[Bioc-devel] BSgenomeForge Error

2014-12-05 Thread Arshi Syed

I am trying to build a genome which is not listed in BSgenome but
unfortunately getting following error at *R CMD check tarball* level:

* installing *source* package ‘BSgenome.Ntabacum.SOLG.K326’ ...
** R
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for
'BSgenome.Ntabacum.SOLG.K326', details:
  call: validObject(.Object)
  error: invalid class “RdaCollection” object: objnames slot contains
Error: loading failed
Execution halted
ERROR: loading failed

Please help me out in resolving this issue.



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Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Bioc-devel] VariantAnnotation: Same locus, multiple samples

2014-12-05 Thread Michael Lawrence
The two data structures do not encode the same information. Coercion to VCF
forms a rectangular matrix: position+alt by sample. There is no standard
way to encode that a given cell in that matrix is absent, so coercion to
VRanges simply maps each cell to an element. One could imagine using the
. missing data marker for every geno field, but that's making too many
assumptions. I'm not sure that's the same as an element not existing in a

On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 1:18 AM, Julian Gehring julian.gehr...@embl.de


 Assume that we have two variants from two samples at the same locus,
 stored in a 'VRanges' or 'VCF' object:


   vr = VRanges(1, IRanges(c(10, 10), width = 1),
 ref = c(C, C), alt = c(A, G),
 sampleNames = c(S1, S2))
   vcf = as(vr, VCF)

 If we convert the VCF to a VRanges, we now get each variant in each

   vr2 = as(vcf, VRanges)

   length(vr) ## 2
   length(vr2) ## 4

 It seems that the VCF object does not store the information of the
 'sampleNames' in the first conversion.

 Best wishes

 Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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Re: [Bioc-devel] FW: GO offspring consistency

2014-12-05 Thread Marc Carlson

Hi Jelle,

Thank you for your patience in waiting for my answer here.  It took me a 
lot longer to properly test and validate this than I initially expected.

So if you look at amigo you can see these graph views that show you what 
the current terms up and downstream of a given GO term should be:


vs  it's offspring term.


And you can see (if you click on the inferred tree view for GO:0006915) 
that GO:0042981 is actually listed there as an offspring term.

Which just that leaves us with the mystery of why:

all(subsetapt %in% setapt)

Would ever return false?

Now to do some more digging, if we carry your example one step further 
we can do this to extract the specific terms that have this surprising 

subsetapt[!subsetapt %in% setapt]

And lets look closer at the very 1st result (out of 3) that we see: 

So now we would then expect that: GO:0006915 - GO:0042981 - GO:0035602

Especially since the very latest amigo diagrams show this set of 
relationships for this term.


But if we look more closely at this term we can notice something unusual 
about it.  Specifically if you look at the Graph views you will see that 
it has a 'part of' rather than an 'is a' relationship to the rest of the 
DAG.  An examination of the other two non-compliant terms indicates that 
they too have this kind of relationship:



Also of interest is the fact that the highest level term you tested  
(GO:0006915), has a broader kind of relationship to the rest of the 
DAG).  Now please hold onto those thoughts while I tell you another 
important fact.


The contents of the GOBPOFFSPRING mapping are ultimately derived from 
the graph_path table that you can find here:


And they are indeed a faithful representation of what is in that table 
(from GO).  That is, the source files both when I made the latest GO.db 
package for the October release and now have the same properties for 
their set of relationships as you pointed out.  So for our 1st example, 
in both places you will find that GO:0035602 is listed as having an 
implied link when you ask for GO:0042981 but not when you ask for 

So the very unsatisfying answer to your question is that the terms have 
this relationship because that is what the data at GO say. :P

But the (hopefully) more satisfying answer is that the kind of 
relationships that these terms have to each other creates implications 
for whether or not they can be transitively associated in the GO 
graph_path table.  That is, the child term GO:0035602 is not able to 
be implicitly linked to GO:0006915 because that term has a 'regulates' 
relationship to the offspring terms and *also* because GO:0035602 has 
a 'part of' relationship (instead of an 'is a' relationship) to its 
parent terms.  And those issues don't crop up between the other terms in 
this part of the graph.

