Re: [qmailtoaster] Installation on Ubuntu

2007-02-11 Thread Gabriel Lai
Hi all,

The reason for me to choose Ubuntu instead of FC or CentOS is due to the 
hardware portion. I'm installing a RocketRaid 1520 Sata Raid Card, and the 
driver for FC and CentOS is making me frust, therefore Ubuntu came to my mind.

But, glad to say that I manage to install the driver this few days, and FC6 was 
able to installed into the Sata Hard Disk.

I love FC and CentOS, so, will be sticking with FC n CentOS too.. :)

- Original Message 
From: "Eric "Shubes"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 11:37:05 PM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Installation on Ubuntu

Gabriel Lai wrote:
> Hi all,
> Have anyone tried installation on Ubuntu? I would like to use this
> distro for QT, as Centos nor FC works on my machine, due to hardware
> incompatibility.
> Please comments

It'd be great if QT ran on an Ubuntu (or debian) server, but that hasn't
been done yet, and to be honest, it's a fairly low priority at this point.
Having to support a non-rpm based distro would simply tax the developers too
much, and functional enhancements would suffer. That's not to say it
couldn't be done though. I'd personally like to see this happen too. If
someone were to "just do it", I think the contribution would be welcomed. It
would need to be done in an automated fashion though, using tools that would
convert rpms to debs automatically. Such tools do exist, it's just that no
one (TTBOMK) has applied them yet.

In the meantime, I find it hard to believe that FC won't work on your
machine if Ubuntu would. What's the problem with it?

-Eric 'shubes'

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Re: [qmailtoaster] DKIM Status failed

2007-02-11 Thread David J.


Thank You for giving clues in my problem. How to set My DNS to cahanget the 
vlaue of s=private, into public one ...?? to verify the public key status.


David J.

- Original Message - 
From: "Vince Callaway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] DKIM Status failed

On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 20:20 +0700, David J. wrote:

Well if it has to be on private than it's fine, but how to make my
DKIM status recognized ..??

I checked your dns and everything looks correct.

I suggest visiting this site:  To
test.  It provides an address to test your mail.

The use of the word private in domainkeys has caused some confusion.
You are NOT publishing your private key.  You are publishing a public
key named private.

Your mail signature contains a value of s=private.  That tells the
receiver to do a dns lookup for to get
the public key to verify the signature.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] reverse dns

2007-02-11 Thread Ray Lance
What I do is request my colo provider to delegate rDNS for my little 
clump (2-8) of ips to my dns servers instead of theirs.  They do this by 
the rfc2317 CNAMEing.

Mark Samples wrote:

Jean-Paul van de Plasse wrote:

really, also quote the rest next time :)

While most rDNS entries only have one PTR record, it is perfectly 
legal to have many different PTR records[1]. For example, if a 
webserver supports many virtual hosts, there can be one PTR record 
for each host and some versions of name server software will 
automatically add a PTR record for each host. Multiple PTR records 
can cause a couple of problems, including triggering bugs in programs 
that only expect there to ever be a single PTR record and, in the 
case of a large webserver, having hundreds of PTR records can cause 
the DNS packets to be much larger than normal.

Perfectly legal, and can cause a couple of problems .. (jk)

Anyways, You are mixing up 2 things..

Yes and no.
Yes in the sense that a provider should be able to do classless (this 
is so I won't have to call them everytime
I want to change my dns, not that this will be donw that often, just 
don't want to mess with the bureacracy
and want to maintain dns in my own maintenance window, not theirs).  
This is my maintenance issue.

The rfc2317 is part of the overall solution, i.e. put inplace those 
compliances that let my mail server react with
other mail servers, so I can minimize my mail problems (i.e. be 
proactive in playing in the overall sandbox), for any mail customers I 
have.  The truth of the matter is, you are right, most do not do this, 
but with MS's self image of being the sole motivator of innovation, 
one can probably expect anomalies such as this appear
off and on, so whether or not I agree with that is beside the point, 
if I want to play in that sandbox (personally
I don't care, but my  customers do), I have to have in place the 
pieces that accomodate this interaction.  Unless
I wait until it happens again and have 8 godzillian complaints because 
they cannot send to hotmail, complaints are bad, especially if you can 
prevent them.

