Re: [Bioc-devel] cannot reproduce the build error with InTAD package

2020-12-28 Thread Dario Strbenac
It looks like you are creating a MultiAssayExperiment in your vignette. 
Numerous Bioconductor packages relying on MultiAssayExperiment infrastructure 
started failing a few days ago with the release of version 1.17.3, but I don't 
see the breaking change explained in the News file.
___ mailing list

Re: [Bioc-devel] Recent change in MultiAssayExperiment for inferred MAE-level colData

2020-12-28 Thread Dario Strbenac
This also happens to ClassifyR.
___ mailing list

[Bioc-devel] Fwd: Bioconductor package EnMCB

2020-12-28 Thread xin wwa
Dear bioconductor team,
I am working on our package EnMCB, which recently have some problems on
developing branch,
I fixed most of the errors but our package still has a warning in check as

* checking PDF version of manual ... WARNING
LaTeX errors when creating PDF version.
This typically indicates Rd problems.

LaTeX errors when creating PDF version.
This typically indicates Rd problems.
LaTeX errors found:
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ≤ (U+2264)
(inputenc)not set up for use with LaTeX.

See the inputenc package documentation for explanation.
Type  H   for immediate help.
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ≤ (U+2264)
(inputenc)not set up for use with LaTeX.

See the inputenc package documentation for explanation.
Type  H   for immediate help.
* checking PDF version of manual without hyperrefs or index ... ERROR

I checked our package on the local computer and looks fine. I can not find
out which character causes this problem.

Could you please help me to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance.
Merry Christmas!
Best Regards,
Xin Yu
Ph.D. student of Biomedical Informatics
College of Bioinformatics - Huazhong Agricultural University
tel: (+86) 186-5313-5769

xin wwa  于2020年12月23日周三 下午8:26写道:

> Dear  Lori,
> Thank you for your email, we currently are working on upgrading our
> package.
> It should be work fine after our update.
> Best regards,
> Xin Yu
> Ph.D. student of Biomedical Informatics
> College of Bioinformatics - Huazhong Agricultural University
> tel: (+86) 186-5313-5769
> Kern, Lori  于2020年12月23日周三 下午8:20写道:
>> Hello Package Maintainer,
>> The Bioconductor Team would like to notify you that your package is
>> currently
>> failing on the devel 3.13 version of Bioconductor, and has been for an
>> extended
>> period of time.  Please fix your package to R CMD build and R CMD check
>> cleanly
>> immediately to avoid deprecation of your package. While devel is a place
>> to
>> experiment with new features, we expect packages to build and check
>> cleanly in a
>> reasonable time period and not stay broken for any extended period of
>> time. If
>> you are having trouble or have any further questions please do not
>> hesitate to
>> reach out to the developers mailing list at
>> The package has been failing consistently since 12/04/20
>> Lori Shepherd
>> Bioconductor Core Team
>> Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
>> Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
>> Elm & Carlton Streets
>> Buffalo, New York 14263
>> This email message may contain legally privileged and/or confidential
>> information. If you are not the intended recipient(s), or the employee or
>> agent responsible for the delivery of this message to the intended
>> recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying,
>> distribution, or use of this email message is prohibited. If you have
>> received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by
>> e-mail and delete this email message from your computer. Thank you.

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Re: [Bioc-devel] cannot reproduce the build error with InTAD package

2020-12-28 Thread Nitesh Turaga
Hi Konstantin,

It seems this is a new issue. Please give the devel build machine one more 
cycle and we'll see if the issue persists. 

Did you try to build it using the command in the build machine log (although I 
doubt it'll change the end result of successfully building on the 
bioconductor_docker:devel image) ?

R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data InTAD



On 12/28/20, 2:07 AM, "Bioc-devel on behalf of Konstantin Okonechnikov" 


I got a note about failing for InTAD package only in Bioc-devel version:

Notably, there were no changes to the package before this error started
occurring thus I suppose it might be connected to some updates in other

To reproduce the issue I installed the latest available R-devel version and
also switched to bioconductor-devel. Installing the package worked OK.

