad hardware to me.  Possibly a bad spot on the RAM?

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Another newsletter question..

2001-04-10 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

John P wrote:
> Hi All
> I've been looking into the best way to send the occasional one-off
> newsletter to 50-60,000 customers.
> Two questions:
> - For max. delivery speed, can I just up the concurrency-remote to, say, 400
> (applying patch) - do I need to do anything else (Linux RedHat 7) eg. to do
> with process limits etc?

Sure.  You could even run an entirely separate copy of qmail processes
that interfaces with the same queue when you send out the newsletter.

> - I need to track bounces, fails etc. is the best thing to call qmail-remote
> directly, for each email, and then if it fails mark it in the database or
> pass it to qmail-inject (if temporary)? Also I'm running qmail-scanner, so I
> need to disable this for each e-mail. Could I potentially outweigh any speed
> benefit by having to use MySQL update queries or by the fact I'm using PHP?

You could probably alias anything that comes back to the MAILER-DAEMON
user during the time you are sending out the newsletter to be passed
through a program or script which would look at the ## line and see if
the subject matches the newsletter's subject, and, if it does, pass off
the user name to either a PHP function or otherwise marking the user as
bouncing in the database.  As far as using PHP, you might do better with
a shell script; but my knowledge of PHP's speed limitations is

> note: I would like to keep it in PHP as it's what i know ;)
> Cheers
> John

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: as fast as possible

2001-04-07 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

hantunes wrote:
> hi
> is there a way to bypass the queue?
> i just want recive and validate emails using spam-control patch and then send it to 
>antivirus running
> on localhost:port  that then sends the emails to internal macines connected to  big 
>fibre storage systemis.
> i am searching for 100 msgs second average using dual pIII system
> i have  put it to work on linux  OS but qmail gets al the chrge and starts queueing
> i know the internal machines are always there in fact there are a lot off machines 
>wating for this trafic but not qmails ..
> Any ideias
> any help
> Thanks
> hantunes

Qmail is entirely based upon the queue system of messaging so I'm not
entirely sure why you'd want to attempt to bypass that.  Your other
options here are:

A.) Run another copy of qmail; or
B.) Run qmail on a separate machine entirely dedicated to this

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: qmail-autoreponder-0.93

2001-04-05 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 05:52:11PM -0300, Jairo Marciano Silva wrote:
> >Im trying to install qmail-autoreponder-0.93 but when i run the "make"
> >command I got the following error:
> >
> >qmail-autoresponder.c:4: getopt.h: No such file or directory
> You need to install the development headers -- on my Redhat/KRUD 7.0 box it
> tells me that getopt.h is in the glibc-devel package.
> Sean

Did you install the glibc-devel package?  You might try just copying it
into the directory you are trying to make qmail-autoresponder in.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: IMAP Server Problem

2001-04-05 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Anselmo Daniel Adams wrote:
> Hi,
> I use imap-4.7 on my server. Sometimes the server gives to me wrong
> arrival dates for all messages. Anyone can help me?
> Anselmo Daniel Adams

This is usually caused by system times set wrong on computers somewhere
along the route of the e-mail.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Qmail attack

2001-04-03 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Renato wrote:
> Well, naturally somebody can connect to port 25 and send this mail with
> these headers. But the attacker used a script and sent the same message
> thousands of time !!! My queue grow to more than 10.000 messages in
> minutes !!
> What can I do to avoid this type of attack ?
> Thanks
> Renato - Brazil.

Are you using inetd or xinetd? tcpwrapper or ucspi-tcp?

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Delivered Messages staying in queue

2001-03-26 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Peter van Dijk wrote:
> qmail-queue doesn't run as root. It runs as user qmailq. What group
> this user is in, or what his homedir is, doesn't matter. Permissions
> on the binary are relevant indeed.
> Greetz, Peter.

Odd.  Why do I have a set-root-bit on my qmail-queue binary with an
owner of qmailq, then?  I understand that it runs as user qmailq; but it
runs with root's permissions, correct?  I have not modified it from the
installation put in place by the tarball.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Delivered Messages staying in queue

2001-03-26 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Bill Crowley wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems that delivered messages as staying in the queue. 7 days later queue
> mail is giving up "I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the
> queue too long."
> I know that 99% of these messages have been delivered successfully so I am
> not sure why they are not purging from the queue.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> B

Lemme think here.  If I'm not mistaken, the user that modifies the queue
is qmailq who owns the qmail-queue program.  Now, on my installation of
qmail (and so I assume everyone elses) the qmail-queue program's
permissions are: -rws--x--x .  So, bascially, the qmail-queue program
executes as root to modify the queue, therefore, permissions on the
queue directory shouldn't matter.  What group is your qmailq user in? 
What is his home directory?  What are the permissions on your
qmail-queue binary?  and what does your run file for qmail look like?

