[Rd] .S3methods: issue in content of info data.frame

2016-11-11 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

I was trying to get a list of S3 method for a given generic, along with the
package in which they are defined, and I came across what looks like an
issue in the data.frame returned in attribute 'info'. The column 'from'
mostly gets the value "registered S3method for ..." except for visible
methods. Is this the expected behavior?
See code and output below.

Thank you.


$ Rscript -e "library(xtable); attr(.S3methods('plot'), 'info');
   visible from generic  isS4
plot.acf FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.data.frame  FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.decomposed.ts   FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.default  TRUE graphicsplot FALSE
plot.dendrogram  FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.density FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.ecdf TRUEstatsplot FALSE
plot.factor  FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.formula FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.function TRUE graphicsplot FALSE
plot.hclust  FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.histogram   FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.HoltWinters FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.isoreg  FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.lm  FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.medpolish   FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.mlm FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.ppr FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.prcomp  FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.princompFALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.profile.nls FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.raster  FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.specFALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.stepfun  TRUEstatsplot FALSE
plot.stl FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.table   FALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.ts   TRUEstatsplot FALSE
plot.tskernelFALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
plot.TukeyHSDFALSE registered S3method for plotplot FALSE
R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  base

other attached packages:
[1] xtable_1.8-2

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_3.3.2

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[Rd] Ubuntu console weird behaviour

2016-03-03 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

I have been experiencing a weird behavior when running R in Ubuntu terminal.
I don't know exactly what triggers the issue and could not find a 100%
reproducible way of getting it.
The problem is that sometimes (often after an error is thrown, or after
copy/paste of plain text from an editor), the console acts as if its width
was limited, breaking lines and makes very difficult to navigate into
command history or edit previous commands. Essentially, the console is
messed up and only comes back to normal when restarting R in a fresh

I understand it is a bit of a poor error report, but I was hoping that
people might have encountered the same issue (and would recognize it as
described here).

I looked at bash checkwinsize as suggested here and it is on:

Thank you.


My settings are:

R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 15.10


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

Renaud Gaujoux, PhD
Systems Immunology - Technion, Haifa, Israel

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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] Method from package dependency is not updated due to lazy load?

2016-02-10 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
hors@R: person("First", "Last", email = "first.l...@example.com",
role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: What the package does (one paragraph).
Depends: methods
License: What license is it under?
LazyData: true
Imports: pkgA> cat('import(pkgA)', file = 'test/pkgB/NAMESPACE',
append = TRUE)> cat("+ callA <- function() genericA()+
setGeneric('genericA', package = 'pkgA')+ setMethod('genericA',
'character', function(x) genericA())+ ", file =
'test/pkgB/R/function.R')> > # install packages>
install.packages('test/v1/pkgA', lib = 'test/lib', repos = NULL, quiet
= TRUE)> install.packages('test/pkgB', lib = 'test/lib', repos = NULL,
quiet = TRUE)> # this returns A-v1> system("Rscript -e \"library(pkgA,
lib = 'test/lib'); genericA()\"")Loading required package: methods
[1] "A-v1"> system("Rscript -e \"library(pkgB, lib = 'test/lib');
callA(); pkgA::genericA()\"")Loading required package: methods
[1] "A-v1"
[1] "A-v1"> > # install pkgA version 2>
install.packages('test/v2/pkgA', lib = 'test/lib', repos = NULL, quiet
= TRUE)> # this returns A-v2> system("Rscript -e \"library(pkgA, lib =
'test/lib'); genericA()\"")Loading required package: methods
[1] "A-v2"> # this still returns A-v1> system("Rscript -e
\"library(pkgB, lib = 'test/lib'); callA();
pkgA::genericA()\"")Loading required package: methods
[1] "A-v1"
[1] "A-v1"> > # re-install pkgB> install.packages('test/pkgB', lib =
'test/lib', repos = NULL, quiet = TRUE)> # this now returns A-v2>
system("Rscript -e \"library(pkgB, lib = 'test/lib'); callA();
pkgA::genericA()\"")Loading required package: methods
[1] "A-v2"
[1] "A-v2"

Renaud Gaujoux, PhD
Systems Immunology - Technion, Haifa, Israel

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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] List S3 methods and defining packages

2015-07-08 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Thank you for your reply Martin.
Your code made me realize that S3 methods are added to the
.__S3MethodsTable__. of the package that defines the generic, not to
the ones defining the method itself.
How does things work in the case of a method from one package B
masking the one from another package A? I don't get any warning
message and there seems to be only one entry in the relevant
Aren't these tables updated when the masking package B is detached?

On 7 July 2015 at 21:01, Martin Morgan mtmor...@fredhutch.org wrote:
 On 07/07/2015 02:05 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:


 from the man page ?methods, I expected to be able to build pairs
 (class,package) for a given S3 method, e.g., print, using

 attr(methods(print), 'info').

 However all the methods, except the ones defined in base or S4
 methods, get the 'from' value registered S3method for print, instead
 of the actual package name (see below for the first rows).

 Is this normal behaviour? If so, is there a way to get what I want: a
 character vector mapping class to package (ideally in loading order,
 but this I can re-order from search()).

 It's the way it has always been, so normal in that sense.

 There could be two meanings of 'from' -- the namespace in which the generic
 to which the method belongs is defined, and the namespace in which the
 method is defined. I think the former is what you're interested in, but the
 latter likely what methods() might be modified return.

 For your use case, maybe something like

 .S3methodsInNamespace - function(envir, pattern) {
 mtable - get(.__S3MethodsTable__., envir = asNamespace(envir))
 methods - ls(mtable, pattern = pattern)
 env - vapply(methods, function(x) {
 environmentName(environment(get(x, mtable)))
 }, character(1))
 setNames(names(env), unname(env))

 followed by

   nmspc = loadedNamespaces()
   lapply(setNames(nmspc, nmspc), .S3methodsInNamespace, ^plot.)

 which reveals the different meanings of 'from', e.g.,

 lapply(setNames(nmspc, nmspc), .S3methodsInNamespace,
stats graphicsstats
   plot.acfplot.data.frame plot.decomposed.ts
   plot.defaultplot.dendrogram   plot.density
stats graphics graphics
  plot.ecdfplot.factor   plot.formula
 graphicsstats graphics
  plot.functionplot.hclust plot.histogram
 plot.medpolish   plot.mlm   plot.ppr
plot.prcomp  plot.princomp   plot.profile.nls
plot.raster  plot.spec   plot.stepfun
stats graphicsstats
   plot.stl plot.tableplot.ts
  plot.tskernel  plot.TukeyHSD

 Also this is for loaded, rather than attached, namespaces.

 Martin Morgan

 Thank you.


 from generic  isS4
 print.abbrev   FALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 print.acf  FALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 print.AES  FALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 print.agnesFALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 print.anovaFALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 print.AnovaFALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 print.anova.loglm  FALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 base   print  TRUE
 print.aov  FALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE

 R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

 Computational Biology / Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
 1100 Fairview Ave. N.
 PO Box 19024 Seattle, WA 98109

 Location: Arnold Building M1 B861
 Phone: (206) 667-2793

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] List S3 methods and defining packages

2015-07-08 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Thanks Kevin, this indeed clarifies a bit the S3 method registration universe.

On 8 July 2015 at 15:48, Kevin Wright kw.s...@gmail.com wrote:
 Not sure if this answers your question, but you can't unregister a method.  


 Kevin Wright

 On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 5:09 AM, Renaud Gaujoux
 ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za wrote:
 Thank you for your reply Martin.
 Your code made me realize that S3 methods are added to the
 .__S3MethodsTable__. of the package that defines the generic, not to
 the ones defining the method itself.
 How does things work in the case of a method from one package B
 masking the one from another package A? I don't get any warning
 message and there seems to be only one entry in the relevant
 Aren't these tables updated when the masking package B is detached?

 On 7 July 2015 at 21:01, Martin Morgan mtmor...@fredhutch.org wrote:
 On 07/07/2015 02:05 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:


 from the man page ?methods, I expected to be able to build pairs
 (class,package) for a given S3 method, e.g., print, using

 attr(methods(print), 'info').

 However all the methods, except the ones defined in base or S4
 methods, get the 'from' value registered S3method for print, instead
 of the actual package name (see below for the first rows).

 Is this normal behaviour? If so, is there a way to get what I want: a
 character vector mapping class to package (ideally in loading order,
 but this I can re-order from search()).

 It's the way it has always been, so normal in that sense.

 There could be two meanings of 'from' -- the namespace in which the generic
 to which the method belongs is defined, and the namespace in which the
 method is defined. I think the former is what you're interested in, but the
 latter likely what methods() might be modified return.

 For your use case, maybe something like

 .S3methodsInNamespace - function(envir, pattern) {
 mtable - get(.__S3MethodsTable__., envir = asNamespace(envir))
 methods - ls(mtable, pattern = pattern)
 env - vapply(methods, function(x) {
 environmentName(environment(get(x, mtable)))
 }, character(1))
 setNames(names(env), unname(env))

 followed by

   nmspc = loadedNamespaces()
   lapply(setNames(nmspc, nmspc), .S3methodsInNamespace, ^plot.)

 which reveals the different meanings of 'from', e.g.,

 lapply(setNames(nmspc, nmspc), .S3methodsInNamespace,
stats graphicsstats
   plot.acfplot.data.frame plot.decomposed.ts
   plot.defaultplot.dendrogram   plot.density
stats graphics graphics
  plot.ecdfplot.factor   plot.formula
 graphicsstats graphics
  plot.functionplot.hclust plot.histogram
 plot.medpolish   plot.mlm   plot.ppr
plot.prcomp  plot.princomp   plot.profile.nls
plot.raster  plot.spec   plot.stepfun
stats graphicsstats
   plot.stl plot.tableplot.ts
  plot.tskernel  plot.TukeyHSD

 Also this is for loaded, rather than attached, namespaces.

 Martin Morgan

 Thank you.


 from generic  isS4
 print.abbrev   FALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 print.acf  FALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 print.AES  FALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 print.agnesFALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 print.anovaFALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 print.AnovaFALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 print.anova.loglm  FALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE
 base   print  TRUE
 print.aov  FALSE registered
 S3method for print   print FALSE

 R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

 Computational Biology / Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
 1100 Fairview Ave. N

[Rd] List S3 methods and defining packages

2015-07-07 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

from the man page ?methods, I expected to be able to build pairs
(class,package) for a given S3 method, e.g., print, using

attr(methods(print), 'info').

However all the methods, except the ones defined in base or S4
methods, get the 'from' value registered S3method for print, instead
of the actual package name (see below for the first rows).

Is this normal behaviour? If so, is there a way to get what I want: a
character vector mapping class to package (ideally in loading order,
but this I can re-order from search()).
Thank you.


   from generic  isS4
print.abbrev   FALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
print.acf  FALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
print.AES  FALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
print.agnesFALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
print.anovaFALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
print.AnovaFALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
print.anova.loglm  FALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE
   base   print  TRUE
print.aov  FALSE registered
S3method for print   print FALSE

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] install.packages deletes PACKAGES file in local repo

2014-12-05 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

running install.packages() to install a package from a local repository
(i.e., starts with file:///) appears to delete the PACKAGES file that is in
the src/contrib/ directory.
This happens on a cluster running Scientific Linux release 6.4 (Carbon),
but not on my Ubuntu local machine.

Subsequent calls to install.packages() complain about src/contrib/PACKAGES
not existing, although there still is a src/contrib/PACKAGES.gz file.

Is this a know issue?
Thank you.


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Re: [Rd] install.packages deletes PACKAGES file in local repo

2014-12-05 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

I was only doing install.packages('pkgname'), with the local repo being
defined in the default repos option.
After retrying it just now, this issue mysteriously suddenly disappeared,
and things work as expected whether on the front node or in a job on a
node. Really no idea of what happened.
Closing the thread.


On 6 December 2014 at 02:23, Gabriel Becker gmbec...@ucdavis.edu wrote:

 Can you post exact code, i have not seen this behavior, and I work with
 local repositories quite extensively on my current project.


 On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 7:45 AM, Renaud Gaujoux 
 ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za wrote:


 running install.packages() to install a package from a local repository
 (i.e., starts with file:///) appears to delete the PACKAGES file that is
 the src/contrib/ directory.
 This happens on a cluster running Scientific Linux release 6.4 (Carbon),
 but not on my Ubuntu local machine.

 Subsequent calls to install.packages() complain about src/contrib/PACKAGES
 not existing, although there still is a src/contrib/PACKAGES.gz file.

 Is this a know issue?
 Thank you.


 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

 R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

 Gabriel Becker
 Graduate Student
 Statistics Department
 University of California, Davis

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Re: [Rd] Is it possible to make install.packages compile source code on Unix but use shipped binary on Windows?

2014-06-19 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Hi Martyn,

 It isn't hard to set up Rtools on Windows and you only need to do it
 once. Then you build a binary package on your development system to
 distribute to your users.

Yes, but since I am working on Linux, it is slightly more steps
involved in order to generate a windows binary (even using a virtual
machine), compared to build and push source packages to my repository,
for which I have shell scripts and make files that do that in seconds
and in batch mode. When working in a fast bug fix-test cycle with
windows users testing things out often times a day, these extra steps
take much time overall.

 Without even considering any technical details there is a purely
 strategic issue here. If a system has been set up that is robust and
 widely tested, like the R packaging system, you are much better off
 working with it than trying to subvert it.

Agreed completely. I really like R cross-platform packaging and
checking system, and was just wondering if this conditional
compilation option was possible using the flexibility of this very


R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Is it possible to make install.packages compile source code on Unix but use shipped binary on Windows?

2014-06-18 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Thank you for the replies and hints.

 A 'pre-built windows binary' of what?

Sorry this was not clear, src/ contains source code for a binary
executable, which produces no .lib or .dll.
It is all fine in a R development environment:
  * On Linux, the executable is compiled and copied to
R_PACKAGE_DIR/binR_ARCH using a custom install.libs.R script.
  * Same thing on Windows, if Rtools is installed, install.packages
compiles and installs both 32 and 64 bits .exe.

 You can easily ship a DLL or .exe for use on Windows: just make use of
 configure.win and/or Makefile.win.  If you have a Makefile.win it will
 override the normal procedures for directory src.

I have tried using Makevars.win, but this requires make to be
installed (as by Rtools). So I guess using Makefile.win would also not
work, on a classic non-development geared Windows host.
Would using configure.win work without Rtools?

 OTOH, shipping something in exec will be installed everwhere.

True, although it seems that sub-directories of exec/ are actually not
installed though. Is this intentional?

 Watch out for sub-architectures: 'Windows' is in fact two platforms.  We
 have over the years seen a lot of problem with people shipping 64-bit
 Windows binaries: 32-bit Windows does not recognize those.

Indeed, and I think I properly take care of this in install.libs.R.

@Grabriel: the package is provided as a source package. This one is
installable locally from file, although in may case users actually get
it through a personal CRAN-like repository, using argument

Thank you.


R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Is it possible to make install.packages compile source code on Unix but use shipped binary on Windows?

2014-06-18 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
 Maybe.  Read the documentation and sources for yourself (see below).

Not working, at least in my hands, as it requires `sh`.

 Yes, *and documented*

True. I overlooked the beginning of the NB point.

 (including that it should not be used for Windows executables).

Yes, that's why I use the suggested procedure that uses
src/install.libs.R to copy compiled .exe files into binR_ARCH/.

So, eventually, I guess the answer to the original question is: no,
one cannot make install.packages skip compilation of a source package,
only if on Windows, without having Rtools installed -- and in PATH.


R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] Is it possible to make install.packages compile source code on Unix but use shipped binary on Windows?

2014-06-13 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

is it possible to make install.packages install a source package by
compiling it on Unix, but skip compilation and use a pre-built windows
binary (shipped in exec/) if installing on Windows?

The package should be installable on Windows machines that do not have
Rtools installed. This is to make the update process easier for users,
because the C++ code does not change often, meaning that I can just
send source packages built on Linux, with a binary executable built
once in a while on win-builder.

Note that this is for a package that is not meant for CRAN, so no
policy issue here.

Thank you.


R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] traceback does not show source line number of long calls when truncating output

2014-05-12 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

in R-3.1.0 (Linux), traceback() does not show the source file line
number for the truncated calls, when limiting the number of lines
output for each call with argument max.lines. See sample code, output
and session info below (in particular, output for call number 5).
I guess this is not intended.

Thank you.


