Re: [Rd] wishlist: decreasing argument to is.unsorted

2014-01-04 Thread Sean O'Riordain
The more general alternative Gabor in this case would be a stopif()
function... I often find myself having to think too much with


On 4 January 2014 00:24, Gábor Csárdi wrote:

 While we are here, how about an is.sorted() function? It is trivial
 and helps readability a lot imho. Then one does not have to write
 things like


 but can write




 On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Patrick Burns
  I've just realized that it could be handy
  to have a 'decreasing' argument in 'is.unsorted'.
  And I'm cheekily hoping someone else will
  implement it.
  It is easy enough to work around (with 'rev'),
  but would be less hassle with an argument.
  The case I have in mind uses 'is.unsorted' in
  Patrick Burns
  twitter: @burnsstat @portfolioprobe
  (home of:
   'Impatient R'
   'The R Inferno'
   'Tao Te Programming')
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Re: [Rd] Huge performance difference between implicit and explicit print

2013-10-31 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Minor point and probably not relevant to the speed issue, but df() is
the density function for the F distribution, so I have (recently)
stopped using it for referring to data.frames.


On 30 October 2013 23:32, Gabriel Becker wrote:

 As far as I can tell from a quick look, it is because implicit printing
 uses a different mechanism which does a fair bit more work.

 From comments in  print.c in the R sources:

 *  print.default()  - do_printdefault (with call tree below)
  *  auto-printing   -  PrintValueEnv
  *  - PrintValueRec
  *  - call print() for objects
  *  Note that auto-printing does not call print.default.
  *  PrintValue, R_PV are similar to auto-printing.

 PrintValueEnv includes, among other things, checks for functions, S4
 objects, and s3 objects before constructing (in C code) an R call to print
 for S3 objects and show for S4 objects  and evaluating it using Rf_eval. So
 there is an extra trip to the R evaluator.

 I imagine that extra work is where the hangup is but that is a
 slightly-informed guess as I haven't done any detailed timings or checks.

 Basically my understanding of the processes is as follows:

 print call is evaluated, S3 dispatch happens, print.default in C is called,
 result printed to terminal, print call returns

 expression df evaluated, auto-print initiated, type of object returned by
 expression is determined, print call is constructed in C code, print call
 is evaluated in C code, THEN all the stuff above happens.

 I dunno if that helps or not as I can't speak to how to change/fix it atm.


 On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Hadley Wickham wrote:

 Hi all,

 Can anyone help me understand why an implicit print (i.e. just typing
 df at the console), is so much slower than an explicit print (i.e.
 print(df)) in the example below?  I see the difference in both Rstudio
 and in a terminal.

 # Construct large df as quickly as possible
 dummy - 1:18e6
 df - lapply(1:10, function(x) dummy)
 names(df) - letters[1:10]
 class(df) - c(myobj, data.frame)
 attr(df, row.names) - .set_row_names(18e6)

 print.myobj - function(x, ...) {, 2))

 start - proc.time(); df; flush.console(); proc.time() - start
 #  user  system elapsed
 # 0.408   0.557   0.965
 start - proc.time(); print(df); flush.console(); proc.time() - start
 #  user  system elapsed
 # 0.019   0.002   0.020

 # R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
 # Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit)
 # locale:
 # [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
 # attached base packages:
 # [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base



 Chief Scientist, RStudio

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 Gabriel Becker
 Graduate Student
 Statistics Department
 University of California, Davis

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Re: [Rd] Possible POSIXlt / wday glitch status

2013-10-05 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Some people (luckily not me anymore!) working with mortgages and
pensions need to calculate up to 40 years into the future for the
payment schedule.

On 5 October 2013 02:37, Joshua Ulrich wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 8:02 PM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
 Thanks for the responses and quoting the timezone help file.

 I am assuming that in order to determine the wday element of POSIXlt, R does 
 the necessary calculations in Julian time (via POSIXct). Based on this 
 excerpt from ?DateTimeClasses, it looks like R is responsible for 
 determining time zones post 2037 (the example I gave was in 2038). So it 
 could be an R issue.

 It's an issue with size of the largest number you can store in a
 signed integer, which is not specific to R.

