RE: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

2008-04-13 Thread Silas Shelburne
We all know that America can't go on like were going, but what is it going
to take?  We're going to self destruct very soon, why can't are government
relies this and f**K*Ng do something?  We drove to Knoxville yesterday to
visit my son, you would not believe the traffic.  We stopped at Ryan's to
eat, it was packed I couldn't believe the plates of food people were filling
and that was their first plate.  I guess what I'm trying to say is this
resetion hasn't slowed anybody down, it's like the blind leading the blind!


From: John S. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.


I don't think the answers are so terribly hard to find. If you consider that
America is one of only a few industrialized nations that has an entrenched
corporate welfare system. In theory, we pay corporations to do what our
legislators believe to be right. This is similar to the fallacy of the
unbounded center. Instead of giving money away for doing what is right, you
simply elevate taxes on corporations that are doing things wrong. We do not
increase taxes on companies that pollute. The very first thing our fearless
leader did upon being elected by the supreme court was to eliminate the
windfall profits tax. Why is anyone surprised at the price of gas. To
increase gasoline prices the oil companies merely slow production, thereby
doing less to make more money. Why don't we tax the porn industry. H,
ok, that would cost politicians. The porn industry is a major political
money source. Could you imagine a one year subscription to Hustler costing
The arguement that porn is free speech is absurd. If porn is free speech
then there is no reason to have more than one issue as the message is just
repeating itself. 
Everyone has the right to bear arms, but that doesn't mean certain guns
shouldn't be heavily taxed. Would a 100% tax on alcohol hurt the nation?
What? The poor have a right to poison themselves as fast as the wealthy. Why
can't casinos pay a 75% tax on profits? We don't want to upset the mobsters
that moved to the desert. 
We don't give tax breaks to companies that choose not to pollute, in fact,
home builders that want to build houses that are off the grid are fined for
not installing unnecessary electric and gas transmission lines. God forbid a
house be built without a sewage hookup. 
I know I'm ranting but I do believe that we are only separated from a
healthy economy by our obsession with the idea that all taxes are bad. 


- Original Message 
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 10:30:29 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

Seems like you agree with more than 80% of the country as the present,
regarding the direction we are heading.  Our country has been sold in
parcels to the highest bidders, without regards to its effects on our
economy.  We are hemmorage our money, jobs and education to other countries
who laugh at our misery.

Just ask those who have returned from other countries.  Our dollar has
lost its value.  Our dollar means everything to us for survival.  Just ask
any American.  It wasn't always this way.  I too pray for The Change.

Best Wishes


In a message dated 4/12/2008 9:23:54 A.M. Central Daylight Time,

I pretty much don't agree with anything this administration is doing.  Our
country has had it's back turned on since we went to war.  Our own people
are hurting in a big way and our problems can't be resolved.  Whomever
becomes president has a big job on their hands and I know I wouldn't want
that job for the world.  We need to keep our noses out of other countries
and focus on this one.


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FW: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

2008-04-13 Thread Merrill Burghardt
Exactly why I feel a candidate with domestic priorities is the choice for
president.  We know who that is.  With the Republicans in office I've seen a
determination of our infrastructure such as the disabled.  Imagine Ronald
Regan letting American Viet Nam Vets out of mental institutions to live on
streets and prison.





Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.


So true, I agree.
It seems we are always helping everybody else and forgetting about our own
from right here.


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Re: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

2008-04-12 Thread Stacy Harim
I pretty much don't agree with anything this administration is doing.  Our 
country has had it's back turned on since we went to war.  Our own people are 
hurting in a big way and our problems can't be resolved.  Whomever becomes 
president has a big job on their hands and I know I wouldn't want that job for 
the world.  We need to keep our noses out of other countries and focus on this 

I agree with you about the payments.  I didn't agree with when he gave out 
checks his first year as president and the tax cuts dont need to be going to 
the wealthy.  Bush said it will basically trickle down but doesn't realize that 
a majority of the wealthy invest their extra money for their own benefit.  If 
it wants tax cuts to go back into the economy then it needs to be given to 
people that are middle class because they are the ones that need the money and 
will most likely spend it and put it back into the economy.

I have a huge concern about our future.  I'd love to be able to know that I 
will be secure in the future but I just don't know if it will happen.


- Original Message 
From: Danny Hearn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 2:26:48 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

Hey  everyone, I was watching some program last night that said we are spending 
5,000 dollars every second 7 days a week on the IRAQ war. In addition to that 
---the American defecit is costing about a Million Dollars a Minute JUST FOR 
THE INTEREST PAYMENT ONLY !Why can't our government cut back for a while 
and PAY down some on that defecit so a large part of our tax money don't go to 
DEFECIT INTEREST payments ??  Man if we ran OUR households in this 
way-we would all be bankrupt. It's really sad the shape we are getting 
into- We all must balance our checkbooks or be homeless Do any 
of you think or worry about our future with the needless pork and waste our 
congress keeps approving???  I know I do.   
 Dan H. 

