[qubes-users] Re: I miss the KDE cpu sensor

2016-07-19 Thread raahelps
On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 9:48:36 PM UTC-4, Drew White wrote:
> You miss the KDE sensor for CPU, I miss the networking stats... On NetVM and 
> FirewallVm I have to run bwm-ng all the time because I can't see each 
> individual network stats.

haha nice, I have to check that applet out.  Ya man sometimes when my old 
dinosaur of a computer start lagging out i'm like wtf is going on.  I look in 
qubes manager and everything adding to like 20% use from a couple vms.  I look 
at kde applet and its showing like 90% total cpu use and I think ok, it wasn't 
just me in head,  something is going on and try to investigate.Would love 
i/o activity in qubes manager as well.   

  I still run etherape on screen in sys-net.  So much better then feeling like 
its making me vulnerable on bare metal os,  who cares if etherape gets hacked 
in sys net, plus I remove that vm often anyways lol.  On this machine it prolly 
don't matter but good practice anyways imo.

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[qubes-users] Re: I miss the KDE cpu sensor

2016-07-19 Thread raahelps
xfce has what?

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Networking

2016-07-19 Thread raahelps
On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 9:34:31 PM UTC-4, Drew White wrote:
> On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 01:46:25 UTC+10, raah...@gmail.com  wrote:
> > > ok I owe you an apology man.  You are probably right.
> You don't owe me an apology because there is nothing to apologise for.
> > the list of problems for me keep growing also.  I guess because I'm such a 
> > fan and want Qubes to be more mainstream its hard to admit.   And even 
> > though Qubes is easy to use,  you really have to walk on eggshells to not 
> > break things or keep them functioning properly.  So I guess in that sense 
> > its not as user friendly as it could be.  
> I'd love for it to be mainstream, but the way it is, with bugs still from the 
> beginning of Qubes, and version 2 and 3 in there, it's hard to get it to go 
> mainstream.
> I've told many people about Qubes, and then Qubes got changed in some way, 
> and it broke, and they used it and asked me why I said that it was good when 
> it was broken.
> I've had version 3.1 for ages, and then 3.2 they bring out with Fedora 24 and 
> KDE 5, which is so broken it just keeps breaking. That put off numerous 
> people, fixing something that isn't broken instead of fixing what is broken 
> and concentrating on that.
> > For example i have to remember to shutdown all appvms or else it doesn't 
> > even shutdown properly and i have to hard power off.  Or having to remember 
> > to unmount and detach block devices to avoid having to restart pc cause of 
> > error if wanting to re-attach them.  (which happens sometimes anyways with 
> > multiple devices attached) Or loading or shutting down vms too fast which 
> > cause errors.   
> I've not had that issue since version 2.1 of Qubes. Back then it needed that, 
> but since then everything shuts down correctly. But I've also edited 
> templates to put my startup scripts in, put protection on, and more. So they 
> don't take long to shutdown beecause I've removed stuff that takes forever to 
> shut down/die/stop.
> > Then there are bugs that annoy me like firefox not being able to go 
> > fullscreen without freezing in Qubes. Or wake and suspend issues i'm not 
> > starting to have.   And this is not even counting the random bugs that 
> > causes vms not to shutdown or templates not to update or qubes manager to 
> > crash.
> I have firefox full screen when I want it to be, in 3.1.
> I find the wake issue is due to the manager and it's memory leak. Thus I've 
> had to make my own cure for that, as usual, since I've had to for many other 
> things too.
> > So basically I'm very wrong to doubt your issues, because I have alot of 
> > problems myself when I'm not even doing anything as advanced as you.  It 
> > seems Qubes is not easy to develop for and I imagine its a hell of alot of 
> > work for one guy.  And its not your typical project that is basically just 
> > a custom debian.   Its a whole nother thing altogether and I just hope it 
> > succeeds because I really do believe the whole idea and philosophy of Qubes 
> > is the future.
> At work, I'm a coder and a developer. At home I'm just a standard user. And 
> there are things I don't do, like YouTube and videos and all like that. So 
> I'm actually not using as a "normal user", but I am a "normal user" when I'm 
> at home.
> Qubes is good, and it could be so much better.
> The upgrade to Fedora 24 and KDE5, totally unnessicary. They never should 
> have done that.
> They could have had Fedora 20, and kept the repos somewhere. Then Just 
> secured and kept it up to date with a stable system, instead of going 
> unstable, even just for a candidate it's too unstable.

