Re: [Rd] [R] error in plot(table(c('a','a')))

2012-11-28 Thread Ludo Pagie
I already did, this morning; Bug 15118. I simply copied my original posting
+ refs to current discussion.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 3:22 PM, R. Michael Weylandt wrote:

 Should I file an issue for this in the bug tracker?

 Slighly rearranged discussion with reproducible example follows on below.

  Em 26-11-2012 21:39, R. Michael Weylandt escreveu:
  On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:41 PM, Ludo Pagie wrote:
  tbl.char1 - table(c('a','a'))
  tbl.char2 - table(c('a','a','b'))
  tbl.int1 - table(c(1,1))
  # error:
  # no errors:
  Confirmed in current R-devel. It seems to arise from plot.table's use
  of when the dimnames of the table are not integers. I'm not
  sure if this shouldn't be seq_along(x) instead, but I'm not sure I
  totally follow the internal logic, so perhaps someone can offer second

 On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 11:34 PM, Rui Barradas
   I'd change when the dimnames of the table are not integers 
  to not numeric as that's what the code for plot.table tests. And it
  seems to come from, since with table value
  of 2, produces a vector of length 2 but the table length is 1:
  seq_along seems to solve the matter.

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Re: [Rd] polygon kills X-server (PR#14055)

2009-11-11 Thread Ludo Pagie
I was thinking along the same line. I have an NVidia, GeForce
6600 GT, 256 MB, NVIDIA Driver Version:169.12.


On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 10:01:02AM +0100, Uwe Ligges wrote:

 Ben Bolker wrote:
  lpagie at writes:

 Full_Name: Ludo Pagie
 Version: 2.10.0
 OS: linux, ubuntu, 8.04
 Submission from: (NULL) (

 when I make a polygon with 100,000 vertices my X-server is being
 killed. This occurs in R-2.9.0 and a freshly installed R-2.10.0
 I'm running Ubuntu with a locally compiled R:


  It took quite a while, and every time I obscure the window
 it hangs R while it redraws, but that all seems as expected.
 The rest of my system seems to be running fine while it works
 on that (one core is pegged at 100% CPU, but the other is
 handling everything OK).

 Linux bolker-lap2 2.6.27-15-generic #1 SMP Tue Oct 20 06:52:09 UTC 2009 i686

 Ubuntu 8.10
 for what it's worth, I'm not running a window manager with any
 fancy screen effects (don't know if that would matter??)

 R 2.10.0, stock Ubuntu installation

 Maybe related to graphics card driver that cannot handle it or even  
 graphics hardware. I will try on some machine with really different  
 graphics hardware as well as on some virtual machine.


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Re: [Rd] benchmarking R installations

2008-06-03 Thread Ludo Pagie
recently there was a post on R-help/Rd ?? with this link on benchmarking 
different 'number crunching packages'. They used a series of tests, 
although I didn't check they used all the types you mentioned. I couldn't 
find test code at first glance but myyebe it is available on request???


On Mon, 2 Jun 2008, Mark Kimpel wrote:

Recently I posted to this list with a question about using the Intel 10.1
compilers in building R and one response was basically, why in the heck
would you want to do that? The answer is that my sysadmin believes that
there will be a performance boost with the Intel vs. Gnu compilers on our
Linux cluster, of which I am one of many users. Wanting to be a good citizen
and use my machine time wisely, I'd of course like to use right tool to
build the most efficient installation of R and associated packages. BTW, we
got R to compile nicely using the settings at the end of this post.

Looking back on previous posts, however, it seems that there is no consensus
as to how to benchmark R. I realize such a task is not trivial, nor
controversial, but does anyone have a set of time-consuming tasks that can
be used to compare R installations? It would seem logical that such a
benchmark would include sub-benchmarks on file access, interpreted intensive
tasks, C intensive tasks, BLAS intensive tasks, etc. You developers know
more about this than I do, but I know enough to realize that there won't be
one simple answer. Nevertheless, I'd like to make my usage decisions on
something rather than anedotal claims.

So, does anyone know of a good benchmarking script or would be willing to
contribute one?

And here are the settings we used to compile R with Intel 10.1 compilers:

../configure --prefix=/N/u/mkimpel/R_HOME/R-patched/R-build \
--with-system-zlib=/usr/lib64 --with-system-bzlib=/usr/lib64 \
--with-mpi=/N/soft/linux-rhel4-x86_64/openmpi/1.2.5/intel-64 --with-tcltk \
--with-tcl-config=/N/soft/linux-rhel4-x86_64/tcl8.4.16/lib64/ \
--with-tk-config=/N/soft/linux-rhel4-x86_64/tk8.4.16/lib64/ \
--without-x --without-readline --without-iconv \
CC=/N/soft/linux-rhel4-x86_64/intel/cce/10.1.013/bin/icc \
CFLAGS=-O3 -no-prec-div -unroll \
F77=/N/soft/linux-rhel4-x86_64/intel/fce/10.1.013/bin/ifort \
FFLAGS=-O3 -no-prec-div -unroll \
CXX=/N/soft/linux-rhel4-x86_64/intel/cce/10.1.013/bin/icpc \
CXXFLAGS=-O3 -no-prec-div -unroll \
FC=/N/soft/linux-rhel4-x86_64/intel/fce/10.1.013/bin/ifort \
FCFLAGS=-O3 -no-prec-div -unroll \
OBJC=/N/soft/linux-rhel4-x86_64/intel/cce/10.1.013/bin/icc \
OBJCFLAGS=-O3 -no-prec-div -unroll \
--disable-R-profiling --disable-memory-profiling
make all
make install


Mark W. Kimpel MD ** Neuroinformatics ** Dept. of Psychiatry
Indiana University School of Medicine

15032 Hunter Court, Westfield, IN 46074

(317) 490-5129 Work,  Mobile  VoiceMail
(317) 663-0513 Home (no voice mail please)


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