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Re: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

2008-04-12 Thread wheelchair
Seems like you agree with more than 80% of the country as the present,  
regarding the direction we are heading.  Our country has been sold in  parcels 
the highest bidders, without regards to its effects on our  economy.  We are 
hemmorage our money, jobs and education to other  countries who laugh at our 
Just ask those who have returned from other countries.  Our dollar  has 
lost its value.  Our dollar means everything to us for survival.   Just ask any 
American.  It wasn't always this way.  I too pray for  The Change.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 4/12/2008 9:23:54 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I  pretty much don't agree with anything this administration is doing.  Our  
country has had it's back turned on since we went to war.  Our own people  are 
hurting in a big way and our problems can't be resolved.  Whomever  becomes 
president has a big job on their hands and I know I wouldn't want that  job for 
the world.  We need to keep our noses out of other countries and  focus on 
this one.

**It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money  
Finance.  (

Re: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

2008-04-12 Thread John S.
I don't think the answers are so terribly hard to find. If you consider that 
America is one of only a few industrialized nations that  has an entrenched 
corporate welfare system. In theory, we pay corporations to do what our 
legislators believe to be right. This is similar to the fallacy of the 
unbounded center. Instead of giving money away for doing what is right, you 
simply elevate taxes on corporations that are doing things wrong. We do not 
increase taxes on companies that pollute. The very first thing our fearless 
leader did upon being elected by the supreme court was to eliminate the 
windfall profits tax. Why is anyone surprised at the price of gas. To increase 
gasoline prices the oil companies merely slow production, thereby doing less to 
make more money. Why don't we tax the porn industry. H, ok, that would cost 
politicians. The porn industry is a major political money source. Could you 
imagine a one year subscription to Hustler costing $500. 
The arguement that porn is free speech is absurd. If porn is free speech then 
there is no reason to have more than one issue as the message is just repeating 
Everyone has the right to bear arms, but that doesn't mean certain guns 
shouldn't be heavily taxed. Would a 100% tax on alcohol hurt the nation? What? 
The poor have a right to poison themselves as fast as the wealthy. Why can't 
casinos pay a 75% tax on profits? We don't want to upset the mobsters that 
moved to the desert. 
We don't give tax breaks to companies that choose not to pollute, in fact, home 
builders that want to build houses that are off the grid are fined for not 
installing unnecessary electric and gas transmission lines. God forbid a house 
be built without a sewage hookup. 
I know I'm ranting but I do believe that we are only separated from a healthy 
economy by our obsession with the idea that all taxes are bad. 


- Original Message 
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 10:30:29 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

 Seems like you agree with more than 80% of the country as the present, 
regarding the direction we are heading.  Our country has been sold in 
parcels to the highest bidders, without regards to its effects on our 
economy.  We are hemmorage our money, jobs and education to other 
countries who laugh at our misery.
Just ask those who have returned from other countries.  Our dollar 
has lost its value.  Our dollar means everything to us for survival.  
Just ask any American.  It wasn't always this way.  I too pray for 
The Change.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 4/12/2008 9:23:54 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  pretty much don't agree with anything this administration is doing.  Our 
  country has had it's back turned on since we went to war.  Our own people 
  are hurting in a big way and our problems can't be resolved.  Whomever 
  becomes president has a big job on their hands and I know I wouldn't want 
  job for the world.  We need to keep our noses out of other countries and 
  focus on this one.

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Re: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

2008-04-12 Thread Quadius
One reason why politics isn't discussed that much on here is because people
definitely get downright upset when the real arguments start.  It ends up
driving some people off the list.  Every now and then it's okay, but during
the last election cycle it was unbelievable.  This particular thread has
been somewhat benign, but wait until someone gets on here and bashes the
views of the majority of people on this list.

I encourage everyone that is upset about the cost of this war to share that
view with your congressperson and Senator.  If this war ended tomorrow,
which is definitely not going to happen, it would still end up costing us
billions of dollars a year.  How?  The disabled veterans and those with
psychological impairment.  As someone said, we are a debtor nation and right
now our present has been mortgaged to our grandchildren's children.  A tax
cut, which interestingly enough Senator McCain rightfully rejected
initially, during a time of war.  Never in our history have we been that

The gap between the really rich and the poor has only increased.  The
trickle down theory was disproved a long time ago, I don't know why people
still tend to believe it still works.
Just my two cents.