My best guess (if you hadn't deduced here) at this point is that the
permissions aren't right somewhere for the qmail system to make the
necessary changes the the queue; but there are a plethora of other
possibilities. =)

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: forward

2001-03-26 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

> hi,
> but isn't it possible to do it like in sendmail in the mailertable?
> if you take the smtproutes of qmail it is nearly the same than the
> mailertable of sendmail but you cannot add a line like this
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] .is this true?
> i don't want that the server will act as a popserver and then forward
> it. i want the smtp to forward directly.
> cu ycae
> Yves Caetano
> Server Support Engineer

I don't understand your meaning here.  If, by your statement, you mean
that you think your qmail server is using pop3 protocol to receive
messages from a particular domain, you are mistaken.  Servers never act
as pop3 servers unless people are retrieving mail from their inbox via
the pop3 protocol.  The rest of the time, one server will initiate a
SMTP connection with another.  As far as simply setting the route up
like that in your smtproutes file, it cannot be done.  smtproutes only
accepts hosts, never users.  Use the alias method and your mail should
route smoothly.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Qmail + pop3d

2001-03-23 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Bill Andersen wrote:
> I read the docs and found the nice little wrappers for "elq","pinq" and
> "qail",
> but I always get the following error when it calls the maildir2mbox
> command...
>  maildir2mbox: fatal: unable to move /home/bill/Mailtmp to
> /var/spool/mail/bill:
>  cross-device link
> I'm a Linux newbie, so I just went to POP3 from my PC in order to get my
> mail.
> However, I would really like to run pine.  (I did get Mutt working with
> maildir,
> so I'me not completely locked to my PC!!! Thank goodness)
> I'm sure it's obvious what I have wrong to someone who knows *nix...
> Help anyone?
> Bill

Well, are those directories on separate devices (i.e. two different hard
drives)?  If so (and this is judging from the error message), that's
probably your problem.  Try copying the Maildir over to the var
directory somewhere and then run the maildir2mbox command.

BTW, if I was you, I would just stick with mutt and Maildir.  Maildir is
by far the best format for storing e-mail to date and mutt is an
excellent and featureful MUA, although syntax can be a bitch.  My second
recommendation would be to download the patch to make Pine work with
Maildir.  What you're trying to do, I would call a distant third.

Power to ya, though.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: qmail queue

2001-03-23 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

> -Original Message-
> From: Sumith
> To: Qmail
> Sent: 3/22/01 11:03 PM
> Subject: qmail queue
> How can I know how many concurrent qmail deliveries are taking place on
> my qmail server, both qmail-local and qmail-remote
> Regards
> Sumith

Call me old fashioned, but when I want to see what my qmail server is
doing I just do a:

ps auxw | grep qmail 

or, if I just want to see outbound mail from external users:

ps auxw | grep qmail-remote

`qmail-qstat` is also a somewhat useful command to get a general idea on
your mail server's current load.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: hey with Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

2001-03-22 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Dixon Canario wrote:
> Dear all,
> My qmail server works without any problem yesterday. But
> Today, I found
> my qmail server can't work anymore. This including all
> email accounts
> and all virtual domains, even I can't log into qmailadmin
> The return message saying something like :
> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
> I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the
> following
> addresses.
> This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't
> work out.
> :
> Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)
> Can any one guide me to the right direction and tell me how
> can I fix the problem?
> Thanks in advanced.
> Regards,
> Dixon

What rc file do you use to initialize qmail and what does it look like?

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: qmail install troubles

2001-03-21 Thread Nick Kocharhook

on 3/21/01 9:39 AM, Dave Sill at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> He said he's following the HOWTO, which logs to /var/log/qmail using
> multilog.

Wow! You're right. Looks like I should have done 'ls /var/log' instead of
'rgrep qmail /var/log/*'. ;-)

>>> Then I stumbled across the fact that I needed .qmail files in the home
>>> directories of users that intended to get mail, so I added those.
> No, you don't need .qmail unless you want to override the system
> default delivery method.