 .POSIXct(.Machine$integer.max, tz=UTC)
 [1] 2038-01-19 03:14:07 UTC

 Dates larger than that cannot be represented by a signed integer.  It
 could be worked around, but it's not trivial because R would have to
 use something other than the tm C struct.  Luckily, there's a decade
 or two before it starts to become a pressing issue. :)

  ‘POSIXct’ objects may also have an attribute ‘tzone’, a
  character vector of length one.  If set to a non-empty value, it
  will determine how the object is converted to class ‘POSIXlt’
  and in particular how it is printed.  This is usually desirable,
  but if you want to specify an object in a particular timezone but
  to be printed in the current timezone you may want to remove the
  ‘tzone’ attribute (e.g. by ‘c(x)’).

  Unfortunately, the conversion is complicated by the operation of
  time zones and leap seconds (24 days have been 86401 seconds long
  so far: the times of the extra seconds are in the object
  ‘.leap.seconds’).  **The details of this are entrusted to the OS
  services where possible.  This always covers the period 1970-2037,
  and on most machines back to 1902 (when time zones were in their
  infancy).  Outside the platform limits we use our own C code.

 On 05/10/2013, at 12:59 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 6:11 AM, Imanuel Costigan wrote:
 Wanted to raise two questions:

 1. Is down? I haven't been able to reach it for two or 
 three days:

 Yes. Quote from Duncan:

... the server is currently down. The volunteer who runs the server is
currently away from his office, so I expect it won't get fixed until he
gets back in a few days.


 PING ( 56 data bytes
 Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
 Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
 Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
 Request timeout for icmp_seq 3
 Request timeout for icmp_seq 4
 Request timeout for icmp_seq 5
 Request timeout for icmp_seq 6

 2. Is wday element of POSIXlt meant to be timezone invariant? You would 
 expect the wday element to be invariant to the timezone of a date. That 
 is, the same date/time instant of 5th October 2013 in both 
 Australia/Sydney and UTC should be a Saturday (i.e. wday = 6). And indeed 
 that is the case with 1 min past midnight on 5 October 2013:

 d_utc - ymd_hms(2013100501, tz='UTC')
 d_local - ymd_hms(2013100501, tz='Australia/Sydney')
 as.POSIXlt(x=d_utc, tz=tz(d_utc))$wday # 6
 as.POSIXlt(x=d_local, tz=tz(d_local))$wday # 6

 But this isn't always the case. For example,

 d_utc - ymd_hms(2038100201, tz='UTC')
 d_local - ymd_hms(2038100201, tz='Australia/Sydney')
 as.POSIXlt(x=d_utc, tz=tz(d_utc))$wday # 6
 as.POSIXlt(x=d_local, tz=tz(d_local))$wday # 5

 Is this expected behaviour? I would have expected a properly encoded 
 date/time of 2 Oct 2038 to be a Saturday irrespective of its time zone.

 Obligatory system dump:

 R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
 Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin12.4.0 (64-bit)

 [1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8

 attached base packages:
 [1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

 other attached packages:
 [1] lubridate_1.3.0 testthat_0.7.1  devtools_1.3

 loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] colorspace_1.2-4   dichromat_2.0-0digest_0.6.3   evaluate_0.5.1
 [5] ggplot2_0.9.3.1grid_3.0.1 gtable_0.1.2   httr_0.2
 [9] labeling_0.2   MASS_7.3-29memoise_0.1munsell_0.4.2
 [13] parallel_3.0.1 plyr_1.8   proto_0.3-10   
 [17] RCurl_1.95-4.1 reshape2_1.2.2 scales_0.2.3   stringr_0.6.2
 [21] tools_3.0.1whisker_0.3-2


 Using R compiled by homebrew [1]. But also experiencing the same bug using 
 R installed on Windows 7 from the CRAN binaries.

 For those interested, I've also noted this on the `lubridate` Github 
 issues page [2], even though 

[Rd] broken link in docs for Binormial functions

2013-08-10 Thread Sean O'Riordain
On the local documentation page for Binomial, i.e.

The link to Catherine Loader's paper
Catherine Loader (2000). *Fast and Accurate Computation of Binomial
Probabilities*; available from;

appears to be broken.