On 4/11/08, Tod E. Santee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Danny!

 From what I understand the typical pork barrel spending (i.e. earmarks)
 are a miniscule part of Congressional spending.  The majority of it is
 currently war spending and regular budgeting that's been necessary for
 running our country--which includes all the interest we paid to other
 countries to which were in debt.

 As for what we spend in Iraq, I understand we spend the same amount there
 in 3 weeks as we've spent in all six years in Afghanistan, a country that
 really was involved in 9/11.

 (I love talking politics and I've been surprised not to see much of it
 here.  It used to get quite heated when I was here before.)

 Best regards,
  Danny Hearn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey  everyone, I was watching some program last night that said we are
 spending 5,000 dollars every second 7 days a week on the IRAQ war. In
 addition to that ---the American defecit is costing about a Million Dollars
 a Minute JUST FOR THE INTEREST PAYMENT ONLY !Why can't our government
 cut back for a while and PAY down some on that defecit so a large part of
 our tax money don't go to DEFECIT INTEREST payments ??  Man if we ran OUR
 households in this way-we would all be bankrupt. It's really sad the
 shape we are getting into- We all must balance our checkbooks or be
 homeless Do any of you think or worry about our future with the
 needless pork and waste our congress keeps approving???  I know I

Re: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

2008-04-12 Thread DAANOO
So true, I agree.
It seems we are always helping everybody else and  forgetting about our own 
from right here.

**It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money  
Finance.  (

[QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

2008-04-11 Thread Danny Hearn
Hey  everyone, I was watching some program last night that said we are spending 
5,000 dollars every second 7 days a week on the IRAQ war. In addition to that 
---the American defecit is costing about a Million Dollars a Minute JUST FOR 
THE INTEREST PAYMENT ONLY !Why can't our government cut back for a while 
and PAY down some on that defecit so a large part of our tax money don't go to 
DEFECIT INTEREST payments ??  Man if we ran OUR households in this 
way-we would all be bankrupt. It's really sad the shape we are getting 
into- We all must balance our checkbooks or be homeless Do any 
of you think or worry about our future with the needless pork and waste our 
congress keeps approving???  I know I do.   
 Dan H. 

Re: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

2008-04-11 Thread Tod E. Santee
Hey Danny!

From what I understand the typical pork barrel spending (i.e. earmarks) are 
a miniscule part of Congressional spending.  The majority of it is currently 
war spending and regular budgeting that's been necessary for running our 
country--which includes all the interest we paid to other countries to which 
were in debt.

As for what we spend in Iraq, I understand we spend the same amount there in 3 
weeks as we've spent in all six years in Afghanistan, a country that really was 
involved in 9/11.

(I love talking politics and I've been surprised not to see much of it here.  
It used to get quite heated when I was here before.)

Best regards,
 Danny Hearn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Hey  everyone, I was watching some program last night that said we are 
 spending 5,000 dollars every second 7 days a week on the IRAQ war. In 
 addition to that ---the American defecit is costing about a Million Dollars a 
 Minute JUST FOR THE INTEREST PAYMENT ONLY !Why can't our government cut 
 back for a while and PAY down some on that defecit so a large part of our tax 
 money don't go to DEFECIT INTEREST payments ??  Man if we ran OUR households 
 in this way-we would all be bankrupt. It's really sad the shape we 
 are getting into- We all must balance our checkbooks or be 
 homeless Do any of you think or worry about our future with the 
 needless pork and waste our congress keeps approving???  I know I do. 
Dan H. 

Re: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

2008-04-11 Thread wheelchair
We have become a debit nation.  It won't change tomorrow or the next  day 
either.  Ten years from now we as a nation will still be paying for our  
of yesterday... and then some.  Your elected officials have spoken  for you 
and your future and the future of your children.
When you read that in some areas of the USA, only 25 to less than 50% of  
those who start high school ... will finish it.  10 years from now we will  
a population with nose rings and tatts and  lead around like  a herd of 
elephants.  And the world will be happy.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 4/11/2008 1:27:07 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Hey  everyone, I was watching some program last night that  said we are 
spending 5,000 dollars every second 7 days a week on the IRAQ war.  In addition 
that ---the American defecit is costing about a Million Dollars  a Minute JUST 
FOR THE INTEREST PAYMENT ONLY !Why can't our  government cut back for a 
while and PAY down some on that defecit so a large  part of our tax money don't 
go to DEFECIT INTEREST payments ??  Man if we  ran OUR households in this 
way-we would all be bankrupt. It's really  sad the shape we are getting 
into- We all must balance our checkbooks  or be homeless Do any 
of you think or worry about our future with the  needless pork and waste our 
congress keeps approving???  I know I  do. 
Dan H. 