## File: traceback.R
a - function(...){ stop('this is an error') }

# code to generate the long call
# set.seed(123)
# v - unique(replicate(10, { paste0(sample(letters[1:26]), collapse = ) }))
# sprintf(a(%s), paste0(v, '=', 1, collapse = , ))

a(htjuwakqxzpgrsbncvyofdmeli=1, ozgdvsnpaimweybtkulrhcfjxq=1,
udnecprhlbgwtfjisyzoxaqmvk=1, jcfpzqyirwotbsehdngauxlkvm=1,
mwvojdsfbqlchznegyirpkautx=1, qwzxlnyorhegackmvubfsjtipd=1,
ofkylhmugjvdwzscirnexptbqa=1, sgolfwzrevpjnythbqxmdckuai=1,
ezlfyoangrspdmihtuxkvwcbqj=1, gjetdqkmvwxufslhcbpirnazoy=1)

## In R
source('traceback.R', keep.source = TRUE)
traceback(max.lines = 2)

## Output
 source('traceback.R', keep.source = TRUE)
Error in a(htjuwakqxzpgrsbncvyofdmeli = 1, ozgdvsnpaimweybtkulrhcfjxq = 1,  :
  this is an error
6: stop(this is an error) at traceback.R#1
5: a(htjuwakqxzpgrsbncvyofdmeli = 1, ozgdvsnpaimweybtkulrhcfjxq = 1,
   udnecprhlbgwtfjisyzoxaqmvk = 1, jcfpzqyirwotbsehdngauxlkvm = 1,
   mwvojdsfbqlchznegyirpkautx = 1, qwzxlnyorhegackmvubfsjtipd = 1,
   ofkylhmugjvdwzscirnexptbqa = 1, sgolfwzrevpjnythbqxmdckuai = 1,
   ezlfyoangrspdmihtuxkvwcbqj = 1, gjetdqkmvwxufslhcbpirnazoy = 1)
at traceback.R#8
4: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
3: eval(ei, envir)
2: withVisible(eval(ei, envir))
1: source(traceback.R, keep.source = TRUE)
 traceback(max.lines = 2)
6: stop(this is an error) at traceback.R#1
5: a(htjuwakqxzpgrsbncvyofdmeli = 1, ozgdvsnpaimweybtkulrhcfjxq = 1,
   udnecprhlbgwtfjisyzoxaqmvk = 1, jcfpzqyirwotbsehdngauxlkvm = 1,
4: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
3: eval(ei, envir)
2: withVisible(eval(ei, envir))
1: source(traceback.R, keep.source = TRUE)
R version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] Proxy settings not honoured anymore

2014-03-27 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

it seems that my proxy settings are not picked up by the R console any
longer, although the environment variable http_proxy is set and
Is anybody experiencing this issue as well?
Thank you.


# System info (from R --vanilla)
R version 3.0.3 (2014-03-06)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Proxy settings not honoured anymore

2014-03-27 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
All right, just ignore this silly post, things magically came back
into place... :|

On 27 March 2014 17:28, Renaud Gaujoux ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za wrote:

 it seems that my proxy settings are not picked up by the R console any
 longer, although the environment variable http_proxy is set and
 Is anybody experiencing this issue as well?
 Thank you.


 # System info (from R --vanilla)
 R version 3.0.3 (2014-03-06)
 Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8   LC_NAME=C

 attached base packages:
 [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] contrib.url in non-interactive mode

2014-02-14 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

is it intended that one cannot install packages in non-interactive mode,
without explicitly setting a CRAN mirror (see below)?
Couldn't a default mirror be used in that case?
Thank you.


$ Rscript --vanilla -e install.packages('whatever')
Installing package into '/home/renaud/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.0'
(as 'lib' is unspecified)
Error in contrib.url(repos, type) :
  trying to use CRAN without setting a mirror
Calls: install.packages - grep - contrib.url
Execution halted

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[Rd] S4 method for '[' with extra arguments: distinguishing between x[i] and x[i, ]

2013-12-05 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

I want to implement a '[' for an S4 class, that behaves differently
when called with a single index argument or multiple indexes (possibly
missing), like what happens when subsetting matrices x[i] vs. x[i, ].

I manage to do it using nargs() and checking if drop is missing (see
code below), but when I want to add an extra argument to the method
(before drop), then the parent call somehow changes and always
includes all indexes in the call (even missing ones) and nargs()
always returns the same value.

I thought there might be a generic for a single index (with no j in
the definition) but could not find its definition, and can't see how
setMethod will know for which '[' to define the method. Defining a
method for signature(x = 'A', j = 'missing') has the same issue.

Is there actually a way to do this?
Thank you.


# Code

# Class A
setClass('A', contains = 'character')

# No extra argument is fine
setMethod('[', 'A', function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE){
ca - match.call()
mdrop - missing(drop)
Nargs - nargs() - !mdrop
if( !missing(i)  Nargs  3 ) TRUE
else FALSE

testA - function(){
a - new('A')
tests - c('a[1]', 'a[1,]', 'a[,1]')
sapply(tests, function(s){
message('\n#', s); message('single arg: ', eval(parse(text = s)))
s - sub(']', ', drop = FALSE]', s, fixed = TRUE)
message('\n#', s); message('single arg: ', eval(parse(text = s)))


# with extra argument = cannot distinguish the calls
setMethod('[', 'A', function(x, i, j, ..., extra = FALSE, drop = TRUE){
ca - match.call()
mdrop - missing(drop)
Nargs - nargs() - !mdrop
if( !missing(i)  Nargs  3 ) TRUE
else FALSE


# System info


 # Class A
 setClass('A', contains = 'character')

 # No extra argument is fine
 setMethod('[', 'A', function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE){
+ ca - match.call()
+ mdrop - missing(drop)
+ Nargs - nargs() - !mdrop
+ print(ca)
+ print(nargs())
+ print(mdrop)
+ print(Nargs)
+ if( !missing(i)  Nargs  3 ) TRUE
+ else FALSE
+ })
[1] [

 testA - function(){
+ a - new('A')
+ tests - c('a[1]', 'a[1,]', 'a[,1]')
+ sapply(tests, function(s){
+ message('\n#', s); message('single arg: ', eval(parse(text = s)))
+ s - sub(']', ', drop = FALSE]', s, fixed = TRUE)
+ message('\n#', s); message('single arg: ', eval(parse(text = s)))
+ })
+ invisible()
+ }


a[i = 1]
[1] 2
[1] TRUE
[1] 2
single arg: TRUE

#a[1, drop = FALSE]
a[i = 1, drop = FALSE]
[1] 3
[1] 2
single arg: TRUE

a[i = 1]
[1] 3
[1] TRUE
[1] 3
single arg: FALSE

#a[1,, drop = FALSE]
a[i = 1, drop = FALSE]
[1] 4
[1] 3
single arg: FALSE

a[j = 1]
[1] 3
[1] TRUE
[1] 3
single arg: FALSE

#a[,1, drop = FALSE]
a[j = 1, drop = FALSE]
[1] 4
[1] 3
single arg: FALSE

 # with extra argument = cannot distinguish the calls
 setMethod('[', 'A', function(x, i, j, ..., extra = FALSE, drop = TRUE){
+ ca - match.call()
+ mdrop - missing(drop)
+ Nargs - nargs() - !mdrop
+ print(ca)
+ print(nargs())
+ print(mdrop)
+ print(Nargs)
+ if( !missing(i)  Nargs  3 ) TRUE
+ else FALSE
+ })
[1] [


.local(x = x, i = i, j = j, drop = drop)
[1] 4
[1] 3
single arg: FALSE

#a[1, drop = FALSE]
.local(x = x, i = i, j = j, drop = drop)
[1] 4
[1] 3
single arg: FALSE

.local(x = x, i = i, j = j, drop = drop)
[1] 4
[1] 3
single arg: FALSE

#a[1,, drop = FALSE]
.local(x = x, i = i, j = j, drop = drop)
[1] 4
[1] 3
single arg: FALSE

.local(x = x, i = i, j = j, drop = drop)
[1] 4
[1] 3
single arg: FALSE

#a[,1, drop = FALSE]
.local(x = x, i = i, j = j, drop = drop)
[1] 4
[1] 3
single arg: FALSE

 # System info
R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base
platform   x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
arch   x86_64
os linux-gnu
system x86_64, linux-gnu

Re: [Rd] cat with backspace and newline characters

2013-11-06 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
 thanks for all the experiments, and (to Renaud) support.rstudio.org is
 the place to report such problems.

Funny how the post diverged to an RStudio-related issue.
Anyway, I posted a link to this post at support.rstudio.org:

From the user point of view, the following behaviour still feels like a
strange behaviour of the R prompt:

(with the cursor now position on the 'c')

I don't know if there is a general official behaviour of prompt characters,
but I think one expects the prompt to always follow whatever is printed by
the previous R command, without corruption of the input line to be.


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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] How to do package cleanup: hooks .onUnload, R_unload_mylib, .onDetach are not called on quit

2013-11-06 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

it seems that the package hooks .onLoad and its C++ pendant
R_unload_mylib are actually not called when R quits, but only when
explicitly calling detach('package:mylib', unload = TRUE).
Maybe this is platform specific, I'm on Ubuntu 13.10 - R 3.0.2 (see below).

  * is there a mechanism that a package can use to effectively do some
cleanup on standard exit, such as calling cleaning up routines of a
loaded third-party library? I tried .onDetach but it did not work
  * by curiosity, in what kind of practical situation would a user
want to call detach(..., unload = TRUE)?
  * is there a reason why the hooks are not called on quit?

Thank you.



   sysname  release
3.11.0-12-generic #19-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 9 16:20:46 UTC 2013
  x86_64 renaud
R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] How to do package cleanup: hooks .onUnload, R_unload_mylib, .onDetach are not called on quit

2013-11-06 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Many thanks for all responses and clarification!

It worked great by defining a dummy environment in the package
namespace and calling reg.finalizer to attach the cleanup function
to it.


On 6 November 2013 13:54, Prof Brian Ripley rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk wrote:
 On 06/11/2013 11:36, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

 On 13-11-06 5:26 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:


 it seems that the package hooks .onLoad and its C++ pendant
 R_unload_mylib are actually not called when R quits, but only when
 explicitly calling detach('package:mylib', unload = TRUE).
 Maybe this is platform specific, I'm on Ubuntu 13.10 - R 3.0.2 (see

 No, this is by design.  See ?setHook.

* is there a mechanism that a package can use to effectively do some
 cleanup on standard exit, such as calling cleaning up routines of a
 loaded third-party library? I tried .onDetach but it did not work

 Yes, you can set a finalizer.  See ?reg.finalizer.

 RODBC is one example.

* by curiosity, in what kind of practical situation would a user
 want to call detach(..., unload = TRUE)?

 An example is when you want a different version of a package.  (That might
 now work and probably will not if the package does not unload its DLL.)

* is there a reason why the hooks are not called on quit?

 They are slow to run, and are usually not needed.  Finalizers handle the
 rare cases where you really do need something to happen.

 Or to put it another way, the OS will do most of the unloading when it
 terminates the process, more efficiently than the process itself can. That
 includes 'unloading' DLLs and freeing memory.

 Duncan Murdoch

 Thank you.




 sysname  release
 3.11.0-12-generic #19-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 9 16:20:46 UTC 2013
x86_64 renaud


 R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
 Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)


 attached base packages:
 [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

 R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

 R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

 Brian D. Ripley,  rip...@stats.ox.ac.uk
 Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
 University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
 Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] cat with backspace and newline characters

2013-11-06 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
I agree that the handling of \b is not that strange, once one agrees
on what \b actually means, i.e. go back one character and not
delete previous character.
The fact that R GUI on Mac and Windows interprets/renders it
differently shows that normality and strangeness is quite relative

To make my previous response clearer, I was just wondering if the
printing of R prompt character  after the evaluation of an
expression could detect trailing \b from cat in stdout/stderr and
shift its position so that it is displayed after the last printed
character. For example cat(abc\b\b\b) would give

and not
a c

But this is:
0) Again platform, front-end dependent;
1) maybe not be possible (e.g., can we actually move forward without
printing a character that would erase the previous output?)
2) maybe not even desirable;
3) certainly not worth the effort anyway!

I guess we can happily close this thread :D
Many thanks.


R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] cat with backspace and newline characters

2013-11-05 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Maybe it's a Linux problem:

ab cat(abc\b\n)
R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

#19-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 9 16:20:46 UTC 2013

On 1 November 2013 19:54, Dennis Murphy djmu...@gmail.com wrote:

 I can't reproduce the error, either:

 ab cat(abc\b\n)
 R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
 Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

 [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252
 [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252
 [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
 [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

 package info snipped for brevity


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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] cat with backspace and newline characters

2013-11-05 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Thanks for the clarification. This appears to be a terminal behaviour issue.

It is user lack-of-understanding: there is no error here.

I believe lack of understanding is probably amongst the top reasons why
users post to the list and get happily enlightened.
I don't think I said there was an error though, but only asked if this was
normal behaviour, and apparently many standard Linux terminals get it
wrong. This looks a bit sad for a very terminal-driven OS.


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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] cat with backspace and newline characters

2013-11-01 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

when mixing newline and backspace characters I get the following output
(see below). In the second call, the backspace character is simply not
applied. Is this normal behaviour?
Thank you.

ab cat(abc\b\n)

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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] cat with backspace and newline characters

2013-11-01 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
I don't know what the normal behaviour is. I was expecting the remaining of
the line to be wiped out, but you must be right: the character 'c' is
already printed, the cursor moves back one position and go to the next
line, leaving the 'c' in place.
But what about this one:


Here, I end up with the cursor being on the 'c', i.e. if I type something
it erase the 'c'.
It is strange that the 'c' appears _after_ the console prompt, isn't it?


On 1 November 2013 13:41, Sean O'Riordain sean...@acm.org wrote:

 Hi Renaud,

 Are you sure it's not applied? is \b a backspace i.e. just move the
 cursor back one space, or is it a delete the character to the left of
 the cursor?

 Kind regards,

 On 1 November 2013 11:06, Renaud Gaujoux ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za
  when mixing newline and backspace characters I get the following output
  (see below). In the second call, the backspace character is simply not
  applied. Is this normal behaviour?
  Thank you.
  ab cat(abc\b\n)
  [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
  R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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[Rd] [Windows] Behaviour of shell on error

2013-10-07 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

on my R-3.0.2 windows (32bits) no error is thrown occurs when calling a
shell command with intern=TRUE, mustWork=TRUE. Is this a intended/known

From the source of base::shell it is clear that mustWork is only used when
intern=FALSE. This is not that clear from the help page:

mustWork a logical; if TRUE failure to run the command will give an R
error, if FALSE a warning and if NA, no R message.

If intern = TRUE, a character vector giving the output of the command, one
line per character string, or an error message if the command could not be

Thank you.


## Example ###

# no error as expected
shell('notacommand', intern=TRUE)
# error as expected
shell('notacommand', mustWork = TRUE)
# I am expecting to get an error here as well, but none is thrown
shell('notacommand', intern = TRUE, mustWork = TRUE)


### Output ###

 # no error as expected
'notacommand' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Warning messages:
1: running command 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c notacommand' had status
2: In shell(notacommand) :
  'notacommand' execution failed with error code 1
 shell('notacommand', intern=TRUE)
[1] 'notacommand' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2] operable program or batch file.
[1] 1
Warning message:
running command 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c notacommand' had status 1
 # error as expected
 shell('notacommand', mustWork = TRUE)
'notacommand' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Error in shell(notacommand, mustWork = TRUE) :
  'notacommand' execution failed with error code 1
In addition: Warning message:
running command 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c notacommand' had status 1
 # I am expecting to get an error here as well, but none is thrown
 shell('notacommand', intern = TRUE, mustWork = TRUE)
[1] 'notacommand' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2] operable program or batch file.
[1] 1
Warning message:
running command 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c notacommand' had status 1

R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Bioc-devel] Clarifying/simplifying on the SVN-Github mirroring

2013-09-27 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Hi Dan,
can't wait to walk this bridge. Could you tease us a bit on how it would
work? Will it use github's svn interface and leave developers transparently
use a plain github repo (possibly following some simple naming conventions)?
Many thanks.


On 26 September 2013 19:25, Dan Tenenbaum dtene...@fhcrc.org wrote:

 Hi Renaud,

 We're working on a github-svn bridge for Bioconductor packages, but it's
 not ready yet. We will definitely announce it when it is ready.
 It will supersede the document you're looking at, though there is nothing
 to stop you from continuing to use that if you want to.