Kind regards,

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[Rd] Issue with Control-Z in a text file on Windows - readLines() appears to truncate

2013-04-10 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Working on Windows I have had to deal with CSV files that,
unfortunately, contain embedded Control-Zs, i.e. ASCII character 26 in
decimal, and the readLines() function in R on Windows (2.15.2 and
3.0.0) appears to truncate at the control-Z.  There is no problem at
all on Ubuntu Linux with R 3.0.0.

Am I mistaken or is this genuine?

# Create a small file with embedded Control-Z
h3 - paste('1,34,44.4,', rawToChar(as.raw(c(65, 26, 65))), ',99')
#  1,34,44.4,\ A\032A \,99
writeLines(h3, 'h3.txt')

# now attempt to read the file back in
h3a - readLines('h3.txt')
# but on Windows 2.15.2 and 3.0.0 I get the message
#Warning message:
#In readLines(h3.txt) : incomplete final line found on 'h3.txt'
# [1] 1,34,44.4,\ A
# so it drops from the Control-Z onwards

# The following is my rough and ready workaround - I'm sure there is a
cleaner way
fnam - 'h3.txt'
tmp.bin - readBin(fnam, raw(), size=1, n=max(2*$size, 100))
tmp.char - rawToChar(tmp.bin)
txt - unlist(strsplit(tmp.char, '\r\n', fixed=TRUE))
# [1] 1,34,44.4,\ A\032A \,99

This was on 64-bit R on a 64-bit Windows 7, but it also appears to be
the case in a 32-bit R 2.15.2 on 32-bit Windows-7 inside in a

Kind regards,
Sean O'Riordain
Trinity College

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[Rd] Fwd: R unzip method gives filenames as character

2013-04-09 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Question: would it be better if the contents list of the unzip() function
returned the filenames as character rather than factor since they are
probably unique strings?

 tmp - unzip(fnam, list=TRUE)
'data.frame':   31 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ Name  : Factor w/ 31 levels fred1.csv,..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ Length: num  424486 2664277 219798 442383 480857 ...
 $ Date  : POSIXct, format: 2012-12-01 04:05:00 2012-12-02 04:06:00
2012-12-03 04:45:00 2012-12-04 03:52:00 ...


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[Rd] possible minor doc clarification?

2011-04-25 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Good afternoon,

As a clarification does it make sense to remove the second 'not' in the 'See
Also' documentation for file_test ?

Kind regards,
Sean O'Riordain

Index: src/library/utils/man/filetest.Rd
--- src/library/utils/man/filetest.Rd   (revision 55639)
+++ src/library/utils/man/filetest.Rd   (working copy)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   \code{\link{file.exists}} which only tests for existence
-  (\code{test -e} on some systems) but not for not being a directory.
+  (\code{test -e} on some systems) but not for being a directory.

   \code{\link{file.path}}, \code{\link{}}

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Re: [Rd] R command line and pipe using in Linux?

2011-02-14 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Good afternoon Hang,

This is an example of what I've done with a csv file with a header
which is too big to read into memory.

# this is a file with about 50 columns and 28 million records
ap.fnam - 'p2_all28m_records.csv'
# lets just explore the columns in Addresspoint...
# by reading in the header and the first row
p1 - read.csv(ap.fnam, nrows=1)

# now which columns do we actually want?
# ok... in this case we only want the NCAT column...
cols.reqd - grep('NCAT', names(p1))
# so we create a list containing this/these column(s) as a 'character'
# type and all other columns as 'NULL'...
col.classes - ifelse(seq(ncol(p1)) %in% cols.reqd, 'character', 'NULL')

# this will likely take a little over a minute!
p9 - read.csv(ap.fnam, colClasses=col.classes )

Hope this helps

Kind regards,

On 14 February 2011 17:40, Hang PHAN wrote:
 I have a very large data file(GB) from which I only want to extract one
 column to draw histogram. This would be done several times, so I would like
 to ask if there is anyway to plot this using R from the linux command line,
 something look like this

 cut -f1 xxx.txt |RplotHist 

 Thanks and hope to hear from you.
 Best regards,

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[Rd] possible minor mis-spelling in R Data Import/Export

2010-12-16 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Good morning,

Could this be a mis-spelling in the development (revision 53854) and release
version of R Data Import/Export ?

