[QUAD-L] Thank you

2007-10-17 Thread AmazingE-Books (mrtom)
hello again from tom : - )

i would like to thank everyone for the warm welcome i received, i love it when 
people are so friendly,

thank you for that, you are all very kind.

in my first mail i stated that i would like to see what this forum has
to offer... well when i read it after i sent it, it sounded a bit rude
to me... lol...  i am not here to only take what is offered, i will also
contribute a little if and where i can.. 

i little bit more about me:  i broke my neck and spine in a car
accident in 1978 when i was still very small, my injury is C7, thank
heavens i still have some use of my arms and i can get by fairly good,
but i have all the other common problems (and gadgets) you all have. 
have rods in my back that are 20+ years old and are responsible for
causing chronic bone infections and end of next week i will be going
into hospital to have some rusty, free floating broken off pieces (can
you believe it) that are causing nasty wounds, taken out, and maybe
replaced with new rods.  so any good thoughts, prayers or burning of
candles if that is what you into will be very much appreciated : - ) 

anything you'd like to know more please just shout.

not and issue, but english is not my first language, so if i do sound rude 
again please bear with me.. lol

thanks for reading my waffle

cheers for now


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[QUAD-L] Hello : - )

2007-10-14 Thread AmazingE-Books (mrtom)

hello everybody, 
i am an new member, 
interested to see what this forum has to offer.
i have a serious question,
but will keep it for later
have a nice day : - ) 


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