[QUAD-L] digital cameras

2006-08-17 Thread Angelique Novak
Hi gang-
What types of digital cameras does anyone have?  I'm looking for
info on some.  What brand, pixel count, Windows XP compatible, zoom,
telephoto lens or not, and cost are the stats I'm looking for.
Anybody's help/info would be appreciated.
Thanks everyone-

Re: [QUAD-L] Where Is Everyone?? ~ sweating

2006-08-13 Thread Angelique Novak

I was told sweating wasn't possible after having a spinal cord injury.
Although, I'm told I do occasionally perspire below C1  C2.
I never could break a sweat before my injury anyway, and my face still
 I'm almost always cold. I've been to 94.9
several times. Being cold blooded sucks, especially when almost 9
months of the year are too chilly, cold, freezing, or below freezing to
go outside.

most or all of you guys not perspire and have major sensitivity to
adverse ambient temperature?
Hey Brian, For my first 12 years I sweat
constantly day/night summer and winter (I live in New Jersey) Then I had
a Ryzodomy a surgical procedure to cut my nerves at T- 12 because of uncontrollable
spasms. The spazams stopped and as a bounus so did my sweating. Now I don't
sweat AT ALL. I can't stand a fan on my skin, it makes my skin "crawl"
But that might due to my nifty new diagnosis- srynix.

[QUAD-L] heritage

2006-07-31 Thread Angelique Novak
Hey everybody-
I'm asking this in no way negatively.  I was wondering what
heritages everybody here, (who wants to share), is.  I think it's
interesting to learn about different cultures and the similarities and
differences each have. That was always a neat part of Social Studies in
school.  I'm German, Irish, Polish, and Czechoslovakian,  not Native
American, but an American.  Anybody else want to tell? : )

Re: [QUAD-L] heritage

2006-07-31 Thread Angelique Novak

 Any chance you're from the planet Mexamorph?
I have roots there!
a message dated 7/31/2006 2:29:54 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm asking this in no way negatively. I was wondering what
heritages everybody
here, (who wants to share), is. I think it's
to learn about different cultures and the similarities and
each have. That was always a neat part of Social Studies in
I'm German, Irish, Polish, and Czechoslovakian,  not Native
American, but
an American. Anybody else want to tell? : )
I'm from a different
planet and on a mission to your planet to observe how well your planet
takes care of their own. I'm sure that you understand.W

Re: [QUAD-L] heritage

2006-07-31 Thread Angelique Novak

Das war sehr nett! Danke, W.
fur Sein so freundlich, Ich wunsche fur Sie und alle lhrem Planeten das
sehr beste.WIn
a message dated 7/31/2006 3:08:15 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
why are you so enigmatic? Nobody knows anything about you but you always
have comments and advise. You're not a quad but you're on this list. I,
for one, would like to know your story.
I'm all German.

Re: [QUAD-L] Fw: The Tea Cup

2006-07-27 Thread Angelique Novak

We're not clay, Silas. I see how this could help regular people going
through only emotional issues, not physical, though.
Silas wrote:

Sounds like me
being pounded a slap and proded and poked!
- Original Message -
From: Cheryl
To: Silas
ShelburneSent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:41 AMSubject:
FW: The Tea Cup

this story or not - you will not be able to have tea in a tea cup again
without thinking of thisŠ..

was a couple who took a trip toEngland
to shop in a beautiful antique store to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.
They both liked antiques and pottery, and especially teacups. Spotting
an exceptional cup, they asked "May we see that? We've never seen a cup
quite so beautiful."

the lady handed it to them, suddenly the teacup spoke, "You don't understand.
I have not always been a teacup. There was a time when I was just a lump
of red clay. My master took me and rolled me pounded and patted me over
and over and I yelled out, "Don't do that." "I don't like it!" "Let me
alone," but he only smiled, and gently said; "Not yet!"

WHAM! I was placed on a spinning wheel and suddenly I was spun around and
around and around. Stop it! I'm getting so dizzy!

going to be sick" I screamed. But the master only nodded and said, quietly;
'Not yet.'

spun me and poked and prodded and bent me out of shape to suit himself
and then .. Then he put me in the oven. I never felt such heat. I yelled
and knocked and pounded at the door. "Help! Get me out of here!"

could see him through the opening and I could read his lips as he shook
his head from side to side, 'Not yet'.

I thought I couldn't bear it another minute, the door opened. He carefully
took me out and put me on the shelf, and I began to cool. Oh, that felt
so good! "Ah, this is much better," I thought. But, after I cooled he picked
me up and he brushed and painted me all over. The fumes were horrible.
I thought I would gag. 'Oh, please,Stop it, Stop, I cried.

only shook his head and said. 'Not yet!'.

suddenly he put me back in to the oven. Only it was not like the first
one. This was twice as hot and I just knew I would suffocate. I begged.
I pleaded. I screamed. I cried. I was convinced I would never make it.
I was ready to give up. Just then the door opened and he took me out and
again placed me on the shelf, where I cooled and waited and waited, wondering
"What's he going to do to me next?"

hour later he handed me a mirror and said 'Look at yourself.' And I did.
I said, "That's not me; that couldn't be me. It's beautiful. I'm beautiful!"

he spoke: "I want you to remember, then,' he said, 'I know it hurt to be
rolled and pounded and patted, but had I just left you alone, you'd have
dried up. I know it made you dizzy to spin around on the wheel, but if
I had stopped, you would have crumbled. I know it hurt and it was hot and
disagreeable in the oven, but if I hadn't put you there, you would have
cracked. I know the fumes were bad when I brushed and painted you all over,
but if I hadn't done that, you never would have hardened. You would not
have had any color in your life. If I hadn't put you back in that second
oven, you wouldn't have survived for long because the hardness would not
have held. Now you are a finished product. Now you are what I had in mind
when I first began with you."

moral of this story is this: God knows what He's doing for each of us.
He is the potter, and we are His clay. He will mold us and make us, and
expose us to just enough pressures of just the right kinds that we may
be made into a flawless piece of work to fulfill His good, pleasing and
perfect will.

when life seems hard, and you are being pounded and patted and pushed almost
beyond endurance; when your world seems to be spinning out of control;
when you feel like you are in a fiery furnace of trials; when life seems
to "stink", try this  Brew a cup of your favorite tea in your prettiest
tea cup, sit down and think on this story and then, have a little talk
with the Potter.

[QUAD-L] Re: The Tea Cup

2006-07-27 Thread Angelique Novak

 I'll bring the candles, incense, Ouija board, some
abled hands, and a lighter. You bring the booze! We'll party
like rock stars, and maybe contact a few from beyond!
P.S. Too sensitive? You've got to be kidding!
a message dated 7/27/2006 9:33:38 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
not clay, Silas. I see how this could help regular people going through
only emotional issues, not physical, though.
Geez Angie, you
are too sensitive. (lol)I
want to party with you on New Year's... at the cemetery.What
time does the party start?W

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: changing the subject line

2006-07-27 Thread Angelique Novak

Sorry, Dan. I wasn't trying to force anything on anyone, just discussing.
I thought that's what people do, discus things. Seriously, I wasn't
trying to change anyone's mind on religion. Whatever works for you,
use it! BTW, if what Alan and I discus offends you, I suggest you
don't read our posts. Avoid the topic, save yourself the aggravation.
Danny Hearn wrote:

am not the born againer. so don't be asking or explaining religion
to me. i am like angie. i did my time when i was young and
i have my very own religion now. it has a congregation of one.alan

- Original Message -


To: quad-list@eskimo.com

Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:57

Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique
and Sandy
again" to me means "please forgive all my previous sins - I REALLY want
to go to heaven - not hell, or jail, and I certainly don't want anybody
getting even for what I did"wow
- I guess I am born again too.O'CIn
a message dated 7/26/2006 1:30:06 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
explain that you can't be born again because born again christians get
e/thing they want and your spine won't heal no matter what you believe
or what BS healer you go to. I can't be born again because I believe in
what jesus said about rich folks. Frankly the born again thing always comes
across to me like the pyramid scheeme of christian cults. Beware false
prophetsCareful of groups that already know who is going to heaven
and hell and why.johnIn
a message dated 7/25/2006 7:42:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
loved "dark shadows". i was a teenager from the farmlands and foothills
of nj.
stop laughing. i loved vampires and particularl barnabus collins.
i am totally
with you on the religious issue. one of my sons has a very
hard time with
me as he is born again.
the voice activated
works really well with you or you with it or together.
ok, Angie.

