Re: [Bioc-devel] error when install ŒRsamtools¹, ŒGenomicAlignments¹ and Œrtracklayer¹

2013-12-13 Thread Ou, Jianhong
Hi Herve,

Thanks for your reply.

I updated my R to yesterday's building and it works great. Looks like it
is the problem of my old version of R 3.10.

Yours sincerely,

Jianhong Ou

LRB 670A
Program in Gene Function and Expression
364 Plantation Street Worcester,
MA 01605

On 12/13/13 2:50 PM, Hervé Pagès wrote:

Hi Jianhong,

On 12/13/2013 11:45 AM, Ou, Jianhong wrote:
 Dear all,

 When I try to renew Rsamtools, GenomicAlignments and rtracklayer, I got

 Error : objects ŒGAlignments¹, ŒGAlignmentPairs¹ are not exported by

You didn't show us what you did exactly.

Try to do:


in *that* order.


 Does anybody know how to figure out this problem?


 * sessionInfo()

 R Under development (unstable) (2013-09-29 r64014)
 Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin12.5.0 (64-bit)

 [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

 attached base packages:
 [1] parallel  stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods

 other attached packages:
 [1] BiocInstaller_1.13.3
 [3] GenomicFeatures_1.15.4AnnotationDbi_1.25.9
 [5] Biobase_2.23.3GenomicRanges_1.15.13
 [7] XVector_0.3.3 IRanges_1.21.14
 [9] BiocGenerics_0.9.1

 loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
   [1] biomaRt_2.19.1   Biostrings_2.31.3bitops_1.0-6
   [4] BSgenome_1.31.7  DBI_0.2-7
   [7] RCurl_1.95-4.1   Rsamtools_1.15.9 RSQLite_0.11.4
 [10] rtracklayer_1.23.3   stats4_3.1.0 tools_3.1.0
 [13] XML_3.98-1.1 zlibbioc_1.9.0

 * Out-of-date packages
 GenomicAlignments GenomicAlignments
 Rsamtools Rsamtools
 rtracklayer   rtracklayer
Installed Built
0.99.3  3.1.0
1.15.9  3.1.0
1.23.3  3.1.0
ReposVer  Repository
 GenomicAlignments 0.99.9;
 Rsamtools 1.15.15;
 rtracklayer   1.23.6;

 update with biocLite()

 Error: 3 package(s) out of date

 Yours sincerely,

 Jianhong Ou

 LRB 670A
 Program in Gene Function and Expression
 364 Plantation Street Worcester,
 MA 01605

  [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

 ___ mailing list

Hervé Pagès

Program in Computational Biology
Division of Public Health Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
P.O. Box 19024
Seattle, WA 98109-1024

Phone:  (206) 667-5791
Fax:(206) 667-1319

___ mailing list

Re: [Bioc-devel] equivalent of seqselect,vector,Rle

2013-12-13 Thread Hervé Pagès

Hi Michael,

On 12/13/2013 01:03 PM, Michael Lawrence wrote:

I used to use seqselect for subsetting ordinary R vectors by Ranges and
Rle. IRanges:::extractROWS does this, but it's hidden behind the namespace.
What is the public way of doing this?

Maybe we just need to export extractROWS()? Or something with a better name?

I'll add [,vector,Ranges and [,vector,Rle methods (and probably also
[,factor,Ranges and [,factor,Rle). They'll just be wrappers to
IRanges:::extractROWS which I'd like to keep hidden.

Was not sure people where doing this on ordinary R vectors so was
waiting for someone to speak up.



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___ mailing list

Hervé Pagès

Program in Computational Biology
Division of Public Health Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
P.O. Box 19024
Seattle, WA 98109-1024

Phone:  (206) 667-5791
Fax:(206) 667-1319

___ mailing list

Re: [Bioc-devel] equivalent of seqselect,vector,Rle

2013-12-13 Thread Michael Lawrence
Thanks, makes sense. Didn't realize we could dispatch on the 'i' parameter.
I sort of recall the perception that we couldn't, and that was one of the
main motivations behind seqselect. But it does appear possible.


On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Hervé Pagès wrote:

 Hi Michael,

 On 12/13/2013 01:03 PM, Michael Lawrence wrote:

 I used to use seqselect for subsetting ordinary R vectors by Ranges and
 Rle. IRanges:::extractROWS does this, but it's hidden behind the
 What is the public way of doing this?

 Maybe we just need to export extractROWS()? Or something with a better

 I'll add [,vector,Ranges and [,vector,Rle methods (and probably also
 [,factor,Ranges and [,factor,Rle). They'll just be wrappers to
 IRanges:::extractROWS which I'd like to keep hidden.

 Was not sure people where doing this on ordinary R vectors so was
 waiting for someone to speak up.



 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

 ___ mailing list

 Hervé Pagès

 Program in Computational Biology
 Division of Public Health Sciences
 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
 1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
 P.O. Box 19024
 Seattle, WA 98109-1024

 Phone:  (206) 667-5791
 Fax:(206) 667-1319

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___ mailing list

Re: [Bioc-devel] equivalent of seqselect,vector,Rle

2013-12-13 Thread Hervé Pagès

Hi Michael,

On 12/13/2013 06:39 PM, Michael Lawrence wrote:

Coercion might suffice. I do remember Patrick optimizing these
selections with e.g. memcpy(), so they are pretty fast.

The memcpy() trick was used (and is still used in extractROWS) when
seqselect'ing by a Ranges object. For subsetting *by* an integer-Rle,
there was no (and there is still no) optimization: the subscript was
just passed thru as.integer() internally. Subsetting by a numeric-Rle
or character-Rle was broken.

No profiling
data though. I do have some performance critical code that has relied on
the Rle-based extraction. Would be nice to avoid re-evaluating the

From a performance point of view, there should be no significant
difference between doing


and doing

  IRanges:::extractROWS(x, i)

when 'i' is an Rle, because the latter passes 'i' thru as.vector()
internally (internal helper normalizeSingleBracketSubscript actually
does that). However I would still recommend you use the latter in
your package so it will take advantage of optimizations that might
happen in the future.


On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 6:19 PM, Hervé Pagès wrote:

On 12/13/2013 01:49 PM, Michael Lawrence wrote:

Thanks, makes sense. Didn't realize we could dispatch on the 'i'
parameter. I sort of recall the perception that we couldn't, and
was one of the main motivations behind seqselect. But it does appear

Well I was hoping I could do this but it doesn't work :-/

Found in the man page for `[`:

S4 methods:

  These operators are also implicit S4 generics, but as primitives,
  S4 methods will be dispatched only on S4 objects ‘x’.