I hope this explains things better for you,


On 12/02/2014 04:29 AM, jelle.goe...@radboudumc.nl wrote:

  Hi All,

When working with the GO.db package we ran into a seeming inconsistency in the 
GOBPOFFSPRING object. It seems there that a term's offspring may have offspring 
that is not offspring of the term itself. This seems inconsistent with the DAG 
structure of gene ontology.

xx - as.list(GOBPOFFSPRING)
setapt - xx$GO:0006915 #apoptosis
subsetapt - xx$GO:0042981 #offspring of apoptosis

[1] TRUE

all(subsetapt %in% setapt)


Is there something wrong or are we misunderstanding the GOBPOFFSPRING object?

Best wishes,

Het Radboudumc staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het 
handelsregister onder nummer 41055629.
The Radboud university medical center is listed in the Commercial Register of 
the Chamber of Commerce under file number 41055629.

Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Bioc-devel] recalling methods

2014-12-05 Thread Michael Love
nice. I will play around with this. thanks Gabe!

On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 6:37 PM, Gabe Becker becker.g...@gene.com wrote:
 Hey guys,

 Surgically removed from promptClass:

   classInSig - function(g, where, cl) {
 cl %in% unique(unlist(findMethods(g, where)@signatures))
 genWithClass - function(cl, where) {
 allgen - getGenerics(where = where)
 ok - as.logical(unlist(lapply(allgen, classInSig, cl = cl,
 where = where)))

 genWithClass(IRanges, find(classMetaName(IRanges)))
  [1] ccoerce   end-gaps intersect
  [6] isNormal names-  namespgap
 [11] psetdiff punion   reduce   reverse  setdiff
 [16] start-  startthreebands   union
 [21] update   width-  width

 For semantic guessing of which ones will be useful, I've got nothing (for


 On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 11:28 AM, Michael Lawrence
 lawrence.mich...@gene.com wrote:

 Cool. I see hypertext as being useful here, because the generics and
 classes form an intricate and sometimes ambiguous web, especially when
 multiple inheritance and dispatch are involved. I think we should first
 build better tooling for introspecting S4 and for graph-based modeling and
 analysis of S4 architecture. For example, could we statically detect
 whether a dispatch ambiguity exists, knowing all of the methods and
 classes? And based on that build one or more end-user UIs?

 On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 11:05 AM, Michael Love

  On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 4:01 PM, Michael Lawrence
  lawrence.mich...@gene.com wrote:
   I think this gets at the heart of at least one of the usability issues
  in Bioconductor: interface discoverability. Many simpler command line
  have a single-faceted interface for which it is easy to enumerate a list
  features. There's definitely room for better ways to interrogate our
  object-oriented APIs, but it's challenging. Essentially we need a way
  the user to ask what can I do with this object?. Yes, we need better
  introspection utilities, but we also need to integrate the query with
  documentation. In other words, we need a more dynamic, more fluid help
  system, oriented around S4.
  I would be interested in working on this. A minimal goal for me is a
  function that just returns a character vector of the names of the
  generics defined for the object. Filtering that down to give methods
  which are likely relevant using the documentation will definitely be
  a bigger challenge.
   On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 9:56 AM, Michael Love 
  michaelisaiahl...@gmail.com wrote:
   I was thinking about a request from someone at Bioc2014 (I can't
   remember at the moment)
   As an end-user, if I have an object x, how can I *quickly* recall the
   main methods for that? As in, without breaking my flow and going to
   ?myClass or help(myClass-class). Suppose x is a GRanges, how can I
   remember that there is a method called narrow() which works on x?
   showMethods(classes=class(x)) will print out a huge list for many
   complex Bioc classes. And printTo=FALSE turns this huge list into an
   unhelpful character vector, e.g.:
   [1] Function \.asSpace\:
 [3]  not an S4 generic function   
 [5] Function \.linkToCachedObject-\:  not an S4 generic
 [7] Function
   any ideas?
   Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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 Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

 Computational Biologist
 Genentech Research

Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] install.packages deletes PACKAGES file in local repo

2014-12-05 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

running install.packages() to install a package from a local repository
(i.e., starts with file:///) appears to delete the PACKAGES file that is in
the src/contrib/ directory.
This happens on a cluster running Scientific Linux release 6.4 (Carbon),
but not on my Ubuntu local machine.

