I installed KDE .  The installation went fine, though of course the 
touchscreen doesn't work (which has been written about before).  The 
graphical interaction for blender was actually better in KDE than it was in 
Xfce.  However...   after a minute or two, the left mouse button became 
unresponsive, either on usb mouse or touchpad when dealing with either 
panels, menus, or the KDE settings tool.  It seemed like there was suddenly 
a huge delay -- if I clicked the mouse once, then the appropriate action 
would eventually occur in 30 -40 seconds.  During that time, there's a lot 
of flickering and seemingly random things being highlighted, as if there's 
noise in the mouse signal.  The right mouse button seemed to work.  The 
middle button worked, but the wheel did not.  This occurred even when I set 
the compositor to xrender.

I turned off sddm and turned on lightdm, which flipped me back into Xfce -- 
I guess you can't run kde using lightdm.   It's doing fine, though again, 
the touchscreen isn't working.  I forgot to test the touchscreen before I 
installed kde, so I don't know if it would work on a clean installation or 


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