 - Original Message -
  From: Renaud Gaujoux ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za
  To: bioc-devel@r-project.org
  Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 1:09:15 AM
  Subject: [Bioc-devel] Clarifying/simplifying on the SVN-Github mirroring
  if I understood correctly the instructions on
  it is recommend to work/branch out directly on the local git-svn
  and merge into the github master branch to sync code on github.
  Couple of
  questions on this:
* what about feature branches? Should these branch out from the
  branch? In this case I believe they won't be pushed to github? Easy
  branching is one of the nice feature of git, which I heavily use
  git-flow) so it is important that the different branches (devel,
  features) are sent back to github in order to really benefit from its
  management tools (issues, network graph, etc..)
* the workflow seems to be the opposite of what Cameron Bracken's
  suggests http://cameron.bracken.bz/git-with-r-forge , where one work
  on the
  github-bound master branch and merge back onto the svn-bound branch
  happy, right?
  I have experimented Cameron's workflow and faced many times lots of
  conflict issues that are a hassle to solve on each merge. Does the
  Bioconductor workflow have this issue?
  Overall, I wonder if it wouldn't be easier (from the developer point
  view) if Bioconductor build farm allowed to point to an external SVN
  repository? Since github provides such an interface that
  serves github repos to SVN calls, this would just wave out the need
  duplicated branches and git-svn integration trick. Possible? Que tal?
  R-forge used to propose such option, which is apparently and sadly
  working anymore. It really avoided lots of head ache.
  Thank you.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
  Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] R CMD check: unknown option ?--outdir==RCHECK?

2013-05-21 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

I believe this is kind of a long standing bug though. In R-3.0.1, but this
also happened in previous versions, the long version '--outdir' is not

For `R CMD check --outdir=mydir pkg_0.1.tar.gz` we get:
Warning: unknown option ‘--outdir=mydir’

But with `R CMD check -o mydir pkg_0.1.tar.gz` we get:
* using log directory ‘/home/renaud/Documents/projects/mydir/pkg.Rcheck’

which works perfectly fine, and puts pkg.Rcheck in 'mydir'.


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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] R CMD check: unknown option ?--outdir==RCHECK?

2013-05-21 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Oh... I read too quickly your previous post, which actually gives me some
hope on explaining why some R-forge checks might be broken.
Great thanks! :)

On 21 May 2013 15:54, Duncan Murdoch murdoch.dun...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 21/05/2013 8:13 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:


 I believe this is kind of a long standing bug though. In R-3.0.1, but
 this also happened in previous versions, the long version '--outdir' is not

 For `R CMD check --outdir=mydir pkg_0.1.tar.gz` we get:
 Warning: unknown option ‘--outdir=mydir’

 But with `R CMD check -o mydir pkg_0.1.tar.gz` we get:
 * using log directory ‘/home/renaud/Documents/**

 which works perfectly fine, and puts pkg.Rcheck in 'mydir'.

 I don't know how long standing it was, but as I said, it is purely a
 documentation bug.  The name of the option is --output, not --outdir.

 Duncan Murdoch

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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Bioc-devel] Bioconductor Package Builder and _R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_

2013-05-17 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Thanks very much Dan -- and Steve.
I perfectly understand that setting _R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_=false globally
is not really an option, and that checks must be as strict as possible. I
am fine with using the Enhances field, since it keeps the dependency. Will
fix the package and re-submit.

An idea for a future bioconductor check feature, it would be nice if
authors could specify which of the Suggests packages are to be ignored,
this would give the desired flexibility, while giving control on those
check holes, as well as enabling possible programmatic tests on these
skipped dependencies.


On 17 May 2013 23:41, Dan Tenenbaum dtene...@fhcrc.org wrote:

 On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 10:53 PM, Renaud Gaujoux
 ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za wrote:
  I am trying to submit a package to Bioconductor with a Suggests
  to RcppOctave, which is not available on Windows or Mac, and available on
  Linux only if octave is installed (RcppOctave is mine as well but getting
  working on other platforms than Linux is not yet on the agenda). All
  go fine but checks are not performed due to this missing dependency. This
  can be solved using _R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_ = false, which is what is
  on CRAN, at least for Windows and Mac.
  Is there a recommended way around this?
  I know I could hide the dependency using require('RcppOctave',
  character.only = TRUE), but I am wondering if there is a
  Bioconducotr-chekc-specific solution to still keep the dependency listed
  the DESCRIPTION file.

 What we have done in situations like this is to (mis-)use the
 Enhances: field. R CMD check will not fail if a package in Enhances is
 not present.

 We do not want to set _R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_=false globally, because
 on our build system, in 99% of cases, we want to make sure that all
 Suggested packages really are present.

 We could conceivably set _R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_=false when specific
 packages are checked, but that functionality does not exist yet.

 BTW, it looks like RcppOctave is not building on Mac because Octave is
 not installed on the Mac build machine a CRAN (though there may be
 other problems):


 If you do use the Enhances approach, you'll of course have to make
 sure that any code in your vignette or unit tests that use RcppOctave
 will need to be run only if require(RcppOctave).


  Thank you.
  [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
  Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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Bioc-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] Namespace/inheritance problem in S4 methods for a union class

2013-05-08 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

I started this post on bioc-devel but this seems to be more general:


See reproducible example from Martin below.

Thank you.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Martin Morgan mtmor...@fhcrc.org
Date: 7 May 2013 19:55
Subject: Re: [Bioc-devel] ExpressionSet and LumiBatch: inheritance problem
in S4 methods for union class
To: Renaud Gaujoux ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za
Cc: bioc-de...@r-project.org, dupan.m...@gmail.com

I can replicate this with a simpler example, where PkgA has

  setClass(A, representation(x=numeric))



PkgB has

  setClass(B, contains=A)


  importClassesFrom(PkgA, A)

and then

  library(PkgA); library(PkgB)
  setClassUnion(C, c(matrix, A))
  setGeneric(do, function(x) standardGeneric(do))
  setMethod(do, C, function(x) done)

leading to

  [1] done

  Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  :
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘do’ for signature ‘B’

suggesting name space issues rather than something about ExpressionSet. The
sample packages and test script are attached; it would be appropriate to
pursue this on the R-devel mailing list.


Computational Biology / Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N.
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Location: Arnold Building M1 B861
Phone: (206) 667-2793

Description: GNU Zip compressed data
R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Namespace/inheritance problem in S4 methods for a union class

2013-05-08 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
I obviously cannot predict the implications as much as John, but would the
followings be solutions:

- setClassUnion looks up for subclasses of its elements and add them up,
and setClass('A', ...) would update the union classes of any superclass of
'A'. removeClass would need to do some cleanup, which it probably does
- OR, extends(class1) could lookup at runtime for union classes that
include a superclass of class1. Caching on class1 could be used, reset by
any subsequent call to setClass(class1, ...) or removeClass(class1). I
guess setClassUnion would also do the same to deal with union of unions.


On 8 May 2013 19:02, John Chambers j...@r-project.org wrote:

 No need for generic functions and methods.  Just looking at the hierarchy
 of the classes shows the problem.

 With Martin's simplified version:

 [1] A
 [1] B A

  setClassUnion(C, c(matrix, A))
 [1] A C
 [1] B A

 So defining the union does not make all the subclasses of A members of
 the union.

 The next comments are guesses but plausible.  Loading the namespace of
 PkgB may not update the known subclasses of classes from PkgA.

 This is one of R's touchier points in general:  The state of things with
 respect to classes and methods changes dynamically as packages are loaded.
  Until PkgB is loaded, A has no known subclasses.

 If the guess is correct, then when the  class union is formed, nothing
 tells us that A has a subclass B that should be added to the union.

 Fixing this properly may involve the load-time actions and not be quite


 On 5/7/13 11:05 PM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:


 I started this post on bioc-devel but this seems to be more general:


 See reproducible example from Martin below.

 Thank you.


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Martin Morgan mtmor...@fhcrc.org
 Date: 7 May 2013 19:55
 Subject: Re: [Bioc-devel] ExpressionSet and LumiBatch: inheritance problem
 in S4 methods for union class
 To: Renaud Gaujoux ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za**
 Cc: bioc-de...@r-project.org, dupan.m...@gmail.com

 I can replicate this with a simpler example, where PkgA has

setClass(A, representation(x=numeric))



 PkgB has

setClass(B, contains=A)


importClassesFrom(PkgA, A)

 and then

library(PkgA); library(PkgB)
setClassUnion(C, c(matrix, A))
setGeneric(do, function(x) standardGeneric(do))
setMethod(do, C, function(x) done)

 leading to

[1] done

Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  :
  unable to find an inherited method for function ‘do’ for signature

 suggesting name space issues rather than something about ExpressionSet.
 sample packages and test script are attached; it would be appropriate to
 pursue this on the R-devel mailing list.


 R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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Re: [Rd] lsfit: Error in formatting error message

2013-04-29 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Ah yes, nice, I had noticed the swapped words in other situations, it will
definitely help me to tell users about sample size issues... :)


On 29 April 2013 12:15, Uwe Ligges lig...@statistik.tu-dortmund.de wrote:

 On 25.04.2013 13:29, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:


 in R-3.0 I get the following error when calling lsfit with more
 observations than variables, which seems to come from an error in the
 formatting of the error message (note that this was not happening in

  nobs - 5; nvar - 6; lsfit(matrix(runif(nobs*nvar), ncol=nvar),

 runif(nobs), intercept=FALSE)
 Error in sprintf(ngettext(nry, %d response, %d responses), , ,
 ngettext(ncx,  :
invalid format '%d'; use format %s for character objects


 3: sprintf(ngettext(nry, %d response, %d responses), , ,
 but only %d variable, but only %d variables), nry, ncx)
 2: stop(sprintf(ngettext(nry, %d response, %d responses), , ,
 ngettext(ncx, but only %d variable, but only %d variables),
 nry, ncx), domain = NA)
 1: lsfit(matrix(runif(nobs * nvar), ncol = nvar), runif(nobs), intercept =

 Thanks, fixed in R-patched and R-devel (plus the wording which was
 inappropriate for more than 10 years, at least).

 Uwe Ligges

 Thank you.


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Re: [Rd] Empty package skeleton

2013-04-14 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
... and my suggestion for an easy way to skip defined variables comes from
the case of fresh non-vanilla sessions that willingly inherit user-defined
variables from .Rprofile.

2013/4/14 Dirk Eddelbuettel e...@debian.org

 On 14 April 2013 at 14:10, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:
 | Hi,
 | I know this has been reported/asked before (
 | http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e15/devel/11/10/0831.html) but it
 | still be just nice to have a fix for the not user-friendly fact that one
 | cannot create a completely empty package skeleton (see previous post for
 | suggested patch).
 | In the same vein, I would add to the original suggestion from Herve Pages
 | that it would be nice to have a quick way to create an empty package
 | skeleton, skipping all objects possibly defined in .GlobalEnv, e.g.
 | package.skeleton('pkg', NA), although I believe Herve's patch would
 | automatically allow/handle a call like package.skeleton('pkg',
 | character()).
 | Conclusion, nothing urgent, which could be done in 1min spare time, but
 | could save 1min to many friendly future package developers :)

 I am also willing to help here as I do not like the fact that the generated
 Rd file itself is broken.  A hint from R Core that clean patches would be
 taken would be welcomed...

 [ And I often call package.skeleton() from a fresh session, that is pretty
 close to creating an empty package. ]


 Dirk Eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com

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[Rd] loadNamespace tries to load an optional dependency from a required dependency

2013-04-07 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

I get an error from loadNamespace in the following situation (on R-2.15.3,
R-devel 2013-03-26 r62409, and fresh R-3.0.0):

- package A has an optional (suggests) dependency to package C, which is
tested at load time in .onLoad, via require().
- package B depends on package A, which is loaded when B is lazy-loaded at
install time.
- package B is installed with package C installed

If one now removes package C and try loading package B via library(B), then
one gets an error such as:

Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called ‘C’
Error: package/namespace load failed for ‘B’

I guess this is because the list of namespaces to load for B is taken from
the frozen list defined after lazyload at install time.
Is this an intentional requirement or shouldn't the list of dependency
namespaces to load be taken from the NAMESPACE and/or DESCRIPTION file,
which define the true dependencies?

Package B should not have to be aware of how/when the optional dependencies
of package A are  loaded. I believe these are legally conditionally loaded
in .onLoad or should they be loaded in .onAttach?
One could imagine a situation where a package actually does require the
extra functionality provided by package C, at lazy-load time, which means
it must be loaded via .onLoad (right?). In this case, clearly, one would
have package C as Depends, which then would not give rise to the issue I
have here.

Thank you.


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Re: [Rd] source, sys.source and error line numbers

2013-03-26 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Sounds good for me.

2013/3/27 Duncan Murdoch murdoch.dun...@gmail.com

 On 13-03-26 6:45 PM, Hadley Wickham wrote:

 It turns out the reason for this is pretty simple:

 sys.source does:
 for (i in exprs) eval(i, envir)

 where source basically does
 n - length(exprs)
 for (i in seq_len(n)) eval(expr[i], envir)

 so the problem is presumably related to the way that for strips

 That's part of it, but there are also different defaults for keep.source.
  It needs to be TRUE or the error location won't be known.

 I'll fix the difference you noticed after 3.0.0 is released; I think it is
 not serious enough to slip in at this point.

 Duncan Murdoch


 On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 4:03 AM, Renaud Gaujoux
 ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za** wrote:


 is there a way to retrieve the line number of where en error occurred
 sourcing a file in a tryCatch statement? Is it stored somewhere
 It is not found in the error object.

 Consider the following code/output and note the difference in the
 between source (has line number) and sys.source (has no line number).

 Thank you,

 # code
 codefile - tempfile()
 write(# some comment
 # some good lines
 a - 1
 # a bad line
 stop('an error')
 # another good line
 b - 2
 , file=codefile)

 # with source() the line number is displayed
 tryCatch(source(codefile), error= function(e){ str(e) })

 # with sys.source() the line number is _not_ displayed
 e - new.env()
 sys.source(codefile, e)


 # output

  codefile - tempfile()
 write(# some comment

 + # some good lines
 + a - 1
 + # a bad line
 + stop('an error')
 + # another good line
 + b - 2
 + , file=codefile)

 # with source() the line number is displayed

 Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : an error


 5: stop(an error) at file46641af8754#5
 4: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
 3: eval(ei, envir)
 2: withVisible(eval(ei, envir))
 1: source(codefile)

 tryCatch(source(codefile), error= function(e){ str(e) })

 List of 2
   $ message: chr an error
   $ call   : language eval(expr, envir, enclos)
   - attr(*, class)= chr [1:3] simpleError error condition

 # with sys.source() the line number is _not_ displayed
 e - new.env()
 sys.source(codefile, e)

 Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : an error


 4: stop(an error)
 3: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
 2: eval(i, envir)
 1: sys.source(codefile, e)


 R version 2.15.3 (2013-03-01)
 Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)


 attached base packages:
 [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

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Re: [Rd] removing union class

2013-03-20 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
All good then.


2013/3/19 Martin Maechler maech...@stat.math.ethz.ch

  RG == Renaud Gaujoux ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za
  on Sun, 17 Mar 2013 10:38:44 +0200 writes:

 RG Late report is better than never isn't it? :)
   Well,... you forgot to show the error (and the
  traceback) :

 RG Apologies, I usually include them (and sessionInfo ...).

   Note that this problem is somewhat dependent on the use
  of the  infamous matrix class {not properly defined as
  a class in S3,  as it may or may not have dimnames, and
  then tried to be made S4  compatible as well as
  possible in the methods package, see

 RG Ok. What I want to do is to define a class in my
 RG namespace that gather some matrix-like classes so that I
 RG can define a set of common functions for them.
 RG Initially I want matrix and ExpressionSet objects, and
 RG possibly add array objects later.  Union classes seem to
 RG be exactly the way to go, but maybe there is an
 RG alternative?

 There's really *no* problem with class unions.
 They work fine and nicely... we also use them in the Matrix
 package (part of the R distro).

 The problem you've reported is only a propblem of removeClass().


   Of course, I could not have thought of a realistic
  situation  where this was a problem, but then you
  exemplify one :
   Hadley, this is problematic for devtools, because
  load_all tries to cleanup  S4 classes when an error
  occurs when loading a development package and  crashes
  with no hint on the original error.
 RG I guess a quick fix for devtools, would be to wrap the
 RG cleanup procedure into a try or tryCatch (Hadley?).

 RG Thanks, Renaud

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[Rd] source, sys.source and error line numbers

2013-03-19 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

is there a way to retrieve the line number of where en error occurred when
sourcing a file in a tryCatch statement? Is it stored somewhere accessible?
It is not found in the error object.

Consider the following code/output and note the difference in the traceback
between source (has line number) and sys.source (has no line number).