In order to implement the rfc2317 part, one has to be able to control 
their own dns, especially the reverse delegation.  One can easily 
control their forward delegation, it's the reverse that is the trick, 
unless you yourself control say an entire class C.  If you do not it 
is (for what I want to do) imperative the provider
accomodates classless delegation, some you can control your own dns 
segment.  The main solution everyone
describes works fine for me also, it is working right now.  But server 
farms and large volume mail servers
attract crap mail, users that want to send all kinds of mass mail (I 
am also aware that qmail can control this
also, have utilized it), which causes receivers of this unwanted crap 
mail to tag it as spam in the receiving

ends spam methodology.  This is a whole other subject.

I am a lazy administrator/programmer, if I know a user can (and will) 
produce a particular anomaly before
they do it, I want to be pro-active to circumvent that problem prior 
to it happening, I would rather do work
up front and be prepared, than wait until I encounter the problem 
again, i.e. if you know you have a high probablility of having a fire, 
it is better you have the extinguishers on hand before you open your 

In summary, my original inquiry was about classless delegation, and if 
anyone using qmail in a similar colocation situation uses it, in my 
neck of the woods, even though they say they can do it, the reality is 
tell you can just to make the sale, and then try to re-negoitate it 
after the fact.  I have to have this in order
to do the other, unless I put in requests and run the gaunlet every 
time I want a dns update (I do not need

my provider to manage my segment).


I am looking into how common classless delegation is and if it is 
reasonable to ask a provider to do it.  It appears in this neck of the 
woods, they know very little about it (in most cases, they want you to 
believe otherwise).  I think probably I should take this to another 
forum, I am an avid qmail admin/user, and maybe
combining these two issues here is occupying unnecessary bandwidth, 
because the same thing could effect
other mail servers, not just qmail.  I ask here, to see if anyone was 
running under similar circumstances.  And
if they have encountered the same problems obtaining classless 
delegation.  I will still run qmail.

The issue in regards to this, is that several web server farms already 
let one manage their own dns, seems
like I should be able to do it on a mail server (the implementation 
should be the same).

Classless reverse (rfc 2317) has nothing todo with multimple ptr 
And well if multiple ptr record

Re: [qmailtoaster] reverse dns

2007-02-11 Thread Eric \"Shubes\"
Erik A. Espinoza wrote:
> Nah,
> Static IP's are better for mail servers. Especially when you take
> DomainKeys, spf, and other things into account that require knowing
> the source.
> Erik
> On 2/10/07, Vince Callaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm running several servers on dynamic IP's.  The reverse DNS is not
>> important for those.
>> Your upstream provider should be able to provide you with a mail server
>> you can relay through.  QT is setup to do that with no issues.
>> As for DNS I use It is $6.95 a year for 1 to 5
>> domains.  They have a web interface that is simple to use and I control
>> everything.  Their nameservers are hosted in two different parts of the
>> country.  Something I feel is important.  They also support dynamic IP.
>> I personally feel that using static IPs is just bad policy.  Sometime
>> soon I will share with this group a disaster recorvery plan I'm working
>> on for my clients.  It outlines why hosting DNS yourself and static IPs
>> are bad.

I'd be interested to see this, Vince. While dynamic IPs do have their
problems (rejection by RBLs that list dynamic addresses being a big one),
SPF and DomainKeys aren't problems that I've experienced on a dynamic address.

-Eric 'shubes'

 QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted 
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Re: [qmailtoaster] reverse dns

2007-02-11 Thread Mark Samples

Jean-Paul van de Plasse wrote:

really, also quote the rest next time :)

While most rDNS entries only have one PTR record, it is perfectly 
legal to have many different PTR records[1]. For example, if a 
webserver supports many virtual hosts, there can be one PTR record for 
each host and some versions of name server software will automatically 
add a PTR record for each host. Multiple PTR records can cause a 
couple of problems, including triggering bugs in programs that only 
expect there to ever be a single PTR record and, in the case of a 
large webserver, having hundreds of PTR records can cause the DNS 
packets to be much larger than normal.

