Re: [QUAD-L] RE: Medications -- Lyrica

2007-02-08 Thread Bobbie299
Is anyone aware of the efficacy of Cymbalta or Lyrica, especially in regards 
to neuropathic pain? Any opinion or experiences about either one would be 
appreciated.  Peter 25yrs
 I took 50mgs of Lyrica once a day at night for nerve pain for one month. I 
stopped because I was constantly groggy, sleepy and couldn't remember things. 
Also I had NO energy to do anything and anything I did was a great effort. And 
the biggest reason of all that I stopped taking it was it made me gain weight. 
As far as the reduction of pain was concerned, it took away about 25% of it. 
Not worth it for me.   
Bobbie Humphreys C-5,6.7 motorcross jumping accident in 1973 at 17

Re: [QUAD-L] RE: Medications -- Lyrica

2007-02-08 Thread LadyOnWheels725
I take 300mg 2 times a day of Lyrica and  have been on it about 6 months.
Prior to Lyrica I was on neurotin  600mg 3 times a day for about 8 years.
.I also take Elavil 100mg. 3 times a day  , Loratab 3x a day and about 7 
other prescriptions.  I also have 25 areas  injected with botox every 3 months.
I have talked to several people about  Lyrica and it has helped them.  I 
guess it depends on the person,  the  type pain you have and, your body's 
to the drug.  
If your pain is not controlled and a  doctor suggested it to you, it might be
worth a try.  
Keep us posted.