OK, fair enough. But the following is really misleading:



   standardGeneric for [ defined from package base

   function (x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE)
standardGeneric([, .Primitive([))
   bytecode: 0x168cba0
   environment: 0x1ccfd90
   Methods may be defined for arguments: x, i, j, drop
   Use  showMethods([)  for currently available ones.

So the implicit generic actually does dispatch on 'i'.

I can see my new [,vector,Ranges method:

selectMethod([, c(vector, Ranges))
   Method Definition:

   function (x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE)
 if (!missing(j) || length(list(...))  0L)
 stop(invalid subsetting)
 extractROWS(x, i)
   environment: namespace:IRanges

   target  vector Ranges
   defined vector Ranges

And dispatch works if I explicitly call the generic:

getGeneric([)(letters, IRanges(4, 8))
   [1] d e f g h

but not if I call the primitive:

letters[IRanges(4, 8)]
   Error in letters[IRanges(4, 8)] : invalid subscript type 'S4'

Seems like the primitive first checks 'x' and only if it's an
S4 object it then delegates to the implicit S4 generic. Probably
for performance reasons as it avoids the cost of having to perform
full multiple dispatch when 'x' is an ordinary objects.

The following hack works:

`[` - getGeneric([)
letters[IRanges(4, 8)]
   [1] d e f g h

but putting this in IRanges feels wrong (I tried and it caused
troubles with ref classes).

So I guess I should go ahead and export/document extractROWS()
and replaceROWS(). What are the other options?

In the mean time of course you can always pass your Ranges or Rle
subscript thru unlist() or as.vector() first (not much more typing
than doing seqselect() and I don't expect this will impact performance
too much in practise).



On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 1:10 PM, Hervé Pagès wrote:

 Hi Michael,

 On 12/13/2013 01:03 PM, Michael Lawrence wrote:

 I used to use seqselect for subsetting ordinary R
vectors by
 Ranges and
 Rle. IRanges:::extractROWS does this, but it's hidden
behind the
 What is the public way of doing this?

 Maybe we just need to export extractROWS()? Or
something with a
 better name?

 I'll add [,vector,Ranges and [,vector,Rle methods (and
probably also
 [,factor,Ranges and [,factor,Rle). They'll just be wrappers to
 IRanges:::extractROWS which I'd like to keep hidden.

 Was not sure people where doing this on ordinary R vectors
so was
 waiting for someone to speak up.



  [[alternative HTML version 

[Rd] substring() and propagation of names

2013-12-13 Thread Hervé Pagès


In R  3.0.0, we used to get:

   substring(c(A=abcdefghij, B=123456789), 2, 6:2)
A   B   A   B   A
  bcdef  2345   bcd23 b

But in R = 3.0.0, we get:

   substring(c(A=abcdefghij, B=123456789), 2, 6:2)
  [1] bcdef 2345  bcd   23b

The names are not propagated anymore.

Is this an intended change or a bug? I can't find anything about
this in the NEWS file. The man page for substring() in R = 3.0.0
still states:



 For ‘substring’, a character vector of length the longest of the
 arguments.  This will have names taken from ‘x’ (if it has any
 after coercion, repeated as needed), and other attributes copied
 from ‘x’ if it is the longest of the arguments).

Also note that the first argument of substring() is 'text' not 'x'.


Hervé Pagès

Program in Computational Biology
Division of Public Health Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
P.O. Box 19024
Seattle, WA 98109-1024

Phone:  (206) 667-5791
Fax:(206) 667-1319

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Strategies for keeping autogenerated .Rd files out of a Git tree

2013-12-13 Thread Kirill Müller


I agree with you. There's Travis CI, and r-travis -- an attempt to 
integrate R package testing with Travis. Pushing back to GitHub is 
possible, but the setup is somewhat difficult. Also, this can be subject 
to race conditions because each push triggers a test run and they can 
happen in parallel even for the same repository. How do you handle branches?

It would be really great to be able to execute custom R code before 
building. Perhaps in a PreBuild: section in DESCRIPTION?



On 12/12/2013 02:21 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:


this is maybe mostly a personal preference, but I prefer not to put
generated files in the vc repository. Changes in the generated files,
especially if there is many of them, pollute the diffs and make them
less useful.

If you really want to be able to install the package directly from
github, one solution is to
1. create another repository, that contains the complete generated
package, so that install_github() can install it.
2. set up a CI service, that can download the package from github,
build the package or the generated files (check the package, while it
is at it), and then push the build stuff back to github.
3. set up a hook on github, that invokes the CI after each commit.

I have used this setup in various projects with jenkins-ci and it
works well. Diffs are clean, the package is checked and built
frequently, and people can download it without having to install the
tools that generate the generated files.

The only downside is that you need to install a CI, so you need a
server for that. Maybe you can do this with travis-ci, maybe not, I
am not familiar with it that much.


On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Kirill Müller wrote:


Quite a few R packages are now available on GitHub long before they appear
on CRAN, installation is simple thanks to devtools::install_github().
However, it seems to be common practice to keep the .Rd files (and NAMESPACE
and the Collate section in the DESCRIPTION) in the Git tree, and to manually
update it, even if they are autogenerated from the R code by roxygen2. This
requires extra work for each update of the documentation and also binds
package development to a specific version of roxygen2 (because otherwise
lots of bogus changes can be added by roxygenizing with a different

What options are there to generate the .Rd files during build/install? In the issue has been discussed,
perhaps it can be summarized as follows:

- The devtools package is not the right place to implement
- A continuous integration service would be better for that, but currently
there's nothing that would be easy to use
- Roxygenizing via src/Makefile could work but requires further
investigation and an installation of Rtools/xcode on Windows/OS X

Especially the last point looks interesting to me, but since this is not
widely used there must be pitfalls I'm not aware of. The general idea would

- Place code that builds/updates the .Rd and NAMESPACE files into
- Users installing the package from source will require infrastructure
- For binary packages, the .Rd files are already generated and added to the
.tar.gz during R CMD build before they are submitted to CRAN/WinBuilder, and
they are also generated (in theory) by R CMD build --binary

I'd like to hear your opinion on that. I have also found a thread on package
development workflow
( but
there was nothing on un-versioning .Rd files.