Thank you,

# code

codefile - tempfile()
write(# some comment
# some good lines
a - 1
# a bad line
stop('an error')
# another good line
b - 2
, file=codefile)

# with source() the line number is displayed
tryCatch(source(codefile), error= function(e){ str(e) })

# with sys.source() the line number is _not_ displayed
e - new.env()
sys.source(codefile, e)


# output

 codefile - tempfile()
 write(# some comment
+ # some good lines
+ a - 1
+ # a bad line
+ stop('an error')
+ # another good line
+ b - 2
+ , file=codefile)
 # with source() the line number is displayed
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : an error
5: stop(an error) at file46641af8754#5
4: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
3: eval(ei, envir)
2: withVisible(eval(ei, envir))
1: source(codefile)
 tryCatch(source(codefile), error= function(e){ str(e) })
List of 2
 $ message: chr an error
 $ call   : language eval(expr, envir, enclos)
 - attr(*, class)= chr [1:3] simpleError error condition

 # with sys.source() the line number is _not_ displayed
 e - new.env()
 sys.source(codefile, e)
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : an error
4: stop(an error)
3: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
2: eval(i, envir)
1: sys.source(codefile, e)

R version 2.15.3 (2013-03-01)
Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

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Re: [Rd] removing union class

2013-03-17 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Late report is better than never isn't it? :)

  Well,... you forgot to show the error (and the traceback) :

Apologies, I usually include them (and sessionInfo ...).

  Note that this problem is somewhat dependent on the use of the
  infamous matrix class {not properly defined as a class in S3,
  as it may or may not have dimnames, and then tried to be made S4
  compatible as well as possible in the methods package, see

Ok. What I want to do is to define a class in my namespace that gather some
matrix-like classes so that I can define a set of common functions for them.
Initially I want matrix and ExpressionSet objects, and possibly add array
objects later.
Union classes seem to be exactly the way to go, but maybe there is an

  Of course, I could not have thought of a realistic situation
  where this was a problem, but then you exemplify one :

  Hadley, this is problematic for devtools, because load_all tries to
  S4 classes when an error occurs when loading a development package
  crashes with no hint on the original error.

I guess a quick fix for devtools, would be to wrap the cleanup procedure
into a try or tryCatch (Hadley?).


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[Rd] removing union class

2013-03-13 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

I get the following error when trying to remove a union class:

 setClassUnion('a', c('matrix', 'numeric'))
R version 2.15.3 (2013-03-01)
Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong?

Hadley, this is problematic for devtools, because load_all tries to cleanup
S4 classes when an error occurs when loading a development package and
crashes with no hint on the original error.

Thank you.


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Re: [Rd] Call function only when running via R CMD check?

2012-12-17 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Hi Henrik (and list),

I am interested in a similar feature, and would be happy to see the 
suggestions you got off-line :)
Have you come up with a robust solution, which would work in a variety 
of situations (in examples, tests, \Sexpr calls, etc..)?

Thank you.


Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Extracting srcref for S4 methods

2012-07-05 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Responding to my own question here.
It appears I had overlooked the results from my sample script, as they 
in fact do contain srcref data, but simply do not show them up in str():

f - textConnection(

f - function(){}

setGeneric('myfun', function(x, ...) standardGeneric('myfun'))

setMethod('myfun', 'numeric', function(x, ...){ 'myfun,numeric' })
source(f, keep.source=TRUE)

# there are srcref data for functions
# no srcref data
str(attr(myfun, 'srcref'))
str(attr(selectMethod(myfun, 'numeric'), 'srcref'))

So no worries.


Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] [Suggestion] Installation of CRAN packages that depend on Bioconductor packages

2012-06-28 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


as far as I know, calling a plain:


with packageA having a dependency to packageB from Bioconductor will not 
complete without having a Bioc mirror setup in options('repos') or 
specifying it in argument 'repos'.

CRAN/R-forge checks resolve such dependencies automatically. Would it be 
possible (and not problematic) to also resolve such standard 
dependencies at install time (in fact build time) and automatically 
append a Bioc mirror to repos within install.package (if none is already 
The dependency would be hence completely transparent, which would 
simplify the installation of such packages, as the user would not need 
to know that a repository other than CRAN is required.
Resolution could make use of the function chooseBioCMirror to ask the 
user to select her preferred mirror, as it is done for the CRAN mirror.

Thank you.


Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Incompatible methods for overloaded operator

2012-06-21 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


I may be mistaken here but a possible interpretation of:

If a method is found for just one argument or the same method is found 
for both, it is used.

could be that the same method here does not mean identical in term of 
object/content (as identical tests), but means that the two arguments 
resolve to the same method definition, i.e. a single common method 
exists for both arguments. This would happen is if a single method is  
defined for a common parent class. Try:

`+.C` - function(x1, x2){
message(Running custom + function)

x - structure(1, class=c('A', 'C'))
y - structure(1, class=c('B', 'C'))

x + y

Another work around would be to define only one method for class 'a' and 
do the dispatch to `plus.b` in there (might even be able to call it 
`+.b` if not exported).

Might be a good suggestion to add a test in UseMethod to check is the 
methods are in fact identical. But there might be undesired side 
effects: two identical methods in different environment that behave 
differently depending on the state of the environment?
By the way any way of seeing any code of primitive function or are these 
pure C functions, which need to be searched for in R source code?


Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Multiple sub-architecture: linking issue

2012-06-12 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Dirk, who thinks this should have been on r-sig-debian all along

Moved to r-sig-debian as suggested:

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Multiple sub-architecture: linking issue

2012-06-11 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

On 11/06/2012 03:43, Simon Urbanek wrote:
 On Jun 10, 2012, at 9:24 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

 On 8 June 2012 at 12:27, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:
 | PS: Dirk do you want me to post this on the Rcpp list for record?

 Yes, that generally is where Rcpp questions / comments / hints should go.

 As for multi-arch builds, I am not sure we even thought about supporting 
 this so if
 it breaks your use of Rcpp and related packages, you get to keep the pieces.
 That said, I'd be interested in supporting it eventually but I guess I want
 to first understand better how/if it is supported (on Linux) by R itself.

 R itself of course supports it and essentially all packages (including Rcpp 
 ;)) have to because we require it on Windows and OS X since all binaries 
 there are multi-lib.
 From what I understood fro R-Writing extensions, multi-arch support 
would generally be about following the following recommendation:

If you want to run R code inMakevars, e.g. to find configuration 
information, please do ensure that you use the correct copy 
of|R|or|Rscript|: there might not be one in the path at all, or it might 
be the wrong version or architecture. The correct way to do this is/via/

  $(R_HOME)/bin$(R_ARCH_BIN)/Rscript -e 'R expression'

where|$(R_ARCH_BIN)|is only needed currently on Windows.

So unless different external libraries are required for the different 
types build (32 or 64 bits), there should be nothing special to do to 
ensure support of multi-arch.
In particular, on Linux, $(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript -e 'R expression' 
should work in both single and multi-arch setup, correct?

 As far as R is concerned it works equally well on Linux - the problem there 
 is more on the side of distributions, because it is more unusual to have 
 multi-lib Linux (originally it was used on Linux only to get 3rd party 
 [mostly proprietary] 32-bit binaries working on 64-bit systems and that is 
 now less of an issue). As I said in the original post it works reasonably 
 well on Debian (not for all libraries since only a subset is available, but 
 all the basic ones) -- there were shakeups in Ubuntu which were messing with 
 the multilib support, so I don't know the current status but I can check at 
 work tomorrow (probably not for something as ancient as natty, though).
I think you are right Simon: the issue likely comes from my Linux 
distrib, which I effectively should upgrade. This gives me one more 
reason to do it asap.
If you have some -- even untested -- clues on how to get things working 
on Natty I am happy to test them though, as upgrades always have hidden 
issues and time black holes...
Thank you.



 Dirk Eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com

 R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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[Rd] Multiple sub-architecture: problem installing RCurl

2012-06-08 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

for checking purposes, I setup a multiple sub-architecture R 
installation following this post from Simon Urbanek:

It all went fine. The only change I made to Simon's procedure was to 
install with:

make prefix=~/bin/R/2.15 install

instead of sudo make install rhome=/usr/local/R/2.15.

I am now trying to install RCurl in the 32 bits architechture but get 
the following error, which I believe comes from the fact the wrong 
libraries (64 bits) are used instead of the 32 bit ones.
I am on Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty) and thought I needed to install the 32 bits 
libxml2, but could not find a way to do so.

Anybody faced a similar problem?
I believe I will get into the same kind of issue with other packages 
that require system packages.

Thank you!

libcurl version: libcurl 7.21.3
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating src/Makevars
** libs
*** arch - i386
gcc -std=gnu99 -m32 -I/home/renaud/bin/R/2.15/lib64/R/include 
-I/home/renaud/bin/R/2.15/lib64/R/include/i386 -DNDEBUG  
-DHAVE_CURLOPT_SSL_SESSIONID_CACHE=1 -I/usr/include/libxml2 
-I/usr/local/include-fpic  -g -O2  -c base64.c -o base64.o
In file included from /usr/include/curl/curl.h:35:0,
  from Rcurl.h:4,
  from base64.c:1:
/usr/include/curl/curlrules.h:142:3: error: size of array 
'__curl_rule_01__' is negative
/usr/include/curl/curlrules.h:152:3: error: size of array 
'__curl_rule_02__' is negative
make: *** [base64.o] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'RCurl'
* removing '/home/renaud/bin/R/2.15/lib64/R/library/RCurl'
* restoring previous '/home/renaud/bin/R/2.15/lib64/R/library/RCurl'

Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

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[Rd] Multiple sub-architecture: linking issue

2012-06-08 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Hi again,

following my previous post on RCurl, I cannot install Rcpp either:

g++ -m32 -I/home/renaud/bin/R/2.15/lib64/R/include 
-I/home/renaud/bin/R/2.15/lib64/R/include/i386 -DNDEBUG 
-I../inst/include/ -I/usr/local/include-fpic  -g -O2  -c r_cast.cpp 
-o r_cast.o
g++ -m32 -shared -L/usr/local/lib64 -o Rcpp.so Date.o DateVector.o 
Datetime.o DatetimeVector.o Dimension.o DottedPair.o Environment.o 
Evaluator.o Formula.o Function.o Language.o Module.o Pairlist.o 
Promise.o RObject.o RcppCommon.o Rcpp_init.o Reference.o Rostream.o 
Rstreambuf.o S4.o Symbol.o WeakReference.o barrier.o cache.o coerce.o 
complex.o debugging.o exceptions.o posixt.o r_cast.o
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible 
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.5.2/libstdc++.so when 
searching for -lstdc++
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible 
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.5.2/libstdc++.a when 
searching for -lstdc++

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

There is definitely some conflict or missing libraries going on...
Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.

PS: Dirk do you want me to post this on the Rcpp list for record?

Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Multiple sub-architecture: linking issue

2012-06-08 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Thank you for your reply Simon.

I have the gcc-multilib and ia32-libs packages installed (I think their 
installation is part of the procedure you described in your previous 
post). Could not find the package ia32-dev you mention. It seems to be 
flagged as obsolete in Natty repositories:

$ sudo apt-get install  ia32-libs-dev lib32readline6-dev 
lib32ncurses5-dev lib32icu-dev gcc-multilib gfortran-multilib

[sudo] password for renaud:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package ia32-libs-dev is not available, but is referred to by another 

This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
However the following packages replace it:
  lib32bz2-dev ia32-libs lib32z1-dev

I succeeded in compiling both architecture of R without a problem 
though. Would that have been possible if some of the files provided by 
this package were missing?

I can try look around for this exact package.

Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

On 08/06/2012 16:22, Simon Urbanek wrote:

Make sure you have installed multilib gcc and the ia32 dev packages - it seems 
you don't have them. I'm a

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 8, 2012, at 6:27 AM, Renaud Gaujouxren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za  

Hi again,

following my previous post on RCurl, I cannot install Rcpp either:

g++ -m32 -I/home/renaud/bin/R/2.15/lib64/R/include 
-I/home/renaud/bin/R/2.15/lib64/R/include/i386 -DNDEBUG -I../inst/include/ 
-I/usr/local/include-fpic  -g -O2  -c r_cast.cpp -o r_cast.o
g++ -m32 -shared -L/usr/local/lib64 -o Rcpp.so Date.o DateVector.o Datetime.o 
DatetimeVector.o Dimension.o DottedPair.o Environment.o Evaluator.o Formula.o 
Function.o Language.o Module.o Pairlist.o Promise.o RObject.o RcppCommon.o 
Rcpp_init.o Reference.o Rostream.o Rstreambuf.o S4.o Symbol.o WeakReference.o 
barrier.o cache.o coerce.o complex.o debugging.o exceptions.o posixt.o r_cast.o
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible 
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.5.2/libstdc++.so when 
searching for -lstdc++
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible 
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.5.2/libstdc++.a when searching 
for -lstdc++
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

There is definitely some conflict or missing libraries going on...
Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.

PS: Dirk do you want me to post this on the Rcpp list for record?

Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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Re: [Rd] url, readLines, source behind a proxy

2012-04-24 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

On 23/04/2012 17:39, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

On 18/04/2012 16:04, Joshua Ulrich wrote:

Hi Renaud,

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 12:22 AM, Renaud Gaujoux
ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za  wrote:

Hi Henrik,


Could anybody behind a proxy check if the issue can be reproduced?
My proxy is in fact provided by cntml, which acts as a local proxy that
takes care of tricky authentication protocols with the actual 
proxy, not natively supported by my system (Ubuntu). Anybody in this 

I can replicate this on a WinXP system, where I normally have to use
the --internet2 flag to get internet access through a proxy.

?download.file has a section on Setting Proxies, which describes how
to use environment variables to set proxy information.  Setting
http_proxy='http://my.proxy.com/' was enough for me to get R CMD
check to run successfully with the --as-cran flag.

I guess that the simplest way on Windows is to ensure that --internet2 
is set.  In R-patched there is a new environment variable 
R_WIN_INTERNET2 which lets you do that (set it in ~/.R/check.Renviron).

[Setting proxies is so 20th century -- even moderately competent 
sysadmins worked out how to use transparent caching proxies ca 1995. 
Which is why the R developers give it a low priority.]
I completely understand the low priority -- fast-illimited-internet 
based --  point of view. I wish I could live without such a fussy proxy, 
but I have not much choice.

I like to understand why things work and do not work though.
Is there any special feature my proxy should have to allow 
readLines/source to correctly read remote data? What makes its access 
different from wget?

Thank you for your insights on this.


Joshua Ulrich  |  FOSS Trading: www.fosstrading.com

R/Finance 2012: Applied Finance with R

On Tue, 17 Apr 2012, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:

On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 1:01 AM, Renaud Gaujoux
ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za  wrote:


when I run R CMD check with flag --as-cran, the process hangs at 

* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ...

Doesn't it time-out eventually?  I'm not behind a proxy but when I've
been running 'R CMD check' whenon very poor 3G connection, it had
eventually timed out.


I am pretty sure it is a proxy issue.
I looked at the check code in the tools package and it seems that 
the issue

is in the local function `.repository_db()` (defined in
`tools:::.check_package_CRAN_incoming()`), which eventually calls 
with argument open=rb, that hangs probably because it does not 
use the

proxy settings.
I had a similar issue with `source()`, which apparently uses internal
network functions (not as download.file), but is supposed to work 
behind a

proxy (correct?).
Does anybody else have this problem?

I was wondering if there is a way around, as I would like to be 
able to use

--as-cran for my checks.
Thank you.


Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] url, readLines, source behind a proxy

2012-04-17 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Hi Henrik,

I am sure it would time out indeed. I am fine with time out due to poor 
connection, but get a bit frustrated if my connection is fine and timeout 
occurs because proxy settings are not read. All the more if I have to run 
R CMD check multiple times and wait for the timeout.
But the issue might also be coming from my proxy, which somehow does not 
like the way url() reads remote content.

Could anybody behind a proxy check if the issue can be reproduced?
My proxy is in fact provided by cntml, which acts as a local proxy that 
takes care of tricky authentication protocols with the actual university 
proxy, not natively supported by my system (Ubuntu). Anybody in this case?



On Tue, 17 Apr 2012, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 1:01 AM, Renaud Gaujoux
 ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za wrote:
  when I run R CMD check with flag --as-cran, the process hangs at stage:
  * checking CRAN incoming feasibility ...
 Doesn't it time-out eventually?  I'm not behind a proxy but when I've
 been running 'R CMD check' whenon very poor 3G connection, it had
 eventually timed out.
  I am pretty sure it is a proxy issue.
  I looked at the check code in the tools package and it seems that the issue
  is in the local function `.repository_db()` (defined in
  `tools:::.check_package_CRAN_incoming()`), which eventually calls `url()`
  with argument open=rb, that hangs probably because it does not use the
  proxy settings.
  I had a similar issue with `source()`, which apparently uses internal
  network functions (not as download.file), but is supposed to work behind a
  proxy (correct?).
  Does anybody else have this problem?
  I was wondering if there is a way around, as I would like to be able to use
  --as-cran for my checks.
  Thank you.
  Renaud Gaujoux
  Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
  South Africa
  R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] Default subset and concatenation operators for namedList

2012-01-24 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


in R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22), is it wanted that the class namedList 
does not overloads the '[' and 'c' operators:

showMethods('c', class='namedList')
showMethods('[', class='namedList')

This means that if one creates a class that inherits from namedList, one 
has to define these operators so that they do not drop the S4 class 
(code below). I agree that one would probably have to define custom 
operators to correctly handle other possible extra slots when subsetting 
and concatenatiing. But it seems that namedList could at least deal with 
the slot `names` and not convert the object to a standard list, which is 

Is there a reason why these operators are not pre-defined in namedList?
Thank you.


setClass('A', contains='namedList')
a - new('A', list(a=1,b=2,c=3))

# subset converts to standard list

# concatenation converts to standard list
str(c(a, list(d=4, e=5)))

Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] R package BibTex entries: looking for a more general solution

2011-12-19 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Indeed I broke the function when adding support for bibentry objects...
By the way, let's give credits back to Ceasars: I am not the author of 
the bibtex package, Romain Francois is. I just contributed the write.bib 
function, mainly inspired by Achim's function.