Error message from report was the following:

Quitting from lines 93-94 (InTAD.Rmd)
Error: processing vignette 'InTAD.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
--- failed re-building ‘InTAD.Rmd’

The problem seems to be occurring in creating the object (
*inTadSig <- newSigInTAD(enhSel, enhSelGR, rpkmCountsSel, txsSel,mbAnnData)*

However, I did not observe any issues in package installation. Moreover, I
managed to build the vignette without problems simply running the following
command from latest source:

*rmarkdown::render('InTAD/vignettes/InTAD.Rmd') *

Any suggestions how I could reproduce and fix this error?  Below I also
included my sessionInfo()

Best regards,

*R Under development (unstable) (2020-12-26 r79698)Platform:
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)Running under: openSUSE Leap 42.3Matrix
products: defaultBLAS:
Cattached base packages:[1] parallel  stats4stats graphics
 grDevices utils datasets[8] methods   baseother attached packages: [1]
BiocStyle_2.19.1InTAD_1.11.0 [3] MultiAssayExperiment_1.17.2
SummarizedExperiment_1.21.1 [5] Biobase_2.51.0
 MatrixGenerics_1.3.0 [7] matrixStats_0.57.0
 GenomicRanges_1.43.1 [9] GenomeInfoDb_1.27.3 IRanges_2.25.6[11]
S4Vectors_0.29.6BiocGenerics_0.37.0loaded via a namespace (and
not attached): [1] tidyr_1.1.2  splines_4.1.0
 carData_3.0-4 [4] BiocManager_1.30.10  GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.4
cellranger_1.1.0 [7] Rsamtools_2.7.0  yaml_2.2.1
pillar_1.4.7[10] backports_1.2.1  lattice_0.20-41
 glue_1.4.2[13] digest_0.6.27ggsignif_0.6.0
XVector_0.31.1[16] qvalue_2.23.0colorspace_2.0-0
htmltools_0.5.0[19] Matrix_1.3-0 plyr_1.8.6
XML_3.99-0.5[22] pkgconfig_2.0.3  broom_0.7.3
 haven_2.3.1[25] bookdown_0.21zlibbioc_1.37.0
 purrr_0.3.4[28] scales_1.1.1 openxlsx_4.2.3
rio_0.5.16[31] BiocParallel_1.25.2  tibble_3.0.4
farver_2.0.3[34] generics_0.1.0   car_3.0-10
ggplot2_3.3.2[37] ellipsis_0.3.1   ggpubr_0.4.0
magrittr_2.0.1[40] crayon_1.3.4 readxl_1.3.1
mclust_5.4.7[43] evaluate_0.14rstatix_0.6.0
 forcats_0.5.0[46] foreign_0.8-81   tools_4.1.0
 data.table_1.13.4[49] hms_0.5.3BiocIO_1.1.2
lifecycle_0.2.0[52] stringr_1.4.0munsell_0.5.0
 zip_2.1.1[55] DelayedArray_0.17.7  Biostrings_2.59.2
 compiler_4.1.0[58] rlang_0.4.9  grid_4.1.0
RCurl_1.98-1.2[61] rjson_0.2.20 labeling_0.4.2
rmarkdown_2.6[64] bitops_1.0-6 restfulr_0.0.13
 gtable_0.3.0[67] abind_1.4-5  curl_4.3
reshape2_1.4.4[70] R6_2.5.0 GenomicAlignments_1.27.2
knitr_1.30[73] dplyr_1.0.2  rtracklayer_1.51.2
stringi_1.5.3[76] Rcpp_1.0.5   vctrs_0.3.6
 xfun_0.19[79] tidyselect_1.1.0*

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___ mailing list

[Rd] Suppress conflict messages when mask.ok

2020-12-28 Thread Magnus Torfason
I was very happy to see the new mask.ok option. It works very well when
conflicts.policy is "strict":

library(igraph, exclude="decompose", mask.ok=c("spectrum","union"))
#> [No messages]

However, if no conflicts.policy has been set, the masked objects are loudly
reported, even if they are specified with mask.ok:

library(igraph, exclude="decompose", mask.ok=c("spectrum","union"))
#> Attaching package: 'igraph'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#> spectrum
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> union

It seems that if I specify mask.ok, that particular masking is expected and
should NOT be reported, regardless of what the conflicts.policy is. It
would be very useful for many users who are not ready to switch over to a
strict conflicts.policy, to nevertheless be able to suppress messages about
expected conflicts using mask.ok and thus only get messages when unexpected
masking occurs.