__ mailing list

ETH Zürich
Institute for Transport Planning and Systems
HIL F 32.2
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 15
8093 Zürich

Phone:   +41 44 633 33 17
Fax: +41 44 633 10 57
Secretariat: +41 44 633 31 05

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Strategies for keeping autogenerated .Rd files out of a Git tree

2013-12-13 Thread Romain Francois
Pushing back to github is not so difficult. See e.g

You can manage branches easily in travis. You could for example decide to do 
something different if you are on the master branch ...


Le 13 déc. 2013 à 12:03, Kirill Müller a 
écrit :

 I agree with you. There's Travis CI, and r-travis -- an attempt to integrate 
 R package testing with Travis. Pushing back to GitHub is possible, but the 
 setup is somewhat difficult. Also, this can be subject to race conditions 
 because each push triggers a test run and they can happen in parallel even 
 for the same repository. How do you handle branches?
 It would be really great to be able to execute custom R code before building. 
 Perhaps in a PreBuild: section in DESCRIPTION?
 On 12/12/2013 02:21 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:
 this is maybe mostly a personal preference, but I prefer not to put
 generated files in the vc repository. Changes in the generated files,
 especially if there is many of them, pollute the diffs and make them
 less useful.
 If you really want to be able to install the package directly from
 github, one solution is to
 1. create another repository, that contains the complete generated
 package, so that install_github() can install it.
 2. set up a CI service, that can download the package from github,
 build the package or the generated files (check the package, while it
 is at it), and then push the build stuff back to github.
 3. set up a hook on github, that invokes the CI after each commit.
 I have used this setup in various projects with jenkins-ci and it
 works well. Diffs are clean, the package is checked and built
 frequently, and people can download it without having to install the
 tools that generate the generated files.
 The only downside is that you need to install a CI, so you need a
 server for that. Maybe you can do this with travis-ci, maybe not, I
 am not familiar with it that much.
 On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Kirill Müller wrote:
 Quite a few R packages are now available on GitHub long before they appear
 on CRAN, installation is simple thanks to devtools::install_github().
 However, it seems to be common practice to keep the .Rd files (and NAMESPACE
 and the Collate section in the DESCRIPTION) in the Git tree, and to manually
 update it, even if they are autogenerated from the R code by roxygen2. This
 requires extra work for each update of the documentation and also binds
 package development to a specific version of roxygen2 (because otherwise
 lots of bogus changes can be added by roxygenizing with a different
 What options are there to generate the .Rd files during build/install? In the issue has been discussed,
 perhaps it can be summarized as follows:
 - The devtools package is not the right place to implement
 - A continuous integration service would be better for that, but currently
 there's nothing that would be easy to use
 - Roxygenizing via src/Makefile could work but requires further
 investigation and an installation of Rtools/xcode on Windows/OS X
 Especially the last point looks interesting to me, but since this is not
 widely used there must be pitfalls I'm not aware of. The general idea would
 - Place code that builds/updates the .Rd and NAMESPACE files into
 - Users installing the package from source will require infrastructure
 - For binary packages, the .Rd files are already generated and added to the
 .tar.gz during R CMD build before they are submitted to CRAN/WinBuilder, and
 they are also generated (in theory) by R CMD build --binary
 I'd like to hear your opinion on that. I have also found a thread on package
 development workflow
 ( but
 there was nothing on un-versioning .Rd files.
 __ mailing list
 ETH Zürich
 Institute for Transport Planning and Systems
 HIL F 32.2
 Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 15
 8093 Zürich
 Phone:   +41 44 633 33 17
 Fax: +41 44 633 10 57
 Secretariat: +41 44 633 31 05
 __ mailing list

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Re: [Rd] Status of reserved keywords and builtins

2013-12-13 Thread Justin Talbot

 It would have those benefits, but it would be harder to prototype
 changes by actually replacing the `if` function.  Implementations that
 want to optimize the calls have other ways to do it, e.g. the sorts of
 things the compiler does.

Does anyone actually prototype changes to the `if` function?

Allowing users to replace the definitions of reserved keywords and
builtins is horribly expensive performance-wise with or without
compilation. If you look at the compiler package, the way it optimizes
these function calls is by breaking the language spec. See the
beginnings of sections 5 and 6 of Luke's write up
(, noting
that the *default* optimization level is 2, at which level, In
addition to the inlining permitted by Level 1, functions that are
syntactically special or are considered core language functions and
are found via the global environment at compile time may be inlined.

This is an area where a small change to the language spec would impact
essentially no users and would result in a language that could be
executed much more efficiently.

Justin Talbot

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Strategies for keeping autogenerated .Rd files out of a Git tree

2013-12-13 Thread Kirill Müller
On 12/13/2013 12:50 PM, Romain Francois wrote:
 Pushing back to github is not so difficult. See e.g
Thanks for the writeup, I'll try this. Perhaps it's better to push the 
results of `R CMD build`, though.
 You can manage branches easily in travis. You could for example decide 
 to do something different if you are on the master branch ...
That's right. But then no .Rd files are built when I'm on a branch, so I 
can't easily preview the result.

The ideal situation would be:

1. I manage only R source files on GitHub, not Rd files, NAMESPACE nor 
the Collate section of DESCRIPTION. Machine-readable instructions on 
how to build those are provided with the package.
2. Anyone can install from GitHub using devtools::install_github(). This 
also should work for branches, forks and pull requests.
3. I can build the package so that the result can be accepted by CRAN.

The crucial point on that list is point 2, the others I can easily solve 

The way I see it, point 2 can be tackled by extending devtools or 
extending the ways packages are built. Extending devtools seems to be 
the inferior approach, although, to be honest, I'd be fine with that as 



 Le 13 déc. 2013 à 12:03, Kirill Müller a écrit :


 I agree with you. There's Travis CI, and r-travis -- an attempt to 
 integrate R package testing with Travis. Pushing back to GitHub is 
 possible, but the setup is somewhat difficult. Also, this can be 
 subject to race conditions because each push triggers a test run and 
 they can happen in parallel even for the same repository. How do you 
 handle branches?

 It would be really great to be able to execute custom R code before 
 building. Perhaps in a PreBuild: section in DESCRIPTION?



 On 12/12/2013 02:21 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:

 this is maybe mostly a personal preference, but I prefer not to put
 generated files in the vc repository. Changes in the generated files,
 especially if there is many of them, pollute the diffs and make them
 less useful.