Kind regards,
Sean O'Riordain

svn diff r-devel/R/doc/manual/

Index: r-devel/R/doc/manual/R-data.texi


--- r-devel/R/doc/manual/R-data.texi(revision 53854)

+++ r-devel/R/doc/manual/R-data.texi(working copy)

@@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@

 object, and then a call to @code{dbConnect} opens a database connection

 which can subsequently be closed by a call to the generic function

 @code{dbDisconnect}.  Use @code{dbDriver(Oracle)},

-...@code{dbddriver(PostgreSQL)} or @code{dbDriver(SQLite)} with those
+...@code{dbdriver(PostgreSQL)} or @code{dbDriver(SQLite)} with those
 DBMSs and packages @pkg{ROracle}, @pkg{RPostgreSQL} or @pkg{RSQLite}

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Re: [Rd] GPL and R Community Policies (Rcpp)

2010-12-01 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Good morning Dominick,

I don't use the Rcpp package and have only the vaguest notions of its

One of your requests is that your name might be removed from the project as
you no longer wish to be associated with it.  However, I suspect that it is
simply not legal to remove your copyright notice once the project has been
distributed.  The only way this could happen is if the project is completely
rewritten from scratch by people who have not worked on the project using a
'clean-room' methodology - this seems quite unlikely.

Just a thought,

Kind regards,
Sean O'Riordain

On 2 December 2010 04:29, Adrian Dragulescu wrote:


 I don't use the Rcpp package but I have been aware of the changes made to
 the package over the years.

 I don't see what you are after.  I don't consider the mention about your
 contribution in the authors section disparaging in ANY way.  It seems
 reasonable that as the code base grows, your initial contribution to have a
 smaller and smaller share.  That's all it says.  If you would start
 contributing again to the package development, I'm sure that line can be
 changed.  Romain has gone from 0% to a sizeable share in a quick period with
 some great contributions.  Other authors seem to find a way to contribute to
 the project too.

 If it's peer recognition you're after, everybody on this list is already
 aware that you're the original developer of the package.  I personally still
 have a good memory so I don't need another reminder email on this topic.

 I'm sure there are other projects that you can work on, alone or with
 collaborators, that would benefit the R community.

 Cheers, Adrian

 On Wed, 1 Dec 2010, Dominick Samperi wrote:

  This post asks members of the R community, users and developers,
 to comment on issues related to the GNU Public License
 and R community policies more generally.

 The GPL says very little about protecting the the rights of original
 contributors by not disseminating  misleading information about them.
 Indeed, for pragmatic reasons it effectively assumes that original authors
 have no rights regarding their GPL-ed software, and it implicitly leaves
 it up to the community of developers and users to conduct themselves in a
 fair and
 reasonable manner.

 After discussing these matters with Richard Stallman I think
 we more-or-less agreed that a GPL copyright notice is nothing
 more than a way to deputise people to serve as protectors of the
 principles of the Free Software Foundation (FSF). It has nothing to
 do with protecting the rights or the ideas of original
 contributors. There is no peer review, no requirement to
 explain your contributions, and anybody can essentially
 do as they please with the software provided they retain
 the copyright/FSF deputy notice---of course, you can
 always work-around this last restriction by modifying the
 implementation and placing it in a new file, because
 nobody is checking (GPL doesn't require it).

 The GPL is all about freedom, not responsibility. It is entirely
 focused on deregulation, not on the protection of intellectual
 property or professional reputations. It serves the useful purpose
 of making great software more widely available, but it does not
 dictate how people should behave and should not be used
 as a moral compass.  (See recent book titled
 You are not a gadget: a manifesto, a rejoinder to the
 GNU manifesto.)

 As a counterbalance I think the community of developers and
 users need to play a more active role in the evolution of
 shared values and expectations. In this spirit I respectfully request
 that the R community consider the following.