www.daveoconnell.com c3-inc-1967

Re: [QUAD-L] Religion_Angie and others

2006-07-27 Thread Angelique Novak

Thanks, Lori. I appreciate the understanding, and agree with you
about the subject. I think sex probably isn't discussed here, (and
I know I'm fairly new to the list), cuz for the majority of us, (I'm guessing),
it's pointless to go get some. No payoff.
Lori Michaelson wrote:

others] I have been on this list since 1995 and we have had
numerous discussions on religion. They, of course, got into very
heated debates. Anything with controversy stirs up people's emotions
as we just saw with the stem cell example. Politics discussions have
come and gone here just as rapidly. But they never fail to come around
again at some point in time - the nature of the beast of mankind.
They say [whoever THEY are] religion, politics and sex are
topics to stay away from. The first two I can definitely understand
but I think it would be more interesting to talk about the latter here!!!
Maybe it is a rare occurrence for many members and that is the reason.
It usually happens about once a year when religion is brought
up. I remember one time that the posts went on for weeks and weeks.
I always find it interesting to discuss religion and such but it causes
such turmoil and nobody is going to change other people's beliefs so I've
finally got over it. I most definitely understand
where you're coming from but, as you can see, many-a-person's underwear
gets into a tight wad even if it is a general statement. I
have an older cousin [mid-50s] who was diagnosed with skin cancer about
three years ago. His wife is always keeps people updated with his situation
but every single one of her e-mails are saturated with God,
God, God. I am glad that they can find solace in their vision of
a god but it becomes very distasteful when it takes over the entire e-mail.
I have to bite my tonge every time I receive one of her sickly sweet diatribes.
What is more disturbing is that she never gives any of the
doctors credit ... it is always God. One day, we wrote a response
just to get it off our chest but we did not send the e-mail. Now,
I just let it roll off my shoulders [sort of] but it is not easy.
It is especially annoying to me that, before his diagnosis,
they were never so blatantly religious. So, essentially, they have
shown themselves to be emergency-room Christians. Common, but sad.
Or sick. "I would rather have
a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief." -- Gerry Spence
LoriC4/5 COMPLETE, 26 years postTucson, Arizona

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

2006-07-26 Thread Angelique Novak
Several years ago the Sci-fi channel was running that series, and I watched
it with my parents during dinner, we'd tape it in the morning.  It's also
available on DVD now.  We got it for my mom.
I was born, raised, and still in MN, so I'm not laughing, Alan!  Several
great and cool bands are from New Jersey, like Bruce!  Plus, the Jersey Devil is
Your born again son must be difficult for you.  I have some over-Christian
relatives, and they used to be a pain!  Now they don't bring anything up,
especially since I've taken after my namesake.  (To a point.)


 i loved dark shadows.  i was a teenager from the farmlands and foothills
 of nj.  stop laughing.  i loved vampires and particularl barnabus collins.
 i am totally with you on the religious issue.  one of my sons has a very
 hard time with me as he is born again.

 the voice activated works really well with you or you with it or together.
 ok, Angie.


 - Original Message -
 From: Angelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Quad List quad-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

 Yeah, sure.  Angie, is fine.  I have voice activated software, so I
  dictate what I write.  So I don't know about typing difficulties, sorry.
 Anybody that grew up in the 1960s remember the soap opera, Dark
  That's where my mom got, Angelique, from.
  ALAN LABARR wrote:
  i'm with you too, Angelique.  can i call you Angie, cause your full name
  hard for me too type.
  - Original Message -
  From: Angelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Quad List quad-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:53 AM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy
  Thanks Lori!  I was surprised with the lack of responses to my views
   on religion, too.  Not that I was trying to start anything with
  It is nice to be able to converse with everyone here.  Especially
   you gals!  (Haven't had that since before my injury happened.)  We are
   minority, damn straight.  Nothing against you fellas, I like guys and
   everything, but it's not as commonplace finding another chic in this

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

2006-07-26 Thread Angelique Novak
As a kid, I thought that, too.  I didn't know any better!  But I questioned
at it at age 7.  I don't remember what prompted that, I was still normal, and
nothing major had happened to anybody I knew.  But, after questioning it to
myself in my head, I felt different that night at bedtime prayers.  Like,
abandoned.  So, who knows what that was all about.  Everybody's going to learn
someday, right?
Now, I just don't believe in any of that, at all.  I believe it was all
fabricated and twisted to control the population and get their money, way back
when what I consider Christian Mythology, and the mythical Jesus were created by
some rather clever entrepreneurs.  Look how long their business has lasted.  I
want to take that business class!!

Silas wrote:

 Before my injury I really believed that there was a kind loving God, don't
 get me wrong I still pray but I get so angry I have trouble with keeping the
 faith.  I can't believe that a loving God would make any of his so called
 children suffer through this every day, I don't see his reasoning at all!

 - Original Message -
 From: Angelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Quad List quad-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

 Several years ago the Sci-fi channel was running that series, and I
  it with my parents during dinner, we'd tape it in the morning.  It's also
  available on DVD now.  We got it for my mom.
 I was born, raised, and still in MN, so I'm not laughing, Alan!
  great and cool bands are from New Jersey, like Bruce!  Plus, the Jersey
  Devil is
 Your born again son must be difficult for you.  I have some
  relatives, and they used to be a pain!  Now they don't bring anything up,
  especially since I've taken after my namesake.  (To a point.)
  ALAN LABARR wrote:
  i loved dark shadows.  i was a teenager from the farmlands and
  of nj.  stop laughing.  i loved vampires and particularl barnabus
  i am totally with you on the religious issue.  one of my sons has a very
  hard time with me as he is born again.
  the voice activated works really well with you or you with it or
  ok, Angie.
  - Original Message -
  From: Angelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: Quad List quad-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:14 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy
  Yeah, sure.  Angie, is fine.  I have voice activated software, so
   dictate what I write.  So I don't know about typing difficulties,
  Anybody that grew up in the 1960s remember the soap opera, Dark
   That's where my mom got, Angelique, from.
   ALAN LABARR wrote:
   i'm with you too, Angelique.  can i call you Angie, cause your full
   hard for me too type.
   - Original Message -
   From: Angelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Quad List quad-list@eskimo.com
   Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:53 AM
   Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy
   Thanks Lori!  I was surprised with the lack of responses to my
on religion, too.  Not that I was trying to start anything with
   It is nice to be able to converse with everyone here.  Especially
you gals!  (Haven't had that since before my injury happened.)  We
minority, damn straight.  Nothing against you fellas, I like guys
everything, but it's not as commonplace finding another chic in this

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

2006-07-26 Thread Angelique Novak

Maybe. My parents, sister, and brother-in-law read the book.
My maternal grandmother immediately said after hearing that they had, "You're
going to hell!" She was serious. We all laughed hysterically.
It's now a running joke, except to her!
bet you loved or will love the DaVinci code.Mark,You
would kill your child to keep him from going through sci? WOW!O'CIn
a message dated 7/26/2006 12:30:58 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As a kid, I thought that, too. I didn't know any better! But
I questioned
at it at age
7. I don't remember what prompted that, I was still normal, and
nothing major
had happened to anybody I knew. But, after questioning it to
myself in my
head, I felt different that night at bedtime prayers. Like,
So, who knows what that was all about. Everybody's going to learn
someday, right?

