2011-05-10 Thread ladynotes
Everybody will be astonished when you stop smoking easily!. 


2011-05-10 Thread wheelchair
I talked with Catherine Gordon-product manager at Beutvich Labs, just north 
 of Chicago at 800-238-8542 regarding the product CEO-TWO and was advised 
very  little, outside information at their website.  Catherine was pleasant 
to  speak with and she said the product was being used as a substitute for 
the Magic  Bullet.
Actually, she explained that the product was being re-launched after being  
off the shelves because of production issues that faced the Magic Bullet, 
but  now available.
Catherine was not able to provide any medical groups or users groups or  
clinical studies of the product, but said that it was a good product.  I  
asked if she ever used the product and she would not answer.
Some free samples are available if you pay the shipping and they offer a  
complete money back if the product is NOT to your satisfaction.
I asked if anyone could call her regarding the product and she said yes, of 
Catherine Gordon
800-238-8542 tel.
Best Wishes

[QUAD-L] Fentanyl Patch

2011-05-10 Thread greg
I am going to try the Fentanyl Patch again. I tried once and it did not help at 
all, but I do not think I went high enough. I'm switching from MS-Contin. It 
works great and I should probably just keep it, but it just causes to many 
stomach issues. Constipation, Gas, and just slows everything down A Lot. The 
Patch can also, but just not nearly as much I'm told. And only having to change 
it every 3 days sounds nice too. If it does not work, I'm thinking of maybe 
trying the pump. Last time the doc said it was best if I waited until I was 
taking a higher dose before switching to a pump. But the slowing everything 
down has just been a pain in the butt.