 If you really want to be able to install the package directly from
 github, one solution is to
 1. create another repository, that contains the complete generated
 package, so that install_github() can install it.
 2. set up a CI service, that can download the package from github,
 build the package or the generated files (check the package, while it
 is at it), and then push the build stuff back to github.
 3. set up a hook on github, that invokes the CI after each commit.

 I have used this setup in various projects with jenkins-ci and it
 works well. Diffs are clean, the package is checked and built
 frequently, and people can download it without having to install the
 tools that generate the generated files.

 The only downside is that you need to install a CI, so you need a
 server for that. Maybe you can do this with travis-ci, maybe not, I
 am not familiar with it that much.


 On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Kirill Müller wrote:

 Quite a few R packages are now available on GitHub long before they 
 on CRAN, installation is simple thanks to devtools::install_github().
 However, it seems to be common practice to keep the .Rd files (and 
 and the Collate section in the DESCRIPTION) in the Git tree, and to 
 update it, even if they are autogenerated from the R code by 
 roxygen2. This
 requires extra work for each update of the documentation and also binds
 package development to a specific version of roxygen2 (because 
 lots of bogus changes can be added by roxygenizing with a different

 What options are there to generate the .Rd files during 
 build/install? In the issue has been 
 perhaps it can be summarized as follows:

 - The devtools package is not the right place to implement
 - A continuous integration service would be better for that, but 
 there's nothing that would be easy to use
 - Roxygenizing via src/Makefile could work but requires further
 investigation and an installation of Rtools/xcode on Windows/OS X

 Especially the last point looks interesting to me, but since this 
 is not
 widely used there must be pitfalls I'm not aware of. The general 
 idea would

 - Place code that builds/updates the .Rd and NAMESPACE files into
 - Users installing the package from source will require infrastructure
 - For binary packages, the .Rd files are already generated and 
 added to the
 .tar.gz during R CMD build before they are submitted to 
 CRAN/WinBuilder, and
 they are also generated (in theory) by R CMD build --binary

 I'd like to hear your opinion on that. I have also 

Re: [Rd] Status of reserved keywords and builtins

2013-12-13 Thread Hadley Wickham
 It would have those benefits, but it would be harder to prototype
 changes by actually replacing the `if` function.  Implementations that
 want to optimize the calls have other ways to do it, e.g. the sorts of
 things the compiler does.

 Does anyone actually prototype changes to the `if` function?

I do - in the dplyr package (, I
construct environments where many of the most common R functions are
replaced by alternates that return SQL strings. This makes it possible
to use R's parser, while translating output into another language. I
think it's a pretty elegant approach that's facilitated by lexical
scoping and first-class environments, but it's an admittedly rare



__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Status of reserved keywords and builtins

2013-12-13 Thread Duncan Murdoch

On 13-12-13 8:36 AM, Justin Talbot wrote:

It would have those benefits, but it would be harder to prototype
changes by actually replacing the `if` function.  Implementations that
want to optimize the calls have other ways to do it, e.g. the sorts of
things the compiler does.

Does anyone actually prototype changes to the `if` function?

I don't know of any examples of that, but I can easily imagine someone 
wanting to.  For example, some conditions take a long time to evaluate. 
 Maybe I would want to compute both TRUE and FALSE paths in parallel in 
anticipation of the result, if I have cores to spare.  That's pretty 
tricky to get right because of side effects, so prototyping in R code 
could make a lot of sense.

Allowing users to replace the definitions of reserved keywords and
builtins is horribly expensive performance-wise with or without
compilation.  If you look at the compiler package, the way it optimizes
these function calls is by breaking the language spec. See the
beginnings of sections 5 and 6 of Luke's write up
(, noting
that the *default* optimization level is 2, at which level, In
addition to the inlining permitted by Level 1, functions that are
syntactically special or are considered core language functions and
are found via the global environment at compile time may be inlined.

This is an area where a small change to the language spec would impact
essentially no users and would result in a language that could be
executed much more efficiently.

That only breaks the language spec if the compiler doesn't detect cases 
where it is an invalid optimization.  It may be that that is currently 
the case (I haven't checked), but it needn't always be.  I would much 
prefer that the compiler code were made smarter about detecting this 
rather than adding exceptions to the language design.

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] [R] freetype 2.5.2, problem with the survival package, build R 2.15.x with gcc 4.8.x

2013-12-13 Thread David Winsemius

On Dec 11, 2013, at 7:30 PM, Hin-Tak Leung wrote:

 Here is a rather long discussion etc about freetype 2.5.2, problem with the 
 survival package, and build R 2.15.x with gcc 4.8.x. Please feel free to skip 
 - freetype 2.5.2:
 the fix to cope with one of the Mac OS X's system fonts just before the 
 release of freetype 2.5.1 caused a regression, crashing over one of Microsoft 
 windows' system fonts. So there is a 2.5.2. There are new 2.5.2 bundles for 
 windows  Mac OS X. The official win/mac binaries of R were built statically 
 with 2+-years-old freetype with a few known problems. Most should 
 - problem with the survival package:
 Trying to re-run a vignette to get the same result as two years ago
 reveal a strange change. I went and bisected it down to
 r11513 and r11516 of the survival package.
 -- r11513 
 clogit(cc ~ addContr(A) + addContr(C) + addContr(A.C) + strata(set))
   coef exp(coef) se(coef) z  p
 addContr(A)2 -0.620 0.5380.217 -2.86 0.0043
 addContr(C)2  0.482 1.6200.217  2.22 0.0270
 addContr(A.C)1-2 -0.778 0.4590.275 -2.83 0.0047
 addContr(A.C)2-1 NANA0.000NA NA
 addContr(A.C)2-2 NANA0.000NA NA
 Likelihood ratio test=26  on 3 df, p=9.49e-06  n= 13110, number of events= 
 - r11516 -
 clogit(cc ~ addContr(A) + addContr(C) + addContr(A.C) + strata(set))
 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z  p
 addContr(A)2 -0.14250 0.867   110812 -1.29e-06  1
 addContr(C)2  0.00525 1.005   110812  4.74e-08  1
 addContr(A.C)1-2 -0.30097 0.740   110812 -2.72e-06  1
 addContr(A.C)2-1 -0.47712 0.621   110812 -4.31e-06  1
 addContr(A.C)2-2   NANA0NA NA
 Likelihood ratio test=26  on 4 df, p=3.15e-05  n= 13110, number of events= 
 r11514 does not build, and r11515 have serious memory hogs, so the survival
 package broke somewhere between r11513 and r11516. Anyway, here is the diff in
 the vignette, and the data, etc is in the directory above. If somebody want to
 fix this before I spend any more time on this particular matter, please feel 
 free to do so.
 That's the one problem from David's 10 practicals which are not due to bugs 
 in snpStats. Some might find it reassuring that only 3 of the 4 problems with 
 the practicals are due to snpStats bugs.
 - build R 2.15.x with gcc 4.8.x
 I wish the R commit log was a bit more detailed with r62430 than just
 tweak needed for gcc 4.8.x. Anyway, building R 2.15.x with gcc 4.8.x
 could result in segfaults in usage as innocent and essential
 as running summary() on a data.frame:
 *** caught segfault ***
 address 0x2f8e6a00, cause 'memory not mapped'
 1: sort.list(y)
 2: factor(a, exclude = exclude)
 3: table(object, exclude = NULL)
 4: summary.default(X[[3L]], ...)
 5: FUN(X[[3L]], ...)
 6: lapply(X = as.list(object), FUN = summary, maxsum = maxsum, digits = 12,   
 r62430 needs a bit of adapting to apply to R 2.15.x , but you get the idea.
 I hope this info is useful to somebody else who is still using R 2.15.x , no 
 doubt for very good reasons.
 Hin-Tak Leung wrote:
 The freetype people fixed the 2nd set of issues with system fonts shipped 
 Mac OS X, and released 2.5.1 almost immediately after that. So there are
 new bundles under .
 Just a reminder that the official R binaries for windows/mac OS X are 
 linked with rather dated versions of freetype with a few known issues. This
 affects the cairo-based functionalities in R. So a rebuild is needed.
 Most unix users should just upgrade their system's libfreetype, and
 dynamic-linking should take care of the rest.
 __ mailing list

