Re: [Qt-creator] Creator, debugging, and Windows virus scanners

2016-08-17 Thread David Schulz


please use a code paster next time.

It has nothing to do with the Microsoft Symbol Server. That one is used 
if you debug your application with cdb.

Your assumption about the virus scanner is most probably correct. If you 
have a look at the long time spans in your log, you can see that they 
are in most cases directly in front of a "library is loaded" message.

Check with your IT department if they can whitelist your development 
folder and check whether that helps.



On 17-Aug-16 13:01, Murphy, Sean wrote:

Could you paste the content of the right side pane of the debugger log
>somewhere? The debugger log can be enabled under Window -> Views ->
>Debugger Log while in debug mode. Please also enable "Log Time Stamps"
>from the debugger log context menu.
>My first guess would be that the communication with the Microsoft symbol
>server is blocked and times out for every symbol file that is looked up,
>but the log will tell more about that;)

Sure, here it is:

Qt-creator mailing list

Re: [Qt-creator] Creator, debugging, and Windows virus scanners

2016-08-17 Thread Murphy, Sean
> Could you paste the content of the right side pane of the debugger log
> somewhere? The debugger log can be enabled under Window -> Views ->
> Debugger Log while in debug mode. Please also enable "Log Time Stamps"
> from the debugger log context menu.
> My first guess would be that the communication with the Microsoft symbol
> server is blocked and times out for every symbol file that is looked up,
> but the log will tell more about that ;)

Sure, here it is:

t06:55:04.941 [636144ms]
sStarting debugger "GdbEngine" for ABI "x86-windows-msys-pe-32bit"...
dStart parameters: 'MyApp' mode: 1
dABI: x86-windows-msys-pe-32bit
dLanguages: c++ 
dDirectory: C:\Users\smurphy\Documents\Walbro\pctools\build-MyApp-Qt_5_3_2-Debug
dDebugger: C:\Qt_5_3_2\Tools\mingw482_32\bin\gdb.exe
dProject: C:\Users\smurphy\Documents\Walbro\pctools\MyAppAddtional Search 
dRemote: :0
dDebug Source Location: 
dDebugger settings: 
dWarnOnReleaseBuilds: true  (default: true)
dIdentifyDebugInfoPackages: false  (default: false)
dIntelFlavor: false  (default: false)
dBreakpointCorrection: true  (default: true)
dCDB_Console: false  (default: false)
dLoadGdbInit: true  (default: true)
dIgnoreFirstChanceAccessViolation: false  (default: false)
dAttemptQuickStart: false  (default: false)
dLoadGdbDumpers2: false  (default: false)
dGdbPostAttachCommands:   (default: )
dGdbStartupCommands:   (default: )
dExtraDumperFile:   (default: )
dAlwaysAdjustColumnWidths: true  (default: true)
dAdditionalArguments:   (default: )
dGdbCustomDumperCommands:   (default: )
dSourcePaths:   (default: )
dSymbolPaths:   (default: )
dBreakOnCrtDbgReport: false  (default: false)
dBreakEvent:   (default: )
dUseToolTips: true  (default: true)
dShowThreadNames: false  (default: false)
dUseToolTipsInBreakpointsView: true  (default: false)  ***
dUseToolTipsInLocalsView: false  (default: false)
dUseAddressInBreakpointsView: false  (default: false)
dUseToolTipsInBreakpointsView: true  (default: true)
dRegisterForPostMortem: false  (default: false)
dUseAddressInStackView: false  (default: false)
dCloseMemoryBuffersOnExit: true  (default: true)
dCloseBuffersOnExit: false  (default: false)
dBreakpointsFullPath: false  (default: false)
dSwitchModeOnExit: true  (default: false)  ***
dStationaryEditorWhileStepping: false  (default: false)
dRaiseOnInterrupt: true  (default: true)
dUseCodeModel: true  (default: true)
dUseDebuggingHelper: true  (default: true)
dUseAlternatingRowColours: false  (default: false)
dUseMessageBoxForSignals: true  (default: true)
dFontSizeFollowsEditor: false  (default: false)
dAutoQuit: false  (default: false)
dLogTimeStamps: true  (default: false)  ***
dQmlInspector.ShowAppOnTop: false  (default: false)
dSelectedPluginBreakpointsPattern: .*  (default: .*)
dNoPluginBreakpoints: false  (default: false)
dBreakOnCatch: false  (default: false)
dBreakOnThrow: false  (default: false)
dBreakOnFatal: false  (default: false)
dBreakOnWarning: false  (default: false)
dShowQmlObjectTree: true  (default: true)
dBreakOnAbort: false  (default: false)
dDisplayStringLimit: 100  (default: 100)
dMaximalStringLength: 1  (default: 1)
dEnableReverseDebugging: false  (default: false)
dSkipKnownFrames: false  (default: false)
dAllPluginBreakpoints: true  (default: true)
dAdjustBreakpointLocations: true  (default: true)
dSelectedPluginBreakpoints: false  (default: false)
dMaximalStackDepth: 20  (default: 20)
dShowStandardNamespace: true  (default: true)
dShowQObjectNames: false  (default: false)
dShowQtNamespace: true  (default: true)
dAutoDerefPointers: true  (default: true)
dSortStructMembers: true  (default: true)
dAutoEnrichParameters: true  (default: true)
dWatchdogTimeout: 20  (default: 20)
dTargetAsync: false  (default: false)
dUseDynamicType: true  (default: true)
dMultiInferior: false  (default: false)
t06:55:04.950 [9ms]
dState changed from DebuggerNotReady(0) to EngineSetupRequested(1) [master]
t06:55:04.982 [32ms]
dSTARTING C:/Qt_5_3_2/Tools/mingw482_32/bin/gdb.exe -i mi 
t06:55:05.086 [104ms]
t06:55:05.087 [1ms]
<142show version
<143show debug-file-directory
<144set print object on
t06:55:05.088 [1ms]
<145set breakpoint pending on
<146set print elements 1
t06:55:05.089 [1ms]
<147handle SIGSEGV nopass stop print
<148set unwindonsignal on
<149set width 0
<150set height 0
sSetting up inferior...
<151set substitute-path C:/work/build/qt5_workdir/w/s 
t06:55:05.441 [1ms]
<152set substitute-path Q:/qt5_workdir/w/s C:/Qt_5_3_2/5.3/mingw482_32