 The author line of the latest release of the R package
 Rcpp (0.8.9) was revised as follows:

 From: based on code written during 2005 and 2006 by Dominick Samperi

 To: a small portion of the code is based on code written during 2005 and
 2006 by Dominick Samperi

 As it is highly unusual (and largely impossible) to quantify the relative
 size of the the contribution made by each author of GPL'ed software, this
 effectively changed an acknowledgment into a disparaging remark. It
 is also misleading, because I am the original creator of the Rcpp library
 and package (it was forked by Dirk Eddelbuettel and is now effectively
 part of R core development). Incidentally, the README file for
 Rcpp 0.6.7 shows that my contributions and influence were not
 confined to the period 2005-2006.

 A look at the change history of Rcpp would quickly reveal that to be
 fair other authors of Rcpp (and perhaps other R package authors)
 should have their contributions qualified with a small portion of the
 or administered by, but this is precisely the kind of monitoring that
 inspired Richard Stallman to say we must chuck the masks in the
 GNU Manifesto.

 It is obviously a great benefit for the R community to have Rcpp actively
 supported by the R core team. I am very grateful for this. What I do

Re: [Rd] sample on data.frame

2010-02-20 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Good morning Stavos,

I currently use the following definition in my own environment.

sample.df - function (df, n = 3) {
df[sample(nrow(df), min(nrow(df), n)), ]

I also added in the possibility of returning n sequential rows which I used
when examining address files... but I haven't used it in ages :-)

Kind regards,
Sean O'Riordain

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 9:05 PM, Stavros Macrakis

 Currently, sample of a data.frame is a sample of the columns:

 e.g. sample(data.frame(a=1,b=2:3,c=4),2) = data.frame(b=2:3,c=c(4,4))

 I'd have thought it would be much more common to want a sample of the rows.

 It's easy enough to define an appropriate function for this: - function(x,size,replace=FALSE,prob=NULL)
  # no auto-dispatch; sample is not a generic function

 Would it be a bad idea for this to be the standard behavior for sample?

 There is always, of course, the backwards-compatiblity argument.  Is sample
 in fact used in practice to select random columns?  I realize it is hard to
 quantify that, but perhaps there is some wisdom in the community about


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Re: [Rd] Rcpp: Clarifying the meaning of GPL?

2009-12-23 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Good afternoon,

While I don't know the history of this particular conflict - to me the
entire *purpose* of the GPL is to ALLOW forking of code which must
remain in public.  If somebody forks code and makes any change
whatsoever and then distributes either the diff or the entire previous
project, then they can (and probably should) add their name as a
copyright holder to the copyrights of previous contributors.  They
cannot however remove previous copyright holders names so easily.

It should be noted that having multiple independent copyright holder
names on a GPL project is normally held as a positive thing - it makes
it much harder to un-GPL the project.

Kind regards,

On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 4:05 PM, Dominick Samperi wrote:
 In my view what has happened is not much different from a situation where I
 place my
 name as co-author on a research paper that you have created, without your
 after making a few small edits that you may not agree with. Furthermore, if
 you complain
 I simply present the results (at conferences) as my own without mentioning
 your name.

 Is this just a dispute between implementers?

 Stavros Macrakis wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 12:27 AM, Dominick Samperi wrote:

    Stavros Macrakis wrote:

        That said, as a matter of courtesy and clarity, I'd think that
        a fork should use a different name.

    Yes, the point is that this is not a legal or technical matter, it
    is a matter of professional courtesy.

    I take this as one vote for the name change.

 The naming and maintenance history of this package (or these packages:
 Rcpp and RcppTemplate) appears to be complicated, and I have no interest in
 becoming an arbitrator or voter in what is a dispute between you and other

    On US copyright law, this should not be confused with copyright
    notices that appear in GPL
    source code. Remember that these are really copyleft notices,
    and copyleft is designed to
    protect the rights of copiers, not original contributors.

 The copyright notice is a correct and legally valid copyright notice.  The
 GPL (copyleft) is the copyright *license*.  Like all licenses, it defines
 the relationship between authors and copiers.  The GPL explicitly avoided
 the so-called obnoxious BSD advertising clause, which has requirements
 about giving credit.


