On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 5:21:07 AM UTC-5, Leeteqxv wrote:
> I have long wondered when the various Linux communities will
>       finally be able to co-operate and make a common solution for
>       having the system fix Grub by itself through a GUI that newcomers
>       have a chance of using without technical knowledge.
> Something like a simple menu with "fix Grub" options like "Update
>       the menu with entries for all the found operating systems."
> See the examples below, they all seem to be of the kind that a
>       system function should be able to provide now in 2016.
> Is this a good moment in history for Qubes to reach out to the
>       other Linuxes and ask for a collaboration to fix this once and for
>       all? It would remove a huge barrier for loads of people wanting to
>       explore the options of getting away from Windows.
> I know this defeats the purpose of the SECURITY aspect of Qubes,
>       but bear with me a moment:
> This is for EVALUATION purposes, for the time where a normal user
>       that runs Windows or the like already without much protection. It
>       is only to provide a testing ground. After a while, the users will
>       familiarize themselves with Qubes and for sure get to understand
>       the Security implications communiacated by the Qubes community and
>       docs. Then, when each user gets ready, it becomes possible to let
>       Qubes take over the whole system and have some serious security.
> But that is not the point at all during evaluation.
> I think we would benefit from lowering the barrier here, to reach
>       critical mass, which could help finance further developments, etc.
>       etc...
> LeeteqXV
> ******************
> Related thread: "[qubes-users] I recently installed Qubes and I
>       now have several problems"
> "Last night I was able to install Linux Mint beside the other
>       operating systems.  It is not that I wanted to use Mint, it is
>       just that by installing it it redid the GRUB file so now I can
>       boot to Windows 7 or Qubes (or Mint).  So that solves the first
>       problem."
>       "Also, I just realized that I may have the same problem again when
>       I reinstall Qubes; I don't want it to change the GRUB file so that
>       again I can only go into Qubes and not Windows 7.  I guess I will
>       have to study this page [https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/multiboot/]
>       to try to not have that problem repeat."
>       "To triple boot mint, qubes and win 7 with the mint grub.   edit
>       the /etc/grub.d/40_custom file in mint.   append in there
>       everything between the xen sections of the grub.config file
>       located on the qubes boot partition. 
>       Then update grub on mint and reboot and qubes should boot from
>       menu.  You will have to do this everytime qubes updates kernel or
>       it errors again."
> (To view this discussion on the web visit 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/qubes-users/CAEgwnuSSNfbsP2nYfPp24LKwrGpAaho_ddreqL84_q9mPinYBQ%40mail.gmail.com.)
> *******************

I'm not sure whty u mean,  but debians installer has a "fix grub" option.  
probably just re installs it.

If mint recognizes qubes then thats awesome.  the xen section I mean is in the 
the qubes grub.config file on the boot partition. 

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