Ya debian still uses kde4. There is probably nothing kde5 can do better 
security or functionality wise.

Some people still have the shutdown issue.  I had it on 3.0 and i believe on 
3.1 also on two machines.  I know Eva on the mailing list have the issue it 
depends on whats running.  But I haven't noticed it lately.

Firefox only use to freeze full screen for me in 3.1 with fedora templates.  
But worked in debian and whonix.  Ever since debian dropped the firefox weasel  
to firefox esr for some reason now on my machine it has same issue fedora 
always had in Qubes.

I have disliked fedora since fedora 20,  Fedora 19 was a good one. But ever 
since then more and more unstable. And I think it was fedora 22 that introduced 
dnf which I dont' like and a whole lot of other problems.   But I agree i have 
no problem with the older DE versions.  I don't need the new fancy desktop 
themes or for my old hardware to become unsupported.   And for new hardware 
like skylake stuff I'm sure they could just upgrade kernels and keep lts or 
older ones available.

Right now everyone is demanding gpu passthrough lol.

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[qubes-users] Re: I miss the KDE cpu sensor

2016-07-19 Thread Drew White
You miss the KDE sensor for CPU, I miss the networking stats... On NetVM and 
FirewallVm I have to run bwm-ng all the time because I can't see each 
individual network stats.

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[qubes-users] Re: I miss the KDE cpu sensor

2016-07-19 Thread Drew White
On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 01:01:48 UTC+10, raah...@gmail.com  wrote:
> ya that is what i'm doing now, since qubes manager is never accurate.  But it 
> doesn't show a total. and was just nice to have that applet on the panel of 
> kde.

The qubes manager isn't that innacurate.

I know that XFCE has it. Maybe try that instead?

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Re: [qubes-users] dom0 gui daemon do not support protocol version 1:1

2016-07-19 Thread raahelps
On Monday, July 18, 2016 at 10:21:55 PM UTC-4, raah...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Monday, July 18, 2016 at 8:05:30 PM UTC-4, raah...@gmail.com wrote:
> > On Monday, July 18, 2016 at 7:45:38 PM UTC-4, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki 
> > wrote:
> > > Hash: SHA256
> > > 
> > > On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 04:43:09PM -0700, raahe...@gmail.com wrote:
> > > > ya doesn't work.   vms dont' start properly.  sys-firewall can't start 
> > > > qubes-guid
> > > > 
> > > > can't read /var/lib/qubes/dom0-updates/etc/yum.conf
> > > > cant' create transaction lock on /var/lib/qubes/./.rpm.lock  no 
> > > > such file or drecitory
> > > > checking for dom0 updates
> > > > CRITICAL: yum.cli:COnfig Error : Error accessing file for 
> > > > qubes-dom0-updates/et/yum.conf
> > > 
> > > But you've said yum info show 3.2.x is available - which would mean you
> > > have the packages already downloaded. Try just 'sudo yum update' in
> > > dom0.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > - -- 
> > > Best Regards,
> > > Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
> > > Invisible Things Lab
> > > A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> > > Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
> > > Version: GnuPG v2
> > > 
> > > iQEcBAEBCAAGBQJXjWodAAoJENuP0xzK19csHqkH/Rfz9HAUksNE+D2H8FqbG/cW
> > > ckSDpIy6qxK1mtggCOn5Ahi7kf87NzZgvnbP/GWwY2ac2c73TU8C9TrEGKEM8VRI
> > > rGQ9+yyg3Xz7MO0u2LC2Luxds0gUMHzhGEqthpwpDIY32+WaAIW4paJccFS8Ucml
> > > i3W6Bon/E19Pjx1GlyhQ7QT5tx9hZMhwYWm976SXyHmAkC1FM+Tzpv8eNKYT6cit
> > > P6iW4F2jZJAbLTsY/hE2QY1yw3o1A9foWmCaPbRCKbyJfvf3SwHFeH5hxiMWsK8R
> > > Z5ZBklhEoxg/p7SzZQtRZauIrjLhG3NzbSwedm+IbHskRULKktI4hN22c9hNmTc=
> > > =hOx3
> > 
> > yes when I do sudo yum info qubes-core-dom0 it shows me installed and 
> > available.  When I first did that I saw the 3.2.3 and assumed it was 
> > installed.  I'm not sure that means its downloaded though?
> > 
> > Whole reason i tried this cause I'm having wake suspend issues on xfce that 
> > I haven't had previously when using kde.  I thought  the newer version 
> > might fix that.  Or was that a dumb idea?
> so nothing else for me to do?  reinstall?