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Re: [Rd] Windows Laptop specification query

2009-09-28 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Good morning Keith,

Have a look at

The short answer is that it depends...
a) memory is limited under windows
b) R is essentially a serial program - HOWEVER it depends what you're
actually doing - if you're working with large matrices then there are
parallel versions of BLAS that can be used...  On a multi-core windows
machine with lots of memory you can of course run up multiple copies of R
and run each independently

Kind regards,

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 4:40 AM, Keith Satterley wrote:

 I've read some postings back in 2002/2006 about running R on multiple core
 CPUs. The answer was basically separate processes work fine, but
 parallelization needs to be implemented using snow/rmpi. Are the answers
 still the same?

 I ask because we are about to order a laptop running Windows for a new
 staff member. Some advice on the following would be helpful.
 It will be ordered with Vista, with a free upgrade to Windows 7. It will
 have 8GB of memory

 A quad core CPU costs about AUD$1100 more than the fastest (Intel T9900-6M
 Cache, 3.06 GHz) dual core CPU.
 I'm wondering if there is value in ordering the quad core. We are looking
 at a time frame of 3-4 years.

 Is anyone aware of near future plans to implement some form or
 parallelization that would more or less be hidden from the normal user?

 It is anticipated that analysis of Next Gen sequence data will be

 I've read the Windows FAQ about running R under Vista. We will probably
 start with Vista. I've read some posts in R-devel indicating people are
 running R under Windows 7. Is it safe to assume that R will run under
 Windows 7 after it is released?

 We are hoping to make use the 8GB of memory. Am I right in assuming that
 when the 64 bit version of Windows 7 is available, it will allow R users to
 make good use of the 8GB of memory. Does this happen under the current
 higher end versions of 64 bit Vista?



 Keith Satterley
 Bioinformatics Division
 The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
 Parkville, Melbourne,
 Victoria, Australia

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Re: [Rd] incorrect result (41/10-1/10)%%1 (PR#13863)

2009-08-03 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Good morning Jan,

Could this be covered off by the following?

Kind regards,

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 9:05 PM, wrote:
 Full_Name: jan hattendorf
 Version: 2.9.0
 Submission from: (NULL) (

 I get an incorrect result for


 [1] 1

 The error did not occur with other numbers than 41 (1, 11, 21, 31, 51, ...)

 test - rep(NA, 1000)
 for(i in 1:1000){
  test[i] - i/10-1/10

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Re: [Rd] 2009 Wish list for R

2009-01-17 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Can I add a windows specific wish please?  I'd like to be able to
double click on a word in the console and select it, rather than have
to manually select - silly I know but I'm constantly going back and
forth between R and other programs where I can do this and I still
haven't managed to train my hand not to double click words in R... :-)

Thanks R-Core!

On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
 2009 Wish list for R (no particular order):

 - some way of placing backslashes in literal strings without escaping them.
  Useful for latex, regular expressions and Windows file paths.  This seems
  to come up from time to time on the lists.  Ruby, python, Perl and other
  scripting languages have various ways to handle this which might be used
  as a model.

 - in Windows, some way to tell Packages | Install menu to use
  dependencies = TRUE (vs. dependencies = NA now).
  NB. utils:::menuInstallPkgs is the R routine invoked

 - self-contained R executables

 - default origin in Date.  as.numeric.Date and as.Date.numeric are
  asymmetric in this respect.

 - here documents in sourced input

 - read.table(textConnection(Lines)) later gives annoying warning message
  about closing connection.  If too hard to fix add an asText= arg,
  e.g. read.table(Lines, asText=TRUE)

 - View() buttons to copy to clipboard. (print and save might also be nice.)

 - allow library() command to determine what is imported like python's
  import ... from ...

 - Lag  function(x, k, ...) lag(x, -k, ...)
  lag is regarded by many as confusing and this would give a second
  option while keeping lag for compatability.

 - generic filter()

 - add executable for in to R bin directory
  on Windows to give an easy way to locate MiKTeX.  Alternately
  put it in Rtools.

 - real subclassing of environments

 - ability to conditionally emit portions of a Sweave
 document even if they represent both text and code
 portions without using crude workarounds.  For
 example if all the data for a certain figure is missing
 that figure and the associated paragraphs describing
 it and the R code shown associated with it could
 all be suppressed dynamically.

