hello all,

I am going on my 52nd year post sci.  I have used a Foley catheter the
entire time and the bladder of course is nonfunctional and giving issues.
The urologist is sending me to a specialist with the thought of removing
the bladder and using an ostomy.

Anybody ever go through something similar? I have the typical quad gut,
where all my organs have drop-down and are pushed together. Is my opinion
this could be a problem should I need surgery.

I had surgery on my leg almost 30 years ago and because of things not being
where they belong the surgeon nicked  the artery and I lost nine units of
blood. Luckily another surgeon wanted to observe and was on hand to assist
the main surgeon. When he went to talk to my wife he was in his white
scrubs which was covered with squirts of blood and it freaked her out.

I'm really  hesitant about surgery again and I wanted to find out if anyone
has any complications during surgery.



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