**Planning your summer road trip? Check out AOL Travel Guides.

Re: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

2008-04-11 Thread oconnelldb

 Speaking of money? the recent write-down by Citibank of 12 Billion is an 
effort to clear off junk from their balance sheets so they can get back to 
banking business stuff.? Their balance sheet has a total of 2.2 Trillion 
dollars on it so 12 billion represents 1/2 of one percent of their balance 
sheet.? So far we are approaching the 500 Billion dollar mark of money spent on 
the Iraqi war in the past 6 years.? Pretty amazing numbers huh?.? 



-Original Message-
From: Tod E. Santee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 11:41 am
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

Hey Danny!

From what I understand the typical pork barrel spending (i.e. earmarks) are 
miniscule part of Congressional spending.  The majority of it is currently war 
spending and regular budgeting that's been necessary for running our 
country--which includes all the interest we paid to other countries to which 
were in debt.

As for what we spend in Iraq, I understand we spend the same amount there in 3 
weeks as we've spent in all six years in Afghanistan, a country that really was 
involved in 9/11.

(I love talking politics and I've been surprised not to see much of it here.  
used to get quite heated when I was here before.)

Best regards,
 Danny Hearn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Hey  everyone, I was watching some program last night that said we are 
spending 5,000 dollars every second 7 days a week on the IRAQ war. In addition 
to that ---the American defecit is costing about a Million Dollars a Minute 
FOR THE INTEREST PAYMENT ONLY !Why can't our government cut back for a 
and PAY down some on that defecit so a large part of our tax money don't go to 
DEFECIT INTEREST payments ??  Man if we ran OUR households in this 
way-we would all be bankrupt. It's really sad the shape we are getting 
into- We all must balance our checkbooks or be homeless Do any 
of you think or worry about our future with the needless pork and waste our 
congress keeps approving???  I know I do.   
Dan H. 


RE: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

2008-04-11 Thread Mark Jackson
If America was a company we'd fire the CEO!
It's not just the Iraq war, do you know how much money each year on the War
on drugs?
It's close to a 20 billion dollar budget a year spent on drug control. 
They're doing a great job too, drugs are more readily available and cheaper
than ever!
Before we went to war in Afghanistan Heroin was barely heard of there but
since then they are now selling 80% of all Heroin in the world.
Sounds kind of fishy to me, but the war on drugs sounds very profitable on
both sides now.
Did you know that marijuana is now the leading cash crop in America?
I better stop I could on and on about this crap!
You should watch a movie called Cocaine Cowboys and see how the government
really fights the war on drugs.
Niether the war in Iraq or the war on drugs are what they said they were for
and anyone that says they are have fallen for the bait.

Mark Jackson




From: Danny Hearn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 1:27 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

Hey  everyone, I was watching some program last night that said we are
spending 5,000 dollars every second 7 days a week on the IRAQ war. In
addition to that ---the American defecit is costing about a Million Dollars
a Minute JUST FOR THE INTEREST PAYMENT ONLY !Why can't our government
cut back for a while and PAY down some on that defecit so a large part of
our tax money don't go to DEFECIT INTEREST payments ??  Man if we ran OUR
households in this way-we would all be bankrupt. It's really sad the
shape we are getting into- We all must balance our checkbooks or be
homeless Do any of you think or worry about our future with the
needless pork and waste our congress keeps approving???  I know I do.
Dan H. 

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RE: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

2008-04-11 Thread Mark Jackson
I was also watching the news and found out that we are spending halk a
billion dollars a week on guess what? Gasoline to power our Army that
defends Iraq by Iraq.
The part that really pissed me off was that the Iraqi people only pay around
$1.25 a gallon but they charge the good ol USA over $3.00 a gallon!
I'm tired of this War, I say pull them out immediately because some things
you'll never change.

Mark Jackson




From: Danny Hearn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 1:27 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] America's Defecit and Also the IRAQ war cost.

Hey  everyone, I was watching some program last night that said we are
spending 5,000 dollars every second 7 days a week on the IRAQ war. In
addition to that ---the American defecit is costing about a Million Dollars
a Minute JUST FOR THE INTEREST PAYMENT ONLY !Why can't our government
cut back for a while and PAY down some on that defecit so a large part of
our tax money don't go to DEFECIT INTEREST payments ??  Man if we ran OUR
households in this way-we would all be bankrupt. It's really sad the
shape we are getting into- We all must balance our checkbooks or be
homeless Do any of you think or worry about our future with the
needless pork and waste our congress keeps approving???  I know I do.
Dan H. 

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