[qubes-users] Re: Qubes 4.0-rc5 Some issues

2018-03-09 Thread Yuraeitha
On Friday, March 9, 2018 at 5:15:00 PM UTC+1, Evastar wrote:
> Sorry, send to Unman private. I use web interface now, because all my 
> previous emails close IMAP support : 
>  Repost to group: 
> Qubes Reinstalled. 
> I can confirm that at the first step user always lose access to mouse in case 
> of sys-usb created, but not running. 
> About not syncing template & dom0. No, it's not the reason, because right now 
> rc5 does not have any dom0 updates at all. 
> Right now, after fresh install  I can update fedora-26 (done). But still not 
> seeing my attached disk at nautilus. 
> I check it with fdisk -l at untrasted when it's attached:
> Device Boot  StartEndSectors   Size Id Type
> /dev/xvdi1  1936269394 3772285809 1836016416 875.5G 4f QNX4.x 3rd 
> part
> /dev/xvdi2  1917848077 2462285169  544437093 259.6G 73 unknown
> /dev/xvdi3  1818575915 2362751050  544175136 259.5G 2b unknown
> /dev/xvdi4  2844524554 2844579527  54974  26.9M 61 SpeedStor
> Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary. (RED COLOR)
> Partition 2 does not start on physical sector boundary. (RED COLOR)
> Partition 3 does not start on physical sector boundary. (RED COLOR)
> Partition 4 does not start on physical sector boundary. (RED COLOR)
> Partition table entries are not in disk order.
> But disk is 3 Tb ! : (at the header from report)
> Disk /dev/xvdi: 2.7 TiB, 3000457232384 bytes,
> Disklabel type: dos
> And it's one disk without 875.5G parts
> Why the system can not mount it? :(
> The second question.
>  You wrote that old qubes version templates does not
>  supported. Is it related also to Windows&Qubes Tools? I have 
> Windows template and want to restore it and use it... 
> Thanks
> About Qubes Manager. Really, I do not know how to use the system without
>  full list of all VMs with some advanced sorting, searching features. 
> Actually, I'm searching it, sorting it by status and use "Run" menu to 
> run gnome-terminal or some other application (90% of time), another 5% 
> use case of Qubes Manager is checking updates and change settings of VM 
> that I found at list. It's UX. I do not know how you want go forward 
> without this... Some functions can be reduced, but stay without it? Do 
> not know how...
> ---
> p.s. Disk described before attached and unattached well (but not 
> mounted). It's NTFS disk as I remember.

Yes old Windows standalone should work, but you might need to tweak it a bit. 
It must be running in HVM mode (Not PV or PVH mode). Also I'm not sure if this 
got fixed, but dyanmic Memory disabled, and give it some decent amount of RAM 
to run in stable, i.e. 4GB RAM or so. It seems putting the Windows page file 
(like Linux SWAP) to a fixed size instead of dynamic, prevents crashes or 
minimizes crashes. The Qubes tools from Qubes 3.2. more or less "roughly" works 
in Qubes 4 as well, but it's not all perfect. For example you need to prevent 
the Qubes network windows service from running (disable it comnpletely), 
restart the Windows VM, and then put a fixed IP address back to Qubes. This 
restores your internet access. From there, there are other minor issues, but 
it's generally usable. Test it a bit to see if keeps being stable.

Another suggestion about the mounting issue, might be that the drive was 
formated in a special way. For example it might require special mount flags to 
be added, or maybe the Linux NTFS driver just can't read this type of NTFS 
variant, which seems to happen sometimes by the looks of older threads in other 
Linux distro's on the search engine. Try find another NTFS drive, if the other 
NTFS works, then it's probably the special NTFS format that is messing it up. 
To which you may have found your answer, but from there you need new solutions. 
I.e. how to fix that, and questions arrise, like moving files/backup files, and 
reformat the drive? etc. 