Subsequent calls to install.packages() complain about src/contrib/PACKAGES
not existing, although there still is a src/contrib/PACKAGES.gz file.

Is this a know issue?
Thank you.


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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] Use of tools:::httpdPort in a package for CRAN.

2014-12-05 Thread Sven E. Templer

I wrote a function to show the help/index page of a package in a
browser (and want to include this in an update for a CRAN package). I
asked in R-help how to obtain the 00Index.html file, Duncan Murdoch
suggested to inspect (see
tools:::httpd (thank you therefore!). So I came up with:

help.index - function (pkg, browser = NA, encodeIfNeeded = FALSE) {

pkg - as.character(substitute(pkg))
hport - tools:::httpdPort

if (!pkg %in% rownames(installed.packages()))
stop(paste(Package, pkg, not found.))

if (hport == 0) {
cat(Starting dynamic help.\n)
t - try(startDynamicHelp(), silent = TRUE)
if (class(t) == try-error)
stop(Could not start dynamic help.)
hport - tools:::httpdPort

if (!is.na(browser)) {
if (tolower(browser) == rstudio)
options(browser = function (x) .Call(rs_browseURL, url))
options(browser = browser)

url - paste0(;, hport, /library/, pkg,
browseURL(url, encodeIfNeeded = encodeIfNeeded)


(also at https://github.com/setempler/miscset/blob/master/R/help.index.R)

I tried to avoid `:::` so I used the 00Index.html file from the
library on my disk (like
/home/user.foo/R/lib.bar/package.baz/html/00Index.html). It does show
the index, but the link to the help pages are not accessible.
Nevertheless, my implementation now works, but R CMD check --as-cran
gives a warning, and the R help also says to avoid `:::`. Also
get(httpd, as.environment(package:tools)) didn't help.

My question: do I have another possibility to achieve my goal without
referencing by `:::` (concerning a submission to CRAN), if so, please
tell me!

Thank you in advance,

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Use of tools:::httpdPort in a package for CRAN.

2014-12-05 Thread Duncan Murdoch

On 05/12/2014 11:24 AM, Sven E. Templer wrote:


I wrote a function to show the help/index page of a package in a
browser (and want to include this in an update for a CRAN package). I
asked in R-help how to obtain the 00Index.html file, Duncan Murdoch
suggested to inspect (see
tools:::httpd (thank you therefore!). So I came up with:

help.index - function (pkg, browser = NA, encodeIfNeeded = FALSE) {

pkg - as.character(substitute(pkg))
hport - tools:::httpdPort

I don't see any way to get it other than this, but it seems like a 
reasonable thing to want to do.  I think the way I'd do it is to modify 
the exported function startDynamicHelp() so that it doesn't give an 
error if the help system is already running, it just returns the active 
port number.

So the code above would become

hport - startDynamicHelp()

(or some variation using try().)

I think a change like this could make it into 3.1.3 and later versions.

Duncan Murdoch

if (!pkg %in% rownames(installed.packages()))
stop(paste(Package, pkg, not found.))

if (hport == 0) {
cat(Starting dynamic help.\n)
t - try(startDynamicHelp(), silent = TRUE)
if (class(t) == try-error)
stop(Could not start dynamic help.)
hport - tools:::httpdPort

if (!is.na(browser)) {
if (tolower(browser) == rstudio)
options(browser = function (x) .Call(rs_browseURL, url))
options(browser = browser)

url - paste0(;, hport, /library/, pkg,
browseURL(url, encodeIfNeeded = encodeIfNeeded)


(also at https://github.com/setempler/miscset/blob/master/R/help.index.R)

I tried to avoid `:::` so I used the 00Index.html file from the
library on my disk (like
/home/user.foo/R/lib.bar/package.baz/html/00Index.html). It does show
the index, but the link to the help pages are not accessible.
Nevertheless, my implementation now works, but R CMD check --as-cran
gives a warning, and the R help also says to avoid `:::`. Also
get(httpd, as.environment(package:tools)) didn't help.

My question: do I have another possibility to achieve my goal without
referencing by `:::` (concerning a submission to CRAN), if so, please
tell me!

