Title: Quadriplegic Video/ $$$$$/Exploitation
This video thing sounds kind of good. But in some ways just another way 4 someone 2 exploit others searching 4 info. Because as we know each injury is different and what some can do others can’t what works for me a C/6 C/7 complete might not work 4 a C/7 incomplete and visa versa. Some things will just have 2 be tried. Shouldn’t it be more like the combined research of a spectrum of quads. This person & his 2yr girlfriend may not be as sexual as me & my new gurlfriend :) That has a lil cowgurl in her and LUVS 2 ride hard :) :) I’m just very leary of a lot of things trying 2 be pushed of on us. I’m more in tune with experimenting & pushing limits. :) Now we know mostly everyone on q-list so who originally posted this? What makes this creditable? How do I know that he & his girlfriend are really having sex or even exist????????

On 2/28/05 11:37 AM, "Quadriplegic Video" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For those of you that are interested,

There’s a video in the making right now, covering sexuality and intimacy in Quadriplegic spinal cord injuries. It will cover many of the questions and topics, that has been posted on message boards and forums relating to quadriplegic’s and sex.

But unlike the material and videos that have been released on this topic before. This video will cover detail and explicit questions, that many people with quadriplegic injuries and their partners ask.

It will not be the 30 to 45 minute video with doctors and therapist telling you what, you can and can not do.

Instead this video is being created by a couple, in a loving 2 year relationship. That "has/is" dealing with an ongoing sexual/intimate relationship. He is a C5/C6 quadriplegic. She is an able-body.

Although this video will explicit in nature, it WILL NOT be in anyway pornographic material. But It will be intended for adults, for educational purposes.

We are asking if you or your partner have a question, issue, topic, or anything specific you’d like addressed in the video.

To send your emails to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please include <your name> and <level of injury>.


If you are interested in being notified, when the video is released and available. Send an email to:

Please include <your name> and <level of injury> to:


The video is aimed to be released in July of 2005.



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