All the app links in xfce4's "[Dom0] Session and Startup" window under the tab 
"Application Autostart" (see screenshot) cannot be Edit-ed which is probably 
because they reside in /etc/xdg/autostart/ as *.desktop files; another way to 
see what command they execute is looking at the tooltip shown by hovering the 
mouse on them.

I needed to see what's the command for that blue "Q" in systray(aka 
Notification Area) because it went away after some dialog popped up.

The answer is: it's one of the "Domains Tray" items(there are two) whose 
command is:
$ python3 &
(added the "&" to let it go into background for when running it inside the dom0 
terminal; without the "&", Ctrl+Z then "$ bg" also works)

This post was supposed to be a question but before posting it I've figured it 
out, but I'm still posting it just in case it might be useful to someone or 
even future me.

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