I'm running ntpd 4.2.6p5 on an Ubuntu 14.04.1 system (kernel version =
3.13.0-36-generic).  I'm thinking of setting up the ACTS_MODEM driver to
give me a backup time reference in case my GPS loses its signal.

I have an old Conexant HSF modem card, which I was able to install on an
old Linux box many years ago, but I can't seem to get it to work on my
current system.  The main company (Linuxant) that used to supply Linux
drivers for this and similar cards has apparently lost interest, and all
the web sites I can find that mention Conexant HSF modem cards are
ancient (no updates in 4-5 years, claim Linux 2.6 or 2.4 is the latest
kernel, etc.).

Has anyone out there succeeded in getting a Conexant HSF modem to work
with a current Linux system?  If so, I'd be grateful for pointers to any
up-to-date drivers and documentation.

If getting this hardware to work today is a lost cause, what current
Linux-compatible modem hardware would people suggest?  It would be nice
if a new modem could handle fax (so that I can use it for more than just
occasional time service calls).

Rich Wales
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