Now, I just don't believe in any of that, at all. I believe it was
fabricated and
twisted to control the population and get their money, way back
when what I
consider Christian Mythology, and the mythical Jesus were created by
some rather
clever entrepreneurs. Look how long their business has lasted.
want to take
that business class!!
Silas wrote:
> Angelique,
> Before my
injury I really believed that there was a kind loving God, don't
> get me wrong
I still pray but I get so angry I have trouble with keeping the
> faith.
I can't believe that a loving God would make any of his so called
> children suffer
through this every day, I don't see his reasoning at all!
> Silas
> - Original
Message -
> From: "Angelique
> To: "ALAN
> Cc: "Quad
List" quad-list@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Wednesday,
July 26, 2006 8:26 AM
> Subject: Re:
[QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy
> >
Several years ago the Sci-fi channel was running that series, and I
> > watched
> > it with
my parents during dinner, we'd tape it in the morning. It's also
> > available
on DVD now. We got it for my mom.
> >
I was born, raised, and still in MN, so I'm not laughing, Alan!
> > Several
> > great and
cool bands are from New Jersey, like Bruce! Plus, the Jersey
> > Devil is
> > intriguing.
> >
Your born again son must be difficult for you. I have some
> > over-Christian
> > relatives,
and they used to be a pain! Now they don't bring anything up,
> > especially
since I've taken after my namesake. (To a point.)
> > -Angie
> >
> >
> >> i loved
"dark shadows". i was a teenager from the farmlands and
> >> foothills
> >> of nj.
stop laughing. i loved vampires and particularl barnabus
> >> collins.
> >> i am totally
with you on the religious issue. one of my sons has a very
> >> hard time
with me as he is born again.
> >>
> >> the voice
activated works really well with you or you with it or
> >> together.
> >> ok, Angie.
> >>
> >> alan
> >>
> >> - Original
Message -
> >> From: "Angelique
> >> To: "ALAN
> >> Cc: "Quad
List" quad-list@eskimo.com>
> >> Sent: Tuesday,
July 25, 2006 4:14 PM
> >> Subject:
Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy
> >>
> >> >
Yeah, sure. "Angie," is fine. I have voice activated software,
> >> > I
> >> > dictate
what I write. So I don't know about typing difficulties,
> >> > sorry.
> >> >
Anybody that grew up in the 1960s remember the soap opera, "Dark
> >> > Shadows?"
> >> > That's
where my mom got, "Angelique," from.
> >> > -Angie
> >> >
> >> > ALAN
LABARR wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> i'm
with you too, Angelique. can i call you Angie, cause your full
> >> >> name
> >> >> is
> >> >> hard
for me too type.
> >> >>
> >> >> alan
> >> >>
> >> >> -
Original Message -
> >> >> From:
"Angelique Novak" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> >> To:
"Quad List" quad-list@eskimo.com>
> >> >> Sent:
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:53 AM
> >> >> Subject:
[QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy
> >> >>
> >> >> >
Thanks Lori! I was surprised with the lack of responses to my
> >> >> > views
> >> >> > on
religion, too. Not that I was trying to start anything with
> >> >> > anybody.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
It is nice to be able to converse with everyone here. Especially
> >> >> > you
gals! (Haven't had that since before my injury happened.) We
> >> >> > are
> >> >> > a
> >> >> > minority,
damn straight. Nothing against you fellas, I like guys
> >> >> > and
> >> >> > everything,
but it's not as commonplace finding another chic in this
> >> >> > condition.
> >> >> > -Angelique
> >> >> >
> >

www.daveoconnell.com c3-inc-1967

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

2006-07-26 Thread Angelique Novak
 I haven't seen that, but am familiar with Lewis Black.  He's funny, if not too


 ever see the HBO Special Red, White and Screwed by Lewis Black?  He
 touches on this topic, Angie.


 - Original Message -
 From: Angelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Silas [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Quad List quad-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

 As a kid, I thought that, too.  I didn't know any better!  But I
  at it at age 7.  I don't remember what prompted that, I was still normal,
  nothing major had happened to anybody I knew.  But, after questioning it
  myself in my head, I felt different that night at bedtime prayers.  Like,
  abandoned.  So, who knows what that was all about.  Everybody's going to
  someday, right?
 Now, I just don't believe in any of that, at all.  I believe it was all
  fabricated and twisted to control the population and get their money, way
  when what I consider Christian Mythology, and the mythical Jesus were
  created by
  some rather clever entrepreneurs.  Look how long their business has
  lasted.  I
  want to take that business class!!
  Silas wrote:
  Before my injury I really believed that there was a kind loving God,
  get me wrong I still pray but I get so angry I have trouble with keeping
  faith.  I can't believe that a loving God would make any of his so called
  children suffer through this every day, I don't see his reasoning at all!
  - Original Message -
  From: Angelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: Quad List quad-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:26 AM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

[QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

2006-07-25 Thread Angelique Novak
Thanks Lori!  I was surprised with the lack of responses to my views
on religion, too.  Not that I was trying to start anything with anybody.

It is nice to be able to converse with everyone here.  Especially
you gals!  (Haven't had that since before my injury happened.)  We are a
minority, damn straight.  Nothing against you fellas, I like guys and
everything, but it's not as commonplace finding another chic in this

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

2006-07-25 Thread Angelique Novak

a message dated 7/25/2006 11:40:40 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lori! I was surprised with the lack of responses to my views
on religion,
too. Not that I was trying to start anything with anybody.
Which religion?
There really are so many. I can think of atleast 15. Or did
I miss a few?Each
has their official position on various subjects. Which religiion?W

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

2006-07-25 Thread Angelique Novak

 Yeah, I can definitely see that idea; "...that religion
is the root of all evil...Not the belief in God, but religion."
 Good point, but I still don't believe in, or believe
that there's a god. Not the Christian's god, anyway. Not sure
about the others. Kinda fun to think about what people use to believe
in regarding gods and goddesses before Christianity came burning across
the lands, condemning and destroying other ways of life and beliefs.
a message dated 7/25/2006 12:21:14 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
views aren't that strange.More
people dead over religion than anything else.Mark
And some people
actually believe that religion is the root of all evil too.Not
the belief in God, but religion. Verrry Interesting.W

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

2006-07-25 Thread Angelique Novak
 The nut jobs that pervert there religion.

Tim Thompson wrote:

 Christ warned us about churches (organized religion), and there is
 nothing hateful in his teachings.
 Organized Religions Catholicism, Babtist, etc on the other hand do
 practice judgements based on Their Interpretations to justify
 themselves, not Christ. And call themselves Christian Institutions.
 To which do you infer are harmfull?

 On 7/25/06, Angelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   In a message dated 7/25/2006 11:40:40 AM Central Daylight Time,
  Thanks Lori!  I was surprised with the lack of responses to my views
  on religion, too.  Not that I was trying to start anything with
  anybody.Which religion?  There really are so many.  I can think of atleast
  15.  Or did I miss a few?Each has their official position on various
  subjects.  Which religiion?W

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

2006-07-25 Thread Angelique Novak
Yeah, sure.  Angie, is fine.  I have voice activated software, so I
dictate what I write.  So I don't know about typing difficulties, sorry.
Anybody that grew up in the 1960s remember the soap opera, Dark Shadows?
That's where my mom got, Angelique, from.


 i'm with you too, Angelique.  can i call you Angie, cause your full name is
 hard for me too type.


 - Original Message -
 From: Angelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Quad List quad-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:53 AM
 Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy

 Thanks Lori!  I was surprised with the lack of responses to my views
  on religion, too.  Not that I was trying to start anything with anybody.
 It is nice to be able to converse with everyone here.  Especially
  you gals!  (Haven't had that since before my injury happened.)  We are a
  minority, damn straight.  Nothing against you fellas, I like guys and
  everything, but it's not as commonplace finding another chic in this

[QUAD-L] [Fwd: [VENT-L] Fw: Fight the Stem Cell Veto! Please Forward!]

2006-07-24 Thread Angelique Novak


- Forwarded Message -
From: "Senator Tom Harkin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 23:27:14 -0600
Subject: Fight the Stem Cell Veto! Please Forward!


  Please Forward This Message
  Dear Blane,
  Last weekend I asked you to help me enact my stem 
  cell measure into law by calling your Senator and signing a petition to 
  President Bush. With your hard work and the support of more than 70% of 
  the American people we succeeded in the Senate, where a bipartisan 63 
  Senators voted for this life-saving proposal. For one short day 
  millions of Americans who suffer from terrible disease and illness had 
  Wednesday morning, I faxed President Bush a petition 
  with more than 2,000 of your signatures, urging him to sign HR 810 into 
  law, and to give us hope for new therapies and cures. As you know, 
  however, President Bush went ahead and vetoed that bill.
  Now it is time to fight back. We need to take our 
  issue to the electorate. That's why I am helping to create a nationwide, 
  grassroots effort to elect Senators and Representatives this November who 
  will advance life-saving stem cell research and overturn the President's 
  veto in the next Congress. I am 
  asking you to join my stem cell research grassroots coalition and to 
  invite everyone you know also to join.
  Please help me reach others who support stem research 
  by forwarding my letter below to your friends and loved ones, and by 
  posting to your online communities. Let’s get the word out that we will 
  not give up.
  Senator Tom Harkinwww.TomHarkin.com 



Tom Harkin




Dear Friend,
Six years ago, George W. Bush 
pledged to be "a uniter, not a divider." Now he has used 
his first-ever veto to kill HR 810, the Stem Cell 
Research Enhancement Act, which would have spurred 
life-saving research supported by more than 70 percent 
of the American people. His spokesman said that Mr. Bush 
considered this research to be "murder." 
Six years ago, Mr. Bush pledged 
to be a "compassionate conservative." Now, he has 
crushed the hopes of millions of Americans suffering 
from diabetes, cancer, Parkinson's, spinal-cord 
injuries, ALS and other conditions that might be cured 
by embryonic stem cell research.
Repeatedly, the President says he 
believes in a "culture of life." On July 19, the United 
Nations announced that more than 14,000 Iraqi civilians 
have been killed in just the first six months of this 