Romain, I will send a fix for this now.


Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

On 19/12/2011 15:56, Michael Friendly wrote:

On 12/19/2011 2:02 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:


I actually adapted and integrated this feature into Achim's -- nice 
-- function (posted on r-help).
Romain included it a couple of weeks ago into the bibtex package as 
function write.bib, and submitted the update to CRAN, but some NOTEs 
in the check delayed its availability on CRAN.

You can still install and try out the new version with:
install.packages(bibtex, repos=http://R-Forge.R-project.org;)

Keys for multiple citations are generated as pkgname%i, which 
might not be ideal, but works ok though. It might be better not 
number the first (main) citation. Romain, I think I will submit a 
patch for this.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, Renaud

I now have a working function, Rpackages.bib() that is roughly 
equivalent to your write.bib() and other related

material at

Also, see the document
which reports some problems  perl fixes for the generated 
bibentries.  These might be incorporated into
the functions to make the resulting bibtex files directly usable.  
Your bibtex package seems the most natural place for


Also, write.bib() doesn't seem to work unless you pass a list of 
package names.

Error in is(entry, bibentry) :
  argument entry is missing, with no default
Error in write.bib(NULL) :
  Invalid argument `entry`: expected a bibentry object or a character 
vector of package names.


R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] R package BibTex entries: looking for a more general solution

2011-12-18 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


I actually adapted and integrated this feature into Achim's -- nice -- 
function (posted on r-help).
Romain included it a couple of weeks ago into the bibtex package as 
function write.bib, and submitted the update to CRAN, but some NOTEs in 
the check delayed its availability on CRAN.

You can still install and try out the new version with:
install.packages(bibtex, repos=http://R-Forge.R-project.org;)

Keys for multiple citations are generated as pkgname%i, which might 
not be ideal, but works ok though. It might be better not number the 
first (main) citation. Romain, I think I will submit a patch for this.

Hope this helps.


Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] Identify \Sexpr call?

2011-11-05 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
More or less in the same vein as Henrik's post, is it possible to detect 
that a function is being called in an \Sexpr when generating an Rd file?

Thank you

Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] R CMD check and error in an \Sexpr in an Rd file

2011-11-04 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Thank you Duncan for pointing this out. I did have tried using the 
command \out with no success, but I finally manage to do what I want with:

stage=render]{out{preline\nnewline\n\nother line/pre}}}
stage=render]{out{line\nnewline\n\nother line}}}

The only remaining issue is with format 'text', that does not show 
single break lines. Double break lines are shown correctly with an empty 

This can be put in a macro:



which can be used as:

\rdVerb{line\nnew line\n\nother paragraph}

Dynamic code works as well:

\rdVerb{paste(This is the result of tools:::Rd_expr_PR(1234):, 
tools:::Rd_expr_PR(1234), sep=)}
\rdVerb{paste(This is the result of tools:::Rd_expr_PR(1234):, 
tools:::Rd_expr_PR(1234), sep=\n)}

But backslashes must be escaped twice:


Note that on the text version generated by the second \VERBATIM actually 
correctly shows the new line. Not sure why (?).


Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

On 03/11/2011 18:28, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 03/11/2011 10:49 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:

On 03/11/2011 16:28, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
  On 03/11/2011 10:21 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:
  Thank you Georgi.
  With the fix \long the output is indeed consistent with the
  I think my use of cat() worked by luck as its output should not have
  been rendered.

  Would a 'results=tex' (html, text) be possible? or 
'results=source' that

  could be combined with \if{format}{text}?
  This would allow to generate custom Latex, or HTML code, but it 

  also be is hazardous...

  Yes, that's possible.  See the manual, especially the section 2.12
  conditional text.

  Duncan Murdoch

Conditional text is possible, but latex or html code seem to be
preprocessed and escaped, or maybe I am not doing the right things.

Not if you ask it not to do that.  See the example in that section of 
the manual.

Duncan Murdoch

To test:

\title{Error and verbatim in Sexpr}
  Testing Sexpr in Rd files

  \if{html}{\Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{boldtext in
  \if{text}{\Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{_text in bold_}}
  \if{latex}{\Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{textbf{text in


R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] R CMD check and error in an \Sexpr in an Rd file

2011-11-03 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Georgi, I tried with paste() instead of cat(), but I then get the 
following in my PDF manual:

[1] line\nnext line

i.e. what would be printed in the R console, which is not what I want.
I would like to get something like this in the Latex code:

next line

Using cat() I get the following in the Latex code:

next line}

which does not render as a new line in the PDF and breaks if empty lines 
are present in the output text.
Besides it will also break on \Sexpr[results=verbatim, 
stage=render]{list(text, 3)}.

But maybe this is not what 'results=verbatim' is supposed to do nor to 
be used for?


Another test Rd file.

\title{Error and verbatim in Sexpr}
   Testing Sexpr in Rd files

   %\Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{stop(error in sexpr)}


   1: \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{cat(line\nnext line\n)}

   2: \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{line\nnext line\n}

   3: \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{list(line\nnext line, 3)}


   1: \Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{cat(line\nnext line\n)}

   2: \Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{line\nnext line\n}

   3: \Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{list(line\nnext line, 3)}


R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] R CMD check and error in an \Sexpr in an Rd file

2011-11-03 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Although I use Latex quite a lot, I am not literate in Latex macro 
languages (e.g. the definition of AsIs).
Is there (I am sure there is) a reason why a plain verbatim environment 
is not used in this case?

On 03/11/2011 14:19, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 11-11-03 7:58 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:

Georgi, I tried with paste() instead of cat(), but I then get the
following in my PDF manual:

[1] line\nnext line

i.e. what would be printed in the R console, which is not what I want.
I would like to get something like this in the Latex code:

next line

I don't think you want that:  it forces display mode.  You might want 
verbatim text displayed inline, like \verb does.

Using cat() I get the following in the Latex code:

next line}

which does not render as a new line in the PDF and breaks if empty lines
are present in the output text.

So the problem is with the \AsIs macro.  You can see the definition in 
the Rd.sty file in R_HOME/share/texmf/tex/latex.  Can you suggest an 

Duncan Murdoch

Besides it will also break on \Sexpr[results=verbatim,
stage=render]{list(text, 3)}.

But maybe this is not what 'results=verbatim' is supposed to do nor to
be used for?


Another test Rd file.

\title{Error and verbatim in Sexpr}
 Testing Sexpr in Rd files

 %\Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{stop(error in sexpr)}


 1: \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{cat(line\nnext line\n)}

 2: \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{line\nnext line\n}

 3: \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{list(line\nnext 
line, 3)}


 1: \Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{cat(line\nnext line\n)}

 2: \Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{line\nnext line\n}

 3: \Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{list(line\nnext line, 3)}


R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] R CMD check and error in an \Sexpr in an Rd file

2011-11-03 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Thank you Georgi.
With the fix \long the output is indeed consistent with the documentation.
I think my use of cat() worked by luck as its output should not have 
been rendered.

Would a 'results=tex' (html, text) be possible? or 'results=source' that 
could be combined with \if{format}{text}?
This would allow to generate custom Latex, or HTML code, but it might 
also be is hazardous...


Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

On 03/11/2011 15:50, Georgi Boshnakov wrote:

Dear Duncan and Renauld,

The error caused by the empty line(s) can be removed by prefixin the macro with 
in Rd.sty:

\long\def\Rd@AsIsX#1{\normalfont #1\egroup}

but the slash-n's come up in the output.

In text mode this seems not to be a problem. Following normal TeX rules one 
needs to enter an empty line, e.g. by \n\n.

Having written that, I tried putting two \n's in the verbatim text and it seems 
to work (see below).

I need to consult the TeX book to be sure but the
problem with AsIs seems to be that by the time it starts processing its 
argument it has been tokenized by TeX
(hence single newlines have become spaces).

Further thought may be needed about the new lines in verbatim.
I may have missed again something but it seems that the observed output is 
consistent with the
documentation, which states:

 results=verbatim Print the results of the code just as if it was executed 
at the
 console, and include the printed results verbatim. (Invisible results will not 

And the examples print on the console as they appear in output (with print, not 

Do we need exception from the general rule?

An alternative would be to introduce results=verbatimLines option.


\title{Error and verbatim in Sexpr}
 Testing Sexpr in Rd files

 %\Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{stop(error in sexpr)}


 1: \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{cat(line\n\nnext line\n\n and 

%1a: \Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{capture.output(cat(c(line, next 
line\n),sep=\n, collapse=\n))}

 2: \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{line\nnext line\n}

 3: \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{list(line\nnext line, 3)}

 4: \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{list(c(line, next line), 3)}


 1: \Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{cat(line\nnext line\n)}

 2: \Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{line\nnext line\n}

 3: \Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{list(line\n\nnext  line 
newline and another, 3)}


Dr Georgi Boshnakov   tel: (+44) (0)161 306 3684
School of Mathematics fax: (+44) (0)161 306 3669
Alan Turing Building 1.125
The University of Manchester  email: georgi.boshna...@manchester.ac.uk
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL

From: Duncan Murdoch [murdoch.dun...@gmail.com]
Sent: 03 November 2011 12:19
To: Renaud Gaujoux
Cc: Georgi Boshnakov; r-devel@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [Rd] R CMD check and error in an \Sexpr in an Rd file

On 11-11-03 7:58 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:

Georgi, I tried with paste() instead of cat(), but I then get the
following in my PDF manual:

[1] line\nnext line

i.e. what would be printed in the R console, which is not what I want.
I would like to get something like this in the Latex code:

next line

I don't think you want that:  it forces display mode.  You might want
verbatim text displayed inline, like \verb does.

Using cat() I get the following in the Latex code:

next line}

which does not render as a new line in the PDF and breaks if empty lines
are present in the output text.

So the problem is with the \AsIs macro.  You can see the definition in
the Rd.sty file in R_HOME/share/texmf/tex/latex.  Can you suggest an

Duncan Murdoch

Besides it will also break on \Sexpr[results=verbatim,
stage=render]{list(text, 3)}.

But maybe this is not what 'results=verbatim' is supposed to do nor to
be used for?


Another test Rd file.

\title{Error and verbatim in Sexpr}
  Testing Sexpr in Rd files

  %\Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{stop(error in sexpr)}


  1: \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{cat(line\nnext line\n)}

  2: \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{line\nnext line\n}

  3: \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{list(line\nnext line, 3)}


  1: \Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{cat(line\nnext line\n)}

  2: \Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{line\nnext line\n}

  3: \Sexpr[results=text, stage=render]{list(line\nnext line, 3)}


R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

R-devel@r-project.org mailing

Re: [Rd] R CMD check and error in an \Sexpr in an Rd file

2011-11-03 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

On 03/11/2011 16:33, Georgi Boshnakov wrote:

Dear Renalud,,

Would a 'results=tex' (html, text) be possible? or 'results=source' that
could be combined with \if{format}{text}?

This may well be a clean approach.

After my previous email, I looked again at the definition of thr \AsIs macro.
Its purpose seems to be to typeset text containing special characters in normal 
text mode
and thus its purpose is different from \verb and ``verbatm'  
macros/environments in LaTeX.

Maybe using an environment such as Verbatim defined in fancyvrb would 
solve the problem?
I think you can control the font, etc... still keeping the no 
formatting of plain verbatim.

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] R CMD check and error in an \Sexpr in an Rd file

2011-11-01 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Getting back to the \Sexpr issue, I tried with R-2.14.0 and I still see 
the following issues:

- verbatim multiline is not shown properly on PDF 
(\Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{cat(line\nnext line)})
- verbatim with empty lines breaks PDF generation 
(\Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{cat(line\nnext line\n\nyet 
another line)}). Would there be an issue in using a plain Latex 
verbatim environment for \Sexpr[results=verbatim]?

- an error in an \Sexpr (\Sexpr[results=verbatim, 
stage=render]{stop(error in sexpr)}) gives the following in R CMD check:

* checking examples ... ERROR
Error in paste(before, x, after, sep = ) : object 'exfile' not found
Execution halted

The two first issues can be reproduced with a call to R CMD Rd2pdf on 
the Rd code below.

Thank you.

\title{Error and verbatim in Sexpr}
  Testing Sexpr in Rd files

  %\Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{stop(error in sexpr)}

  \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{cat(line\nnext line)}

  %\Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{cat(line\nnext line\n\nyet 
another line)}


Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

On 28/10/2011 17:25, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 28/10/2011 10:53 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 28/10/2011 10:49 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:

  another Rd related issue I encountered is that if an error occurs 
in an

  \Sexpr in an Rd file, then on get the following error:

  * checking for portable compilation flags in Makevars ... OK
  * checking for portable use of $(BLAS_LIBS) and $(LAPACK_LIBS) ... OK
  * checking examples ... ERROR
  Error in paste(before, x, after, sep = ) : object 'exfile' not 

  Execution halted

  To reproduce, put a call like this in an Rd section:

  \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{x- 1; stop(sexpr error)}

  The strange thing is that it occurs at the example checking step.
  Not sure why it does not break before.

  Thank you.


  PS: I am on R version 2.13.2 (2011-09-30) - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu 

I would update to 2.13.2 patched, or the release candidate of 2.14.0.

Oops, sorry, 2.13.2 is final, so I didn't backport the patch.  
2.14.0 is what you should get.

Duncan Murdoch

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] R CMD check and error in an \Sexpr in an Rd file

2011-10-31 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Thank you Duncan.

I tried with:
* using R version 2.14.0 RC (2011-10-24 r57417)
* using platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

But I still get the errors for verbatim multiline and the strange error 
if an error occurs in \Sexpr.
Is your patch included in this version? I will try now with 


On 28/10/2011 17:25, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 28/10/2011 10:53 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 28/10/2011 10:49 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:

  another Rd related issue I encountered is that if an error occurs 
in an

  \Sexpr in an Rd file, then on get the following error:

  * checking for portable compilation flags in Makevars ... OK
  * checking for portable use of $(BLAS_LIBS) and $(LAPACK_LIBS) ... OK
  * checking examples ... ERROR
  Error in paste(before, x, after, sep = ) : object 'exfile' not 

  Execution halted

  To reproduce, put a call like this in an Rd section:

  \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{x- 1; stop(sexpr error)}

  The strange thing is that it occurs at the example checking step.
  Not sure why it does not break before.

  Thank you.


  PS: I am on R version 2.13.2 (2011-09-30) - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu 

I would update to 2.13.2 patched, or the release candidate of 2.14.0.

Oops, sorry, 2.13.2 is final, so I didn't backport the patch.  
2.14.0 is what you should get.

Duncan Murdoch

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] R CMD check and error in an \Sexpr in an Rd file

2011-10-31 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

I do not see it on main CRAN home page.
Do you mean http://cran.r-project.org/src/base-prerelease/R-latest.tar.gz ?

On 31/10/2011 14:19, Uwe Ligges wrote:

On 31.10.2011 13:13, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:

Thank you Duncan.

I tried with:
* using R version 2.14.0 RC (2011-10-24 r57417)
* using platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

But I still get the errors for verbatim multiline and the strange error
if an error occurs in \Sexpr.
Is your patch included in this version? I will try now with

Try R-2.14.0, it is already released. Or R-devel.

Uwe Ligges


On 28/10/2011 17:25, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 28/10/2011 10:53 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 28/10/2011 10:49 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:

 another Rd related issue I encountered is that if an error occurs
in an
 \Sexpr in an Rd file, then on get the following error:

 * checking for portable compilation flags in Makevars ... OK
 * checking for portable use of $(BLAS_LIBS) and $(LAPACK_LIBS) 
... OK

 * checking examples ... ERROR
 Error in paste(before, x, after, sep = ) : object 'exfile' not 

 Execution halted

 To reproduce, put a call like this in an Rd section:

 \Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{x- 1; stop(sexpr error)}

 The strange thing is that it occurs at the example checking step.
 Not sure why it does not break before.

 Thank you.


 PS: I am on R version 2.13.2 (2011-09-30) - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

I would update to 2.13.2 patched, or the release candidate of 2.14.0.

