Dear Qubes Community,

I am trying to install Qubes 4.2. in vain, not because the hardware is 
incompatible, but because of Salt problems. I verified the downloaded ISO 
according to the instructions, burned the ISO with various programs on a USB 
stick, among others with the DD command:

dd if="./Qubes-R4.2.1-x86_64.iso" of="/dev/sda" status="progress" conv="fsync"

I have checked the result and it shows that the hash sum of the  USB stick 
under /dev/sda is the same as the downloaded file:

sudo dd if=/dev/sda bs=1M count=$(stat -c %s 
/home/user/QubesIncoming/XXX/Qubes-R4.2.1-x86_64.iso) iflag=count_bytes | 

When I start the computer with the USB stick and test the medium, the following 
appears first:

Fragment sums: 2695f8d1(...)
supported iso: no

Then, when the test has run 100 percent, the following appears:


If I install anyway, I have to cancel the automatic creation of sys-net, 
sys-usb and personal AppVMs, because otherwise I get an installation error 
because the installer does not set the PCI devices to disable strict reset. At 
the end of the setup it still says:

"initial config failed", see /var/log/salt/minion

The log there says:

Specified ext_pillar interface qvm_prefs unavailable

And when I try to update dom0, it fails. The reason is noted in the same log 

Unable to detect release version
Cannot prepare internal mirror list: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was 
not OK for https://mirrors.fedora(...)

Everything otherwise works according to the HCL report, including Suspend, 
Ethernet, USB, Speaker. Strange thing was that no default-mgmt-dvm seemed to be 
present and was not started during update attempts.

I have already tried the installation with 4.2.0 and 4.2.1, with standard 
kernel and with the latest kernel.

How could I solve the problem?

Thank you,
Michael Singer

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