Is there no end to this 
President's hypocrisy, cynicism, and 
Once again, Mr. Bush has embraced a 
rigid, narrow, ideological extreme – a position that 
flies in the face of science, common sense, and 
compassion. Once again, he has shut out other points of 
view, including the pleas of former First Lady Nancy 
Reagan. Republican supporters of the stem cell bill 
requested an opportunity to talk to the President before 
his veto, and they were turned down.
The morning of Bush's veto, I faxed 
a petition to the White House with more than 2,000 of 
your signatures, urging him to find it in his heart to 
let this life-saving legislation become law. That, too, 
was rejected.
Let's be clear, nothing would have 
been more pro-life than signing this bill into law. We 
all know people – friends and family members – with 
diabetes, cancer, Parkinson's, ALS, and spinal-cord 
injuries. What could be more respectful of life than to 
use the scientific tools that God has given us to help 
and heal them?
Instead, with one arrogant stroke 

Re: [QUAD-L] Viewing the Big Picture

2006-07-24 Thread Angelique Novak

Of course he'd feel differently if his family or he needed embryonic stem
cell research! But, he'd probably do it "top secret." Can't
get a slap on the wrist with a ruler from the Pope that way.
a message dated 7/23/2006 2:33:12 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I wish, hope and
pray that nothing bad happens to our standing president, his family or
loved ones. But I wonder if the President would have acted any differently
if a close family memberwas in need of precious cells. Would it have
been a moral dilemma. Intent is just that.W

Re: [QUAD-L] What Do You Think?

2006-07-22 Thread Angelique Novak

It's not a bad idea, Chet! I've said before, I'd donate my
eggs to be made into embryos for embryonic stem cell research.
Chet Smith wrote:
 I was just thinking that it
takes a Man and a Woman to Conceive a Child together so, why can't they
take a Mans Sperm and Ladies Juice cause I don't know that much about Fluids
of that nature. I just haven't put it on my list for learning it, even
though I am a Father of two.Lets forget
whats above and give you my reasoning for typing this. Why cant they take
the two fluids that make a child from any Man and any Woman and use it
to make the embryo's we need as Paras or Quads to help us walk again if
it is possible. Cant they be produced outside the body of the Woman using
what ever fluids needed to keep them alive in a Peatree Dish or another
place where they would Thrive and Grow?It
is probably a stupid idea that I come up with, but wanta to put out there
in the e-mail chat to see what you all thought of my Idea. If it ain't
such a dumb idea, then we can have people all over the U.S.A. helping us
walk again and function as we once did that did walk at one time. Wouldn't
be killing anyone by using that Method. People could donate there fluids
and not have any obligations what so ever. Have the people not know where
fluids went or who they were mixed with. Have a waiver to be signed to
that fact... not need to know... The thing is would people go for it to
help us?What do You Think ? Doesn't fix
the Bill that we lost that the Dumb President Vetoed, but it's a Idea just
the same..Chet ( Cquad7 )
Please no nasty remarks back to me. If it is a Dumb Idea just say that
and leave it at that
Do you Yahoo!?
Get on board. You're
invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

[QUAD-L] [Fwd: FW: VOTE: Was Bush Right To Veto Stem Cell Funding Bill?]

2006-07-21 Thread Angelique Novak


From:[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:VOTE: Was Bush Right To Veto Stem Cell Funding Bill?Date:Wed, 19 Jul 2006 17:03:59 -0500Dear Vote.com Voter,Log on to http://www.vote.com and vote on whether President Bush was right to veto a bill that would have expanded federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.We'll send your vote to President Bush.To access the vote, please click the link below.http://www.vote.com/(If the link is not active, please copy and paste it into the "Address" field of your web browser)Please forward this vote to any friends or family who may be interested in this issue to make their vote count too!Sincerely,Your friends at 
Vote.comhttp://www.vote.comIf you would prefer not to receive this type of mailing, please click the link below to unsubscribe:http://www.vote.com/c/s.phtml?u=152ea38T7ref=voteov=1nv=1(NOTE: If your e-mail software does not make the above link active, please copy  paste it into your web browser and press the Enter key.)

---End Message---

[QUAD-L] Re: [VENT-L] Fw: Take Action: Showdown on Stem Cells this Tuesday!

2006-07-21 Thread Angelique Novak

People on life support that are in a coma, once had thought. Embryos
don't even have a brain! There's a big difference!
Jim Lubin wrote:
The difference is that "blocking" would be mean that they
can not be used at all. The left-over embryos from IVF can be used by researcher
as long as they are not using federal funds. Private funding and State
funding is allowed. The state of California is funding $6 Billion for embryonic
stem cell research alone.
I've never thought of myself as part of the "Christian
Right" as you say (I am a Roman Catholic) but agree with president Bush
on this and I will explain way.
I do belive that a human egg and human sperm make a human
being from the time they are joined, from that point the zygote contains
all the 46 chromosomes need to be human. It's called an embryo after about
10 days. Being a human, it is entitled to protection to life from the Government.
Therefore, the Government should not be funding the destruction of life
for the purpose of research.
Now your opinion of when a human is a human and entitled
to protection obviously differs from mine and president Bush.
I'm against IVF treatments as well because it creates
extra embryos in the process.
As for using those extra embryos in research for the possible
benefit of others, just because they are going to be destroyed anyway,
following that reasoning, here's my problem with that. A person with a
traumatic brain injury or in a coma being kept alive on ventilator will
never be completely healed and will die without the life-support, so why
not harvest their body parts to improve someone else's life? I see both
equally wrong.

At 06:48 PM 7/19/2006, Blane N Beckwith wrote:
 What the Hell
is the difference? Isn't vetoing a bill that allows left-over embryos
from invitrofertilization sp?> to be used for conducting stem cell
research thats end result may be effective treatment for a variety of medical
conditions, in essence "blocking" research? Perhaps "interfering
with", "hampering", "interupting", or "impeding" may be more accurate terms.
 Anyway, aren't
we splitting hairs here? The basic thrust of this topic seems to
be another attempt by the Christian right (read Reich) who GW Bush represents,
to impose their "values" on the rest of us, irregardless of who it hurts
or impacts.

Blane N. Beckwith

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 09:10:26 -0500 "Russ H. Drangeid"
> writes:

That's an important point to make. President
Bush is making a decision not to allow use of stem cells from human embryos.
He is not blocking research.

Russ Drangeid, RCP

Waite Park Store Manager

Reliable Medical Supply, Inc.

440 Great Oak Drive

Waite Park, MN 56387

Office: 320-259-5900

Fax: 320-259-5901


From: Jim Lubin [

Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:34 PM

To: Nigel.. Brown; vent-users@eskimo.com

Subject: RE: [VENT-L] Fw: Take Action: Showdown on Stem Cells this Tuesday!

At 08:36 PM 7/17/2006, Nigel.. Brown wrote:

I just see the bush administration blocking stem cell research
thats all.

Nigel, President Bush is not blocking stem cell research.
He is not allowing US Government funding of stem cells derived from human
embryos. The US Gov't is already funding stem cell research with adult
stem cells. Private funding and several US states are funding embryonic
stem cell research.

Jim Lubin
disAbility Resources:
Please Help: Inkjet
 Toner Cartridge Recycling

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-21 Thread Angelique Novak

I've thought basically the same thing, only having his children, wife,
or his church-whipped ass be paralyzed from a spinal cord injury at the
levels C1  C2, so it results in a ventilator dependent quadriplegic
body, (like mine), would be better. No death sentence in sight, ya
see. That would probably change his mind!
he just made it impossible to do stem cell
research in a facility that accepts gov't funding. A little technicallity
that makes 97% of the medical fasilities in the US unavailable for this
research.I hope he watches his children die of a slow debiltating disease
that would have been curable in 5 years.johnIn a message
dated 7/19/2006 11:44:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bush did not kill research on stem cells, he just refused to fund it with
taxpayers money. Like many other sickness and diseases, researchers
continuing on with private donations and private fundraisers. Any
person who wants to sit around and wait for the government to take action
on important issues that they may benefit from I suggest is wasting their
time. Most cures in this country have been discovered through RD
of private companies in the perseverance of medical scientists and doctors
funded by private donations.T.
Houston C5 C6

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-21 Thread Angelique Novak

Let's not forget that a embryo that becomes a fetus is really a parasite,
feeding off the mother until delivery, if delivery happens. So embryos
in a dish, are really just potential parasites. Use them!