Perfectly legal, and can cause a couple of problems .. (jk)

I didn't quote, just gave the url where the gasoline is, and threw a 
match in :)

Draw your own conclusions..., anyways food for thought.

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Re: [qmailtoaster] reverse dns

2007-02-11 Thread Jean-Paul van de Plasse

Hi Mark,

As said, I get a classless delegation from my colo provider.
For them it is just one entry in their dns ...
So in my opinion any colo provider should do this without a problem.
Unless they just do not know their biz, and that could make you wonder if 
you want to be with them anyways :).


- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Samples" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] reverse dns

Jean-Paul van de Plasse wrote:

really, also quote the rest next time :)

While most rDNS entries only have one PTR record, it is perfectly legal 
to have many different PTR records[1]. For example, if a webserver 
supports many virtual hosts, there can be one PTR record for each host 
and some versions of name server software will automatically add a PTR 
record for each host. Multiple PTR records can cause a couple of 
problems, including triggering bugs in programs that only expect there to 
ever be a single PTR record and, in the case of a large webserver, having 
hundreds of PTR records can cause the DNS packets to be much larger than 

Perfectly legal, and can cause a couple of problems .. (jk)

Anyways, You are mixing up 2 things..

Yes and no.
Yes in the sense that a provider should be able to do classless (this is 
so I won't have to call them everytime
I want to change my dns, not that this will be donw that often, just don't 
want to mess with the bureacracy
and want to maintain dns in my own maintenance window, not theirs).  This 
is my maintenance issue.

The rfc2317 is part of the overall solution, i.e. put inplace those 
compliances that let my mail server react with
other mail servers, so I can minimize my mail problems (i.e. be proactive 
in playing in the overall sandbox), for any mail customers I have.  The 
truth of the matter is, you are right, most do not do this, but with MS's 
self image of being the sole motivator of innovation, one can probably 
expect anomalies such as this appear
off and on, so whether or not I agree with that is beside the point, if I 
want to play in that sandbox (personally
I don't care, but my  customers do), I have to have in place the pieces 
that accomodate this interaction.  Unless
I wait until it happens again and have 8 godzillian complaints because 
they cannot send to hotmail, complaints are bad, especially if you can 
prevent them.

In order to implement the rfc2317 part, one has to be able to control 
their own dns, especially the reverse delegation.  One can easily control 
their forward delegation, it's the reverse that is the trick, unless you 
yourself control say an entire class C.  If you do not it is (for what I 
want to do) imperative the provider
accomodates classless delegation, some you can control your own dns 
segment.  The main solution everyone
describes works fine for me also, it is working right now.  But server 
farms and large volume mail servers
attract crap mail, users that want to send all kinds of mass mail (I am 
also aware that qmail can control this
also, have utilized it), which causes receivers of this unwanted crap mail 
to tag it as spam in the receiving

ends spam methodology.  This is a whole other subject.

I am a lazy administrator/programmer, if I know a user can (and will) 
produce a particular anomaly before
they do it, I want to be pro-active to circumvent that problem prior to it 
happening, I would rather do work
up front and be prepared, than wait until I encounter the problem again, 
i.e. if you know you have a high probablility of having a fire, it is 
better you have the extinguishers on hand before you open your doors

In summary, my original inquiry was about classless delegation, and if 
anyone using qmail in a similar colocation situation uses it, in my neck 
of the woods, even though they say they can do it, the reality is they
tell you can just to make the sale, and then try to re-negoitate it after 
the fact.  I have to have this in order
to do the other, unless I put in requests and run the gaunlet every time I 
want a dns update (I do not need

my provider to manage my segment).

I am looking into how common classless delegation is and if it is 
reasonable to ask a provider to do it.  It appears in this neck of the 
woods, they know very little about it (in most cases, they want you to 
believe otherwise).  I think probably I should take this to another forum, 
I am an avid qmail admin/user, and maybe
combining these two issues here is occupying unnecessary bandwidth, 
because the same thing could effect
other mail servers, not just qmail.  I ask here, to see if anyone was 
running under similar circumstances.  And
if they have encountered the same problems obtaining classless delegation. 
I will still run qmail.