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__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] installing from source

2020-12-28 Thread Ben Bolker
  Kevin Ushey pointed out to me privately that he submitted a bug 
report and a patch for this about a month ago, which Kurt Hornik put in 
R-devel (c79477):

On 12/28/20 4:35 AM, Martin Maechler wrote:

Ben Bolker
 on Sun, 27 Dec 2020 15:02:47 -0500 writes:

 > There is a recurring issue with installing from source into paths
 > that contain single quotes/apostrophes. "Why would anyone do that??" is
 > certainly a legitimate response to such a problem, but I would also say
 > this constitutes a legitimate bug.  Would replacing both single-quotes
 > below with \\' solve the problem?

Here, I'm mostly among the  "Why would anyone do that??" people,
but I agree that it's worth some effort to try fixing this.

To your question above: Why don't you create a repr.ex. (we'd
want anyway for R-bugzilla) and *see* if your proposition solves
it - or did I misinterpret the Q?

 > I'm happy to post this (with a patch if my fix seems appropriate) on
 > r-bugzilla.

 > cheers
 > Ben Bolker

 > line 1672 of src/library/tools/R/install.R :

 > cmd <- paste0("tools:::.test_load_package('", pkg_name, "', ",
 > quote_path(lib), ")")




 > __
 > mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] .Fortran to .Call

2020-12-28 Thread Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. via R-devel
  Over the years I have converted many of the .C calls in the survival package 
to .Call.  
As others have said, the big advantage is memory footprint.  I did it because 
there are a 
few users who call survfit or coxph with really large data sets, and not 
copying the data 
can be the difference between success and failure (run out of memory).  Like 
you, my 
experience has been that if there is enough memory, then the time required for 
.C or 
.Fortran to make the data copy is minimal.   Don't make the change in order to 
compute speed.

The downside to .Call is that R then makes the (dangerous) assumption that you 
know what 
you are doing.  That is, vectors/matrices that are passed in to the function 
will NOT have 
new data values written into them, unless you have taken the necessary steps.   
the promise can lead to program failures that are very hard to track down.

Terry M Therneau, PhD
Department of Health Science Research
Mayo Clinic

"TERR-ree THUR-noh"

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__ mailing list

[Bioc-devel] cannot reproduce the build error with InTAD package

2020-12-28 Thread Konstantin Okonechnikov

I got a note about failing for InTAD package only in Bioc-devel version:

Notably, there were no changes to the package before this error started
occurring thus I suppose it might be connected to some updates in other

To reproduce the issue I installed the latest available R-devel version and
also switched to bioconductor-devel. Installing the package worked OK.

Error message from report was the following:

Quitting from lines 93-94 (InTAD.Rmd)
Error: processing vignette 'InTAD.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
--- failed re-building ‘InTAD.Rmd’

The problem seems to be occurring in creating the object (
*inTadSig <- newSigInTAD(enhSel, enhSelGR, rpkmCountsSel, txsSel,mbAnnData)*

However, I did not observe any issues in package installation. Moreover, I
managed to build the vignette without problems simply running the following
command from latest source:

*rmarkdown::render('InTAD/vignettes/InTAD.Rmd') *

Any suggestions how I could reproduce and fix this error?  Below I also
included my sessionInfo()

