[QUAD-L] helping people

2004-11-03 Thread STILSOULVIVEN
Title: AOL Email


   I went to Lawrenceburg, IN, and I was 
  transferring into my wheelchair from my car with my Mom in a parking 
  garage. I heard someone sitting behind our car, and when I was 
  situated, I turned around and saw a young black man in a wheelchair (a 
  regular hospital chair not evaluated and fit to his needs). He said, 
  "How do you do that, get out of you car like so?" I said, "It has 
  taken hard work to learn the sliding technique. I slide on a 
  transfer board to the front seat." He then said, "Do you think you 
  could help me? I do not have a chair like that so I can go out to 
  the mall and stuff like that. I told him to give me his phone number 
  and I would call him with resources, a way to do things, and that I would 
  walk him through this and get him the things that he needed to become 
  independent. I had never seen this person in my entire life, but he 
  needed help and he called upon a stranger in a parking garage. God 
  works in mysterious ways. My question to 
  everyone is if you know about any good support groups, or Independent 
  Living Centers in Hamilton Co., OH? I will be 
  calling him to discuss his situation, and his different needs, and I want 
  to be prepared to answer all his questions thoroughly. I am not 
  familiar with the State of Ohio, so if anyone can send me info, it would 
  be appreciated.
  ***Hello everyone! I hope you are doing fine. 
  Keep your heads up, because tomorrow the sun will rise 

[QUAD-L] RE: {Quad-L} Re: human embryos

2004-11-02 Thread STILSOULVIVEN

I agree with you! iii

life begins when you start paying taxes!From: 
"Corie Jones" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: human 
embryosDate: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 22:44:48 -0800In my 
opinion, human life begins when the embryo becomes a human fetus, which 
is when the fetus begins to have a brain, spinal cord, heart, and other 
functioning organs. These embryonic cells are just 
that...cells...until they are implanted into a woman's body. There 
is no LIFE without a WOMAN's body to allow the cells to grow into a 
human fetus, which can eventually live outside of his/her mother's 
womb. So many pro lifer's do not consider this important 
fact. I get very angry with the argument against partial birth 
abortion, which only happens because the woman's life is in 
jeopardy. Doctor's do not perform abortions when the fetus is over 
8 weeks UNLESS the mother's life is at risk. Doctor's are very 
conservative about this. It is not something done lightly. It amazes 
me that there is always this huge concern for an embryo (before it is a 
fetus, before it has a brain, spinal cord, heart) when the woman/mother 
NECESSARY for the growth and life of this developing fetus is 
disregarded so callously.I hope I'm not sorry for 
responding to this!Peace, Corie 

[QUAD-L] (no subject)

2004-10-14 Thread STILSOULVIVEN
Can anyone tell me about the lawsuit that Advantage Home Health Care is filing toward the medicaid waiver program? Apparently half of the home care agencies are not going to accept the medicaid waiver anymore. 
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2004-10-14 Thread STILSOULVIVEN
I was notified from the local Advantage office here in IN, that Advantage was bringing forth a lawsuit to the waiver program, and that Advantage and 1/2 of all the other Home Health Agencies were going to stop using the waiver as a payment option. I was told, by a reliable source, to start looking for a new pay source for my hours that were covered by waiver in order to avoid a bad situation in the future. According to my source, Advantage is either the largest or one of the largest home health providers in Indiana. It definitely needs to be looked into!
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Re: [QUAD-L] Bush plays the game of being Christian

2004-10-13 Thread STILSOULVIVEN
"I never mentioned color in my post because I know it's not just black women that do it, however they are the majority when it comes to that.  I realize what you are saying, but it's wrong no matter what color you are and having all these children knowing you don't have an honest way to support them."

US Census 2000
Total population: 281,421,906
Total responses to race: 274,595,678, 
African American: 34,658,190 
White 211,460,626 
Hispanic: 35,305,818 

The percentage of African Americans on government assistance is higher than the other races, this is true. However, if you consider the population at whole, is the African American percentage actually higher than whites on government programs? 

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[QUAD-L] RE: Bush plays the game of being.....

2004-10-11 Thread STILSOULVIVEN

 Not all single women have children just to receive a welfare check every month. Do you think it is fun to live like that? There are many women who work full time jobs, and have to have government assistance to survive. You should not have to give up your child because you are financially unstable. 
 By the time I was 19, I had three children. I worked two full time jobs, but still couldn't make it. I had food stamps, and lowered rent, but I deserved my children just as much as a woman who was married and financially stable. 
 And for the women who don't work, many times you can't win for losing. If you work, you do not earn enough to to raise a family, and if you apply for benefits, you don't receive enough assistance to even help make a difference. By the time you add child care for when you do go to work, you still have nothing. If you quit your job, you are then eligible for more assistance, and you can live better than if you were working. It is no way to live, but you do what you have to do to survive. 
 Now for those women who don't even try to better themselves or the lives for their children, is unexceptable. But they should not have to adopt out their children. Until you have had to live in the system and raise children, you should not judge whether they deserve to have and keep their children. You could one day have to depend on food stamps, welfare, and lowered rent to raise your kids, because you aren't guaranteed a stable life. Would it be fair to say that a mother who is disabled should have to adopt out their child? No! 
 It is a struggle depending on the government to raise your family, but it doesn't make you any less deserving of a family, a bad mom, or any less of a person. If anything needs to change, it is the way the system works. Better assistance should be available for those mothers who are working, that way they can get on their feet, become stable, and come out of the system and poverty. For the mothers who did not want to work, they would have to become employed in order to best utilize their resources, and would see that working is more beneificial than welfare. The welfare system makes it impossible to get back on your feet when you have hit rock bottom.
 As far as teenage pregnancy, yes, it is irresponsible. We have all made decisions as teens that were not responsible, but we are only human. Who are we to judge one another anyway? I do believe that we all have our flaws!!!

Well, kids and single women are having babies and living off of the system.   They get money to raise the baby, money off of rent, food stamps, and other things they may be eligible for.  It is a shame.  I think those people should be forced to give their babies up for adoption or after having a couple they should.  So many of these women have 4,5 or more kids.  I know a woman from back home that has 7 and doesn't work because she gets so much help.

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2004-08-20 Thread STILSOULVIVEN
Does anyone know anything about getting defaulted student loans reduced? I cannot afford the payments because I took out the loan prior to my disability. My income from SSDI is not enough to make the loan payment. I was one of fourteen students accepted into a new Honors programs at Indiana University this year, and now I can't even go to college. Voc rehab cannot help until I resolve this loan matter. I sent a form (the form that verifies I am disabled so that my loan can be reduced) from the financial aid office, to my doctor three times to verify that I am disabled, and they will not sign it. I am a quad resulting from a T1 spinal cord injury. How is that not a disability? I should be responsible for my debt, but I cannot afford it at this time. I desperately want to go to school. Does anyone know what I could do?
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