Without a womb its just a bacterial gue on
the floor. john In a message dated 7/20/2006 3:34:17 PM Eastern Daylight
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
an individual sperm only contains 23 chromosomes need to be human. That
is where I draw the line. It's a human when a human egg and human sperm
combine to have the 46 chromosomes need to be human. It may seem ridiculous
to you but It's basic biology.
You apparently think it takes longer in the development
cycle to be considered a human.
At 11:48 AM 7/20/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
we talk about the "potential" of 5-day old, 200 cell, unimplanted zygotes,
then let's talk about the "potential" of an individual sperm. Isn't it
the same potential? Where do you draw the line? It's really pretty ridiculous.
It's time to use common sense. Those ready-for-destruction zygotes should
be used, it's immoral not to.

Jim Lubin
disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.org
Please Help: Inkjet
 Toner Cartridge Recycling

Re: [QUAD-L] Viewing the Big Picture

2006-07-21 Thread Angelique Novak

Partial birth abortions are something I'm not keen on, but the choice shouldn't
be taken away. What's so great about human life? There's too
many people alive already. Most of which are assholes. So what
if embryos are made for parts? If they aren't yours, it shouldn't
matter. That's my opinion. I'm no longer Christian, and getting
rid of that bullshit was very liberating.
Tim Thompson wrote:
The Stem Cell "Dilema"
In my opinion, the deeper issue requires an insight into
how an "Inch" keeps turning into the horror mile.
Org "Roe vs Wade" was nothing more than lifting the restriction
on abortion during the 1st tri-mester That inch was twisted into a "Constitutional
Right" to the point of argueing for sucking the brains out of the skull
just before birth. Approx 47,000,000 abortions have been committed, and
a good portion of those were AFTER that 1st tri-mester.
Org "Child Abuse" laws were about "real" abuse, now they've
been taken so far as to punish parents who "ground" their brats, after
every other form of "attitude adjustment" has been declared "child Abuse".
Since mom can't wash out the mouth of her brat, society now is forced to
endurelistening to teenagers AND CHILDREN who could make a sailor blush.
There is no "Seperation of Church and State" clause in
the 1st Amendment, however the part of "prohibiting free exercise thereof"
is totaly ignored.
Now its been twisted into prevention of "exercise thereof",
declaring a public place can't allow it.
Our modern "Indoctrination Centers" aka "Public Schools"
have robbed an entire generation of the truth in favor of "Political Correctness".
So a whole generation can't see how wrong those decisions are.
For this reason, too many people don't have the knowledge
required to see through sound bite news and political issues.
Remember, the USA wouldn't exist w/o "Christianity",
as "FREEDOM" in itself is derived from "Freedom of Choice", and our "Bill
of Rights" got their seeds from such Christian philosophies including "Love
thy Neighbor".
Check for yourself at http://wwweadshome.com/QuotesoftheFounders.htm
Now "Organized Religion" is a man made Idea, and that
is a whole can of worms which divides and seperates instead of just following
the basic principles.
For that reason I consider myself a Christian, but I
don't believe in organized religion.
But I do see the possibility for abuse if the "Inch"
is given regarding embryoninic research.
This is based on the previous abuses, not my religious
Today "disgaurded fetuses" tomorrow it could be
embryo's created just for harvesting.
Believe me, THAT is a real moral dilema. One where human
life has no value.

[QUAD-L] [Fwd: VICOTRY in the Senate! Call the WHITE HOUSE NOW!!]

2006-07-19 Thread Angelique Novak


July 18, 2006
Dear CAMR Friends,
We have just achieved a major victory in the U.S. Senate! The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, H.R. 810, passed by a vote of63 to 37.
The next steps for the bill are expected to happen very quickly before Congress adjourns for the long August recess. You may have already heard in the news that the President might veto H.R. 810. We cannot let that happen. Please pick up your telephone and call the White House IMMEDIATELY with the message below. The White House Comment Line is 202-456-. If that number is busy, call the White House Switchboard at 202-456-1414.
Your message to the President is:
"Mr. President, I support H.R. 810 and ask that you sign it into law. Thank you. My name and address are (please fill in your name and full mailing address)."
Thank you for all of your hard work that has brought us this far. In the coming days we will be sending you information about the vote in the Senate so that you can contact your Senators and thank them for their support or express disappointment if they voted against the bill. 
Sean Tipton,President To unsubscribe click here 

---End Message---


2006-07-19 Thread Angelique Novak


Dear CAMR Friends:

As you know, President Bush has announced he will veto the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, H.R. 810. We expect that to happen today. 

Our friends in the House of Representatives will bring up H.R. 810 again in an attempt to override the President's veto. That override must pass the House by a 2/3 majority, so we need your help more now than ever to activate overwhelming support.

Please pick up your telephone IMMEDIATELY and call your Representative with the following message:

"Representative Kennedy, I support H.R. 810 and ask that you vote in favor of overriding the President's veto. My name and address are (fill in your name and address) and I expect a response. Thank you."

The contact information for your Representative is:

RepresentativeMark KennedyTelephone Number: (202) 225-2331

Thank you for your incredible help. We will keep you updated as events happen on H.R. 810.


Sean Tipton
PresidentTo unsubscribe click here 

---End Message---

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: [VENT-L] Could this happen to you?

2006-07-18 Thread Angelique Novak

My vent stays on my chair, so wheeling down to the OR on the table thing
and being transferred to the operating table, then being wheeled into recovery,
and waiting for my parents and chair with my vent, all requires the hospital
to provide a vent. It wasn't an issue 5-4 years ago, they had and
used LP-10s, but since 2003, they don't. They actually look confused
when I say, "I want an LP-10 vent. Do you have one?" They don't know
what it is, and these are the RTs! It's frustrating.
Silas wrote:

I don't go anywhere without my vent,
why can't you use your own vent?Silas

- Original Message -----


; Quad

Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 10:58

Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: [VENT-L] Could
this happen to you?
Every surgery I've had in the last several years always has vent
issues for recovery. I'm on an LP-10, 24/7. The hospitals don't
even have them anymore! At least, that's what they tell me.
They put me on "continuous flow" vents. I hate those! It's
basically hyperventilating. I have my vent settings with me, but
they don't jive with the PLV-1000 that they tried last time, or the other
non LP-10 vents they've used. The RTs get a hair up their ass when
I don't want their vents.
Age 25, ventilator dependent quadriplegic from a spinal cord injury
at the levels of C1  C2 in 1994

tough polio survivor lady self manages her care, and is now on the PLV-102
ventilator full time. She takes a hard fall while transferring with the
help of her attendant. The femur bone is broken just above the knee. She
describes it as the worst pain she has ever experienced. Emergency surgery
is done to repair the broken femur.

considerable delay after surgery they finally let her sister and attendant
in to see her. They are shocked. She is unconscious and struggling to supplement
the hospital ventilator. Her sister and the attendant want to put her on
her PLV-102 which is set up for her. There is a confrontation, and the
recovery room personnel refuse to let them do it. They threaten them with
being arrested if they try to switch the ventilators.The
sister gets some quick legal advice, and is told exactly what to say to
the hospital RTs. They back off, and she is put on her PLV-102 for the
beginning of recovery.

should never have happened. All respiratory therapists and respiratory
care nurses are not experienced with paralytic patient Control Mode ventilation.
Sometimes they try to wean patients using Assist Mode without knowing enough
about the patient. The slow rate and small volumes of Assist are not adequate
ventilation for us.

might be a good idea is to have our vent settings written into our medical
directory, and signed by the pulmonologist. Give the patient, our family
and attendant some respect”please.


Re: [QUAD-L] Re: [VENT-L] Could this happen to you?