About the Qubes Manager (renamed Qube Manager in Qubes 4 btw), it's okay if you 
use it, I'm not going to try tell you otherwise. All I do is raise perspectives 
to think about. For example, one perspective here is that I got so many AppVM's 
and templates at this point, that it'd be completely bungos for me to have any 
sort of list, because no matter how I sort it, it'd be a mess. Yet I manage 
these AppVM's just fine too without the Qube Manager. I use the new Qubes 4 
widget tool to keep watch on which AppVM's is currently running, and to shut 
one of them down (albeit the current widget bug makes it a bit hard, but it's a 
very new bug, it'll be fixed at some point son hopefully, otherwise we can't 
close our AppVM's normally without opening a terminal every time to do it). I 
use a handful of 7 XFCE4 Launcher plugins, and put all my browsers in one 
launcher, coloured an

[qubes-users] Re: Qubes 4.0-rc5 Some issues

2018-03-09 Thread Yuraeitha
On Friday, March 9, 2018 at 2:09:23 PM UTC+1, Evastar wrote:
> Something strange is going on. I can not run fedora-26 template terminal. 
> Template is clean 4.0 template, before I only install nano on it. 
> Start/resume also does not work. I get message about "halted". It's also 
> harder to get the real state of app vms& templates, because Qubes Manager is 
> freezen. Now I see fedora-26 with yellow mark. 
> Maybe I must reinstall the whole system and try again or It's too early to 
> migrate from 3.2 :(
> Maybe maybe something with my ssd disk? But guess it fine, maybe filesystem 
> incorrectly work...

There are a few places I suspect causing your start of VM's issues: 

- Did you by any chance backup-restore old templates from Qubes 3.2.? That 
won't work. 
- Your system might have issues with HVM/PVH, maybe try lower it to HVM or PV. 
Qubes 3.2. used PV virt_mode, so PVH/HVM might be what is causing your issues.
- Maybe you forgot to update the templates the same time you updated dom0 (and 
vice versa), keep them in sync with each others at all time. 
- Did you by any chance use the testing repositories? If so, be sure you did so 
on all your templates, including dom0. Never just do it on one or a few, all of 
them must be kept in sync with each others.

It's easier to mess-up the updates sync in Qubes 4, than it was in Qubes 3.2. 
That might possible be changed later to improve that, but for the time being 
it's important you keep tabs on your update method to keep everything in proper 
sync with each others. Also I believe that restoring old Qubes 3.2. templates 
can't be done with the old Qubes codes in them, you need new fresh ones made 
for Qubes 4.

Actually, this whole template/update user mistake issue thing, can also 
possibly explain your qvm-block issues, since the Qubes tools won't be working 
properly then. But it can of course also be a separate issue altogether. Did 
you ensure you made no mistakes with updates across Qubes, restarted Qubes 
fully after Qubes updates, and also did not restore old templates from Qubes 

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[qubes-users] Re: Qubes 4.0-rc5 Some issues

2018-03-09 Thread Yuraeitha
On Friday, March 9, 2018 at 2:09:23 PM UTC+1, Evastar wrote:
> Something strange is going on. I can not run fedora-26 template terminal. 
> Template is clean 4.0 template, before I only install nano on it. 
> Start/resume also does not work. I get message about "halted". It's also 
> harder to get the real state of app vms& templates, because Qubes Manager is 
> freezen. Now I see fedora-26 with yellow mark. 
> Maybe I must reinstall the whole system and try again or It's too early to 
> migrate from 3.2 :(
> Maybe maybe something with my ssd disk? But guess it fine, maybe filesystem 
> incorrectly work...

That eternal spinning circular issue in the Qubes widget should be okay, it's 
known (Qubes-users-mail-list and github) and appears to be only graphical (not 
performance issue). It's also a very new issue. The worst part of it seems to 
be the inability to properly close the VM's. You need to type qvm-shutdown 
vm-name in dom0 for that. Or you can stop it from the VM's own terminal, though 
it takes some time to shutdown that way. 

The Qube Manager was never meant to be used with Qubes 4 onwards, it was only 
brought back because of requests for it, but that doesn't mean they integrated 
the Qube Manager into Qubes 4, it's sort of an "addon" now. It also has issues, 
as unman mentioned up above, it's likely a lower priority to get the Qube 
Manager to work. Also Qubes 4 specific features isn't added to the Qube 
Manager. Furthermore there is the possibility that future Qubes releases won't 
be added to the Qube Manager either (but who knows). One of the known issues 
with the Qube Manager is the status icons for individual VM's don't update. So 
if you opened the Qube Manager while a VM was starting to shutting down, then 
it will appear as if it's yellow status. Try click on it (selecting), or close 
down the Qube Manager and open it again. It changed status, right?

You don't need to use the Qube Manager, it's a relic for old habits. If you get 
get used to it, just stop using the Qube Manager altogether, Qubes 4 was 
originally designed to be without the Qube Manager to begin with. It's just 
about getting used to the shift.

About the remaining issues, it seems a bit odd though. But the above is 
clarified now, so that you don't have to worry about those at least.

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