Thank you in advance,

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Use of tools:::httpdPort in a package for CRAN.

2014-12-05 Thread Yihui Xie
Perhaps I missed something, but isn't this just a one-liner function?

help.index = function (pkg) help(package = (pkg), help_type = html)

Yihui Xie xieyi...@gmail.com
Web: http://yihui.name

On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 10:24 AM, Sven E. Templer sven.temp...@gmail.com wrote:

 I wrote a function to show the help/index page of a package in a
 browser (and want to include this in an update for a CRAN package). I
 asked in R-help how to obtain the 00Index.html file, Duncan Murdoch
 suggested to inspect (see
 tools:::httpd (thank you therefore!). So I came up with:

 help.index - function (pkg, browser = NA, encodeIfNeeded = FALSE) {

 pkg - as.character(substitute(pkg))
 hport - tools:::httpdPort

 if (!pkg %in% rownames(installed.packages()))
 stop(paste(Package, pkg, not found.))

 if (hport == 0) {
 cat(Starting dynamic help.\n)
 t - try(startDynamicHelp(), silent = TRUE)
 if (class(t) == try-error)
 stop(Could not start dynamic help.)
 hport - tools:::httpdPort

 if (!is.na(browser)) {
 if (tolower(browser) == rstudio)
 options(browser = function (x) .Call(rs_browseURL, url))
 options(browser = browser)

 url - paste0(;, hport, /library/, pkg,
 browseURL(url, encodeIfNeeded = encodeIfNeeded)


 (also at https://github.com/setempler/miscset/blob/master/R/help.index.R)

 I tried to avoid `:::` so I used the 00Index.html file from the
 library on my disk (like
 /home/user.foo/R/lib.bar/package.baz/html/00Index.html). It does show
 the index, but the link to the help pages are not accessible.
 Nevertheless, my implementation now works, but R CMD check --as-cran
 gives a warning, and the R help also says to avoid `:::`. Also
 get(httpd, as.environment(package:tools)) didn't help.

 My question: do I have another possibility to achieve my goal without
 referencing by `:::` (concerning a submission to CRAN), if so, please
 tell me!

 Thank you in advance,

 R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] install.packages deletes PACKAGES file in local repo

2014-12-05 Thread Gabriel Becker
Can you post exact code, i have not seen this behavior, and I work with
local repositories quite extensively on my current project.


On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 7:45 AM, Renaud Gaujoux 
ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za wrote:


 running install.packages() to install a package from a local repository
 (i.e., starts with file:///) appears to delete the PACKAGES file that is in
 the src/contrib/ directory.
 This happens on a cluster running Scientific Linux release 6.4 (Carbon),
 but not on my Ubuntu local machine.

 Subsequent calls to install.packages() complain about src/contrib/PACKAGES
 not existing, although there still is a src/contrib/PACKAGES.gz file.

 Is this a know issue?
 Thank you.


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 R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Gabriel Becker
Graduate Student
Statistics Department
University of California, Davis

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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] R CMD check --as-cran and (a)spell checking

2014-12-05 Thread Henrik Bengtsson
Does anyone know if it is possible to add a dictionary file of known
words that becomes part of the *built* package to tell 'R CMD check
--as-cran' not to report these words as misspelled.  I want this
dictionary to come with the *.tar.gz such that it will be available
regardless where the package is checked.  For instance, currently I

* using log directory 'T:/R/_R-3.1.2patched/matrixStats.Rcheck'
* using R version 3.1.2 Patched (2014-12-03 r67101)
* using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit)
* using session charset: ISO8859-1
* checking for file 'matrixStats/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is package 'matrixStats' version '0.12.0'
* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: 'Henrik Bengtsson henr...@braju.com'
Possibly mis-spelled words in DESCRIPTION:
  rowMedians (18:74)
  rowRanks (18:92)
  rowSds (18:111)
* checking package namespace information ... OK



R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] does parLapplyLB do load-balancing?