2006-07-18 Thread Angelique Novak

My vent stays on my chair, so wheeling down to the OR on the table thing
and being transferred to the operating table, then being wheeled into recovery,
and waiting for my parents and chair with my vent, all requires the hospital
to provide a vent. It wasn't an issue 5-4 years ago, they had and
used LP-10s, but since 2003, they don't. They actually look confused
when I say, "I want an LP-10 vent. Do you have one?" They don't know
what it is, and these are the RTs! It's frustrating.
Silas wrote:

I don't go anywhere without my vent,
why can't you use your own vent?Silas

- Original Message -


; Quad

Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 10:58

Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: [VENT-L] Could
this happen to you?
Every surgery I've had in the last several years always has vent
issues for recovery. I'm on an LP-10, 24/7. The hospitals don't
even have them anymore! At least, that's what they tell me.
They put me on "continuous flow" vents. I hate those! It's
basically hyperventilating. I have my vent settings with me, but
they don't jive with the PLV-1000 that they tried last time, or the other
non LP-10 vents they've used. The RTs get a hair up their ass when
I don't want their vents.
Age 25, ventilator dependent quadriplegic from a spinal cord injury
at the levels of C1  C2 in 1994

tough polio survivor lady self manages her care, and is now on the PLV-102
ventilator full time. She takes a hard fall while transferring with the
help of her attendant. The femur bone is broken just above the knee. She
describes it as the worst pain she has ever experienced. Emergency surgery
is done to repair the broken femur.

considerable delay after surgery they finally let her sister and attendant
in to see her. They are shocked. She is unconscious and struggling to supplement
the hospital ventilator. Her sister and the attendant want to put her on
her PLV-102 which is set up for her. There is a confrontation, and the
recovery room personnel refuse to let them do it. They threaten them with
being arrested if they try to switch the ventilators.The
sister gets some quick legal advice, and is told exactly what to say to
the hospital RTs. They back off, and she is put on her PLV-102 for the
beginning of recovery.

should never have happened. All respiratory therapists and respiratory
care nurses are not experienced with paralytic patient Control Mode ventilation.
Sometimes they try to wean patients using Assist Mode without knowing enough
about the patient. The slow rate and small volumes of Assist are not adequate
ventilation for us.

might be a good idea is to have our vent settings written into our medical
directory, and signed by the pulmonologist. Give the patient, our family
and attendant some respect”please.


[QUAD-L] Re: [VENT-L] Could this happen to you?

2006-07-18 Thread Angelique Novak

 I've always been that shy! Even before my
injury. A teacher's nightmare, I questioned everything on a different
 My RT said something like that about the conversion
stuff, when I told him what happened the last time I went in for a surgery.
He was amazed that they didn't have LP-10s, and that they called is employer
company to see if they could supply one.
 I was switched over to my vent that time for the
surgery and recovery. That was a pain for my mom, she switched it
 I don't see why they didn't have at least 1 LP-10
somewhere in the entire hospital. They had just bought many PLV-100s,
and the RTs had no idea how to program them yet! Fantastic for the
few ventilator dependent people needing surgery, right?
 At least the RT wasn't pissy about that last time.
But she was younger. The older ones are usually bitchy, especially
when they see I use an LP-10.
are so shy about expressing your feelings! Probably what was meant when
they said your LP10 settings "don't jive" with the PLV-100, is that the
inspiratory setting is a different unit. The LP vents use inspiratory time,
and it's Liters per minute on the PLV-100. There is a table for conversion.
Don't ask me why; they should use the same inunits.Jerry

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: [VENT-L] Could this happen to you?

2006-07-18 Thread Angelique Novak

I'll have to remember that, Sandy. I doubt they'll do it, though.
They get defensive when they don't know something about what I request
and/or need. That's always a joy. The next time I need
a surgery, (hopefully not for a long, long time, the last one put me at
number 24 or 25, I've lost track), I'll have a call made ahead of time
to see if they'll do that. They're lazy.
use an LP 10 too. When I go to the hospital I always use my own ventilator.
The LP 10 is more a home ventilator and I'm not surprised most hospitals
don't use them. I have asked the RTs at the hospital I use to be inserviced
on home ventilators so they can always be prepared. They have done this.

Re: [QUAD-L] I Wonder Why

2006-07-17 Thread Angelique Novak

Hi guys-
 I think it could be possible in this lifetime for
a cure to be figured out. The news about the rats was interesting,
and changed my mind a bit. I had also given up hope on them figuring
it out in time for my generation, (I'm 25, ventilator dependent and quadriplegic
from a spinal cord injury at the levels of C1  C2 that happened 8/31/94),
but I'm starting to think it could be possible. Although, I'm not
counting on it. That's too difficult.
 I, too, believe that one day it will be a non life
changing injury, (if the person survives it, of course), and will be curable.
It better be! I have a 15 month old nephew, and I NEVER want this
to happen to him or the siblings he'll eventually have!!
RollinOn wrote:

was well put T Houston,I got caught up in the same thing especially the
Dr. Huang in China which turned out to be a scam which is probably the
same scam you mentioned.I don't see a cure for me but like you I sure hope
our young will never have this experience.It is important to donate even
just donating time to a local charitable foundation that deals with any
disability helps so do what you can people even a little means
a lot sometimes.We're having our annual Play Day at S.A.I.L.S(Spa Area
Independent Living Services)coming up in August where we take disabled
children and adults to the lake to Jet Ski, Swim, Games, Food, Prizes and
even Scuba Diving Lessons.They come from Nursing Homes, Rehabs and their
homes to visit and just get out and do something. We have lots of volunteers
like Teen Challenge comes out and local churches cook, I wish we all could
get together like this because it's really a great time. Mark
---Original Message---

From: tahouston

Date: 07/16/06 19:01:57


Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]
I Wonder Why

I was injured in
May 1994. Exactly one year later I was attending seminars and discussions
at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago informing SCI patients about
the possibilities of stem cell replacements and nerve regeneration.
They had most of us believing that a cure was right around the corner.
Chatter and high expectations filled the room. During that same year
Christopher Reeve was injured and was very aggressive searching for a cure.
Here we are 12 years later, Christopher Reeve is dead and the discussions
in the seminars seem so repetitive. For years I followed all of medical
magazines and journals concerning SCI, received newsletters from the Miami
Project and donated as much money as I am allowed to on my budget.
I have read stories about using shark cartilage in Tijuana Mexico to repair
a spinal cord damage. The articles that I had subscribed to would
track the progress of the injured who went under the knife. Supposedly
a quad C5 C6 incomplete was able to use a walker six months after surgery
and very minimal if any progress in the others. Then an article comes
out a year later indicating that it was all a scam. I no longer can
handle the highs and lows of new research. I figure that one day they will
be a cure for SCI but not in my lifetime. Now the only time I will
investigate an article about SCI cures is when they have progressed to
human clinical trials. A friend of mine, T5-C6 paraplegic used to
smile at me when I would call him or run to him with news about the latest
SCI research. He told me only the newly injured revel over new research.
We would all like to think our condition is only temporary but we lose
valuable time living our lives hoping that a cure is right around the corner.
I still attend trade shows and donate to many projects. There
is hope for generations behind us. Legitimate clinical trials
are 20 to 40 years away. Let us pray for a cure for the youth of
our society. T.
Houston C5 C6 complete

- Original Message -


To: quad-list@eskimo.com

Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:45 PM

Subject: [QUAD-L] I Wonder Why
Lately there
have been several posts about stem cells that generated NO discussion.
STEM CELLS GROW NERVES! It can change our life in our lifetime! I feel
no passion, no fervor, no excitement from this group. There are more discussions
about Walmart. I don't understand it. I just wonder why???

Re: [QUAD-L] I Wonder Why

2006-07-17 Thread Angelique Novak

 Good for you Sandy! I'm with ya!
 If Christianity wasn't holding everything back, there
probably would've been a cure by now. I'm sure this will get some
"interesting" feedback, but f*ck it!
 Christianity is the worst thing to happen to the
human race. If Jesus existed, he was an alien, face it. Immaculate
conception? Try alien abduction and implantation!
 The church always has been a business, and a front
for "justifiable" murders. Hello, Spanish Inquisition. It always
will be about money and control.
 The holy rollers have held medical science back
long enough! Let stem cell research of any kind happen. I'd
donate my eggs! As far as I'm concerned, being trapped inside your
body, looking out from behind your eyes is hell!
 Besides, (if you believe Christian mythology), isn't
saying, "I'm sorry," before dying, all it takes to still get passed the
pearly gates, no matter how horrible a person you were? That's how
I remember most church sermons going. So what's the big deal?!
YES ON HR 810!
I wish I was part of that conversation. It seems people have become numb
since then. I have watched and waited for a long time... and nothing. I
read about the work in China and thought "nope". Any time a scientist is
secretive about his methods, it raises a red flag. But Johns Hopkins work
is a completely new ball game. This is the first true research that could
make a difference. This ain't no sham! So if I'm excited about it, f**k
everyone else. I have hope in my lifetime.

[QUAD-L] Re: [VENT-L] Could this happen to you?