Re: [Qt-creator] Creator, debugging, and Windows virus scanners

2016-08-16 Thread David Schulz


Could you paste the content of the right side pane of the debugger log 
somewhere? The debugger log can be enabled under Window -> Views -> 
Debugger Log while in debug mode. Please also enable "Log Time Stamps" 
from the debugger log context menu.

My first guess would be that the communication with the Microsoft symbol 
server is blocked and times out for every symbol file that is looked up, 
but the log will tell more about that ;)



On 16-Aug-16 18:03, Murphy, Sean wrote:

I'm not sure if anyone has a solution here, I'm working this with our IT people 
in parallel, but figured I'd ask here as well in case anyone had any ideas.

Our IT people recently changed our virus scanner software (or at minimum changed the settings). 
We're using Trend Micro OfficeScan. After this change, running the application I'm developing in 
debug mode is painfully slow. It appears the slowness is as DLLs are loaded into the debugger. I 
think might be related to the "Real-Time Scan" mode that the virus scanner does, 
according to Trend Micro's website is: "Real-time Scan is a persistent and ongoing scan. Each 
time a file is received, opened, downloaded, copied, or modified, Real-time Scan scans the file for 
security risks." I'm not 100% sure that's the only thing going on though...

Some times I've recorded:
   Test #   Debug Mode Time  Release Mode Time
   1 42 4
   2 134   1.6
   3 17 0.7
All times in seconds

Test 1: I have the application already compiled in correct mode, and then press the "Start 
Debugging F5"/ "Run CTRL + R" icon as applicable. The time is from press of that 
button until application is fully launched.

Test 2: Application is launched, I click on my File->Open QAction to bring up a 
QFileDialog. Time is from click on the QAction until QFileDialog is fully shown 
and usable. In debug mode, this is so slow, I can actually see multiple paint 
events happening, and there's a point where the dialog is fully visible, but the 
cursor isn't active yet in the line edit. The main delay seems to be a various 
DLLs are being loaded in the debugging session. The debugger status line (not sure 
what the official term is) in Creator shows DLLs being loaded, and those occur 
slow enough that I can read each DLL being loaded. But this step takes over 2 
minutes! You can imagine how much that slows down debugging my code when I need to 
load in the correct file, and I'm waiting over 2 minutes each time I iterate 
through change code, compile, run, debug, change code again...

Test 3: After canceling the file dialog in test 2, clicking the same File->Open 
QAction in Test 2. So basically I'm just repeating Test 2 a second time, but in 
this case the DLLs have already been loaded.

I can't change OS, nor can I change the scan settings myself (corporate 
policies). If I can give them enough details to go on, they might be able to 
set up a scan exclusion to help me out, but I need the details of what to give 
them. Does anyone have any thoughts?


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