2014-12-05 Thread Chris Paciorek
Looking at parLapplyLB, one sees that it takes in X and then passes
splitList(X, length(cl)) to clusterApplyLB, which then calls
dynamicClusterApply.  Thus while dynamicClusterApply does handle tasks
in a load-balancing fashion, sending out individual tasks as previous
tasks complete, parLapplyLB preempts that by splitting up the tasks in
advance into as many groups of tasks as there are cluster processes.
This seems to defeat the purpose of load-balancing and of the manner
in which dynamicClusterApply is coded.

This question basically repeats a question posed in 2013 -- see

I'm reposting because there doesn't seem to have been any response to
the previous posting, and it looks like the issue is still present in
R 3.1 so it seems asking again if this is the intended behavior of

I'm using R 3.1.1 and the 3.1.1 version of the parallel package under
Ubuntu 14.04, but the code appears to be the same in R-devel.


Chris Paciorek

Statistical Computing Consultant
Statistical Computing Facility, Econometrics Laboratory, Berkeley
Research Computing

Office: 495 Evans Hall  Email: pacio...@stat.berkeley.edu
Mailing Address:Voice: 510-842-6670
Department of StatisticsFax:   510-642-7892
367 Evans Hall  Skype: cjpaciorek
University of California, Berkeley  WWW:
Berkeley, CA 94720 USA  Permanent forward:

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] install.packages deletes PACKAGES file in local repo

2014-12-05 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

I was only doing install.packages('pkgname'), with the local repo being
defined in the default repos option.
After retrying it just now, this issue mysteriously suddenly disappeared,
and things work as expected whether on the front node or in a job on a
node. Really no idea of what happened.
Closing the thread.


On 6 December 2014 at 02:23, Gabriel Becker gmbec...@ucdavis.edu wrote:

 Can you post exact code, i have not seen this behavior, and I work with
 local repositories quite extensively on my current project.


 On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 7:45 AM, Renaud Gaujoux 
 ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za wrote:


 running install.packages() to install a package from a local repository
 (i.e., starts with file:///) appears to delete the PACKAGES file that is
 the src/contrib/ directory.
 This happens on a cluster running Scientific Linux release 6.4 (Carbon),
 but not on my Ubuntu local machine.

 Subsequent calls to install.packages() complain about src/contrib/PACKAGES
 not existing, although there still is a src/contrib/PACKAGES.gz file.

 Is this a know issue?
 Thank you.


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 R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

 Gabriel Becker
 Graduate Student
 Statistics Department
 University of California, Davis

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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] does parLapplyLB do load-balancing?

2014-12-05 Thread Ei-ji Nakama

In such cases, try the Rhpc package.

The following is the result of the benchmark.

# but tuning is not finished...

2014-12-06 10:36 GMT+09:00 Chris Paciorek pacio...@stat.berkeley.edu:
 Looking at parLapplyLB, one sees that it takes in X and then passes
 splitList(X, length(cl)) to clusterApplyLB, which then calls
 dynamicClusterApply.  Thus while dynamicClusterApply does handle tasks
 in a load-balancing fashion, sending out individual tasks as previous
 tasks complete, parLapplyLB preempts that by splitting up the tasks in
 advance into as many groups of tasks as there are cluster processes.
 This seems to defeat the purpose of load-balancing and of the manner
 in which dynamicClusterApply is coded.

 This question basically repeats a question posed in 2013 -- see

 I'm reposting because there doesn't seem to have been any response to
 the previous posting, and it looks like the issue is still present in
 R 3.1 so it seems asking again if this is the intended behavior of

 I'm using R 3.1.1 and the 3.1.1 version of the parallel package under
 Ubuntu 14.04, but the code appears to be the same in R-devel.


 Chris Paciorek

 Statistical Computing Consultant
 Statistical Computing Facility, Econometrics Laboratory, Berkeley
 Research Computing

 Office: 495 Evans Hall  Email: pacio...@stat.berkeley.edu
 Mailing Address:Voice: 510-842-6670
 Department of StatisticsFax:   510-642-7892
 367 Evans Hall  Skype: cjpaciorek
 University of California, Berkeley  WWW:
 Berkeley, CA 94720 USA  Permanent forward:

 R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Best Regards,
Eiji NAKAMA nakama (a) ki.rim.or.jp
\u4e2d\u9593\u6804\u6cbb  nakama (a) ki.rim.or.jp

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