so the restore worked ok.  only thing was I apparently forgot to back up the vm 
i used with ssh keys lol,  and a cloned template i used for printing.  ugh.  
just gonna back up all vms next time.  but all my other vms restored no problem 
back to 3.1.   Gonna stay with that until 3.2 is final and stick with kde for 

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Re: [qubes-users] rsync ssh connection in AppVM failing

2016-07-19 Thread paulstansell
Hello Andrew, I just want to say that whatever was causing my previous problems 
is no longer doing so.  Even though I'm doing nothing differently, rsync is 
running fine now.  Thank you, Paul

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Re: [qubes-users] [bug] Inter-VM Copy/Paste Broken After Long Uptime

2016-07-19 Thread Andrew
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki:
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 01:13:22PM +, Andrew wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have one particular Qubes instance with an uptime >60 days.
>> Aside from needing to occasionally restart Qubes Manager to deal
>> with the memory leak problem, this works fine.
>> However, recently, I have become unable to copy and paste between
>> VMs. Pressing the key combination appears to do nothing.  FWIW, 
>> /var/run/qubes/qubes-clipboard.bin and 
>> /var/run/qubes/qubes-clipboard.bin.source are both 0-sized files 
>> (presumably) dated to back when inter-VM copy/paste stopped
>> working.
>> Any suggestions on how to debug?
> Yes, remove /var/run/qubes/qubes-clipboard.bin.xevent
> The file contains X event timestamp of last copy/paste operation
> (to avoid some race conditions). But this counter overflows after
> some time (a month or so) and our code do not handle this case.

I see, thanks.


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Re: [qubes-users] [bug] Inter-VM Copy/Paste Broken After Long Uptime

2016-07-19 Thread Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Hash: SHA256

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 01:13:22PM +, Andrew wrote:
> Hello,
> I have one particular Qubes instance with an uptime >60 days.  Aside
> from needing to occasionally restart Qubes Manager to deal with the
> memory leak problem, this works fine.
> However, recently, I have become unable to copy and paste between VMs.
> Pressing the key combination appears to do nothing.  FWIW,
> /var/run/qubes/qubes-clipboard.bin and
> /var/run/qubes/qubes-clipboard.bin.source are both 0-sized files
> (presumably) dated to back when inter-VM copy/paste stopped working.
> Any suggestions on how to debug?

Yes, remove /var/run/qubes/qubes-clipboard.bin.xevent

The file contains X event timestamp of last copy/paste operation (to
avoid some race conditions). But this counter overflows after some time
(a month or so) and our code do not handle this case.

- -- 
Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Invisible Things Lab
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
Version: GnuPG v2


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Re: [qubes-users] Menu System

2016-07-19 Thread Andrew David Wong
Hash: SHA512

On 2016-07-19 05:50, Drew White wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I added the KDE manager for the menus, and I add my custom menu 
> items, but after things are installed, they don't get added,
> that's why I added them. After that, when I add something from the
> system that I want in the menu, or remove something I don't want,
> the ENTIRE folder system gets removed, then gets re-added, and thus
> I have to re-add my custom menu items again.
> Can this please be remedied?
> I think it would be easier for the devs to do it, rather than me 
> trying to find it and follow everything through to fix it. :}

Take a look at this issue (and the linked message and thread):


- -- 
Andrew David Wong (Axon)
Community Manager, Qubes OS


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Re: [qubes-users] How to make a Multi "domain" Launcher

2016-07-19 Thread R.B.

