Re: [Qt-creator] Font size in Qt Creator 4.5.1 in Wayland

2018-03-01 Thread Aleksey Kontsevich
Letter was missed for some reason, sending again:
For me in Xorg on big monitor I have very small fonts and GUI elements. Known 
issue and it is not clear to me why Hi/LowDPI Qt improvements work fine in all 
Qt/KDE applications but not in Qt Creator and Qt Maintenance Tool? Think this 
issue could be fixed by applying modern UI style like Qt Curve or Breeze, but 
Qt Creator does not allow this for now:

Reported issue:
Hope this will be fixed. Not comfortable to work with such very small elements.

Best regards,
Linked in

24.02.2018, 18:06, "" :
> Hi,
> When I launch Qt Creator 4.5.1 in a Wayland session, it has a
> disturbingly enormous font size on its menus and GUI elements. This
> doesn't happen on Xorg, though.
> Is this a known issue or should I report a bug?
> Is there a workaround?
> Thanks & best regards,
> Timur
> ___
> Qt-creator mailing list

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Font size in Qt Creator 4.5.1 in Wayland

2018-03-01 Thread Aleksey Kontsevich
Letter was missed for some reason, sending again:---For me in Xorg on big monitor I have very small fonts and GUI elements. Known issue and it is not clear to me why Hi/LowDPI Qt improvements work fine in all Qt/KDE applications but not in Qt Creator and Qt Maintenance Tool? Think this issue could be fixed by applying modern UI style like Qt Curve or Breeze, but Qt Creator does not allow this for now: Reported issue: this will be fixed. Not comfortable to work with such very small elements. --Best regards,AlekseyLinked in  24.02.2018, 18:06, "" :Hi,When I launch Qt Creator 4.5.1 in a Wayland session, it has adisturbingly enormous font size on its menus and GUI elements. Thisdoesn't happen on Xorg, though.Is this a known issue or should I report a bug?Is there a workaround?Thanks & best regards,Timur___Qt-creator mailing listQt-creator@qt-project.org  Конец пересылаемого сообщения   -- Best regards,AlekseyLinked in ___
Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Requesting repository for telemetry plugin in Qt Creator

2018-03-01 Thread Davide Coppola
Personally I believe there's nothing wrong in collecting anonymous user
stats as long it's clear what's collected and there's some option that
allows to opt-out at any time.

Considering the open nature of Qt Creator an extra requirement is probably
making such stats publicly available, even just as aggregated results.

My 2c

On 22 February 2018 at 12:04, Tino Pyssysalo  wrote:

> Description:
> Telemetry plugin (frontend) to collect usage data from Qt Creator to help 
> improving Qt, Qt features, and Qt tools.
> Non-personal data items, such as duration the user spent in design mode, will 
> be collected in a way, which is completely transparent to the user.
> Responsible: Tino Pyssysalo
> Repository: qt-creator/plugin-telemetry
> ---
> Tino Pyssysalo
> Senior Manager
> The Qt Company
> Hämeenkatu 14 C 25
> 33100 Tampere, Finland
> +358 40 8615475 <+358%2040%208615475>
> The future is Written with Qt
> ---
> ___
> Qt-creator mailing list

*Davide Coppola*


Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Using Qt Creator for legacy ObjectiveC++ project

2018-03-01 Thread Eike Ziller
Hi, great that you were able to use Qt Creator for that!

A few notes:

QMake has a separate variable for Objective-C/++ sources called  
OBJECTIVE_SOURCES. Not sure if it makes a difference in Qt Creator though (or 
if we only care about the file extension).

I suppose you can get rid of your INCLUDEPATH and links if you set the Sysroot 
in your kit to 

Br, Eike

> On 28. Feb 2018, at 23:29, Henry Skoglund  wrote:
> Hi,
> reading some recent posts about reusing Qt Creator for other project flavors 
> than Qt/C++, on a lark I decided to try it on my 6 year old ObjectiveC++ LOB 
> app (about 20K SLOC) and it's working great.
> I inserted a .pro file with some HEADERS += and SOURCES += in the directory, 
> doubleclicked on it and voila, I can use Qt Creator to edit those old .mm 
> files (I need to rescale the UI for iPhone X and stuff like that). It's a 
> relief not having to work in Xcode, the current version 9.2 sometimes feels 
> like waiting for Deep Thought to answer.
> A few things in case someone else endeavors to do the same: to get 
> IntelliSense to work with all the NSxxx types (which is great, then Qt 
> Creator can auto-expand [myString stringByAppendingString:myOtherString] and 
> other similar API calls for you) you need to get #includes like these up and 
> running:
> #import 
> #import 
> #import 
> because Qt Creator will complain: "not found". I think Xcode does some 
> tweaking with the include paths into /Applications/Xcode to get those 
> #includes to work, here's what I did:
> inserted this in the pro file:
> /Applications/
> # (you gotta love Apple for those "simple" directory trees)
> and created these symbolic links inside the
> cd 
> /Applications/
> sudo ln -s CoreData.framework/Headers CoreData
> sudo ln -s Foundation.framework/Headers Foundation
> sudo ln -s MessageUI.framework/Headers MessageUI
> sudo ln -s UIKit.framework/Headers UIKit
> sudo ln -s UserNotificaitons.framework/Headers UserNotifications
> Those will probably vanish when Xcode 9.3 or 10.0 arrives, but they're easy 
> to reapply.
> The code model still complains about some minor things in XCode's files, 
> currently I have these 2:
> "expecting a type" for NSComparator in NSArray.h in line 74:
> - (NSArray *)sortedArrayUsingComparator:(NSComparator 
> NS_NOESCAPE)cmptr API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6), ios(4.0), watchos(2.0), 
> tvos(9.0));
> "nullability specifier _Nullable" cannot be applied to non-pointer type 
> 'uuid_t' (aka 'unsigned char [16]') in NSUUID.h line 26:
> - (instancetype)initWithUUIDBytes:(const uuid_t _Nullable)bytes;
> but I can click that green "Minimize" button in the top right corner to hide 
> those errors and carry on working anyway.
> Finally, got one question:
> who's Uncle Bob? (he's listed as one of the Code Model's configurations :-)
> Rgrds Henry
> ___
> Qt-creator mailing list

Eike Ziller
Principal Software Engineer

The Qt Company GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 13
D-12489 Berlin
Geschäftsführer: Mika Pälsi,
Juha Varelius, Mika Harjuaho
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin, Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 
144331 B

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