All right. If I don't need .qmail files in users' directories, why is it
that mail wasn't being delivered without them?

>> I think thats wrong. The .qmail-files have to be placed under
>> /var/qmail/alias. The must be named like .qmail-user for example
> No, these are real users, not aliases.

OK, thanks for clearing that up -- I've already got some aliases in that dir
(e.g. .qmail-postmaster).

>>> *) I started qmail with qmail-start after shutting down svscan. (I tried to
>>> start svscan after that,
>> The qmailscanner have a bug.
> This has nothing whatsoever to do with qmail-scanner.

Good. But how do I shut it down? (See my original message.)

> -Dave

Maybe what Shirish said is true: "If you follow LWQ steps you probably
wouldn't have any problem." :-) Truth be told, I was going to use LWQ, but I
didn't remember its name, and I found the qmail HOWTO first. *sigh*

Nick Kocharhook -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

qmail install troubles

2001-03-20 Thread Nick Kocharhook

Hello, all. I have been trying to install qmail on a RedHat 6.2 box, but it
doesn't quite work, and the documentation, FAQs and HOWTOs haven't cleared
things up.

I was using the qmail HOWTO to guide my installation.
<> Everything went fine, no
errors. I chose Maildir over mbox. Then I got to step 11. While starting
/etc/rc.d/init.d/svscan (where I put the script) did start all the qmail
processes there were still two problems:

1. echo to: username | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject  did nothing.
2. there was nothing in /var/log/maillog (the mail log specified in

Then I stumbled across the fact that I needed .qmail files in the home
directories of users that intended to get mail, so I added those. They are
properly chowned and each contains only "./Maildir/".

I also tried a suggestion that I found in the archives of this list: I added
/var/qmail/bin to my path, and I executed 'qmail-start ./Maildir/ splogger
qmail &'.

Now #1 above works just fine, and username receives the mail in
~username/Maildir/new/. However, I still don't have any messages at all
about qmail in maillog (startup, mail sent, nothing), or in the rest of
/var/log/* for that matter.

A couple of other things:

*) LWQ, in step 2.8.5, mentions that I should use '/usr/local/sbin/qmail
start' to start qmail. But I don't have anything named qmail in
/usr/local/sbin/. Is this something one would use instead of services?

*) I started qmail with qmail-start after shutting down svscan. (I tried to
start svscan after that, but all I got was an error in maillog -- the only
thing printed in that file.) Before, I could stop the bevy of qmail
processes by typing '/etc/rc.d/init.d/svscan stop'. However, there is no
qmail-stop. How do I stop the processes properly? And if I'm not going to be
using svscan, how should I set up qmail to start at boot time? Just a script
w/ 'qmail-start' et al in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ with a corresponding link in

Thanks for any suggestions you can provide!

Nick Kocharhook -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Autoresponder help!!

2001-03-20 Thread Nick Papageorge

To put it in the words of a very happy person.


You were partially right.

What I had to do was keep: 

| /usr/local/bin/autorespond 1 5 

as one entire line and then add:

| /usr/local/bin/autorespond 1 5 

Boom, that's all it took!

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

Nick Papageorge

At 01:33 PM 3/20/2001 -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:
>Nick Papageorge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Well, I'm having massive problems actually getting it working.
>> I've tried creating a .qmail-nick:papageorge file and placing the
>> following line:
>> | /usr/local/bin/autorespond 1 5 
>I'm not sure which autoresponder you're using, or what arguments it takes.
>But with qmail, if you create a .qmail file to deliver to a script, you have
>to remember to add another line for deliveyr to a Maildir or mbox if the
>script itself doesn't save the message for you.
>In this case, you might want the .qmail-nick:papageorge file to contain:
>| /usr/local/bin/autorespond 1 5 
>i.e., one line to deliver to the autoresponder program, and a separate line
>delivering into the appropriate Maildir.
>Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>GPL'ed software available at:
>Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Autoresponder help!!

2001-03-20 Thread Nick Papageorge

Hi all,

I'm dealing with a bit of an issue here.  Forgive me if
I don't use the proper verbiage, I'm just starting out.

We have qmail installed, I gather that the set-up is
pretty standard.  We have specific domains and
within those folders, there are sub-folders for each
user's email address.  Mine is:


We also have a great deal of aliases, which in turn 
point to our specific and personal mail directories.

For example .qmail-nick has the following line in it:


Again, forgive me if I'm giving redundant information.