On 07/19/2016 08:56 AM, donoban wrote:


Since long time ago I was thinking that would be nice to have
multi-options icons/launcher instead of having a lot of same icons for
different domains.

I thought it should require some hacking on xfce/kde but today I
started to think on it and discovered:


It's really nice and works like a charm!

Thanks for the link! It's also a good replacement for "recent apps" 
which got lost in the transition from KDE to XFCE.



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[qubes-users] Re: recent wake suspend issues

2016-07-19 Thread raahelps
On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 11:51:46 AM UTC-4, raah...@gmail.com wrote:
> getting nmi watchdog soft lockup irq error,  or just the desktop freezing 
> couple seconds after waking.Don't think its a hardware issue cause it 
> doesn't happen otherwise.
> Could it be a recent update causing it or the fact I'm using xfce now instead 
> of kde?

I forgot to say this is on 3.1

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[qubes-users] recent wake suspend issues

2016-07-19 Thread raahelps
getting nmi watchdog soft lockup irq error,  or just the desktop freezing 
couple seconds after waking.Don't think its a hardware issue cause it 
doesn't happen otherwise.

Could it be a recent update causing it or the fact I'm using xfce now instead 
of kde?

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Networking

2016-07-19 Thread raahelps
On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 11:02:49 AM UTC-4, raah...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 8:12:34 AM UTC-4, Drew White wrote:
> > On Monday, 18 July 2016 12:59:49 UTC+10, raah...@gmail.com  wrote:
> > > Qubes really isn't that hard to use,  but for some reason its got that 
> > > stigma attached to it.  Its different is all it is.   Anyone who uses 
> > > windows and doesn't need to play games can use it imo.  I taught my 
> > > family how to update qubes,  attach usb block device from usbvm, use the 
> > > different vms for different tasks,  copy and paste,  transfer files 
> > > between vms.   Its all with mouse and gui, whats the big deal?
> > > 
> > > I dunno I just wonder how you find 200 bugs lol.  most people using qubes 
> > > don't have such problems.  When your a normal person you don't go looking 
> > > for problems.  As long as it can do what you want to do.   All these 
> > > problems don't seem to be the case for most users.   Is there really a 
> > > difference in networking between 3.1 and 3.2?  I wonder what it is. You 
> > > sure you using the best drivers?  Maybe the kernel is the difference.
> > 
> > How do I find 200 bugs? I read the screen. I see what it says. I don't go 
> > looking for them, they just appear there. Just like the bugs in the Qubes 
> > manager that have been there since version 2.0 of Qubes, maybe even 
> > earlier, and they have not even been fixed, and yet I see them every say on 
> > my screen, often shows 100 times or more in one day... I don't see how a 
> > bug like that could be missed.
> > 
> > Yes, there does appear to be something different in the networking. Not to 
> > mention the KDE crashes in 3.2 whenever you change any settings in the 
> > Qubes Manager. What they changed I have no idea. but in 3.1 I can't get 
> > more than 100 Mbps from any Unix or Windows guest through a NetVM, but in 
> > 3.2, it all works find from Unix based guests, but Windows is still only 
> > 100 Mbps.
> ok I owe you an apology man.  You are probably right.

the list of problems for me keep growing also.  I guess because I'm such a fan 
and want Qubes to be more mainstream its hard to admit.   And even though Qubes 
is easy to use,  you really have to walk on eggshells to not break things or 
keep them functioning properly.  So I guess in that sense its not as user 
friendly as it could be.  

For example i have to remember to shutdown all appvms or else it doesn't even 
shutdown properly and i have to hard power off.  Or having to remember to 
unmount and detach block devices to avoid having to restart pc cause of error 
if wanting to re-attach them.  (which happens sometimes anyways with multiple 
devices attached) Or loading or shutting down vms too fast which cause errors.  

Then there are bugs that annoy me like firefox not being able to go fullscreen 
without freezing in Qubes. Or wake and suspend issues i'm not starting to have. 
  And this is not even counting the random bugs that causes vms not to shutdown 
or templates not to update or qubes manager to crash.

