Re: [Rd] Certificates are not trusted

2024-08-15 Thread Ben Engbers

I checked the installed versions from R-CRAN-kernlab and R-CRAN-tseries
R-CRAN-kernlab = 0.9.32
R-CRAN-tseries = 0.10.56
Updating these packages fails because of incorrect installation

Op 15-08-2024 om 14:57 schreef Ben Engbers:


The GPG keys intended for repository ‘Copr repo for cran owned by
iucar’ are already installed but not correctly for this package.
  whether the correct key URLs are specified for thiconfigured as:

Publics repository. Package
that failed is: R-CRAN-kernlab-0.9.33-1.fc40.copr7906033.x86_64
  GPG keys are 
  key for R-CRAN-tseries-0.10.57-1.fc40.copr7906036.x86_64.rpm is

not trusted. Package failed:
  GPG keys are configured as:

The downloaded packages are cached until the next successful transaction.
You can delete cached packages by running ‘dnf clean packages’.
Error: GPG check failed

Ben Engbers
__ mailing list

Ben Engbers
Grietjeshof 77
6721 VH  Bennekom
+31 6 23634840
__ mailing list

[Rd] Certificates are not trusted

2024-08-15 Thread Ben Engbers


After returning home from holiday I tried to update my Fedora 
installation with the command 'sudo dnf update -y'.

This command now terminates with the following error:
error: Verifying a signature using certificate 
3124D2EF76DA4D972F6BE4AC9D60CBB71A3B4456 (iucar_cran (None) 

  1. Certificiate 9D60CBB71A3B4456 invalid: certificate is not alive
  because: The primary key is not live
  because: Expired on 2024-08-13T00:46:08Z
  2. Key 9D60CBB71A3B4456 invalid: key is not alive
  because: The primary key is not live
  because: Expired on 2024-08-13T00:46:08Z
error: Verifying a signature using certificate 
3124D2EF76DA4D972F6BE4AC9D60CBB71A3B4456 (iucar_cran (None) 

  1. Certificiate 9D60CBB71A3B4456 invalid: certificate is not alive
  because: The primary key is not live
  because: Expired on 2024-08-13T00:46:08Z
  2. Key 9D60CBB71A3B4456 invalid: key is not alive
  because: The primary key is not live
  because: Expired on 2024-08-13T00:46:08Z
Copr repo for cran owned by iucar 

  11 kB/s | 985  B 00:00
GPG-sleutel op 
(0x1A3B4456) is al geïnstalleerd
error: Verifying a signature using certificate 
3124D2EF76DA4D972F6BE4AC9D60CBB71A3B4456 (iucar_cran (None) 

  1. Certificiate 9D60CBB71A3B4456 invalid: certificate is not alive
  because: The primary key is not live
  because: Expired on 2024-08-13T00:46:08Z
  2. Key 9D60CBB71A3B4456 invalid: key is not alive
  because: The primary key is not live
  because: Expired on 2024-08-13T00:46:08Z
error: Verifying a signature using certificate 
3124D2EF76DA4D972F6BE4AC9D60CBB71A3B4456 (iucar_cran (None) 

  1. Certificiate 9D60CBB71A3B4456 invalid: certificate is not alive
  because: The primary key is not live
  because: Expired on 2024-08-13T00:46:08Z
  2. Key 9D60CBB71A3B4456 invalid: key is not alive
  because: The primary key is not live
  because: Expired on 2024-08-13T00:46:08Z
error: Verifying a signature using certificate 
3124D2EF76DA4D972F6BE4AC9D60CBB71A3B4456 (iucar_cran (None) 

  1. Certificiate 9D60CBB71A3B4456 invalid: certificate is not alive
  because: The primary key is not live
  because: Expired on 2024-08-13T00:46:08Z
  2. Key 9D60CBB71A3B4456 invalid: key is not alive
  because: The primary key is not live
  because: Expired on 2024-08-13T00:46:08Z
error: Verifying a signature using certificate 
3124D2EF76DA4D972F6BE4AC9D60CBB71A3B4456 (iucar_cran (None) 

  1. Certificiate 9D60CBB71A3B4456 invalid: certificate is not alive
  because: The primary key is not live
  because: Expired on 2024-08-13T00:46:08Z
  2. Key 9D60CBB71A3B4456 invalid: key is not alive
  because: The primary key is not live
  because: Expired on 2024-08-13T00:46:08Z
De GPG-sleutels bedoeld voor repository "Copr repo for cran owned by 
iucar" zijn al geïnstalleerd maar niet correct voor dit pakket.
Controleer of de juiste sleutel-URLs voor deze repository zijn 
opgegeven.. Pakket dat mislukt is: 
 GPG-sleutels zijn geconfigureerd als:
Publieke sleutel voor 
R-CRAN-tseries-0.10.57-1.fc40.copr7906036.x86_64.rpm is niet vertrouwd. 
Pakket dat mislukt is: R-CRAN-tseries-0.10.57-1.fc40.copr7906036.x86_64
 GPG-sleutels zijn geconfigureerd als:
De gedownloade pakketten zijn in de cache opgeslagen tot de volgende 
sucessvolle transactie.
Je kan pakketten in de cache verwijderen met het uitvoeren van 'dnf 
clean packages'.