Anyway, my problem is that I need to do is set up an autoresponder
that will do the following when an email is sent to 

 - Respond with a message created by yours truly
 - Drop the email into my maildir
 - Allow me to check my email and see the message in my

This seems simple enough, right?

Well, I'm having massive problems actually getting it working.

I've tried creating a .qmail-nick:papageorge file and placing the
following line:

| /usr/local/bin/autorespond 1 5 

AND I've even tried the same with adding:


I've also tried using the web interface to create an autoresponder, 
which creates a NICK.PAPAGEORGE/ directory and, guess what,
it doesn't work..

I'm banging my head against a wall, and I need to get an autoresponder
up and working for the owner of our company (see the importance and
dire need to get this working?).

Any help will be overwhelmingly appreciated.

Nick Papageorge

Re: Alias not forwading to .qmail-foo-default

2001-03-18 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

"Todd A. Jacobs" wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, Peter van Dijk wrote:
> > Try .qmail-15dmziMUy-default instead.
> It doesn't work, regardless of whether I put it in ~alias or $HOME. I
> still get "no mailbox."
> It works fine if I forward to a real user. The point is that I want to
> forward it to another dot-qmail extension.
> --
> Todd A. Jacobs
> CodeGnome Consulting, LTD

Are your other aliases working properly (ie. root, postmaster,
mailer-daemon, etc.)?

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: virtual users without virtual domains?

2001-03-18 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

"Todd A. Jacobs" wrote:
> I realize this may sound like a silly question, but I'm trying to wrap my
> head around the whole virtual users facility, and am trying to understand
> whether I can set up virtual users without also setting up virtual
> domains.
> In my current setup, all account are real users delivered to
> I'm also interested in setting up virtual users (i.e. users
> without a login account) that are still part of the same domain as the
> real users (e.g. Is this possible, and if so, can the
> virtual users and real users all get their pop mail from the same pop
> daemon?
> --
> Todd A. Jacobs
> CodeGnome Consulting, LTD

You most certainly can.  The question here is how to authenticate both
users using the same pop server.  To do that, just make a unique user
and group for your virtual users.  Check out for a version of
checkpassword that can authenticate in this manner.  I also recommend
setting up all of your real users on the same interface as your virtual
users and then symbolically linking the mail directory to which the
virtual account would normally point to the real user's mail
directories.  Keep inherent permissions in mind here or you'll have a
big security hazard.  If you can't find a secure way of doing that, you
can always just write a shell script which will update the real users'
e-mail directories off from their virtual accounts and either make it a
command or throw it in your crontab.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Why does POP3 log "inetd ... exit status 1"

2001-03-17 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Milivoj Ivkovic wrote:
> >Changing "pop3" to "pop-3" breaks it as well, with another error I don't
> >understand:
> >   Mar  7 14:41:36 net1 inetd[418]: pop-3/tcp: bind: Address already in use
> >
> >The system is a redhat 6.2, in case it matters.

Hmmm . . . tricky.  Thinking back on my experience with RedHat (which,
by the way, I must say I very much dislike.  My rule of thumb: run
Slackware on anything less than a P3, Mandrake on anything greater, and
TurboLinux if you want to have fun. =) ) You are right trying to use
pop-3 instead of pop3 (thanks to Red Hat's seeming ability to aim
towards non-standards); but I wonder what is running there that the
address is already in use for?  Do these:

cat /etc/inetd.conf | grep pop
cat /etc/services | grep pop

and post the results.  We'll go from there.

> >Thank you,
> >
> >Milivoj
> >

BTW, you are telling inetd to re-read it's conf file with a SIGHUP after
making changes, aren't you?

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: system-aliases not found

2001-03-17 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

Eric Pretorious wrote:
> I've created the system-aliases (/var/qmail/alias/):
> -re-r--r-- 1 root root .qmail-root
> -re-r--r-- 1 root root .qmail-postmaster
> -re-r--r-- 1 root root .qmail-MAILER-DAEMON
> Each has the same contenets: the username 'eric' but qmail doesn't forward
> the messages to the $HOME/Mailbox in /home/eric.
> /var/log/maillog has the error message "Sorry,_no_mailbox_here... (#5.1.1)"
> Any thoughts?
> Eric P.
> Los Gatos, CA

Well, a few of you got the correct answer; but I'm afraid you have to be
more specific:

Eric, just add these lines to your /var/qmail/users/assign file:


and make sure you end the assign file with a line that just has a dot on
it and there is no other line in the file with just a dot.