Re: [Rd] [R] freetype 2.5.2, problem with the survival package, build R 2.15.x with gcc 4.8.x

2013-12-13 Thread David Winsemius

On Dec 11, 2013, at 7:30 PM, Hin-Tak Leung wrote:

 Here is a rather long discussion etc about freetype 2.5.2, problem with the 
 survival package, and build R 2.15.x with gcc 4.8.x. Please feel free to skip 
 - freetype 2.5.2:
 the fix to cope with one of the Mac OS X's system fonts just before the 
 release of freetype 2.5.1 caused a regression, crashing over one of Microsoft 
 windows' system fonts. So there is a 2.5.2. There are new 2.5.2 bundles for 
 windows  Mac OS X. The official win/mac binaries of R were built statically 
 with 2+-years-old freetype with a few known problems. Most should 
 - problem with the survival package:
 Trying to re-run a vignette to get the same result as two years ago
 reveal a strange change. I went and bisected it down to
 r11513 and r11516 of the survival package.
 -- r11513 
 clogit(cc ~ addContr(A) + addContr(C) + addContr(A.C) + strata(set))
   coef exp(coef) se(coef) z  p
 addContr(A)2 -0.620 0.5380.217 -2.86 0.0043
 addContr(C)2  0.482 1.6200.217  2.22 0.0270
 addContr(A.C)1-2 -0.778 0.4590.275 -2.83 0.0047
 addContr(A.C)2-1 NANA0.000NA NA
 addContr(A.C)2-2 NANA0.000NA NA
 Likelihood ratio test=26  on 3 df, p=9.49e-06  n= 13110, number of events= 
 - r11516 -
 clogit(cc ~ addContr(A) + addContr(C) + addContr(A.C) + strata(set))
 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z  p
 addContr(A)2 -0.14250 0.867   110812 -1.29e-06  1
 addContr(C)2  0.00525 1.005   110812  4.74e-08  1
 addContr(A.C)1-2 -0.30097 0.740   110812 -2.72e-06  1
 addContr(A.C)2-1 -0.47712 0.621   110812 -4.31e-06  1
 addContr(A.C)2-2   NANA0NA NA
 Likelihood ratio test=26  on 4 df, p=3.15e-05  n= 13110, number of events= 
 r11514 does not build, and r11515 have serious memory hogs, so the survival
 package broke somewhere between r11513 and r11516. Anyway, here is the diff in
 the vignette, and the data, etc is in the directory above. If somebody want to
 fix this before I spend any more time on this particular matter, please feel 
 free to do so.
 That's the one problem from David's 10 practicals which are not due to bugs 
 in snpStats. Some might find it reassuring that only 3 of the 4 problems with 
 the practicals are due to snpStats bugs.
 - build R 2.15.x with gcc 4.8.x
 I wish the R commit log was a bit more detailed with r62430 than just
 tweak needed for gcc 4.8.x. Anyway, building R 2.15.x with gcc 4.8.x
 could result in segfaults in usage as innocent and essential
 as running summary() on a data.frame:
 *** caught segfault ***
 address 0x2f8e6a00, cause 'memory not mapped'
 1: sort.list(y)
 2: factor(a, exclude = exclude)
 3: table(object, exclude = NULL)
 4: summary.default(X[[3L]], ...)
 5: FUN(X[[3L]], ...)
 6: lapply(X = as.list(object), FUN = summary, maxsum = maxsum, digits = 12,   
 r62430 needs a bit of adapting to apply to R 2.15.x , but you get the idea.
 I hope this info is useful to somebody else who is still using R 2.15.x , no 
 doubt for very good reasons.

First: Sorry for the blank message. Need more coffee.

Second: Does this mean that only Mac users who are still using 2.15.x need to 
worry about this issue?

Third: I'm reading this (and Terry's comment about singularity conditions)  to 
mean that a numerical  discrepancy between vignette output when code was run 
being from what was expected was causing a segfault under some situation that I 
cannot quite reconstruct. Was the implication that Mac users (of 2.15.x) need 
to build from sources only if they wanted to build the survival package from 
source? Does this have any implications for those of us who use the survival 
package as the binary? (And I'm using 3.0.2, so a split answer might be needed 

Re: [Rd] Strategies for keeping autogenerated .Rd files out of a Git tree

2013-12-13 Thread Brian Diggs

On 12/11/2013 4:39 PM, Kirill Müller wrote:


Quite a few R packages are now available on GitHub long before they
appear on CRAN, installation is simple thanks to
devtools::install_github(). However, it seems to be common practice to
keep the .Rd files (and NAMESPACE and the Collate section in the
DESCRIPTION) in the Git tree, and to manually update it, even if they
are autogenerated from the R code by roxygen2. This requires extra work
for each update of the documentation and also binds package development
to a specific version of roxygen2 (because otherwise lots of bogus
changes can be added by roxygenizing with a different version).

