Re: [Rd] settings for M3 Mac typo in manual?

2024-05-20 Thread Prof Brian Ripley via R-devel

On 20/05/2024 09:06, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
I've just upgraded to an M3 Mac laptop, and I'm working through getting 
the right configure settings to build R.

The Installation and Administration manual says to have this in

FFLAGS="-g -O2 -mmacos-version-min=11.0"
FCFLAGS="-g -O2 -mmacos-version-min=11.0"

but those give an error on my system, with it suggesting the FFLAGS and 
FCFLAGS version option should be -mmacosx-version-min=11.0.  I don't 
know if that's a typo or a change.

-mmacos-version-min= is the current Apple option.  However, the gfortran 
build recommended in the manual is quite old and this has apparently 
differed by GCC version (and is not documented in the 'man gfortran' I 

I'll change the manual to mention both forms, and that it is only 
sometimes needed (not on my current setup).

Brian D. Ripley,
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] paths capability FALSE on devel?

2024-03-27 Thread Prof Brian Ripley via R-devel

On 27/03/2024 10:28, Alexandre Courtiol wrote:

Hi all,

I don't know if it is a local issue on my hands or not, but after
installing R-devel the output of grDevices::dev.capabilities()$paths is
FALSE, while it is TRUE for R 4.3.3.
Relatedly, I have issues with plotting paths on devel.

At this stage, I simply would like to know if others running R devel and R
4.3.3 can replicate this behaviour and if there are obvious reasons why the
observed change would be expected.

The help says

 Query the capabilities of the current graphics device.

You haven't told us what that was.  See the posting guide for the "at a 
minimum" information you also did not provide 

Brian D. Ripley,
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Advice debugging M1Mac check errors

2024-02-06 Thread Prof Brian Ripley via R-devel

On 04/02/2024 19:41, Holger Hoefling wrote:


I wanted to ask if people have good advice on how to debug M1Mac package
check errors when you don´t have a Mac? Is a cloud machine the best option
or is there something else?

I presumed this was about a CRAN package, possibly hdf5r which has a 
R-devel-only warning from the Apple clang compiler.  And that is not a 
'check error' and not something to 'debug'.

The original poster had errors for his package flsa until yesterday on 
fedora-clang and M1mac, which were compilation errors with recent LLVM 
and Apple compilers.  Again, not really something to 'debug' -- the 
compiler messages were clear and the CRAN notification contained advice 
on where in our manual to look this up.

The mac-builder service offers checks for R 4.3.0, the 'development' 
option being (last time I tried) the same as the 'release' option. (When 
I asked, Simon said that 'development' checks were only available in the 
run up to a x.y.0 when he starts package building and checks for R-devel.)

We were left to guess, but I doubt this has to do with the lack of 
'extended precision' nor long doubles longer than doubles on arm64 
macOS.  And issues with that are rather rare (much rarer than numerical 
issues for non-reference x86_64 BLAS/LAPACKs).  Of the 20,300 CRAN 
packages just 18 have M1mac-specific errors, none obviously from 
numerical inaccuracy.  A quick look back suggests we get about 20 a year 
with M1mac numerical issues, about half of which were mirrored on the 
x86_64 'noLD' checks.

Brian D. Ripley,
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford

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