To process this new assign file, do:


and you should be all set to go.

BTW, just keep those alias files as the username you're trying to
forward to ('eric') to reduce overhead resouce usage.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: HELP SMTP problem

2001-03-17 Thread Nick (Keith) Fish

vikas sinha wrote:
> I just installed qmail1.03-i386.rpm on my RedHat6.0(kernel 2.2.9)
> It seems SMTP is not working properly. When I try to send e-mail by pine.
>  It complained "SMTP greeting failure: 421 SMTP connection went away".

I believe Pine uses sendmail for it's MTA interface.  I'm not sure
whether your RPM file replaced the default sendmail program in place or
not, so you should double-check that this is so.  Just move the current
sendmail program (either in /usr/lib/sendmail or /usr/sbin/sendmail or
else try `locate sendmail`) to a backup file and then make a symbolic
link from that location to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail (adjust according to
where you installed qmail) by doing:

ln -s /var/qmail/bin/sendmail [location where you found sendmail such as

>  IF I try to telnet localhost 25, here is the response
>  telnet localhost 25
>  Trying
>  Connected to localhost.
>  Escape character is '^]'.
>  Connection closed by foreign host.

I'm going to assume you're using tcpd here.  First of all, make sure you
have this line (all one one line) in your /etc/inetd.conf file:

smtpstream  tcp nowait  qmaild  [location of tcpd such as 
again, if you're not sure: `locate tcpd`]   /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env

and that you have the following in your /etc/hosts.allow file:

tcp-env: setenv = RELAYCLIENT
tcp-env: (any other IP addresses you want to be able to relay) : setenv

then send tcpd (inetd) a SIGHUP signal:

ps auxw | grep inetd
kill -SIGHUP [proccess number of inetd]

> When i Checked the /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd status
> it showed
> 220 hostname ESMTP
> 502 unimplemenetd (#5.5.1)

Doesn't look like you setup your control files, either, which isn't a
big deal; but it's always nice:

echo -n [your domain name/IP address here] > /var/qmail/control/me
echo -n localhost > /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts
echo -n postmaster > /var/qmail/control/doublebounceto

Judging by these problems you're having, I might guess that you didn't
read much of any manual on qmail.  Try reading Life with Qmail
(, it's a world of help.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

Re: Qmail on FreebSD 4.2-STABLE

2001-02-05 Thread Nick

Now, if I had a $1  every time I have heard that one, then i'd be rich
enough to hire someone to set it up for you.



- Original Message -
From: Bruce Dang
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 6:27 PM
Subject: RE: Qmail on FreebSD 4.2-STABLE

Thanks everyone for helping out...I think it is going to work now :>...



re : user Masq

2001-02-04 Thread Nick

Ok someone in English please.
Where do i set in environment. ? what file
I'm lost

1.2. How do I set up user masquerading? I'd like my own From lines to

Answer: Add and MAILUSER=boss to your environment. To
override From lines supplied by your MUA, add QMAILINJECT=f to your


Site down?

2000-10-09 Thread Nick Lekic

It seems that site is down.
Anyone knows where I can download qmail, uscpi-tcp and daemontools from?

Thanks Nick

Secondary Mail Server

2000-09-26 Thread Nick Davies


Can someone help me understand secondary mail servers?  What do i do to
configure qmail to be a secondary server.  I understand the DNS stuff
(server preference and stuff) and i have a two qmail servers (one
configured and working as a primary mail server for a domain.



Nick Davies


2000-09-21 Thread Nick Davies


I'm running qmail on two machines (one slack 7.0 and one rh 6).  They
are both setup identically buy on the rh machine qmail's status doesn't
goto messages.   How do i get it to?



Nick Davies
Technical Director
Magnitude Ltd


2000-09-20 Thread Nick Davies

Can qmail be used on a office server without a permanent connection?  To
pull mail say every hour..



Nick Davies

Test, please disregard

2000-09-09 Thread Nick Lekic

@HOME e-mail system went down few days ago and e-mail from this list
just stopped flowing in.  Now they are back up but still nothing


Virtual domains

2000-09-01 Thread Nick Davies

Help :)

I've been trying to get virtualdomains working, but whenever i put a
virtualdomains file in control qmail refuses to start up.  I don't get
any errors or anything, it just doesn't show in ps.  It all works fine
without a virtualdomains file. Any ideas?