What options are there to generate the .Rd files during build/install?
In the issue has been
discussed, perhaps it can be summarized as follows:

- The devtools package is not the right place to implement
- A continuous integration service would be better for that, but
currently there's nothing that would be easy to use
- Roxygenizing via src/Makefile could work but requires further
investigation and an installation of Rtools/xcode on Windows/OS X

Especially the last point looks interesting to me, but since this is not
widely used there must be pitfalls I'm not aware of. The general idea
would be:

- Place code that builds/updates the .Rd and NAMESPACE files into
- Users installing the package from source will require infrastructure
- For binary packages, the .Rd files are already generated and added to
the .tar.gz during R CMD build before they are submitted to
CRAN/WinBuilder, and they are also generated (in theory) by R CMD build

I'd like to hear your opinion on that. I have also found a thread on
package development workflow
( but
there was nothing on un-versioning .Rd files.

One downside I can see with this third approach is that by making the 
package documentation generation part of the build process, you must 
then make the package depend/require roxygen (or whatever tools you are 
using to generate documentation). This dependence, though, is just to 
build the package, not to actually use the package. And by pushing this 
dependency onto the end users of the package, you have transferred the 
problem you mentioned (... and also binds package development to a 
specific version of roxygen2 ...) to the many end users rather than the 
few developers.



Brian S. Diggs, PhD
Senior Research Associate, Department of Surgery
Oregon Health  Science University

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Strategies for keeping autogenerated .Rd files out of a Git tree

2013-12-13 Thread Gábor Csárdi
On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 6:03 AM, Kirill Müller wrote:

 I agree with you. There's Travis CI, and r-travis -- an attempt to integrate
 R package testing with Travis. Pushing back to GitHub is possible, but the
 setup is somewhat difficult. Also, this can be subject to race conditions
 because each push triggers a test run and they can happen in parallel even
 for the same repository.

I set my CI, so that it does not allow concurrent builds from the same
job. So there are no race conditions. This is probably possible with
Travis, I don't know.

 How do you handle branches?

So far I didn't, and only pushed back main branch. But you can just
push back to different branches. In this case I would probably create
another repo, and have the same branches in both in the source repo
and the publish repo.

 It would be really great to be able to execute custom R code before
 building. Perhaps in a PreBuild: section in DESCRIPTION?

I am just using make to create the package. This creates all
autogenerated files and then calls R PKG build.

Another option for this whole problem is not using github at all, but
setting up a CRAN-like repository, and make the CI publish the built
and checked packages there.




 On 12/12/2013 02:21 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:


 this is maybe mostly a personal preference, but I prefer not to put
 generated files in the vc repository. Changes in the generated files,
 especially if there is many of them, pollute the diffs and make them
 less useful.

 If you really want to be able to install the package directly from
 github, one solution is to
 1. create another repository, that contains the complete generated
 package, so that install_github() can install it.
 2. set up a CI service, that can download the package from github,
 build the package or the generated files (check the package, while it
 is at it), and then push the build stuff back to github.
 3. set up a hook on github, that invokes the CI after each commit.

 I have used this setup in various projects with jenkins-ci and it
 works well. Diffs are clean, the package is checked and built
 frequently, and people can download it without having to install the
 tools that generate the generated files.

 The only downside is that you need to install a CI, so you need a
 server for that. Maybe you can do this with travis-ci, maybe not, I
 am not familiar with it that much.


 On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Kirill Müller wrote:


 Quite a few R packages are now available on GitHub long before they
 on CRAN, installation is simple thanks to devtools::install_github().
 However, it seems to be common practice to keep the .Rd files (and
 and the Collate section in the DESCRIPTION) in the Git tree, and to
 update it, even if they are autogenerated from the R code by roxygen2.
 requires extra work for each update of the documentation and also binds
 package development to a specific version of roxygen2 (because otherwise
 lots of bogus changes can be added by roxygenizing with a different

 What options are there to generate the .Rd files during build/install? In the issue has been
 perhaps it can be summarized as follows:

 - The devtools package is not the right place to implement
 - A continuous integration service would be better for that, but
 there's nothing that would be easy to use
 - Roxygenizing via src/Makefile could work but requires further
 investigation and an installation of Rtools/xcode on Windows/OS X

 Especially the last point looks interesting to me, but since this is not
 widely used there must be pitfalls I'm not aware of. The general idea

 - Place code that builds/updates the .Rd and NAMESPACE files into
 - Users installing the package from source will require infrastructure
 - For binary packages, the .Rd files are already generated and added to
 .tar.gz during R CMD build before they are submitted to CRAN/WinBuilder,
 they are also generated (in theory) by R CMD build --binary

 I'd like to hear your opinion on that. I have also found a thread on
 development workflow
 ( but
 there was nothing on un-versioning .Rd files.



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Re: [Rd] Strategies for keeping autogenerated .Rd files out of a Git tree

2013-12-13 Thread Gabriel Becker
It seems like an easy solution to the users don't know make problem is to
provide a make file which runs any R code it finds in
pkg/inst/preinstall/preinstall.R, perhaps in dev_tools/inst/extras or
simply from a website.

That way the users don't need to know make, they just need to know what to
name the file with R code they want to run at the beginning of the install
process. The only time this wouldn't work would be if the package already
has another makefile, in which case the author of the package clearly knows
make and thus can add the necessary invocations him/herself.

Also no need to worry about local vs remote, github vs tarred source, etc.
It would all just work. My understanding is that this would include the
Windows binaries built by services like WinBuilder, though I'm not super
familiar with such things so there may be some details to watch out for.

There might be a security concern, but I don't think this would be any less
secure than installing a non-trusted R package in the first place.


On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 9:26 AM, Gábor Csárdi

 On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 6:03 AM, Kirill Müller wrote:
  I agree with you. There's Travis CI, and r-travis -- an attempt to
  R package testing with Travis. Pushing back to GitHub is possible, but
  setup is somewhat difficult. Also, this can be subject to race conditions
  because each push triggers a test run and they can happen in parallel
  for the same repository.

 I set my CI, so that it does not allow concurrent builds from the same
 job. So there are no race conditions. This is probably possible with
 Travis, I don't know.

