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Debra Scruggs-Scruggs phalanx-dragon slayers -PRISONER OF HOPE ZECH. 9
Formerly: Homeschooling mom of 9 and pvt. pilot
Currently: Quadrapeligic due to advanced MS and living in a nursing home
Phone: 561-588-4333
SC student 20yrs

From: DEBRA DEW <>
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 9:07 PM
Subject: aa handicap father with 2 young daughters drowns as teenagers 
encouraged him to die

a hhandicapped father with 2 young daughters ,, drowned  as teenagers watched 
him and did not even offer to help  and instead cursed at him… and below the 
article is what the Bible says about seared 

I Timothy 4:2 "Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with 
a hot iron;"

"Hypocrisy" is the claiming something to be very religious and of God, when in 
fact it goes completely against God's Word. The one that holds that "hot iron" 
is Satan, and he though his seducing spirits and doctrines of devils will catch 
the unsuspecting minds of God's people, and sear the conscience of their minds 
to where they can't tell the difference between what is from God, and what is 
of the devil Satan.

When someone was wounded, you sear their wound over with a hot iron, and it 
sterilizes and prevent impurities from entering the wound. When Satan seared 
with his hot iron, just the opposite happens; it seals the wound of their mind, 
and prevents the truth with understanding from entering into their conscience 
mind. It causes the Christian that has been seared from understanding the 
truth, and they accept the lies of Satan's seducing spirits, and those 
doctrines of devils and think that it is truth. The searing over by the hot 
iron leaves a scar to where the wound is not as sensitive. When that hot iron 
hits your conscience mind, then your mind is not as sensitive to leading of the 
Holy Spirit of God as well.

Each time you feed your children with the trash from television, it causes 
their minds to be less sensitive to the point that many times they have trouble 
separating what is right from wrong, what is truth from what is a lie, and 
reality from fiction. What happens to your children and yourself when you allow 
this to happen, is that they become branded in their minds, they take on a 
brand or seal, which is also a mark in their minds of Satan who controls the 
beast of these latter days.

This is why we should train ourselves to hold a thought, watch a subject and 
object that is being taught in God's Word, whereby we can judge man's doing by 
it. Therefore we can know if we are getting involved with someone that has been 
listening to seducing spirits or not.

Phone: 561-588-4333
SC student 20yrs

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