So basically I'm very wrong to doubt your issues, because I have alot of 
problems myself when I'm not even doing anything as advanced as you.  It seems 
Qubes is not easy to develop for and I imagine its a hell of alot of work for 
one guy.  And its not your typical project that is basically just a custom 
debian.   Its a whole nother thing altogether and I just hope it succeeds 
because I really do believe the whole idea and philosophy of Qubes is the 

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[qubes-users] Re: I miss the KDE cpu sensor

2016-07-19 Thread raahelps
On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 8:57:34 AM UTC-4, Drew White wrote:
> On Monday, 18 July 2016 13:04:52 UTC+10, raah...@gmail.com  wrote:
> > It was the only way i had in qubes to see true total cpu use, nothing else 
> > shows it.  qubes manager or top in dom0,  neither does the xfce addon to 
> > cpu monitor i'm using called cpu graph.  now I just have to go by feel haha 
> > and hope because my pc is so crappy that I notice something off just with 
> > that. :)
> run "xentop" as root. easy. :}

ya that is what i'm doing now, since qubes manager is never accurate.  But it 
doesn't show a total. and was just nice to have that applet on the panel of kde.

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[qubes-users] Re: [bug] Inter-VM Copy/Paste Broken After Long Uptime

2016-07-19 Thread Drew White
On Tuesday, 19 July 2016 23:13:28 UTC+10, Andrew  wrote:
> Hello,
> I have one particular Qubes instance with an uptime >60 days.  Aside
> from needing to occasionally restart Qubes Manager to deal with the
> memory leak problem, this works fine.
> However, recently, I have become unable to copy and paste between VMs.
> Pressing the key combination appears to do nothing.  FWIW,
> /var/run/qubes/qubes-clipboard.bin and
> /var/run/qubes/qubes-clipboard.bin.source are both 0-sized files
> (presumably) dated to back when inter-VM copy/paste stopped working.
> Any suggestions on how to debug?
> Andrew

By the way,m the system isn't designed to be up for that amount of time, or so 
I've been told recently.
Mine normally breaks after a week. Then I have to reboot.
It typicaly says it's a permisison issue with the file, but ssetting the 
permisisons doesn't fix it, no matter what you do it can't seem to access the 
files.. so only a reboot works.

Qubes, they say, is designed for "normal users" not people like us who don't 
turn off our computers.

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[qubes-users] Re: [bug] Inter-VM Copy/Paste Broken After Long Uptime

2016-07-19 Thread Drew White
On Tuesday, 19 July 2016 23:13:28 UTC+10, Andrew  wrote:
> Hello,
> I have one particular Qubes instance with an uptime >60 days.  Aside
> from needing to occasionally restart Qubes Manager to deal with the
> memory leak problem, this works fine.
> However, recently, I have become unable to copy and paste between VMs.
> Pressing the key combination appears to do nothing.  FWIW,
> /var/run/qubes/qubes-clipboard.bin and
> /var/run/qubes/qubes-clipboard.bin.source are both 0-sized files
> (presumably) dated to back when inter-VM copy/paste stopped working.
> Any suggestions on how to debug?
> Andrew

What version of Qubes?

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[qubes-users] [bug] Inter-VM Copy/Paste Broken After Long Uptime

2016-07-19 Thread Andrew

I have one particular Qubes instance with an uptime >60 days.  Aside
from needing to occasionally restart Qubes Manager to deal with the
memory leak problem, this works fine.

However, recently, I have become unable to copy and paste between VMs.
Pressing the key combination appears to do nothing.  FWIW,
/var/run/qubes/qubes-clipboard.bin and
/var/run/qubes/qubes-clipboard.bin.source are both 0-sized files
(presumably) dated to back when inter-VM copy/paste stopped working.

Any suggestions on how to debug?