  How do you handle branches?

 So far I didn't, and only pushed back main branch. But you can just
 push back to different branches. In this case I would probably create
 another repo, and have the same branches in both in the source repo
 and the publish repo.

  It would be really great to be able to execute custom R code before
  building. Perhaps in a PreBuild: section in DESCRIPTION?

 I am just using make to create the package. This creates all
 autogenerated files and then calls R PKG build.

 Another option for this whole problem is not using github at all, but
 setting up a CRAN-like repository, and make the CI publish the built
 and checked packages there.


  On 12/12/2013 02:21 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:
  this is maybe mostly a personal preference, but I prefer not to put
  generated files in the vc repository. Changes in the generated files,
  especially if there is many of them, pollute the diffs and make them
  less useful.
  If you really want to be able to install the package directly from
  github, one solution is to
  1. create another repository, that contains the complete generated
  package, so that install_github() can install it.
  2. set up a CI service, that can download the package from github,
  build the package or the generated files (check the package, while it
  is at it), and then push the build stuff back to github.
  3. set up a hook on github, that invokes the CI after each commit.
  I have used this setup in various projects with jenkins-ci and it
  works well. Diffs are clean, the package is checked and built
  frequently, and people can download it without having to install the
  tools that generate the generated files.
  The only downside is that you need to install a CI, so you need a
  server for that. Maybe you can do this with travis-ci, maybe not, I
  am not familiar with it that much.
  On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Kirill Müller wrote:
  Quite a few R packages are now available on GitHub long before they
  on CRAN, installation is simple thanks to devtools::install_github().
  However, it seems to be common practice to keep the .Rd files (and
  and the Collate section in the DESCRIPTION) in the Git tree, and to
  update it, even if they are autogenerated from the R code by roxygen2.
  requires extra work for each update of the documentation and also binds
  package development to a specific version of roxygen2 (because
  lots of bogus changes can be added by roxygenizing with a different
  What options are there to generate the .Rd files during build/install?
 In the issue has been
  perhaps it can be summarized as follows:
  - The devtools package is not the right place to implement
  - A continuous integration service would be better for that, but
  there's nothing that would be easy to use
  - Roxygenizing via src/Makefile could work but requires further
  investigation and an installation of Rtools/xcode on Windows/OS X
  Especially the last point looks interesting to me, but since this is

Re: [Rd] Strategies for keeping autogenerated .Rd files out of a Git tree

2013-12-13 Thread Simon Urbanek
FWIW this is essentially what provides. Each GitHub commit triggers 
a build (branches are supported as the branch info is passed in the WebHook) 
which can be either classic R CMD build or a custom shell script (hence you 
can do anything you want). The result is a tar ball (which includes the 
generated files) and that tar ball gets published in the R package repository. 
R CMD  check is run as well on the tar ball and the results are published.
This way you don't need devtools, users can simply use install.packages() 
without requiring any additional tools.

There are some talks about providing the above as a cloud service, so that 
anyone can run and/or use it.


On Dec 13, 2013, at 8:51 AM, Kirill Müller 

 On 12/13/2013 12:50 PM, Romain Francois wrote:
 Pushing back to github is not so difficult. See e.g
 Thanks for the writeup, I'll try this. Perhaps it's better to push the 
 results of `R CMD build`, though.
 You can manage branches easily in travis. You could for example decide 
 to do something different if you are on the master branch ...
 That's right. But then no .Rd files are built when I'm on a branch, so I 
 can't easily preview the result.
 The ideal situation would be:
 1. I manage only R source files on GitHub, not Rd files, NAMESPACE nor 
 the Collate section of DESCRIPTION. Machine-readable instructions on 
 how to build those are provided with the package.
 2. Anyone can install from GitHub using devtools::install_github(). This 
 also should work for branches, forks and pull requests.
 3. I can build the package so that the result can be accepted by CRAN.
 The crucial point on that list is point 2, the others I can easily solve 
 The way I see it, point 2 can be tackled by extending devtools or 
 extending the ways packages are built. Extending devtools seems to be 
 the inferior approach, although, to be honest, I'd be fine with that as 
 Le 13 déc. 2013 à 12:03, Kirill Müller a écrit :
 I agree with you. There's Travis CI, and r-travis -- an attempt to 
 integrate R package testing with Travis. Pushing back to GitHub is 
 possible, but the setup is somewhat difficult. Also, this can be 
 subject to race conditions because each push triggers a test run and 
 they can happen in parallel even for the same repository. How do you 
 handle branches?
 It would be really great to be able to execute custom R code before 
 building. Perhaps in a PreBuild: section in DESCRIPTION?
 On 12/12/2013 02:21 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:
 this is maybe mostly a personal preference, but I prefer not to put
 generated files in the vc repository. Changes in the generated files,
 especially if there is many of them, pollute the diffs and make them
 less useful.
 If you really want to be able to install the package directly from
 github, one solution is to
 1. create another repository, that contains the complete generated
 package, so that install_github() can install it.
 2. set up a CI service, that can download the package from github,
 build the package or the generated files (check the package, while it
 is at it), and then push the build stuff back to github.
 3. set up a hook on github, that invokes the CI after each commit.
 I have used this setup in various projects with jenkins-ci and it
 works well. Diffs are clean, the package is checked and built
 frequently, and people can download it without having to install the
 tools that generate the generated files.
 The only downside is that you need to install a CI, so you need a
 server for that. Maybe you can do this with travis-ci, maybe not, I
 am not familiar with it that much.
 On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Kirill Müller wrote:
 Quite a few R packages are now available on GitHub long before they 
 on CRAN, installation is simple thanks to devtools::install_github().
 However, it seems to be common practice to keep the .Rd files (and 
 and the Collate section in the DESCRIPTION) in the Git tree, and to 
 update it, even if they are autogenerated from the R code by 
 roxygen2. This
 requires extra work for each update of the documentation and also binds
 package development to a specific version of roxygen2 (because 
 lots of bogus changes can be added by roxygenizing with a different
 What options are there to generate the .Rd files during 
 build/install? In the issue has been 
 perhaps it can be summarized as follows:
 - The devtools package is not the right place to implement
 - A continuous integration 

Re: [Rd] Strategies for keeping autogenerated .Rd files out of a Git tree

2013-12-13 Thread Gábor Csárdi
Oh, I didn't know supported external git repos, cool!