Oops, sorry, 2.13.2 is final, so I didn't backport the patch. 2.14.0
is what you should get.

Duncan Murdoch

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Error message library()

2011-10-28 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

BTW: an ever more intuitive solution (IMHO) would be to auto-complete package names 
in library( ... Deepayan?;)  That is non-intrusive and in line with the general use of 
R. (Simon)

This is indeed a long wanted feature and to my surprise it actually already 
exists!!! (seems that Deepayan did not tell anybody about it ;) )
The help page ?completion in the utils package explains how to enable it:


It simply worked on my Ubuntu box -- and directly went in my .Rprofile :)
Hope this helps.


Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] Output multiline verbatim in Rd files with \Sexpr in PDF manual

2011-10-28 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


I want to output some generated text in verbatim in a Rd file, but do 
not succeed in getting it render well in all versions (text, html and pdf).

I tried something like:

\Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{cat(line\nnext line)}

I use Rdconv to render each version of the man page.
This produced the expected effect in html, but resulted in a single line 
line next line in the pdf and text versions.

Moreover, if I add an empty line as in:

\Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{cat(line\nnext line\n\nyet 
another line)}

then the html is still correctly rendered, the text version correctly 
shows the empty newline (but still not the firts line break), and the 
pdf cannot be generated from the Latex code (because \AsIs breaks on the 

I tried several combination of options (results=text, rd) and rd 
commands (\cr, \preformated) but these are always somehow escaped when 
generating the Latex file.
Is there a way to go around these issues? Maybe I am not using the 
correct way.

Thank you.


Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] R CMD check and error in an \Sexpr in an Rd file

2011-10-28 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


another Rd related issue I encountered is that if an error occurs in an 
\Sexpr in an Rd file, then on get the following error:

* checking for portable compilation flags in Makevars ... OK
* checking for portable use of $(BLAS_LIBS) and $(LAPACK_LIBS) ... OK
* checking examples ... ERROR
Error in paste(before, x, after, sep = ) : object 'exfile' not found
Execution halted

To reproduce, put a call like this in an Rd section:

\Sexpr[results=verbatim, stage=render]{x - 1; stop(sexpr error)}

The strange thing is that it occurs at the example checking step.
Not sure why it does not break before.

Thank you.


PS: I am on R version 2.13.2 (2011-09-30) - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] getNativeSymbolInfo(user_unif_rand) returns different results on windows and linux

2011-08-23 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


sorry to bump this post but I did not get any reply on this puzzling 
issue, which looks important though.

While investigating the issue it came out that the value returned by 
getNativeSymbolInfo('user_unif_rand') (on Windows XP) seems to depend on 
whether it has already been called on the same symbol (see test code 
below. Each sequence needs to be run on on a fresh R session).

Things works perfectly under Linux.

Thank you for any explanation on the matter.


## SEQUENCE 1 ##
# this returns complete info pointing to rstream's hook
[1] user_unif_rand

pointer: 0x6ee41280
[1] NativeSymbol

DLL name: rstream
Filename: C:/Program
Dynamic lookup: TRUE

[1] NativeSymbolInfo

# call again getNativeSymbolInfo
# this returns INcomplete info pointing to rstream's hook
[1] user_unif_rand

pointer: 0x6ee41280
[1] NativeSymbol


[1] NativeSymbolInfo

## SEQUENCE 2 ##
# this returns complete info pointing to relcuyer's hook
## RESULT ##
[1] user_unif_rand

pointer: 0x6bb84fb8
[1] NativeSymbol

DLL name: rlecuyer
Filename: C:/Program
Dynamic lookup: TRUE

[1] NativeSymbolInfo

## SEQUENCE 3 ##
### Load library that provides a hook for user_unif_rand
# this returns complete info pointing to rstream's hook
## RESULT ##
[1] user_unif_rand

pointer: 0x6ee41280
[1] NativeSymbol

DLL name: rstream
Filename: C:/Program
Dynamic lookup: TRUE

[1] NativeSymbolInfo

### Load other library that provides the hook
# this returns INcomplete info pointing to rstream's hook
## RESULT ##
[1] user_unif_rand

pointer: 0x6ee41280
[1] NativeSymbol


[1] NativeSymbolInfo

R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)
Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_South Africa.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_South 
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_South Africa.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C 

[5] LC_TIME=English_South Africa.1252

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] rlecuyer_0.3-1 rstream_1.3.1



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Re: [Rd] getNativeSymbolInfo(user_unif_rand) returns different results on windows and linux

2011-08-23 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Hi Martin,

oups... I indeed had not seen this reply (maybe I should drink less water).
Thank you and sorry for the gross bump.

Duncan, thank you for the work around. A cache issue makes sense as 
shown by the sample code in my bump-post.
The cache could be updated when loading a new DLL, by looking up it 
symbols against the cache.

Another issue is illustrated by the following calls:

getNativeSymbolInfo(user_unif_rand, rstream)
getNativeSymbolInfo(user_unif_rand, rstream)

Although one specifies the package here, the results are different (see 
below: the first returns the complete information, the second has a NULL 
element package).

I noticed other issues which makes very difficult to predict which DLL 
will actually be resolved (e.g. when one plays with loading/unloading 
packages that provides the hook), but I guess caching is behind all these.


  getNativeSymbolInfo(user_unif_rand, rstream)
[1] user_unif_rand

pointer: 0x6ee41280
[1] NativeSymbol

DLL name: rstream
Filename: C:/Program
Dynamic lookup: TRUE

[1] NativeSymbolInfo
  getNativeSymbolInfo(user_unif_rand, rstream)
[1] user_unif_rand

pointer: 0x6ee41280
[1] NativeSymbol


[1] NativeSymbolInfo

On 23/08/2011 17:58, Martin Morgan wrote:
 Hi Renaud -- did you miss this


 ? Martin

 On 08/23/2011 07:40 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:

 sorry to bump this post but I did not get any reply on this puzzling
 issue, which looks important though.

 While investigating the issue it came out that the value returned by
 getNativeSymbolInfo('user_unif_rand') (on Windows XP) seems to depend on
 whether it has already been called on the same symbol (see test code
 below. Each sequence needs to be run on on a fresh R session).

 Things works perfectly under Linux.

 Thank you for any explanation on the matter.


 ## SEQUENCE 1 ##
 # this returns complete info pointing to rstream's hook
 [1] user_unif_rand

 pointer: 0x6ee41280
 [1] NativeSymbol

 DLL name: rstream
 Filename: C:/Program
 Dynamic lookup: TRUE

 [1] NativeSymbolInfo

 # call again getNativeSymbolInfo
 # this returns INcomplete info pointing to rstream's hook
 [1] user_unif_rand

 pointer: 0x6ee41280
 [1] NativeSymbol


 [1] NativeSymbolInfo

 ## SEQUENCE 2 ##
 # this returns complete info pointing to relcuyer's hook
 ## RESULT ##
 [1] user_unif_rand

 pointer: 0x6bb84fb8
 [1] NativeSymbol

 DLL name: rlecuyer
 Filename: C:/Program
 Dynamic lookup: TRUE

 [1] NativeSymbolInfo

 ## SEQUENCE 3 ##
 ### Load library that provides a hook for user_unif_rand
 # this returns complete info pointing to rstream's hook
 ## RESULT ##
 [1] user_unif_rand

 pointer: 0x6ee41280
 [1] NativeSymbol

 DLL name: rstream
 Filename: C:/Program
 Dynamic lookup: TRUE

 [1] NativeSymbolInfo

 ### Load other library that provides the hook
 # this returns INcomplete info pointing to rstream's hook
 ## RESULT ##
 [1] user_unif_rand

 pointer: 0x6ee41280
 [1] NativeSymbol


 [1] NativeSymbolInfo

 R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)
 Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)

 [1] LC_COLLATE=English_South Africa.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_South 
 [3] LC_MONETARY=English_South Africa.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
 [5] LC_TIME=English_South Africa.1252

 attached base packages:
 [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

 other attached packages:
 [1] rlecuyer_0.3-1 rstream_1.3.1


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[Rd] R cmd check and multicore foreach loop

2011-08-17 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


in R 2.12.1, R CMD check hangs when building a vignette that uses a 
foreach loop with the doMC parallel backend.

This does not happen in R 2.13.1, nor if I use doSEQ instead of doMC.
All versions of multicore, doMC and foreach are the same on both my R 

Has anybody encountered a similar issue?

Thank you.


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Re: [Rd] R cmd check and multicore foreach loop

2011-08-17 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
I did notice some strange behaviour once, but things were working 
without a problem for a while now.
foreach loops and concepts are nice concepts, which I'd like to carry on 
Maybe somebody from the foreach-dopar packages could explain why they 
have such issues?

Tim do you have concrete examples of the issues you talked with other 

Thank you.


On 17/08/2011 12:45, Tim Triche, Jr. wrote:
 yes -- doMC (and doSMP) are kind of bogus and I just use 
 multicore::mclapply() to good effect these days.  I checked around 
 with other people doing similar things at the Bioconductor developer 
 day and pretty much everyone confirmed that doWHATEVER seems to have 
 issues, where as multicore itself... doesn't.

 Just my $0.02,


 On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 1:45 AM, Renaud Gaujoux 
 ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za mailto:ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za 


 in R 2.12.1, R CMD check hangs when building a vignette that uses
 a foreach loop with the doMC parallel backend.
 This does not happen in R 2.13.1, nor if I use doSEQ instead of doMC.
 All versions of multicore, doMC and foreach are the same on both
 my R installations.

 Has anybody encountered a similar issue?

 Thank you.

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 If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is
 only because they do not realize how complicated life is.

 John von Neumann 



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Re: [Rd] R cmd check and multicore foreach loop

2011-08-17 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
hopefully you'll be able to create a reproducible example, as my hanging 
issues seem to come and go without any obvious reason.

On 17/08/2011 13:50, Tim Triche, Jr. wrote:
 I'll see if I can put together a self-contained example.  Primarily, 
 the times that I use multicore (and attempted to use doSMP, mostly 
 because one of my users refuses to ditch Windows) are when I am 
 reading a ton of binary files, none of which depend on the others. 
  This is a blindingly obvious use-case for e.g. doMC and doSMP, yet 
 what typically happens is that the entire operation wedges.  I'm told 
 that doSMP really only works well with Revolution R, but per above, I 
 will try to put together a working self-contained example to show how.

 On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 4:39 AM, Renaud Gaujoux ren...@cbio.uct.ac.za 
 mailto:ren...@cbio.uct.ac.za wrote:

 I did notice some strange behaviour once, but things were working
 without a problem for a while now.
 foreach loops and concepts are nice concepts, which I'd like to
 carry on using.
 Maybe somebody from the foreach-dopar packages could explain why
 they have such issues?

 Tim do you have concrete examples of the issues you talked with
 other developers?

 Thank you.


 On 17/08/2011 12:45, Tim Triche, Jr. wrote:
 yes -- doMC (and doSMP) are kind of bogus and I just use
 multicore::mclapply() to good effect these days.  I checked
 around with other people doing similar things at the Bioconductor
 developer day and pretty much everyone confirmed that doWHATEVER
 seems to have issues, where as multicore itself... doesn't.

 Just my $0.02,


 On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 1:45 AM, Renaud Gaujoux
 mailto:ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za wrote:


 in R 2.12.1, R CMD check hangs when building a vignette that
 uses a foreach loop with the doMC parallel backend.
 This does not happen in R 2.13.1, nor if I use doSEQ instead
 of doMC.
 All versions of multicore, doMC and foreach are the same on
 both my R installations.

 Has anybody encountered a similar issue?

 Thank you.

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 If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it
 is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.

 John von Neumann



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 When you emerge in a few years, you can ask someone what you missed, 
 and you'll find it can be summed up in a few minutes.

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Re: [Rd] R cmd check and multicore foreach loop

2011-08-17 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Uhm... maybe this is the issue.
The issue seems to specially occur when I am building the vignette, 
which performs some parallel computations on a reduced example, 
therefore faster than in a normal usage of the package.
The two processes (on my dual core) output some logging information 
using cat, which are normally sent to the console, but I guess that in 
the case of a vignette these are written to tex file. It is very few 
data though (a loop counter), so writing should be also very quick, even 
in a file.

Could it be possible that a I/O deadlock happens because of this output?
I actually use mutexes, at the end of each loop to perform bigger 
writing operation on a common file, but I hadn't think these would be 
required for the logging output,  assuming that stdout and stderr were 
thread safe. Maybe I should use mutexes at this level too.
Does multicore or doMC provide optional separate logging as doMPI does? 
(I guess this might be better posted to R-hpc)

Thank you.

On 17/08/2011 14:56, Brian G. Peterson wrote:

On Wed, 2011-08-17 at 04:50 -0700, Tim Triche, Jr. wrote:

I'll see if I can put together a self-contained example.  Primarily,
the times that I use multicore (and attempted to use doSMP, mostly
because one of my users refuses to ditch Windows) are when I am
reading a ton of binary files, none of which depend on the others.
This is a blindingly obvious use-case for e.g. doMC and doSMP, yet
what typically happens is that the entire operation wedges.  I'm told
that doSMP really only works well with Revolution R, but per above, I
will try to put together a working self-contained example to show

Remember that physical I/O can bind up the processes too.  Having a
bunch of processes all trying to read from local disk at the same time
(especially when they are all trying to read the same file(s), a problem
it seems you may not have) is a recipe for I/O locks that can seize up
your processes.

So, if the problem only occurs with physical I/O, the first thing I
would try is to move that storage to a storage device on another machine
that is tuned for that level of disk I/O.


- Brian


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[Rd] getNativeSymbolInfo(user_unif_rand) returns different results on windows and linux

2011-08-17 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


When loading a package that provides the user-supplied RNG hook 
user_unif_rand, calling getNativeSymbolInfo(user_unif_rand) returns 
informations about the loaded symbol.

I am using this to identify which package currently provides the RNG hook.
The results are the same on windows and linux if only one library 
provides the hook.

If one loads a second package that provides this hook, then on linux 
(Ubuntu 10.10), calling again getNativeSymbolInfo(user_unif_rand) 
returns the latest symbol information (which I presume is the correct 
On windows (XP and Vista) however the symbol information does not change 
(same pointer address) and the package data is NULL.
See results for both systems below. I tested this with R 2.12.1, 2.13.0 
and 2.13.1 on Windows.

Is this a normal behaviour for dll loaded on Windows?
Thank you.


[1] user_unif_rand

pointer: 0x7ff55acffed0
[1] NativeSymbol

DLL name: rlecuyer

Dynamic lookup: TRUE

[1] NativeSymbolInfo
[1] user_unif_rand

pointer: 0x7ff55aaf58c0
[1] NativeSymbol

DLL name: rstream

Dynamic lookup: TRUE

[1] NativeSymbolInfo

[1] user_unif_rand

pointer: 0x6bb84fb8
[1] NativeSymbol

DLL name: rlecuyer
Filename: C:/Program
Dynamic lookup: TRUE

[1] NativeSymbolInfo
[1] user_unif_rand

pointer: 0x6bb84fb8
[1] NativeSymbol


[1] NativeSymbolInfo


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Re: [Rd] [R-sig-hpc] doMC - compiler - concatenate an expression vector into a single expression?

2011-06-29 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Thank you very much Steve.
Your suggestion works perfectly -- at least with doSEQ, doMC and doMPI.


On 28/06/2011 15:35, Stephen Weston wrote:

I think that the result of the concatenation should be a call object,
rather than an expression object.  How about something along the
lines of:

'%dopar2%'- function(obj, ex) {
   ex- as.call(list(as.name('{'),
   quote({ a- i; message(Custom , a) }),
   do.call('%dopar%', list(obj, ex), envir=parent.frame())

- Steve

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 8:26 AM, Renaud Gaujoux
ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za  wrote:


this post is about foreach operators, the compiler package and the last
update of doMC that includes support for the compiler functionality.

I am using a home-made %dopar%-like operator that adds some custom
expression to be executed before the foreach loop expression itself (see
sample code below).
It used to work perfectly with doMC 1.2.1, but with the introduction of
the compiler functionality, things do not work properly.
The change in the doMC package consists in evaluating a compiled
expression instead of the original R expression:

# from doMC:::doMC ...
c.expr- comp(expr, env = envir, options = list(suppressUndefined = TRUE))

and for R= 2.13.0 comp is defined as compiler::compile:
function (e, env = .GlobalEnv, options = NULL)
cenv- makeCenv(env)
cntxt- make.toplevelContext(cenv, options)
cntxt$env- addCenvVars(cenv, findLocals(e, cntxt))
genCode(e, cntxt)
environment: namespace:compiler

My guess is that the function findLocals or genCode can not handle a
2-length expression vector.

Maybe somebody who knows the internals of these functions could explain
better this behaviour?
How can I concatenate two expressions into a single one?