Fout: GPG-check is MISLUKT

Deepl translates the last part of this message as:
The GPG keys intended for repository ‘Copr repo for cran owned by
iucar’ are already installed but not correctly for this package.
 whether the correct key URLs are specified for this repository. Package
that failed is: R-CRAN-kernlab-0.9.33-1.fc40.copr7906033.x86_64
 GPG keys are configured as:

 key for R-CRAN-tseries-0.10.57-1.fc40.copr7906036.x86_64.rpm is
not trusted. Package failed:
 GPG keys are configured as:

The downloaded packages are cached until the next successful transaction.
You can delete cached packages by running ‘dnf clean packages’.
Error: GPG check failed

Translated with (free version)

How can I renew or update the certificates?

Ben Engbers
__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Question on non-blocking socket

2023-02-17 Thread Ben Engbers

Hi Tomas,

Apparently, inserting some kind of socketSelect() is essential when 
using non-blocking sockets and a client/erve architecture. That is at 
least one thing that I have learned ;-).

In C++, between sending and requesting, I inserted a call to this function:
bool wait(int s) {
  fd_set read_set;
  struct timeval timeout {};
  memset(&timeout, 0, sizeof(timeout));
  bool done{};
  while (!done ) {
FD_SET(s, &read_set);
int rc = select(s + 1, &read_set, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
done = (rc == 1) && FD_ISSET(s, &read_set);
  return done;

Inserting this call was essential in solving my problem.


Op 15-02-2023 om 17:17 schreef Tomas Kalibera:
In the example you are waiting only for a single byte. But if the 
response may be longer, one needs to take into account in the client 
that not all bytes of the response may be available right away. One 
would keep receiving the data in a loop, as they become available (e.g. 
socketSelect() would tell), keep appending them to a buffer, and keep 
looking for when they are complete.



__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Question on non-blocking socket

2023-02-15 Thread Ben Engbers


Op 15-02-2023 om 14:38 schreef Tomas Kalibera:

On 2/15/23 01:24, Ben Engbers wrote:


December 27, 2021 I started a thread asking for help troubleshooting 
non-blocking sockets.


I have two questions.
The first is where I can find R documentation on proper use of 
non-blocking sockets and on the proper use of the socketSelect function?

In addition to the demos I sent to you in that 2021 thread on 
R-pkg-devel, you could also have a look at how it is used in R itself, 
in the parallel package, in snowSOCK.R, to set up the snow cluster in 
parallel. Some hints may be also found in the blog post But, 
in principle, R API is just a thin layer on top of what the OS provides, 
so general literature and tutorials on sockets should help, there should 
be even textbooks used at CS universities in networking classes.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Basically select() can tell you when data is ready (on input), when the 
socket interface is able to accept more data (on output) or when there 
is an incoming connection. In practice, you should not need any delays 
to be inserted in your program to make it work - if that is needed, it 
means that is an error in it (a race condition). If the program is 
polling (checking in a loop whether something has already happened, and 
then sleeping for a short while), the duration of the sleep may indeed 
influence latency, but should not affect correctness - if it does, there 
is an error.

In RBaseX I first calculate an MD5 hash that is send to the server and 
then I check the status byte that is returned by the server.

writeBin(auth, private$conn)
Accepted <- readBin(conn, what = "raw", n = 1) == 0

Without the second line, 'Accepted' is always FALSE. With this line it 
is TRUE.

BaseX provides example API's in several languages. I've looked at 
several but indeed none uses any form of delay.
All API's follow the same pattern, calculate a MD5, send it to the 
server and check the status byte. So the server is not likely to enforce 
a delay. So there is nothing left but to look for that racing condition ;-(


__ mailing list

[Rd] Question on non-blocking socket

2023-02-15 Thread Ben Engbers


December 27, 2021 I started a thread asking for help troubleshooting 
non-blocking sockets.
While developing the RBaseX client, I had issues with the authentication 
process. It eventually turned out that a short break had to be inserted 
in this process between sending the credentials to the server and 
requesting the status. Tomas Kalibera put me on the right track by 
drawing my attention to the 'socketSelect' function. I don't know 
exactly the purpose of this function is (the function itself is 
documented, but I can't find any information for which situations this 
function should be called.) but it sufficed to call this function once 
between sending and requesting.

I have two questions.
The first is where I can find R documentation on proper use of 
non-blocking sockets and on the proper use of the socketSelect function?

The second question is more focused on using non-blocking sockets in 
general. Is it allowed to execute a read and a receive command 
immediately after each other or must a short waiting loop be built in.
I'm asking this because I'm running into the same problems in a C++ 
project as I did with RBaseX.

Ben Engbers

__ mailing list