Best regards,

*R Under development (unstable) (2020-12-26 r79698)Platform:
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)Running under: openSUSE Leap 42.3Matrix
products: defaultBLAS:
Cattached base packages:[1] parallel  stats4stats graphics
 grDevices utils datasets[8] methods   baseother attached packages: [1]
BiocStyle_2.19.1InTAD_1.11.0 [3] MultiAssayExperiment_1.17.2
SummarizedExperiment_1.21.1 [5] Biobase_2.51.0
 MatrixGenerics_1.3.0 [7] matrixStats_0.57.0
 GenomicRanges_1.43.1 [9] GenomeInfoDb_1.27.3 IRanges_2.25.6[11]
S4Vectors_0.29.6BiocGenerics_0.37.0loaded via a namespace (and
not attached): [1] tidyr_1.1.2  splines_4.1.0
 carData_3.0-4 [4] BiocManager_1.30.10  GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.4
cellranger_1.1.0 [7] Rsamtools_2.7.0  yaml_2.2.1
pillar_1.4.7[10] backports_1.2.1  lattice_0.20-41
 glue_1.4.2[13] digest_0.6.27ggsignif_0.6.0
XVector_0.31.1[16] qvalue_2.23.0colorspace_2.0-0
htmltools_0.5.0[19] Matrix_1.3-0 plyr_1.8.6
XML_3.99-0.5[22] pkgconfig_2.0.3  broom_0.7.3
 haven_2.3.1[25] bookdown_0.21zlibbioc_1.37.0
 purrr_0.3.4[28] scales_1.1.1 openxlsx_4.2.3
rio_0.5.16[31] BiocParallel_1.25.2  tibble_3.0.4
farver_2.0.3[34] generics_0.1.0   car_3.0-10
ggplot2_3.3.2[37] ellipsis_0.3.1   ggpubr_0.4.0
magrittr_2.0.1[40] crayon_1.3.4 readxl_1.3.1
mclust_5.4.7[43] evaluate_0.14rstatix_0.6.0
 forcats_0.5.0[46] foreign_0.8-81   tools_4.1.0
 data.table_1.13.4[49] hms_0.5.3BiocIO_1.1.2
lifecycle_0.2.0[52] stringr_1.4.0munsell_0.5.0
 zip_2.1.1[55] DelayedArray_0.17.7  Biostrings_2.59.2
 compiler_4.1.0[58] rlang_0.4.9  grid_4.1.0
RCurl_1.98-1.2[61] rjson_0.2.20 labeling_0.4.2
rmarkdown_2.6[64] bitops_1.0-6 restfulr_0.0.13
 gtable_0.3.0[67] abind_1.4-5  curl_4.3
reshape2_1.4.4[70] R6_2.5.0 GenomicAlignments_1.27.2
knitr_1.30[73] dplyr_1.0.2  rtracklayer_1.51.2
stringi_1.5.3[76] Rcpp_1.0.5   vctrs_0.3.6
 xfun_0.19[79] tidyselect_1.1.0*

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

___ mailing list

Re: [Rd] installing from source

2020-12-28 Thread Martin Maechler
> Ben Bolker 
> on Sun, 27 Dec 2020 15:02:47 -0500 writes:

> There is a recurring issue with installing from source into paths 
> that contain single quotes/apostrophes. "Why would anyone do that??" is 
> certainly a legitimate response to such a problem, but I would also say 
> this constitutes a legitimate bug.  Would replacing both single-quotes 
> below with \\' solve the problem?

Here, I'm mostly among the  "Why would anyone do that??" people,
but I agree that it's worth some effort to try fixing this.

To your question above: Why don't you create a repr.ex. (we'd 
want anyway for R-bugzilla) and *see* if your proposition solves
it - or did I misinterpret the Q?

> I'm happy to post this (with a patch if my fix seems appropriate) on 
> r-bugzilla.

> cheers
> Ben Bolker

> line 1672 of src/library/tools/R/install.R :

> cmd <- paste0("tools:::.test_load_package('", pkg_name, "', ", 
> quote_path(lib), ")")




> __
> mailing list

__ mailing list

[Bioc-devel] Recent change in MultiAssayExperiment for inferred MAE-level colData

2020-12-28 Thread Andrea Rau
Hello Marcel,
Thanks to you for your very useful MultiAssayExperiment package, it has 
provided a very useful framework that I have made use of in my multi-omic 
package padma.

I've noticed that padma has started breaking in devel due to a recent change in 
MultiAssayExperiment (v1.17.3, which is also currently not building on devel) 
that appears to be linked to a fix for issue #287 
( about inferring 
MAE-level colData. The problem in padma seems to be in my vignette when an 
error message of "No matching identifiers found" is returned while subsetting a 
MultiAssayExperiment object. I'm guessing it should be an easy fix for me in my 
vignette/example code, but I first wanted to make sure that you're planning on 
keeping this inference of MAE-level colData in future versions of 
MultiAssayExperiment or whether this is still somewhat in flux.

Thanks again, and wishing you happy holidays!

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