Thank you,

# Sample code

`%dopar2%`- function(obj, ex){

# append custom code to the expression
ex- c(expression({ a- i; message(Custom , a);}), substitute(ex))

# call the standard %dopar% operator
do.call(`%dopar%`, list(obj, ex), envir=parent.frame() )
res- foreach(i=1:3) %dopar2% { print(i); i*2; }

# Output with doSEQ or doMC 1.2.1
Custom 1
[1] 1
Custom 2
[1] 2
Custom 3
[1] 3


[1] 2

[1] 4

[1] 6

# Output with doMC 1.2.2

a- i
message(Custom , a)
}, {
i * 2

a- i
message(Custom , a)
}, {
i * 2

a- i
message(Custom , a)
}, {
i * 2

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[Rd] doMC - compiler - concatenate an expression vector into a single expression?

2011-06-28 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


this post is about foreach operators, the compiler package and the last 
update of doMC that includes support for the compiler functionality.

I am using a home-made %dopar%-like operator that adds some custom 
expression to be executed before the foreach loop expression itself (see 
sample code below).
It used to work perfectly with doMC 1.2.1, but with the introduction of 
the compiler functionality, things do not work properly.
The change in the doMC package consists in evaluating a compiled 
expression instead of the original R expression:

# from doMC:::doMC ...
c.expr - comp(expr, env = envir, options = list(suppressUndefined = TRUE))

and for R = 2.13.0 comp is defined as compiler::compile:
function (e, env = .GlobalEnv, options = NULL)
cenv - makeCenv(env)
cntxt - make.toplevelContext(cenv, options)
cntxt$env - addCenvVars(cenv, findLocals(e, cntxt))
genCode(e, cntxt)
environment: namespace:compiler

My guess is that the function findLocals or genCode can not handle a 
2-length expression vector.

Maybe somebody who knows the internals of these functions could explain 
better this behaviour?

How can I concatenate two expressions into a single one?

Thank you,

# Sample code

`%dopar2%` - function(obj, ex){

# append custom code to the expression
ex - c(expression({ a - i; message(Custom , a);}), substitute(ex))

# call the standard %dopar% operator
do.call(`%dopar%`, list(obj, ex), envir=parent.frame() )
res - foreach(i=1:3) %dopar2% { print(i); i*2; }

# Output with doSEQ or doMC 1.2.1
Custom 1
[1] 1
Custom 2
[1] 2
Custom 3
[1] 3
[1] 2

[1] 4

[1] 6

# Output with doMC 1.2.2

a - i
message(Custom , a)
}, {
i * 2

a - i
message(Custom , a)
}, {
i * 2

a - i
message(Custom , a)
}, {
i * 2

Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa


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Re: [Rd] Class not found when search in .onLoad

2011-06-27 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

On 24/06/2011 22:04, John Chambers wrote:

Strictly speaking, that is not meaningful.  A class (like any R 
object) is uniquely referenced by a name *and an environment*.  The 
name of a package can be used to construct the environment, but your 
character slot won't identify a class reliably unless the character 
string has a package attribute.

Look at class(x), for example, from an object from one of these 
classes.  It will have a package attribute identifying the package.
The character string with the package attribute is what you should be 
storing in the slot (or else store the class definition---takes more 
space but is slightly more efficient).

Thank you for this clarification, I will make my factory method for the 
relevant class add the package attribute to the slot.
Storing the class would require recreating the object if the user makes 
changes in the class definition. These objects are meant to be used when 
developing new algorithms. In this context one expects the user to do 
multiple tries and modifications, and I want to ease the process, by 
using dynamic links to classes (a character slot) rather than static 
links (result of getClass).

However, this does not explain why .onLoad does not find the class while 
.onAttach finds it, does it?
Is .onLoad evaluated outside the namespace environment, while .onAttach 
is evaluated within the namespace?

Thank you.


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Re: [Rd] Class not found when search in .onLoad

2011-06-27 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

On 27/06/2011 14:27, Simon Urbanek wrote:

On Jun 27, 2011, at 3:17 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:

On 24/06/2011 22:04, John Chambers wrote:

Strictly speaking, that is not meaningful.  A class (like any R object) is uniquely referenced by a 
name *and an environment*.  The name of a package can be used to construct the environment, but 
your character slot won't identify a class reliably unless the character string has a 
package attribute.

Look at class(x), for example, from an object from one of these classes.  It will have a 
package attribute identifying the package.
The character string with the package attribute is what you should be storing 
in the slot (or else store the class definition---takes more space but is 
slightly more efficient).

Thank you for this clarification, I will make my factory method for the 
relevant class add the package attribute to the slot.
Storing the class would require recreating the object if the user makes changes 
in the class definition. These objects are meant to be used when developing new 
algorithms. In this context one expects the user to do multiple tries and 
modifications, and I want to ease the process, by using dynamic links to 
classes (a character slot) rather than static links (result of getClass).

However, this does not explain why .onLoad does not find the class while 
.onAttach finds it, does it?
Is .onLoad evaluated outside the namespace environment, while .onAttach is 
evaluated within the namespace?

Look at the default of where - it is the top environment, not the evaluated 
one, and in .onLoad the namespace is not attached yet while it is in .onAttach.
Ok, but .onLoad is defined in the source of the package (i.e. within the 
package's namespace, am I correct?).
So from what I get from the docs (copy/pasted below), isn't the 
top-environment supposed to be the package's namepsace, even if the 
package is not yet attached, and its namepace not yet in the search path?

from ?isClass
 where: The environment in which to modify or remove the definition.
Defaults to the top-level environment of the calling function
(the global environment for ordinary computations, but the
environment or name space of a package in the source for a

When searching for class definitions, ‘where’ defines where
to do the search, and the default is to search from the
top-level environment or name space of the caller to this

from ?topenv
‘topenv’ returns the first top level environment found when
searching ‘envir’ and its enclosing environments. An environment
is considered top level if it is the internal environment of a
name space, a package environment in the search path, or


Possibly @John: it's a bit puzzling that isClass has a default for where yet it 
is entirely ignored as getClassDef is called without where. If anyone changes 
the default in getDeffClass() then isClass signature will be misleading - is 
there a practical reason for this construct? Thanks, S.


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Re: [Rd] Class not found when search in .onLoad

2011-06-27 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

All is clear now.
Thank you for this clarification.


On 27/06/2011 15:38, Simon Urbanek wrote:

On Jun 27, 2011, at 8:43 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:

On 27/06/2011 14:27, Simon Urbanek wrote:

On Jun 27, 2011, at 3:17 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:

On 24/06/2011 22:04, John Chambers wrote:

Strictly speaking, that is not meaningful.  A class (like any R object) is uniquely referenced by a 
name *and an environment*.  The name of a package can be used to construct the environment, but 
your character slot won't identify a class reliably unless the character string has a 
package attribute.

Look at class(x), for example, from an object from one of these classes.  It will have a 
package attribute identifying the package.
The character string with the package attribute is what you should be storing 
in the slot (or else store the class definition---takes more space but is 
slightly more efficient).

Thank you for this clarification, I will make my factory method for the 
relevant class add the package attribute to the slot.
Storing the class would require recreating the object if the user makes changes 
in the class definition. These objects are meant to be used when developing new 
algorithms. In this context one expects the user to do multiple tries and 
modifications, and I want to ease the process, by using dynamic links to 
classes (a character slot) rather than static links (result of getClass).

However, this does not explain why .onLoad does not find the class while 
.onAttach finds it, does it?
Is .onLoad evaluated outside the namespace environment, while .onAttach is 
evaluated within the namespace?

Look at the default of where - it is the top environment, not the evaluated 
one, and in .onLoad the namespace is not attached yet while it is in .onAttach.

Ok, but .onLoad is defined in the source of the package (i.e. within the 
package's namespace, am I correct?).
So from what I get from the docs (copy/pasted below), isn't the top-environment 
supposed to be the package's namepsace, even if the package is not yet 
attached, and its namepace not yet in the search path?

Not in this case, because where is the methods namespace (see the bottom of my 
last e-mail - where is not evaluated in environment of your package but in 
methods due to the default being removed by isClass). I would say this is a bug 
- changing isClass to the trivial

isClass- function(Class, formal=TRUE, where = topenv(parent.frame())) 
!is.null(getClassDef(Class, where))

has the desired effect.


from ?isClass
 where: The environment in which to modify or remove the definition.
Defaults to the top-level environment of the calling function
(the global environment for ordinary computations, but the
environment or name space of a package in the source for a

When searching for class definitions, ‘where’ defines where
to do the search, and the default is to search from the
top-level environment or name space of the caller to this

from ?topenv
‘topenv’ returns the first top level environment found when
searching ‘envir’ and its enclosing environments. An environment
is considered top level if it is the internal environment of a
name space, a package environment in the search path, or


Possibly @John: it's a bit puzzling that isClass has a default for where yet it 
is entirely ignored as getClassDef is called without where. If anyone changes 
the default in getDeffClass() then isClass signature will be misleading - is 
there a practical reason for this construct? Thanks, S.

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Re: [Rd] Class not found when search in .onLoad

2011-06-24 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Thank you John for your response.

Things are a little bit more complicated though. The inheritance checks 
are not only made in .onLoad, they are part of a class validity method, 
which is called in .onLoad because some objects from this class are 
created at this stage. Such objects can also be created at any moment, 
not in a call from .onLoad.

More or less briefly:
class 'A' is in fact a virtual class defined in the package's namespace, 
with the purpose of defining a common interface. While the package does 
provide some derived classes (i.e. defined within the namespace), users 
too must be able to define derived classes from 'A' (i.e. not defined 
within the namespace).
In another class from the namespace, the validity method checks that one 
of its character slot contains the name of a class that inherits from 
interface 'A'.

I was just expecting `isClass` and `extends` to also work in .onLoad 
without specifying the argument `where` (i.e. searching everywhere, 
starting by the package's namespace if called within a namespace). The 
argument `where` being there to allow finer search.

There is no argument pkgname to the validity method, to directly apply 
the work around. I guess I can always check the presence of the class in 
the some-how hard-coded namespace, and if it is not found there look for 
the class elsewhere:

clref - getClass('A', .Force=TRUE, where=THE.NAMESPACE)
cl - getClass(name, .Force=TRUE, where=THE.NAMESPACE)
if( is.null(cl) )
cl - getClass(name, .Force=TRUE)

if( !extends(cl, clref) )
return('invalid slot')

I will use this, in last resort, although it feels strange as it will 
only be to deal with the case where objects are created within a call to 

I am really interested in understanding why all this:

- what makes this call so different?
In my sample package, if I add a call `check.classes()` directly in 
script.R, the classes are correctly found when the installation sources 
the script prepare the package for lazy loading.
- why things seemed to work ok in R-2.12.1 at the installation loading 
check, but do not work when loading the package from an R session?

Could you please briefly give some explanations or pointers?

Thank you.


On 23/06/2011 18:44, John Chambers wrote:
The workaround is to use the package's namespace, as you did.  That's 
one of the reasons why pkgname is an argument to .onLoad().

Depending on what you want to do, you can either use the namespace as 
an argument where= or get the class definition from the namespace and 
use it in place of the class name.

A side advantage is that such checks work regardless of whether or not 
the classes, etc. are exported from the package.  Also, on the remote 
chance there is another class of the same name, the check works 
unambiguously on your package's version.

The relevant part of your script, modified accordingly, seems to work 
as desired.


# script.R

setClass('A', representation(data='numeric'))

setClass('B', contains='A') # the argument is contains=

check.classes - function(where){

message(isClass('A', where = where): , methods::isClass('A', where = 

message(isClass('B', where = where): , methods::isClass('B', where = 

classA - getClass('A', where = where)
classB - getClass('B', where = where)
message(extends(classB, classA): , methods::extends(classB, classA))

.onLoad - function(libname, pkgname=NULL){
cat(\n## .onLoad ##\n)

.onAttach - function(libname, pkgname){
cat(\n## .onAttach ##\n)

On 6/23/11 4:22 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:


I am facing with a strange behaviour of isClass and extends when these
are called in .onLoad in both R 2.12.1 and R 2.13.0. This is preventing
my package from doing some object initializations at a proper place
(i.e. in .onLoad).

Suppose one defines two S4 classes in a package, and that one needs to
check the inheritance between these two when loading the package (e.g.
to validate slots in objects).
See package attached or code below (not sure attachments can go 

in R 2.13.0:
At the loading check after installation, the classes are not found by
`isClass` and `extends` when these are called in .onLoad, but are
correctly found when called in .onAttach.
However findClass correctly finds the class in both case, as well as
isClass if it is called with the argument
When the package is loaded from an open R session, the behaviour is the

in R 2.12.1:
the classes are correctly found by isClass and extends when these are
called in .onLoad or .onAttach, but only at installation (i.e. at the
loading check after R CMD INSTALL).
When the package is loaded from an open R session, one fails to find the
classes only in .onLoad while in .onAttach they are correctly found.

This is really an issue as up to now I was using .onAttach to do

[Rd] Class not found when search in .onLoad

2011-06-23 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


I am facing with a strange behaviour of isClass and extends when these 
are called in .onLoad in both R 2.12.1 and R 2.13.0. This is preventing 
my package from doing some object initializations at a proper place 
(i.e. in .onLoad).

Suppose one defines two S4 classes in a package, and that one needs to 
check the inheritance between these two when loading the package (e.g. 
to validate slots in objects).

See package attached or code below (not sure attachments can go through).

in R 2.13.0:
At the loading check after installation, the classes are not found by 
`isClass` and `extends` when these are called in .onLoad, but are 
correctly found when called in .onAttach.
However findClass correctly finds the class in both case, as well as 
isClass if it is called with the argument 
When the package is loaded from an open R session, the behaviour is the 

in R 2.12.1:
the classes are correctly found by isClass and extends when these are 
called in .onLoad or .onAttach, but only at installation (i.e. at the 
loading check after R CMD INSTALL).
When the package is loaded from an open R session, one fails to find the 
classes only in .onLoad while in .onAttach they are correctly found.

This is really an issue as up to now I was using .onAttach to do my 
checks and initialization, but it is not a wise thing as package that 
would only need to import my package (load and not attach) will not get 
internal objects properly initialized. All this should be done in 
.onLoad, but I cannot do it due to this behaviour of `extends`.

Can someone provide some explanations or work around.

Thank you,

# script.R

setClass('A', representation(data='numeric'))

setClass('B', contain='A')

check.classes - function(){

a - new('A')
b - new('B')

message(isClass('A'): , methods::isClass('A'))
message(isClass('A') in namespace: , methods::isClass('A', 

message(findClass('A'): )

message(isClass('B'): , methods::isClass('B'))
message(isClass('B') in namespace: , methods::isClass('B', 

message(findClass('B'): )

message(extends('B', 'A'): , methods::extends('B', 'A'))
message(is(a, 'A'): , is(a, 'A'))
message(inherits(a, 'A'): , inherits(a, 'A'))
message(is(b, 'A'): , is(b, 'A'))

.onLoad - function(libname, pkgname=NULL){
cat(\n## .onLoad ##\n)

.onAttach - function(libname, pkgname){
cat(\n## .onAttach ##\n)

# Output

# R-2.13.0 CMD INSTALL anRpackage_1.0.tar.gz

* installing *source* package ‘anRpackage’ ...
** R
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices ...
** testing if installed package can be loaded

## .onLoad ##
isClass('A'): FALSE
isClass('A') in namespace: TRUE
environment: namespace:anRpackage

isClass('B'): FALSE
isClass('B') in namespace: TRUE
environment: namespace:anRpackage

extends('B', 'A'): FALSE
is(a, 'A'): TRUE
inherits(a, 'A'): TRUE
is(b, 'A'): TRUE

## .onAttach ##
isClass('A'): TRUE
isClass('A') in namespace: TRUE
environment: namespace:anRpackage

isClass('B'): TRUE
isClass('B') in namespace: TRUE
environment: namespace:anRpackage

extends('B', 'A'): TRUE
is(a, 'A'): TRUE
inherits(a, 'A'): TRUE
is(b, 'A'): TRUE

* DONE (anRpackage)

# From a R-2.12.1 Console

## .onLoad ##
isClass('A'): FALSE
isClass('A') in namespace: TRUE
environment: namespace:anRpackage

isClass('B'): FALSE
isClass('B') in namespace: TRUE
environment: namespace:anRpackage

extends('B', 'A'): FALSE
is(a, 'A'): TRUE
inherits(a, 'A'): TRUE
is(b, 'A'): TRUE

## .onAttach ##
isClass('A'): TRUE
isClass('A') in namespace: TRUE
environment: namespace:anRpackage

isClass('B'): TRUE
isClass('B') in namespace: TRUE
environment: namespace:anRpackage

extends('B', 'A'): TRUE
is(a, 'A'): TRUE
inherits(a, 'A'): TRUE
is(b, 'A'): TRUE

# R-2.12.1 CMD INSTALL anRpackage_1.0.tar.gz

* installing *source* package ‘anRpackage’ ...
** R
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices ...
** testing if installed package can be loaded

## .onLoad ##
isClass('A'): TRUE
isClass('A') in namespace: TRUE

[Rd] Why does slot- duplicate its argument?

