Re: [Rd] Feature request: non-dropping regmatches/strextract

2019-08-29 Thread Michael Lawrence via R-devel
Just started thinking about this. The name of regmatches() suggests
that it will only extract the matches but not return anything for the
non-matches. We might need another function that returns a value for
non-matches. Perhaps the value should be the empty string for
non-matches and NA for matches to NA. The rationale is that we
delegate to regexpr() (at least conceptually), and it returns a
"matching region" which would be empty when there is no match. We
could allow strcapture() to accept an atomic vector as a prototype,
which would do what you want for regexec() (NA on no match, empty
string on empty capture). Then we could call the regexpr()-based
function strextract().

What do you think?


On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 3:27 PM Cyclic Group Z_1
> Thank you! I greatly appreciate your consideration, though of course it is up 
> to you. I think many people switch to stringr/stringi simply because 
> functions in those packages have some consistent design choices, for example, 
> they do not drop empty/missing matches, which facilitates array-based 
> programming. For example, in the cases where one needs to make a new column 
> in a data.frame (data.table, tibble, etc.) of regex extractions. Or in any 
> other case where there needs to be an element-wise correspondence between 
> input and output. I think insertion of NA_character_ to prevent dropping 
> indices seems like the natural choice for an array language (which, I think, 
> motivated the creation of stringr/stringi). While those are great packages 
> and this behavior can be easily replicated with simple wrappers, string 
> operations are normally easy to accomplish in base languages, so this seems 
> like something that would be appropriate to have in base. For example, MATLAB 
> and Pandas regex both all
 ow non-dropping empty matches (though of course I acknowledge Pandas is not a 
base language).
> Best,
> CG

Michael Lawrence
Scientist, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Genentech, A Member of the Roche Group
Office +1 (650) 225-7760

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Re: [Rd] Feature request: non-dropping regmatches/strextract

2019-08-29 Thread Michael Lawrence via R-devel
I'd be happy to entertain patches or at least more specific
suggestions to improve strextract() and strcapture(). I hadn't
exported strextract(), because I wasn't quite sure how it should
behave. This feedback should be helpful.


On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 2:20 PM Cyclic Group Z_1 via R-devel
> Thank you, I am aware that there are packages that can accomplish this. I 
> mentioned stringr::str_extract as a function that does not drop empty 
> matches. I think that the behavior of regmatches(..., regexpr(...)) in base R 
> should permit an option to prevent dropping of empty matches both for sake of 
> consistency with the rest of the language (missing data does not yield a 
> dropped index in other sorts of R functions, and an empty match conceptually 
> corresponds with missing data) and facility of use in data.frames. The 
> behavior of regmatches(..., gregexpr(...)) is not objectionable to me, as 
> lists do not drop indices when they contain character(0) vectors. 
> Alternatively, perhaps this should be reflected in the (currently 
> non-exported) strextract.
> Best,
> CG
> __
> mailing list

Michael Lawrence
Scientist, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Genentech, A Member of the Roche Group
Office +1 (650) 225-7760

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Re: [Bioc-devel] Error: DLL 'rgl' not found: maybe not installed for this architecture?

2019-08-29 Thread Pages, Herve

On 8/23/19 14:38, Venu Thatikonda wrote:
> Hi,
> During one of my R packages bioc review, I see the following 2 errors,
> one:
> Error in library.dynam(dynlib, pkg, lib) :
>DLL 'rgl' not found: maybe not installed for this architecture?
> Error: .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rgl', details:
>call: NULL
>error: Loading rgl's DLL failed.
> Execution halted
> ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'ALPS'
> * removing 
> 'C:/Users/pkgbuild/packagebuilder/workers/jobs/1215/2a61338/ALPS.buildbin-libdir/ALPS'

For some reasons we had a broken installation of rgl on the Windows 
builders. This should be fixed now. Sorry for that.

> I'm not using any functions from 'rgl', not sure why it is a required
> dependency. Or is there any key detail am I missing? R CMD build, check
> BiocCheck are very clean on my system.

You're not using any function from rgl but I suspect you depend on some 
package that depends on rgl. So your package depends **indirectly** on 
rgl. This means that when you load your package, rgl gets loaded too 
(see sessionInfo() after loading your package).

> Two:
>  * ERROR: System Files found that should not be git tracked:
>  ALPS.Rproj
> Based on this discussion (
>  ),
> it is in fact a bit useful not adding PACKAGE.Rproj to .gitignore.

That check seems unjustified to me. Also it seems that adding ALPS.Rproj 
to your .gitignore won't make this error go away. I would suggest that 
you open an issue for it at:

In the meantime hopefully you can convince the reviewer of your package 
to ignore this error.

> Do all bioc packages require adding *Rproj to gitignore?

FWIW I see more than 200 BioC software packages with a PACKAGE.Rproj 
file in their git repo. AFAIK this file has never caused any problem. 
It's automatically ignored by 'R CMD build' and 'R CMD INSTALL' so 
everything is fine.


> Here is the report, if it's helpful.
> Thank you & have a ncie day!

Hervé Pagès

Program in Computational Biology
Division of Public Health Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
P.O. Box 19024
Seattle, WA 98109-1024

Phone:  (206) 667-5791
Fax:(206) 667-1319
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[Rd] ?Syntax wrong about `?`'s precedence ?

2019-08-29 Thread Ant F
Dear all,

`?Syntax` documents that `?` has the lowest precedence, right under `=`.

Indeed it reads:

*The following unary and binary operators are defined. They are listed in
precedence groups, from highest to lowest.  *

and ends the list with

*<- <<-* *assignment (right to left)*
*=* *assignment (right to left)*
*?* *help (unary and binary)*
I believe it to be wrong, `=` has lower precedence than `?`.

See the following example :

`?` <- `+`
x = 2 ? 3
#> [1] 5

We see that `2 ? 3` is evaluated first, then the result is assigned to x,
higher precedence for `?`.

Compare it to the similar code using `<-` :

x <- 2 ? 3
#> [1] 5
#> [1] 2

Here first `x <- 2` is evaluated, then its output is added to 3, and the
`5` is printed. and we verify that `x` is still `2`. Showing lower
for `?` consistent with the doc.

Hadley Wickham's package `lobstr` makes it easy to compare the parse trees:

lobstr::ast({x = 2 ? 3})
#> o-`{`
#> \-o-`=`
#>   +-x
#>   \-o-`?`
#> +-2
#> \-3

lobstr::ast({x <- 2 ? 3})
#> o-`{`
#> \-o-`?`
#>   +-o-`<-`
#>   | +-x
#>   | \-2
#>   \-3

Best regards,


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