since you definitely have empathy and first-hand experience with what I'm going 
through, I thought I would share this. Please scroll down, then please make 
comments if you have any because I'm trying to learn from this experience and 
wise up;side is better than foresight

Debra Scruggs-Scruggs phalanx-dragon slayers -PRISONER OF HOPE ZECH. 9
Formerly: Homeschooling mom of 9 and pvt. pilot
Currently: Quadrapeligic due to advanced MS and living in a nursing home
Phone: 561-588-4333
SC student 20yrs

From: DEBRA DEW <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 5:49 PM
Subject: believe it or not I have a good report about the new computer… And the 
value of having observant watchers that love you around

I have a good report about the new computer  since it's been back from a A+ 
computer repair shop; I haven't had to do one reset of the computer or of 
Dragon NaturallySpeaking since I received it, and I'm so grateful to my 
daughter Margaux for taking the bull by the horns  and sending a computer man 
to repair it. I'm almost afraid to say something because it seems too good to 
be true. this is the 2nd computer repair person to work on this computer, and 
I'm so grateful this time they seem to have solved the problem with whatever 
was corrupted.. Windows had to be reinstalled along with Dragon 
NaturallySpeaking and my other programs. I wish I'd had the knowledge to know 
just enough to realize the programs were corrupted somehow and needed to be 
reinstalled so I could have had the original computer repair guy to do that 
because tthis computer never worked properly from the get-go; we were whipping 
a dead horse . that is one thing I have to be grateful to Richie for, because 
he observed me struggling to use the programs, and diagnosed that everything 
needed to be reinstalled right away. And he's the only person that made that 
suggestion and of course I latched on to it because it was valuable information 
that I had never even considered; he is so knowledgeable because he owned a 
computer store and was repairing them since the 1st Apple Macintosh wwas 
produced. The man Ritchie is a patient  here , and he wanted $600 to do all the 
work and Margaux had a computer repair shop come pick it up and work on it,  
and the total was  $350. I'm so grateful for her looking out for me.. Being 
isolated here without a telephone  makes it very difficult to make certain 
decisions intelligently, and obviously Richie was just trying to take advantage 
of the situation because he thought my family is not around watching. It still 
amazes me that even being in my position, people still managed to  take 
advantage of me and not that rarely either.. I should not be surprised I 
suppose, because we know was the ruler of this world is ,, but a person without 
a seared conscience, I would have the oobviously incorrect and naïve 
expectation, they mmight have some hesitation about taking advantage of a 
helpless person but they just look at that as an invitation to do whatever  
nefarious things they can dream up in their morally corrupt intellect. Very 
disheartening, especially being without my family around physically for 
protection. they are like a hungry lion looking around for something to eat 
that is easy prey…

I Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a 
roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour:"

To "be sober" is to be sensible, and to be "vigilant" is to be aware and 
sincere in what you are doing. Be ready for those things that could come 
against you, and not stumbling around in a fog. It is to have that alarm set 
and ready to go off when the world would come against you. Remember that our 
adversary is Satan the devil, and his sole mission is to trip you up and accuse 
you before the throne of God. The "adversary " is one of the names of Satan, 
the devil. Job tells us that Satan is right there in heaven before the throne 
of God accusing us of the things that we do. However When you repent in Jesus 
name, you have the power over Satan and all his realm, so take that power and 
use it. He has to go when you tell him to go.

So many people today have an evil Satanic spirit that they succumb to whenever 
they think no one is looking to witness their evil deeds. And the ones that 
proclaim the loudest about how holy they are and how much they love the Lord, 
scare me the most because I found they are  just setting me up to be vulnerable 
to whatever it is they have on their mind. As Mahatma Gandhi said,  "I would be 
a Christian except that I know too many of them".

Debra Scruggs-Scruggs phalanx-dragon slayers -PRISONER OF HOPE ZECH. 9
Formerly: Homeschooling mom of 9 and pvt. pilot
Currently: Quadrapeligic due to advanced MS and living in a nursing home
Phone: 561-588-4333
SC student 20yrs

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