Re: [qmailadmin] vqsignup with logo

2003-12-25 Thread Evren Yurtesen
You should use the absolute path.
If you have the sys.gif in your cgi-bin directory, it wouldnt be read. ?
Put the logo to somewhere outside your cgi-bin directory and somewhere 
in htdocs path.? I might be wrong of course :)

zynkx wrote:

once again i apologise for the subject.

i already have vqsignup working fine, but i still have
one trouble.
i am trying to put a logo to work within the html pages
processed by the vqsignup.cgi, and the logo doesn show up.
the web server log is:

script not found or unable to stat: /www/cgi-bin/sys.gif
anyone has a clue about what is this all about?

all help welcome ;))

tanx once again


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[qmailadmin] nit picking qmailadmin (CVS from last night)

2003-12-25 Thread Rick Widmer
Now that I've taken a good look at the latest QmailAdmin - I love it!!
I gave it a pretty good workout and everything seems to work well under
normal operation.  It is looking very good!
I did find a way to mess things up though.  I logged in as root, cd'd
into one of my domain directories and opened one of the .qmail files
with vim.  That created a file  .qmail-robbie.sql owned by root with
0600 permissions - not readable by vpopmail.  Then I pointed QmailAdmin
into that domain and tried a few things...
With that file present the ShowMailinglists page has file permission
error at the top, and file permission error .qmail-robbie.swp in the
table of mailing lists.  Other than the error messages, the page paints
properly.  That's not unreasonable...
ShowForwards prints file permission error .qmail-robbie.swp at the top
of the page, the header file, then dies.  No list of valid entries, no
footer and no message in the error log.  Not so good...
I know this is a rather unusual situation, but I think that ShowForwards
should continue painting the page when it encounters the file error.  It
would be even better if both functions silently ignored files they can't
open.  There is no use bothering most of my QmailAdmin users with error
messages like that.
It might be a good idea to report the error to stderr.  (Which I belive
will show up in the Apache error_log.)
By the way, qmailadmin does not have a problem editing a user while I
have that users' .qmail file 'open' in vim.  (I did check. :)
Tom: I will get that patch to you in a day or two.  I wanted to get a
good look at QmailAdmin before I commit to something.  I was a bit
worried that  --enable-no-cache  might present a problem with moving the
  body tag in to header.html.  It appears that only affects header
generation, my modified template files do work with it enabled.
In the mean time, please take a look at this:

It is a list of all the ##tags that QmailAdmin handles.  I think it
might be good to name it README and put it in the directory with the
template files.
I was suprised to find that there are 11 tags that are never used in any
of the templates.