2006-07-17 Thread Angelique Novak

Every surgery I've had in the last several years always has vent issues
for recovery. I'm on an LP-10, 24/7. The hospitals don't even
have them anymore! At least, that's what they tell me. They
put me on "continuous flow" vents. I hate those! It's basically
hyperventilating. I have my vent settings with me, but they don't
jive with the PLV-1000 that they tried last time, or the other non LP-10
vents they've used. The RTs get a hair up their ass when I don't
want their vents.
Age 25, ventilator dependent quadriplegic from a spinal cord injury
at the levels of C1  C2 in 1994

tough polio survivor lady self manages her care, and is now on the PLV-102
ventilator full time. She takes a hard fall while transferring with the
help of her attendant. The femur bone is broken just above the knee. She
describes it as the worst pain she has ever experienced. Emergency surgery
is done to repair the broken femur.

considerable delay after surgery they finally let her sister and attendant
in to see her. They are shocked. She is unconscious and struggling to supplement
the hospital ventilator. Her sister and the attendant want to put her on
her PLV-102 which is set up for her. There is a confrontation, and the
recovery room personnel refuse to let them do it. They threaten them with
being arrested if they try to switch the ventilators.The
sister gets some quick legal advice, and is told exactly what to say to
the hospital RTs. They back off, and she is put on her PLV-102 for the
beginning of recovery.

should never have happened. All respiratory therapists and respiratory
care nurses are not experienced with paralytic patient Control Mode ventilation.
Sometimes they try to wean patients using Assist Mode without knowing enough
about the patient. The slow rate and small volumes of Assist are not adequate
ventilation for us.

might be a good idea is to have our vent settings written into our medical
directory, and signed by the pulmonologist. Give the patient, our family
and attendant some respect”please.


Re: [QUAD-L] Blame Game SCI Life

2006-07-17 Thread Angelique Novak

I blame the f*cker that hit me with his car for my status. Religion
gets in the way of science, it's true. If there wasn't "moral conflicts"
things would probably move along faster. You can still make the best
of being quadriplegic, or in my case, ventilator dependent and quadriplegic,
and still want to be "fixed." Wanting that doesn't mean every second
is excruciating to handle, but the anguish does happen at times.
I'm up for and wouldn't turn down improvements, even though I like my life,
aside from the obvious problems and limitations. Problems and limitations
we all have to deal with. If something comes along that makes those
problems and limitations things we don't have to deal with, why not go
for it?
I blame no one. The difference is do you passively accept your plight or
do you actively pursue avenues that could improve their life? Everyone
is different. Some are content to accept the status quo no matter how unpleasant
despite the potential improvements.

[QUAD-L] zaba

2006-07-15 Thread Angelique Novak
You're welcome, Alan.  I found somebody from my past using it.

[QUAD-L] people finding

2006-07-14 Thread Angelique Novak

[QUAD-L] [Fwd: Senate Vote is scheduled for TUESDAY on HR 810!!!!]

2006-07-14 Thread Angelique Novak


July 15, 2006Dear CAMR Friends,

The vote on the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, H.R. 810, is scheduled for Tuesday, July 18, 2006 in the United States Senate! Be sure to visit our website for breaking news and updates at www.camradvocacy.org. Our breaking news section will include an audio file of a CAMR radio spot featuring Michael J. Fox that will air over the weekend urging everyone to contact their Senators to support H.R. 810.

We need a full court press on the entire Senate to get this bill passed. We can only do that with your help and we know you have what it takes to bring us to victory.

Make it your goal today and this weekend to tell at least 5 friends and family members about the vote and help them call their Senators. This bill and this vote should be the first thing you mention when you talk to your neighbors, join your friends on the golf course, or visit with family. 

Please call the Senate with this message and have your friends and family do the same: 

I know a vote is scheduled for the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, H.R. 810, on Tuesday, July 18th. I urge you to vote yes. A yes vote on H.R. 810 is the only vote that I will consider a vote in favor of stem cell research that is pro-patient and pro-research. I request a response from the Senator. My name and address are (fill in the blank).

Your Senators are available at:

Senator Mark Dayton
Telephone: (202) 224-3244

Senator Norm Coleman
Telephone Field: (202) 224-5641

If you have friends and family in other states, you can look up their Senators at www.senate.gov. You can be connected to any Senate office by calling the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Thank you for your continued dedication to help get this historic bill passed!


Sean Tipton
PresidentTo unsubscribe click here 

---End Message---

Re: [QUAD-L] Question about UTIS and lab cultures for them

2006-07-12 Thread Angelique Novak
Drink 100% cranberry juice like every day for a while, then every other
day forever.  It works!  I use an indwelling Foley catheter and haven't
had a UTI in years since I started drinking this juice.
25 years old, C1  C2 ventilator dependent quadriplegic from a SCI in
1994.  Nearly 12 years post.

Danny Hearn wrote:

I have had some problems again lately with some kind of
 UTI---yesteday made my 3rd time to the doctors to get a lab
 culture to find out what type and how to treat it... the doctor keeps
 saying there is MORE than 2 organisms present so they can't find out
 how to treat if more than 2 are present..he told me to take
 levequin for some days and we will try another culture, the latest
 results will be ready by thursday or friday..Has anyone ever
 heard of this problem??? I'm getting very frustrated because we have
 planned a 5 day vacation for a year now and have bought some tickets
 and reservations.Of all the timing seems can happen at the
 VERY WORST of times..we have only been out of town one time before
 in 9 years post.  thanks for any help or info anyone mey
 have.Dan 9years post about 6 years with supra-pubic indwelling


2006-07-11 Thread Angelique Novak


Dear Friends,

We have learned that the Senate debate and vote on the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, H.R. 810, may occur as early as the latter part of this week. This is the moment we have been waiting for since the bill passed the House of Representatives on May, 24, 2005. This is our one and only chance to get the bill passed by the Senate and we need you to act NOW!

Shortly before the Fourth of July recess, Senator Frist successfully obtained what is called unanimous consent from his Senate colleagues to move forward with a vote on a package of bills that includes H.R. 810. The other bills in the package are the Alternative Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapies Enhancement Act, S. 2754, and the Fetus Farming Prohibition Act of 2006, S. 3504. Under the agreement, amendments will not be permitted and each bill will have a separate vote and will need at least 60 votes to pass. Our friends in the Senate tell us to expect to be prepared for a vote any day.

We will not be taking a position on the other two bills; our goal is to get H.R. 810 passed. We do not believe the other bills change anything or allow for anything new. We estimate that both other bills will pass overwhelmingly. It is a vote for H.R. 810, and this bill alone, that will move stem cell research forward in our country. ALL correspondence to and discussion with the Senate must be clear that a vote in favor of H.R. 810 is the only pro-patient, pro-cure, pro-research vote that Senators can take. We all must be consistent with our message that Senators VOTE FOR H.R. 810 and that a vote for the other bills will absolutely NOT be sufficient. Some Senators will try to hide behind the other bills and claim that they are pro-stem cell research. We cannot allow them to do that. We all must emphasize that a Senator's votes will only be acceptable if she or he VOTES FOR H.R. 810, and that a vote against H.R. 810 is a vote against 100 million patients and against moving forward with research.


Please do as many of the following as you can:

Pick up the telephone NOW and call your Senators urging them to vote in favor of H.R. 810.

Call your senators at the following numbers and share with them the message below:

Senator Mark Dayton
Telephone #: (202) 224-3244

Senator Norm Coleman
Telephone #: (202) 224-5641


I strongly support the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act (H.R. 810) and ask that you vote in favor of it. Only a vote in favor of H.R. 810 is a vote in favor of moving stem cell research forward in our county. Please work to pass H.R. 810 immediately.

Send a letter in support of H.R. 810 to your Senators. These letters must be sent via fax or hand-delivery AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Don't worry about personalizing the letter if that will hold you up - just send our suggested letter with your name and address! Our supporters will use them as they make the case for the bill, and those who are not yet with us need to hear from each of you.

Suggested Letter:

Dear Senator,

I strongly support the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act (H.R. 810) and ask that you vote in favor of it. Only a vote in favor of H.R. 810 is a vote in favor of moving stem cell research forward in our county. A vote against H.R. 810 is a vote against 100 million patients and against progress for research. I will not accept your vote for any other bill as support for stem cell research.

H.R. 810 is the only bill that is pro-patient, pro-cure, and pro-research. Please work to pass H.R. 810 immediately.


Your Name

Fax your letters to:

Senator Mark Dayton
Fax #: (202) 228-2186

Senator Norm Coleman
Fax #: (202) 224-1152

Reach out to your family, friends, and neighbors and urge them all to call, fax and email their Senators in support of H.R. 810. This is the time to pull out all the stops; we will not have another opportunity for a Senate vote on H.R. 810. 

