We have KeePassX as the preferred password storage system when making
vaults but I wonder if something like Hashicorp Vault might be able to
provide additional security properties.

The benefit is that there's an audit trail, you can expire passwords, you
can set fine-grain controls on what VM's would have the password, MFA can
be supported, and others I'm sure.

Qubes API could query the vault (via IPC not network) and prompt the user
to allow access (similar to how GPG segregation works). Vault passwords
could be sent to system seamlessly (only 1 time) and keep a ledger of where
that password has been used. You'd still want to classify vaults based on
work, personal, secret based on the values of course.

The goal would be to make secret saving (password, ssh keys, certificates)
more managed so you can keep track of which VM accessed what.

I'm wondering if this would impact the threat model, be of value at all,
and even worth investigation? Are there others that have tried to do a
dedicated keyring type secrets storing application?


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