Looking through the template files in RC1 I see 26 files that start with:


Only main_menu.html starts with a style:

<style type="text/css">
a {color: black;}

Then we have just mod_mailinglist-idx.html which starts with:

  <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
  <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT">

It seems to me that if you are going to use a style sheet, or no-cache meta tags in one page, you should use them in all. So... I suggest they be moved into header.html.

The real reason I want to move those items is so I can also move all the </head> and <body... tags into the header. Once you do that you can place content above and/or around the qmailadmin content from header.html. Want your logo at the top of every qmailadmin page? No problem... just put it in the header and it appears above them all. Want links on the left like the rest of the site - start a table in header with the links in the leftmost column, then start a column for qmailadmin. Finally in the footer, close the cell, row and table.

I've done it here, and it seems to be working just fine. If you are interested I can send a patch.

a l s o . . .

In header.html we have <title>QmailAdmin ##H</title> but when I look in template.c I don't find a case for 'H'. I haven't ever seen anything but 'QmailAdmin' in the title. Am I missing something? Should the ##H be removed from header.html?

Finally, in template.c the case 'z' doesn't have a comment above it. (about line 608). It appears this is a special case domain name for the login page that fills in the domain name from &dom=, or possibly DOMAIN_AUTOFILL. I can try to supply a comment, but someone else probably has a better idea what to put there than I do.


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