Make in-person appointments with the staff of Senators who are not cosponsors of H.R. 810 to make the case in support of the bill. This will be most feasible if you live in the Washington, DC area, but if you are based outside of DC and plan to come to town for meetings on stem cell research, NOW is the time.

The following is a list of the cosponsors of the Senate version of H.R. 810. If you do NOT see your Senators name on this list, then please work as hard as you can to make contact with that office.


Akaka, Daniel K. [HI]
Baucus, Max [MT]
Bayh, Evan [IN]
Bingaman, Jeff [NM]
Boxer, Barbara [CA]
Cantwell, Maria [WA]
Carper, Thomas R. [DE]
Chafee, Lincoln [RI]
Clinton, Hillary Rodham [NY]
Collins, Susan M. [ME]
Dayton, Mark [MN]
Dodd, Christopher J. [CT]
Dorgan, Byron L. [ND]
Durbin, Richard [IL]
Feingold, Russell D. [WI]
Feinstein, Dianne [CA]
Harkin, Tom [IA]
Hatch, Orrin G. [UT]
Inouye, Daniel K. [HI]
Jeffords, James M. [VT]
Johnson, Tim [SD]
Kennedy, Edward M. [MA]
Kerry, John F. 

[QUAD-L] ventilator user census

2006-07-11 Thread Angelique Novak

[QUAD-L] handle users

2006-07-09 Thread Angelique Novak
For those of you who use a handle for your name, what's your gender?

[QUAD-L] Quality of Life and SCI ~~ Huh?

2006-07-08 Thread Angelique Novak
I would've rather, (by far), lived the life I feel was stolen from
me by a negligent man.  Being a normal adolescent would've been fun, I
think, and was something I wanted to experience, among the other
countless things.  It was very difficult adjusting to this way of life,
(at times I felt I was just existing), especially when I saw people my
age living their lives.
After a lot of emotional anguish for many years, (occasionally I hit
a patch of that, still), I've finally somewhat accepted being damned.
However, I make the best out of each day.  It feels better to not dwell
on everything that's wrong, missed, my future, etc.  That's helped.
Before my nephew was born, my mindset was very stagnant.  I didn't
care about living, and was completely ok with the thought of my death.
Even though I've lived with my parents since the injury, (I was 13), and
they have every intention of keeping me, (as long as they can, I've
thought about when they won't be able to, they don't discuss that, but I
have to think about it), times still got rough.  Especially when I was
in bed for four months with two pressure sores.  That was terrible for
all of us.
 My sister and brother-in-law's son has greatly increased my
interest in living, and I want to stick around so he'll know me.  Also,
the man who introduced me to this list means just as much to me.  We
probably wouldn't have met if not for our SCI.  Well, maybe.  It
wouldn't have been very likely, but you never know.
Without my nephew, that wonderful man, and my family, I wouldn't
care if I died.  I probably wouldn't try keeping myself around.  I still
miss the life I should've had, but it's not all I think about anymore.
Maybe someday they'll figure out how to fix us.  For now, I've got
reasons to stay.

Re: [QUAD-L] Genealogy

2006-07-06 Thread Angelique Novak
I'm into genealogy, too.  I haven't gone back anywhere close to you,
though.  Besides Ancestry.com, what online resources have you used?
Sorry I took so long responding, I've been busy.

[QUAD-L] [Fwd: stem cell]

2006-07-06 Thread Angelique Novak


June 29, 2006

Dear CAMR Friends,

This Fourth of July weekend is a time for celebration. Not only will we mark the history of our 
great nation, but today Senator Frist delivered news that makes us hopeful for 
the future as well.

Just this afternoon, Senator Frist announced that the Stem Cell Research 
Enhancement Act (H.R. 810) will be brought to the Senate floor for a vote this 
year. He successfully obtained what 
is called “unanimous consent” from his Senate colleagues to move forward with a 
vote on a package of bills that includes H.R. 810. The other bills in the package are the 
Alternative Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapies Enhancement Act, S. 2754, and the 
Fetus Farming Prohibition Act of 2006, S. 3504. Under the agreement, amendments will not 
be permitted and each bill will have a separate vote and will need at least 60 
votes to pass. While a date has not 
been set, Senator Frist has now entered into a formal compact with all of his 
colleagues in the Senate that a vote will occur.

We will not be taking a position on the other two bills; our goal is get 
H.R. 810 passed. While the other 
bills do not raise significant objections from the scientific community, it is 
important to stress that they should not be considered as substitutes for H.R. 
810. It is a vote for H.R. 810, and 
this bill alone, that will move stem cell research forward in our 

Of course, we need your help now more than ever. Our fight in the Senate is not over 
until H.R. 810 passes with at least 60 votes. Please pick up the phone today to 
call your Senators and ask them to vote in favor of H.R. 810 when the Senate 
takes up the bill. Make them 
understand that you will not accept any substitutes or alternative bills and 
that the only vote you will accept is one in favor of H.R. 810.

Call your senators at the following numbers and share with them the 
message below:

Senator Mark Dayton
Telephone #: (202) 224-3244

Senator Norm Coleman
Telephone #: (202) 224-5641


“I strongly support the Stem Cell Research Enhancement 
Act (H.R. 810) and ask that you vote in favor of it. Only a vote in favor of H.R. 810 is a 
vote in favor of moving stem cell research forward in our county. Please work to pass H.R. 810 soon with 
no amendments and no alternatives.”

While you are gathered with friends and family over the holiday weekend 
share this great news with them and urge everyone you know to join CAMR and to 
call their senators with this message. 
Thank you for doing your part to get H.R. 810 passed by the 

Thank you,

Sean Tipton
---End Message---

Re: [QUAD-L] Genealogy

2006-07-06 Thread Angelique Novak

Thanks, Lori. I'll try those.
Lori Michaelson wrote:

pretty much. To post an inquiry ... i like ... http://genforum.genealogy.com/Others
are ...http://dgmweb.net/genealogy/GenealogyHome.shtmlhttp://www.familysearch.org/http://www.cyndislist.com/lds.htmor
just do a search on 'genealogy' or 'family history sites', etclori
---Original Message---

From: Angelique

Date: 07/06/06 10:11:45

To: Quad

Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]

Lori- I'm into genealogy, too. I haven't
gone back anywhere close to you,though. Besides Ancestry.com, what
online resources have you used?Sorry I took so long responding, I've been

Re: [QUAD-L] Hello

2006-07-04 Thread Angelique Novak

Hi David-
 Thanks for the welcome.
"David K. Kelmer" wrote:
Hi Angelique,Welcome
to the Quad-List. This is a great place to share SCI related thoughts,
ideas, problems, or just chat with others that know how you feel.
Pull up a chair and join the conversation.
With Love,?xml:namespace
prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"

Angelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm Angelique Novak, ventilator dependent quadriplegic from a spinal
cord injury at the levels of C1  C2. A wonderful man who shares
condition turned me on to this list.
I'm 25, in MN, and live at home with my parents. My injury happened
in August of 1994, I was hit by a negligent man driving his car at
55mph, while crossing the road on my bike. He was at fault.
I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone.
-Angelique Novak

[QUAD-L] email problem

2006-07-03 Thread Angelique Novak
I tried to reply to you, Lori, but it was sent back to me.

Re: [QUAD-L] Hello

2006-07-03 Thread Angelique Novak
Hi Rick-
No, you're not the guy.  How far is Newport from Andover?  Thanks
for the welcome.

Rick Caseltine wrote:

 Hi Angelique,

 I'm not sure if I was the guy who told someone else to
 give you the quad-list but somebody recently asked me
 for some info about quad/sci related stuff.

 I'm a c3-4 quad on a vent; 37 years old. 20 years
 I live in Newport, Minnesota.

 Welcome to the group.


 --- Angelique Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi everybody-
  I'm Angelique Novak, ventilator dependent
  quadriplegic from a spinal
  cord injury at the levels of C1  C2.  A wonderful
  man who shares my
  condition turned me on to this list.
  I'm 25, in MN, and live at home with my parents.
   My injury happened
  in August of 1994, I was hit by a negligent man
  driving his car at over
  55mph, while crossing the road on my bike.  He was
  at fault.
  I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone.
  -Angelique Novak

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

[QUAD-L] Hello

2006-07-02 Thread Angelique Novak
Hi everybody-
I'm Angelique Novak, ventilator dependent quadriplegic from a spinal
cord injury at the levels of C1  C2.  A wonderful man who shares my
condition turned me on to this list.
I'm 25, in MN, and live at home with my parents.  My injury happened
in August of 1994, I was hit by a negligent man driving his car at over
55mph, while crossing the road on my bike.  He was at fault.
I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone.
-Angelique Novak