Re: New plugin to filter bounces of for mails I did not sent Was Filter bounce mails with forged domains

2007-04-25 Thread James Turnbull


The best place for the plug-in is to add it to the Wiki -


James Turnbull

James Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author of Pro Nagios 2.0

Hardening Linux
PGP Key (

New plugin to filter bounces of for mails I did not sent Was Filter bounce mails with forged domains

2007-04-25 Thread Werner Fleck
Now I've made my own plugin fo filter those bounces. I took the 
rcpt_regexp plugin and modified it, that it only handles bounce mails, 
i.e. mails where the envelope sender is "<>". The plugin is attached to 
this message.


Werner Fleck schrieb:


The spammers who take my domain name in vain tend to use a random 
username for the emails, so I reject bounces sent to non-existent 
users with a special message that says "Looks like you're bouncing a 
mail witha spoofed sender - if you'd consider checking SPF records you 
could have rejectd this spam much easier".

This gets rid of almost all the bad bounces (except where 
'random-name' gets lucky) but this does rely on the fact that I have 
access to the list of valid recipients, which may not be the case with 
your domains.



I'm using a different email address for almost every party I communicate 
with. This way I can trace who is giving away my email address and I can 
block an address if it is misused. The drawback is, that I cannot use 
something like check_goodrcptto because I do not know all the addresses 
I have given away.


use Qpsmtpd::Constants;

sub hook_mail {
  my ($self, $transaction, $sender) = @_;

  return (DECLINED) unless ($sender->format eq "<>");

  $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "sender is <>");

  return (DECLINED);

sub hook_rcpt {
my ($self, $transaction, $recipient) = @_;
return (DECLINED)
  unless $recipient->host && $recipient->user;

my $note = $transaction->notes('bounce');
return DECLINED unless $note;

my $rcpt = lc $recipient->user . '@' . $recipient->host;
my ($re, $const, $comment, $str, $ok, $err);

foreach ($self->qp->config("bounce_rcpt_regexp")) {
($re, $const, $comment) = split /\s+/, $_, 3;
$str = undef;
if ($re =~ m#^/(.*)/$#) {
$re = $1;
$ok = eval { $re = qr/$re/i; };
if ($@) {
($err = $@) =~ s/\s*at \S+ line \d+\.\s*$//;
$self->log(LOGWARN, "REGEXP '$re' not valid: $err");
$re = $ok;
else {
$str = lc $re;

unless (defined $const) {
$self->(LOGWARN, "rcpt_regexp - no return code");

$ok= $const;
$const = Qpsmtpd::Constants::return_code($const);
unless (defined $const) {
   "rcpt_regexp - '$ok' is not a valid "
 . "constant, ignoring this line"

if (defined $str) {
next unless $str eq $rcpt;
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "String $str matched $rcpt, returning $ok");
else {
next unless $rcpt =~ $re;
$self->log(LOGDEBUG, "RE $re matched $rcpt, returning $ok");

return ($const, $comment);
return (DECLINED);

=head1 NAME

bounce_rcpt_regexp - check recipients of a bounce mail against a list of 
regular expressions


When B finds a bounce mail, i.e. one that has "<>" as the 
envelope sender, it reads a list of regular expressions, return codes and 
from the I config file. If the regular expression does NOT match
I, it is used as a string which is compared with I.
The recipient addresses are checked against this list, and if the first 
matches, the return code from that line and the comment are returned to
qpsmtpd. Return code can be any valid plugin return code from 
Qpsmtpd::Constants. Matching is always done case insenstive. 


The config file I contains lines with a perl RE, including 
"/"s, a return code and a comment, which will be returned to the sender, if 
the code is not OK or DECLINED. Example:

  # bounce_rcpt_regexp - config for rcpt_regexp plugin
  /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/DECLINED   Fall through to next rcpt plugin
  /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/   DECLINED   Fall through to next rcpt plugin
  /.*/  DENY   No such account - checking SPF 
records would prevent bouncing of joe-job emails


This plugin is based on the plugin B by Hanno Becker.

Copyright (c) 2005 Hanno Hecker

Copyright (c) 2007 Werner Fleck

This plugin is licensed under the same terms as the qpsmtpd package itself.
Please see the LICENSE file included with qpsmtpd for details.


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