2011-06-17 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


is there a reason why `slot-` should duplicate its argument?
I am under R 2.12.1.

Thank you,

For example:

setClass('A', representation(data='matrix'))
a - new('A')
x - matrix(1,2,3)
slot(a, 'data') - x


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[Rd] Extending type list: names and inherited methods issue

2011-03-04 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


I want to extend the type list, but it looks like the names are not 
handled properly (in the show method), not the [ method. See below for 
code example.
I imagine this comes from the S3/S4 mixing, but I would like to 
understand and the recommended work around (that avoid redefining all 
the list methods [, $, etc...).

Thank you.


# define S4 class that inherits from list
setClass('A', contains='list')

# nothing to say when one creates an object with an unnamed list
x - new('A', list(1,2,3))

# set the names: seems ok but they are not printed
names(x) - letters[1:3]
# same thing if one put the S3 .Data slot
names(x@.Data) - letters[4:6]

# the subsetting works but returns a list instead of the expected object 
of class A


R version 2.12.1 (2010-12-16)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_ZA.utf8   LC_NUMERIC=C  

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa


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[Rd] Missing argument vs. empty argument

2011-01-25 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


is there an easy, robust, and/or recommended way to distinguish a 
missing argument from an empty argument as in:

foo - function(i, j){

foo(i)  # TRUE, 1
foo(i,) # TRUE, 2

I know I can work around with nargs, the list of arguments and the names 
of the passed arguments, but I wish there is something already in place 
for this.
This is specially important for '['-like methods where x[i,] is not the 
same as x[i].
What I am looking for is a function that tells me if an argument has 
actually been passed empty:

foo - function(i, j, k){
print( empty.arg(j) )

would result in:

foo(i) # FALSE, 1
foo(i, ) # TRUE, 2
foo(i, j) # FALSE, 2
foo(i, k=2) # FALSE, 2
foo(i, k=2, ) # TRUE, 3

Thank you for any help or pointer.



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Re: [Rd] Missing argument vs. empty argument

2011-01-25 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

My purpose is indeed to write a '[' method.
I will go for the `[.data.frame` solution then.
Thank you.

On 25/01/2011 12:53, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

On Tue, 25 Jan 2011, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:


is there an easy, robust, and/or recommended way to distinguish a 
missing argument from an empty argument as in:

An empty argument is a missing argument when argument matching is 
done, e.g.

foo - function(i,j) match.call()

foo(i = i)


foo(i = i)


foo(j = j)

It is rather against the spirit of R to use the actual call rather 
than the matched call.  Unless you are doing this to write a '[' 
method I would suggest you find a different convention, e.g. 
distinguish f(i) and f(i, NULL).  For the exception, look at 
`[.data.frame`, which does use nargs().

(NB: what I have said does not apply to primitives like '[' itself, 
which do not do standard argument matching.)

foo - function(i, j){

foo(i)  # TRUE, 1
foo(i,) # TRUE, 2

I know I can work around with nargs, the list of arguments and the 
names of the passed arguments, but I wish there is something already 
in place for this.
This is specially important for '['-like methods where x[i,] is not 
the same as x[i].
What I am looking for is a function that tells me if an argument has 
actually been passed empty:

foo - function(i, j, k){
   print( empty.arg(j) )

would result in:

foo(i) # FALSE, 1
foo(i, ) # TRUE, 2
foo(i, j) # FALSE, 2
foo(i, k=2) # FALSE, 2
foo(i, k=2, ) # TRUE, 3

Thank you for any help or pointer.


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[Rd] library: loading of required packages and argument 'lib.loc'

2010-10-05 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


is there a reason why when calling the argument 'lib.loc' of library() 
is not used when trying to load the required packages?

0. Package A depends on package B
1. Install packages A and B in a subdirectory 'lib' of the current directory
2. Call:

library(A, lib.loc='./lib')

This will give something like the following:

Loading required package: B
Error: package 'B' could not be loaded
In addition: Warning message:
In library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, lib.loc = 
lib.loc) :

  there is no package called 'B'

In function library there the call '.getRequiredPackages2(pkgInfo)' 
loads the required packages but do not pass the argument lib.loc 
(whereas .getRequiredPackages2 has an argument for this).
I know a quick work around for this is to put './lib' into .libPaths but 
it would be nice if library() could do it locally (e.g. pass the 
argument), without changing the global settings.



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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] Non identical numerical results from R code vs C/C++ code?

2010-09-10 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


suppose you have two versions of the same algorithm: one in pure R, the 
other one in C/C++ called via .Call().
Assuming there is no bug in the implementations (i.e. they both do the 
same thing), is there any well known reason why the C/C++ implementation 
could return numerical results non identical to the one obtained from 
the pure R code? (e.g. could it be rounding errors? please explain.)

Has anybody had a similar experience?

By not identical, I mean very small differences ( 2.4 e-14), but enough 
to have identical() returning FALSE. Maybe I should not bother, but I 
want to be sure where the differences come from, at least by mere curiosity.

Briefly the R code perform multiple matrix product; the C code is an 
optimization of those specific products via custom for loops, where 
entries are not computed in the same order, etc... which improves both 
memory usage and speed. The result is theoretically the same.

Thank you,

Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa


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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Non identical numerical results from R code vs C/C++ code?

2010-09-10 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Thank you Duncan for your reply.

Currently I am using 'double' for the computations.
What type should I use for extended real in my intermediate computations?
The result will still be 'double' anyway right?

On 10/09/2010 13:00, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 10/09/2010 6:46 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:


suppose you have two versions of the same algorithm: one in pure R, 
the other one in C/C++ called via .Call().
Assuming there is no bug in the implementations (i.e. they both do 
the same thing), is there any well known reason why the C/C++ 
implementation could return numerical results non identical to the 
one obtained from the pure R code? (e.g. could it be rounding errors? 
please explain.)

Has anybody had a similar experience?

R often uses extended reals (80 bit floating point values on Intel 
chips) for intermediate values.  C compilers may or may not do that.

By not identical, I mean very small differences ( 2.4 e-14), but 
enough to have identical() returning FALSE. Maybe I should not 
bother, but I want to be sure where the differences come from, at 
least by mere curiosity.

Briefly the R code perform multiple matrix product; the C code is an 
optimization of those specific products via custom for loops, where 
entries are not computed in the same order, etc... which improves 
both memory usage and speed. The result is theoretically the same.

Changing the order of operations will often affect rounding.  For 
example, suppose epsilon is the smallest number such that 1 + epsilon 
is not equal to 1.  Then 1 + (epsilon/2) + (epsilon/2) will evaluate 
to either 1 or 1 + epsilon, depending on the order of computing the 

Duncan Murdoch

Thank you,


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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Non identical numerical results from R code vs C/C++ code?

2010-09-10 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


I quickly tried using LDOUBLE wherever I could, but it did not changed 
the results. I might try harder...

I agree with you Barry, and I will re-double re-check my code.

Thank you both for your help.

On 10/09/2010 13:24, Barry Rowlingson wrote:

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 11:46 AM, Renaud Gaujoux
ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za  wrote:


suppose you have two versions of the same algorithm: one in pure R, the
other one in C/C++ called via .Call().
Assuming there is no bug in the implementations (i.e. they both do the same
thing), is there any well known reason why the C/C++ implementation could
return numerical results non identical to the one obtained from the pure R
code? (e.g. could it be rounding errors? please explain.)
Has anybody had a similar experience?

By not identical, I mean very small differences (  2.4 e-14), but enough to
have identical() returning FALSE. Maybe I should not bother, but I want to
be sure where the differences come from, at least by mere curiosity.

Briefly the R code perform multiple matrix product; the C code is an
optimization of those specific products via custom for loops, where entries
are not computed in the same order, etc... which improves both memory usage
and speed. The result is theoretically the same.

  I've had almost exactly this situation recently with an algorithm I
first implemented in R and then in C. Guess what the problem was? Yes,
a bug in the C code.

  At first I thought everything was okay because the returned values
were close-ish, and I thought 'oh, rounding error', but I wasn't happy
about that. So I dug a bit deeper. This is worth doing even if you are
sure there no bugs in the C code (remember: there's always one more

  First, construct a minimal dataset so you can demonstrate the problem
with a manageable size of matrix. I went down to 7 data points. Then
get the C to print out its inputs. Identical, and as expected? Good.

  Now debug intermediate calculations, printing or saving from C and
checking they are the same as the intermediate calculations from R. If
possible, try returning intermediate calculations in C and checking
identical() with R intermediates.

  Eventually you will find out where the first diverge - and this is
the important bit. It's no use just knowing the final answers come out
different, it's likely your answer has a sensitive dependence on
initial conditions. You need to track down when the first bits are

  Or it could be rounding error...



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Re: [Rd] Defining a method that behaves like '$'?

2010-07-12 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Thanks all.
Just to clarify a bit my intention with another '$'-like function. It 
was due to the nice features of '$':

- it hides the internal implementation
- it is known by most users so no extra brain-memory is required
- it is quick and simple to write, which I think is actually very 
important as R code is often written repeatedly over and over

- it allows for auto-completion
- it allows dynamic structures in the sense that one can allow the user 
to add its own 'members' which are accessible through the same 
interface: 'a$custom.member', 'a$builtin.member'.

I will try to work out a solution from all the suggestions I got from 
the list.

Thanks again to all.


Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

On 10/07/2010 17:29, Marc Schwartz wrote:

On Jul 10, 2010, at 7:24 AM, Barry Rowlingson wrote:


On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 2:10 PM, Renaud Gaujoux
ren...@mancala.cbio.uct.ac.za  wrote:

I do not want to access the slot itself but its content: a:toto would be
The thing is that I would like to have two different methods: '$' (that I
already have) and another one to define, ideally that behaves like '$'.
So in brief:
- a:toto would be for a...@slot1[['toto']]
- a$tata would be for a...@slot2[['tata']]

But apparently it might not be possible.


Even if possible, definitely not desirable. As already mentioned, a:b
is the sequence a to b (as in 0:10), so it's going to look weird to
anyone who hasn't noticed your definition. Also, it looks fairly
meaningless. By which I mean there's no obvious reason why a colon
should do what you want it to do. There's also no obvious reason why a
dollar sign does what it does (whats it got to do with dollars?) but
we've had it for 20 years so we're stuck with it.

Write a method for your objects and force your users to do a bit more
typing as a trade-off for legibility:


is a lot more readable than a:toto (assuming you replace 'slot1' with
something meaningful).

Remember, code is most likely to be written once, and read many times
- so make it easy for readers!

Just to throw in another $0.02, in hindsight, not fully understanding the 
context of Renaud's original query, this may be a situation where implementing 
relevant extractor functions would make sense.

Consider functions such as coef(), effects(), fitted() etc. for regression 
models. These allow you and your users to have functions that return components 
of your object class without being concerned about the internal structure of 
your object. Importantly, you and your users will not be affected by future 
changes to your object structure that you may find you have to implement over 
time. You simply modify the extractor functions as required when the internal 
structure of your class changes, so that they can be used post-change, without 
breaking existing code.

So for example:


would return a...@slot1[['toto']] and


would return a...@slot2[['tata']].

Food for thought.




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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] Defining a method that behaves like '$'?

2010-07-09 Thread Renaud Gaujoux


is there a way to define a method say '$$' that would behave like '$' 
and allow calls like 'a$$name'?



Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa


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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Defining a method that behaves like '$'?

2010-07-09 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

Maybe the symbol I chose was not appropriate. I tried ':' to be able to 
do 'a:name' with 'a' a S4 object.

I get the following error:
Error in genericForPrimitive(f) :
  methods may not be defined for primitive function : in this version 
of R

Does there exist any symbol that would be suitable for the job?

Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

On 09/07/2010 14:29, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 09/07/2010 8:18 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:


is there a way to define a method say '$$' that would behave like '$' 
and allow calls like 'a$$name'?
No, the parser handles a fixed syntax, and that expression is not 
legal.  You could do it with

a %$$% name

using the infix operator syntax.  (I think the description in the R 
Language Definition suggests this is not legal, since $$ is not a 
valid name, but it does currently work and that's unlikely to change.)

Duncan Murdoch


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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Defining a method that behaves like '$'?

2010-07-09 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
I do not want to access the slot itself but its content: a:toto would be 
The thing is that I would like to have two different methods: '$' (that 
I already have) and another one to define, ideally that behaves like '$'.

So in brief:
- a:toto would be for a...@slot1[['toto']]
- a$tata would be for a...@slot2[['tata']]

But apparently it might not be possible.

Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

On 09/07/2010 14:58, Marc Schwartz wrote:

You were, in effect, trying to overload the : operator, which is of course 
for defining sequences.

If you are using S4 methods, what is wrong with using the default @ as the 
extraction syntax (eg. a...@name) to get at slots?

See ?@ and ?slot


Marc Schwartz

On Jul 9, 2010, at 7:49 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:


Maybe the symbol I chose was not appropriate. I tried ':' to be able to do 
'a:name' with 'a' a S4 object.
I get the following error:
Error in genericForPrimitive(f) :
  methods may not be defined for primitive function : in this version of R

Does there exist any symbol that would be suitable for the job?

Renaud Gaujoux
Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
South Africa

On 09/07/2010 14:29, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 09/07/2010 8:18 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:


is there a way to define a method say '$$' that would behave like '$' and allow 
calls like 'a$$name'?

No, the parser handles a fixed syntax, and that expression is not legal.  You 
could do it with

a %$$% name

using the infix operator syntax.  (I think the description in the R Language 
Definition suggests this is not legal, since $$ is not a valid name, but it 
does currently work and that's unlikely to change.)

Duncan Murdoch


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R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

[Rd] Estimate actual memory usage, not cumulative allocated

2010-02-07 Thread Renaud Gaujoux

I'd like to know how estimate the memory actually used by some function
The function essentially contains a for loop, which stops after a
variable number of iterations, depending on the input data.
I used Rprof with memory.profiling=TRUE, but the memory results seem to
increase with the number of iterations. What I understand is that the
reported memory is cumulative and based on allocation (am I  right?).
After each loop the same object is updated so the I'm not expecting
memory usage from this part.
however, the update computation itself needs to allocate memory for
temporary objects, which would be the reason why the reported memory
increases with the number of iterations.
I just want to know the minimum amount of memory I need to run the
computation, which would not be the sum of memory allocated during the
computation (as some is temporary and should be released by R if necessary)
How could I estimate this value?

#Sample code:

x - my.object
for( i in 1:500 ){
# compute next value
x - update(x)

# stop depending on the current value
if( stop(x) ) break;


R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [Rd] Estimate actual memory usage, not cumulative allocated

2010-02-07 Thread Renaud Gaujoux
Hi Sean,

I know I'll have to optimize the memory management (maybe using the
proto or R.oo packages), but for the moment I'd like to estimate the
amount of memory actually used by the call.

I got some estimate doing:

g1 - gc(reset=TRUE)
g2 - gc();
sum(g1[,6] - g2[,2]);
# - sum differences between max used memory and last current used
memory (merging Ncells and Vcells)

Does it make sense?

I was happy with it, but the thing is that it does not seem to depend on
the size of the input.data, which is a matrix that is involved
internally in matrix products. Even reducing the input.data from 5000
rows to 50 rows did not change the result: ~ 20 Mb for each.
Something to do with the garbage collector trigger I imagine?


Sean O'Riordain wrote:

 I could be wrong... but generally in R you create a new object each
 time you do an assignment which is why looping is slow; i.e. you're
 not actually updating you're creating a new version of the original.


 On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Renaud Gaujoux geto...@gmail.com
 mailto:geto...@gmail.com wrote:


 I'd like to know how estimate the memory actually used by some
 The function essentially contains a for loop, which stops after a
 variable number of iterations, depending on the input data.
 I used Rprof with memory.profiling=TRUE, but the memory results
 seem to
 increase with the number of iterations. What I understand is that the
 reported memory is cumulative and based on allocation (am I  right?).
 After each loop the same object is updated so the I'm not expecting
 memory usage from this part.
 however, the update computation itself needs to allocate memory for
 temporary objects, which would be the reason why the reported memory
 increases with the number of iterations.
 I just want to know the minimum amount of memory I need to run the
 computation, which would not be the sum of memory allocated during the
 computation (as some is temporary and should be released by R if
 How could I estimate this value?

 #Sample code:

 x - my.object
 for( i in 1:500 ){
# compute next value
x - update(x)

# stop depending on the current value
if( stop(x) ) break;


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