The issue in regards to this, is that s

Re: [qmailtoaster] reverse dns

2007-02-11 Thread Mark Samples

Jean-Paul van de Plasse wrote:

really, also quote the rest next time :)

While most rDNS entries only have one PTR record, it is perfectly 
legal to have many different PTR records[1]. For example, if a 
webserver supports many virtual hosts, there can be one PTR record for 
each host and some versions of name server software will automatically 
add a PTR record for each host. Multiple PTR records can cause a 
couple of problems, including triggering bugs in programs that only 
expect there to ever be a single PTR record and, in the case of a 
large webserver, having hundreds of PTR records can cause the DNS 
packets to be much larger than normal.

Perfectly legal, and can cause a couple of problems .. (jk)

Anyways, You are mixing up 2 things..

Yes and no.
Yes in the sense that a provider should be able to do classless (this is 
so I won't have to call them everytime
I want to change my dns, not that this will be donw that often, just 
don't want to mess with the bureacracy
and want to maintain dns in my own maintenance window, not theirs).  
This is my maintenance issue.

The rfc2317 is part of the overall solution, i.e. put inplace those 
compliances that let my mail server react with
other mail servers, so I can minimize my mail problems (i.e. be 
proactive in playing in the overall sandbox), for any mail customers I 
have.  The truth of the matter is, you are right, most do not do this, 
but with MS's self image of being the sole motivator of innovation, one 
can probably expect anomalies such as this appear
off and on, so whether or not I agree with that is beside the point, if 
I want to play in that sandbox (personally
I don't care, but my  customers do), I have to have in place the pieces 
that accomodate this interaction.  Unless
I wait until it happens again and have 8 godzillian complaints because 
they cannot send to hotmail, complaints are bad, especially if you can 
prevent them.

In order to implement the rfc2317 part, one has to be able to control 
their own dns, especially the reverse delegation.  One can easily 
control their forward delegation, it's the reverse that is the trick, 
unless you yourself control say an entire class C.  If you do not it is 
(for what I want to do) imperative the provider
accomodates classless delegation, some you can control your own dns 
segment.  The main solution everyone
describes works fine for me also, it is working right now.  But server 
farms and large volume mail servers
attract crap mail, users that want to send all kinds of mass mail (I am 
also aware that qmail can control this
also, have utilized it), which causes receivers of this unwanted crap 
mail to tag it as spam in the receiving

ends spam methodology.  This is a whole other subject.

I am a lazy administrator/programmer, if I know a user can (and will) 
produce a particular anomaly before
they do it, I want to be pro-active to circumvent that problem prior to 
it happening, I would rather do work
up front and be prepared, than wait until I encounter the problem again, 
i.e. if you know you have a high probablility of having a fire, it is 
better you have the extinguishers on hand before you open your doors

In summary, my original inquiry was about classless delegation, and if 
anyone using qmail in a similar colocation situation uses it, in my neck 
of the woods, even though they say they can do it, the reality is they
tell you can just to make the sale, and then try to re-negoitate it 
after the fact.  I have to have this in order
to do the other, unless I put in requests and run the gaunlet every time 
I want a dns update (I do not need

my provider to manage my segment).

I am looking into how common classless delegation is and if it is 
reasonable to ask a provider to do it.  It appears in this neck of the 
woods, they know very little about it (in most cases, they want you to 
believe otherwise).  I think probably I should take this to another 
forum, I am an avid qmail admin/user, and maybe
combining these two issues here is occupying unnecessary bandwidth, 
because the same thing could effect
other mail servers, not just qmail.  I ask here, to see if anyone was 
running under similar circumstances.  And
if they have encountered the same problems obtaining classless 
delegation.  I will still run qmail.


The issue in regards to this, is that several web server farms already 
let one manage their own dns, seems
like I should be able to do it on a mail server (the implementation 
should be the same).

Classless reverse (rfc 2317) has nothing todo with multimple ptr 
And well if multiple ptr records help, I am intressted, but as far as 
my knowledge goes, the only test is if there is a ptr record at all..


- Original Message - From: "Mark Samples" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>