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[qubes-users] Re: I miss the KDE cpu sensor

2016-07-19 Thread Drew White
On Monday, 18 July 2016 13:04:52 UTC+10, raah...@gmail.com  wrote:
> It was the only way i had in qubes to see true total cpu use, nothing else 
> shows it.  qubes manager or top in dom0,  neither does the xfce addon to cpu 
> monitor i'm using called cpu graph.  now I just have to go by feel haha and 
> hope because my pc is so crappy that I notice something off just with that. :)

run "xentop" as root. easy. :}

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: installer 3.2 bugs

2016-07-19 Thread Drew White
On Saturday, 16 July 2016 20:38:33 UTC+10, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki  wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 10:22:53PM -0700, Drew White wrote:
> > On Friday, 15 July 2016 11:34:24 UTC+10, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki  wrote:
> > > On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 06:19:56PM -0700, Iestyn Best wrote:
> > > > @Marek please correct me if I am wrong but I believe that all standard 
> > > > templates (ie. fedora, debian and whonix) are installed even if you 
> > > > select the option "do not configure anything", it just should not 
> > > > create any appVMs.
> > > Yes.
> > > Template configuration about which Drew is talking is basically getting
> > > list of installed applications and their icons, so when you create
> > > VMs, you will get entries in the menu.
> > 
> > Is that all that happens when it says it's configuring the templates?
> Yes.
> > If that is all that it is doing, why does it take so long? (just a query)
> Because it needs to start the template, download all the icons, color
> them to VM label etc.

I always thought it did more than that. The 3.1 installer has the same issue 
though. However, if I tell it to do NOTHING, and actually check that box and 
click next, it still tries to set up the firewall.

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Qubes Network Setup Service

2016-07-19 Thread Drew White
On Saturday, 16 July 2016 19:00:34 UTC+10, Achim Patzner  wrote:
> > YOU, Jeremy, are one of the people I dislike more than anyone I have ever 
> > met or heard from online.
> Some rabbi told me once "if you're pointing a finger at a person there will 
> be four fingers pointing at yourself".

Let the fingers point all they want, if they don't earn my respect then such as 
There are people on here that I respect a great deal, And there are those, like 
Jeremy, that I want nothing to do with ever and I hate. I don't respect him in 
the least.

As for the OP, I've got no idea now. I don't know how their query structure is 
set up, so I'm at a loss, sorry. that debugging info got me stumped.

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Networking

2016-07-19 Thread Drew White
On Monday, 18 July 2016 12:59:49 UTC+10, raah...@gmail.com  wrote:
> Qubes really isn't that hard to use,  but for some reason its got that stigma 
> attached to it.  Its different is all it is.   Anyone who uses windows and 
> doesn't need to play games can use it imo.  I taught my family how to update 
> qubes,  attach usb block device from usbvm, use the different vms for 
> different tasks,  copy and paste,  transfer files between vms.   Its all with 
> mouse and gui, whats the big deal?
> I dunno I just wonder how you find 200 bugs lol.  most people using qubes 
> don't have such problems.  When your a normal person you don't go looking for 
> problems.  As long as it can do what you want to do.   All these problems 
> don't seem to be the case for most users.   Is there really a difference in 
> networking between 3.1 and 3.2?  I wonder what it is. You sure you using the 
> best drivers?  Maybe the kernel is the difference.

How do I find 200 bugs? I read the screen. I see what it says. I don't go 
looking for them, they just appear there. Just like the bugs in the Qubes 
manager that have been there since version 2.0 of Qubes, maybe even earlier, 
and they have not even been fixed, and yet I see them every say on my screen, 
often shows 100 times or more in one day... I don't see how a bug like that 
could be missed.

Yes, there does appear to be something different in the networking. Not to 
mention the KDE crashes in 3.2 whenever you change any settings in the Qubes 
Manager. What they changed I have no idea. but in 3.1 I can't get more than 100 
Mbps from any Unix or Windows guest through a NetVM, but in 3.2, it all works 
find from Unix based guests, but Windows is still only 100 Mbps.

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[qubes-users] How to make a Multi "domain" Launcher

2016-07-19 Thread donoban
Hash: SHA256


Since long time ago I was thinking that would be nice to have
multi-options icons/launcher instead of having a lot of same icons for
different domains.

I thought it should require some hacking on xfce/kde but today I
started to think on it and discovered:


It's really nice and works like a charm!

Version: GnuPG v2


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