
i've  just installed the ezmlm 0.53 with idx 0.4 and 
tried to run  ezmlm-web.cgi. The problem is that the 
lists are always created in the /tmp dir. I tried to 
set up the  /var/qmail/alias dir in the  ezmlmwebrc, 
but  then  i  had  an   error with qmail [homedir is 
writeable]. This is  because the setuid of the  cgi- 
wrapper  isn't working correctly, so i had to change 
the dir mode to 777.

Here is the ls output of cgi-bin dir:
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         4096 Aug  1 15:26 ./
drwxr-xr-x   4 root     root         4096 Aug  1 15:19 ../
-rwsr-xr-x   1 alias    users       11411 Jul 31 12:38 ezmlm-startweb.cgi*

I thought that  this will  cause that  the script is 
running  under   the  user  alias  and  the  created  
directories will be  owned by him.  But all dirs are 
still created from wwwrun. 
Is there a special  setup needed  for apache, that i
can execute suid scripts?
Why are the dirs still created by wwwrun?

any solutions would be very helpful.

thanks in advance

ciao Lars

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