On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Simon Urbanek wrote:
 FWIW this is essentially what provides. Each GitHub commit 
 triggers a build (branches are supported as the branch info is passed in the 
 WebHook) which can be either classic R CMD build or a custom shell script 
 (hence you can do anything you want). The result is a tar ball (which 
 includes the generated files) and that tar ball gets published in the R 
 package repository. R CMD  check is run as well on the tar ball and the 
 results are published.
 This way you don't need devtools, users can simply use install.packages() 
 without requiring any additional tools.

 There are some talks about providing the above as a cloud service, so that 
 anyone can run and/or use it.


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Strategies for keeping autogenerated .Rd files out of a Git tree

2013-12-13 Thread Gábor Csárdi
Btw. one thing that probably would not work (well) with (or
another CRAN-like repo), is the multiple branches.

The problem is that you cannot put the branch name in the package
version string, because that is not allowed, and then the versions
from the multiple branches get mixed up. This works fine with
install_github() because you can explicitly specify the branch there.

One possible solution is to create multiple repos, one for each
branch. Not really elegant, though.

I don't really need this myself, I am just saying because it came up
in this thread.


On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:
 Oh, I didn't know supported external git repos, cool!


 On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Simon Urbanek wrote:
 FWIW this is essentially what provides. Each GitHub commit 
 triggers a build (branches are supported as the branch info is passed in the 
 WebHook) which can be either classic R CMD build or a custom shell script 
 (hence you can do anything you want). The result is a tar ball (which 
 includes the generated files) and that tar ball gets published in the R 
 package repository. R CMD  check is run as well on the tar ball and the 
 results are published.
 This way you don't need devtools, users can simply use install.packages() 
 without requiring any additional tools.

 There are some talks about providing the above as a cloud service, so that 
 anyone can run and/or use it.


__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Strategies for keeping autogenerated .Rd files out of a Git tree

2013-12-13 Thread Kirill Müller

Thanks a lot. This would indeed solve the problem. I'll try mkdist today ;-)

Is the NEWS file parsed before of after mkdist has been executed?

Would you be willing to share the code for the infrastructure, perhaps 
on GitHub?


On 12/13/2013 09:14 PM, Simon Urbanek wrote:

FWIW this is essentially what provides. Each GitHub commit triggers a build 
(branches are supported as the branch info is passed in the WebHook) which can be either 
classic R CMD build or a custom shell script (hence you can do anything you 
want). The result is a tar ball (which includes the generated files) and that tar ball 
gets published in the R package repository. R CMD  check is run as well on the tar ball 
and the results are published.
This way you don't need devtools, users can simply use install.packages() 
without requiring any additional tools.

There are some talks about providing the above as a cloud service, so that 
anyone can run and/or use it.


On Dec 13, 2013, at 8:51 AM, Kirill Müller 

On 12/13/2013 12:50 PM, Romain Francois wrote:

Pushing back to github is not so difficult. See e.g

Thanks for the writeup, I'll try this. Perhaps it's better to push the
results of `R CMD build`, though.

You can manage branches easily in travis. You could for example decide
to do something different if you are on the master branch ...

That's right. But then no .Rd files are built when I'm on a branch, so I
can't easily preview the result.

The ideal situation would be:

1. I manage only R source files on GitHub, not Rd files, NAMESPACE nor
the Collate section of DESCRIPTION. Machine-readable instructions on
how to build those are provided with the package.
2. Anyone can install from GitHub using devtools::install_github(). This
also should work for branches, forks and pull requests.
3. I can build the package so that the result can be accepted by CRAN.

The crucial point on that list is point 2, the others I can easily solve

The way I see it, point 2 can be tackled by extending devtools or
extending the ways packages are built. Extending devtools seems to be
the inferior approach, although, to be honest, I'd be fine with that as



Le 13 déc. 2013 à 12:03, Kirill Müller a écrit :


I agree with you. There's Travis CI, and r-travis -- an attempt to
integrate R package testing with Travis. Pushing back to GitHub is
possible, but the setup is somewhat difficult. Also, this can be
subject to race conditions because each push triggers a test run and
they can happen in parallel even for the same repository. How do you
handle branches?

It would be really great to be able to execute custom R code before
building. Perhaps in a PreBuild: section in DESCRIPTION?



On 12/12/2013 02:21 AM, Gábor Csárdi wrote:


this is maybe mostly a personal preference, but I prefer not to put
generated files in the vc repository. Changes in the generated files,
especially if there is many of them, pollute the diffs and make them
less useful.

If you really want to be able to install the package directly from
github, one solution is to
1. create another repository, that contains the complete generated
package, so that install_github() can install it.
2. set up a CI service, that can download the package from github,
build the package or the generated files (check the package, while it
is at it), and then push the build stuff back to github.
3. set up a hook on github, that invokes the CI after each commit.

I have used this setup in various projects with jenkins-ci and it
works well. Diffs are clean, the package is checked and built
frequently, and people can download it without having to install the
tools that generate the generated files.

The only downside is that you need to install a CI, so you need a
server for that. Maybe you can do this with travis-ci, maybe not, I
am not familiar with it that much.


On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Kirill Müller wrote:


Quite a few R packages are now available on GitHub long before they
on CRAN, installation is simple thanks to devtools::install_github().
However, it seems to be common practice to keep the .Rd files (and
and the Collate section in the DESCRIPTION) in the Git tree, and to
update it, even if they are autogenerated from the R code by
roxygen2. This
requires extra work for each update of the documentation and also binds
package development to a specific version of roxygen2 (because
lots of bogus changes can be added by roxygenizing with a different

What options are there to generate the .Rd files during
build/install? In the issue has been

Re: [Rd] Strategies for keeping autogenerated .Rd files out of a Git tree

2013-12-13 Thread Kirill Müller

On 12/13/2013 06:09 PM, Brian Diggs wrote:
One downside I can see with this third approach is that by making the 
package documentation generation part of the build process, you must 
then make the package depend/require roxygen (or whatever tools you 
are using to generate documentation). This dependence, though, is just 
to build the package, not to actually use the package. And by pushing 
this dependency onto the end users of the package, you have 
transferred the problem you mentioned (... and also binds package 
development to a specific version of roxygen2 ...) to the many end 
users rather than the few developers.
That's right. As outlined in another message, roxygen2 would be required 
for building from the raw source (hosted on GitHub) but not for 
installing from a source tarball (which would contain the .Rd files). 
Not sure if that's possible, though.

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