Nick Davies
Technical Director
t : 01423 529 700

Re: Mass virtual hosting with qmail

2000-06-15 Thread Nick Kew

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, clemensF wrote:

> > Nick Kew:
> > deal with it).  I don't want to have to add anything to rcpthosts
> > (or morercpthosts), locals or virtualdomains for every domain.
> you don't?  but then people might try to use your setup to base spamming
> on.

That had occurred to me.  However, I'm only planning to match rcpthosts
that conform to a specific pattern ( valet.* ), which considerably reduces
the potential usefulness to a spammer (or am I missing something)?  If
there is a problem I can incorporate an automatic DNS-based check.

Nick Kew

forwars. pop accounts dissappearing!!! help me..

2000-06-14 Thread Nick

OK.. i have a mail server
running qmail 1.03 vpopmail qmailadmin and 
this 1 user had some problems with his account on a 
when i created it i set is up as a forward. to 
forward this mail.
i also already had about 12 other forwards setup on 
this virtualdomain.
those all work fine but this one user does not. i 
recreated it over and over (yes the correct
.qmail files are being made by qmailadmin in the 
virtual-domain dir) and if i send e-mail 
to this address it vanishes (no errors in maillog) 
but all the other foewards work great
i added another forward to test it with a different 
account name and it works..
so then i said screw it and made it a POP account 
on this virtualdomian
same thing.. all outide mail vanishes.. all 
internal mail works.. yet a new different
pop account works fine 100% so its this one prefix 
that seems to be throwing the external mail away.. 
can anyone help me get this figured out?
i dont understand what is happening.. its like 
there is something hiding somewhere
saying "delete all e-mail to ever be delivered to 
this address" i doubt that is the case.
thanks alot

Mass virtual hosting with qmail

2000-06-14 Thread Nick Kew

I'm looking for a mass-virtual-hosting patch for qmail:

  (1) Has anyone written such a thing?
  (2) If not, does anyone else think it would be useful for me
  to write one?

In more detail, my requirement is for mass hosting at
(see for a preview).  I propose to offer
a co-branding scheme, under which resellers set up 
as a CNAME for my server, and offer the Site Valet service at their
own domain.

Hence I want qmail to accept mail for users @valet.[anything] and deliver
deliver locally to valet-hostname-username (where my own program will
deal with it).  I don't want to have to add anything to rcpthosts
(or morercpthosts), locals or virtualdomains for every domain.

Nick Kew

Test message. Please disregard

2000-05-28 Thread Nick Lekic

Test only

i-love-you-letter - Claus Farber.

2000-05-26 Thread Nick

Can we make it so the list wont accept his 
i have gotten 4 i-love-you-letter.vbs atachments 
from this guy
"Claus Farber"
and im sure hes posting them to the whole 


2000-02-29 Thread Nick Starai

Hello, we are having problems getting Exchange to work with our
qmail etrn setup.  Seems that exchange reads the headers, and not from the 
TO field.  The customer logs in, sends the trigger, and DOES recieve all
the mail, but the exchange server is denying it because of unknown
reciepient. (the user where ALL the mail for that domain goes to be picked
up must bebeing used.)  On another note, if their server is dialed
into us at the time mail is sent, it goes to the proper users inbox! 
Anyone have ideas or answers?? Thank you.

Re: AOL e-mail protocol (slightly off top)

1999-03-26 Thread Nick Moffitt

On Fri, Mar 26, 1999 at 09:07:25AM -0500, Julian L.C. Brown wrote:
> >Anyone know what protocol AOL uses for e-mail or where I could find
> >out more information?  I'd like to grab those users e-mail who have
> >AOL accounts and feed into my system.
> Yes, I know where to find the information you are looking for.  It
> is in RFC-AOLISCRAP.  You will find all sorts of useful information
> in that RFC, you will be thanking me!
> Friday's are always weird days for me, so I apologize for myself in
> advance.

Perhaps you could blame the following header on "Friday"?

X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 4.0.1

Every so often I go through my "trash" folder and find that
someone has posted to a mutt list using Eudora.  Fortunately I have
mutt put the trash folder at the end of the inbox search path.

Life is much easier when you don't need to read mail from
Windows users.

AOL users end up in /dev/null.  I don't even bother.

"The software is intended to be as unobtrusive, unintrusive and
unconstraining as possible.  In software as elsewhere, good
engineering is whatever gets the job done without calling attention to
itself." -- Cynbe ru Taren, on Citadel (