 - pfg TeX driver

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[Rd] minor typo in duplicated.Rd (lemgth != length)

2008-12-17 Thread Sean O'Riordain
s...@sean7:~/R/RSVN/R/trunk/src/library$ svn diff
Index: base/man/duplicated.Rd
--- base/man/duplicated.Rd  (revision 47231)
+++ base/man/duplicated.Rd  (working copy)
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
   not be efficient for a very large set.
-  For a vector input, a logical vector of the same lemgth as
+  For a vector input, a logical vector of the same length as
   \code{x}.  For a data frame, a logical vector with one element for
   each row.  For a matrix or array, a logical array with the same
   dimensions and dimnames.

__ mailing list

[Rd] trivial spelling correction

2008-12-01 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Good evening,

Spotted a very minor spelling mistake in the source for the grep help.

And thanks to R-Core for all their work - it's a tribute to R-Core,
that these sort of problems are rare indeed.

Best regards,
Sean O'Riordain

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/R/RSVN/R/trunk/src/library/base/man$ svn diff
Index: grep.Rd
--- grep.Rd (revision 47031)
+++ grep.Rd (working copy)
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@

   For \code{sub} and \code{gsub} a character vector of the same length
   and with the same attributes as \code{x} (after possible coercion).
-  Elements of character vectors \code{x} which are not subsituted will
+  Elements of character vectors \code{x} which are not substituted will
   be return unchanged (including any declared encoding).  If
   \code{useBytes = FALSE}, either \code{perl = TRUE} or \code{fixed =
 TRUE} and any element of \code{pattern}, \code{replacement} and

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Re: [Rd] Posting Guide

2008-06-07 Thread Sean O'Riordain
I agree.  Furthermore I think it might be useful to add that in my
experience (and I'm sure others as well) that the process of creating
a simple reproduceable example for an email to r-help will in most
cases clarify what I'm trying to do and actually solve my own problem
for me - once or twice I've been tempted to email my problem and my
own solution for the archive.

As a side note I tend to put a fair bit of work (i.e. measured in days
of calendar time and hours of work) for fear of being abused on the
list for not doing enough prep work.  Fear is probably not the idea
motivator though...


2008/6/6 Gabor Grothendieck [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 People read the posting guide yet they are still unable to create an 
 post. e.g.

 I think the problem is that the guide is not clear or concise enough.
 I suggest we add a summary at the beginning which gets to the heart
 of what a poster is expected to provide:


 To maximize your change of getting a response when posting provide (1)
 (2) minimal, (3) self-contained and (4) reproducible code.  (This one
 line summary
 also appears at the end of each message to r-help.)

 Self-contained and reproducible mean that a responder can copy the
 questioner's code to
 the clipboard, paste it into their R session and see the same problem
 you as the questioner
 see.  Note that dput(mydata) will display mydata in a reproducible way.
 Self-contained and reproducible are needed because:
 (1) Self-Effort. It shows that the questioner tried to solve the
 problem by themself first.
 (2) Test framework. Often the responder needs to play with the code a
 bit in order to respond
 or at least to give the best answer.  They can't do that without a
 test framework that includes
 the data and the code to run it and its not fair to ask them to not
 only answer the question but
 also to come up with test data and to complete incomplete code.
 (3) Archives. Questions and answers go into the archives so they are
 not only for the benefit of
 of the questioner but also for the benefit of all future searchers of
 the archive.  That means
 that its not finished if you have solved the problem for yourself.
 You still need to ensure that
 the thread has a complete solution. (For that reason its also
 important to give a meaningful
 subject to each post.)

 Commented and minimal also reduce the time it takes to understand
 the problem.
 Don't just dump your code as is into the message since you are just
 wasting your own
 time. Its not likely anyone will answer a message if the questioner
 has not taken the
 time to reduce it to its essential elements.  Surprisingly, quite
 often understanding what
 the problem is takes the responder most of the time -- not solving the
 problem. Once the
 question is actually understood its often quite fast to answer.  Thus
 in addition to posting
 it in a minimal form, comment on it sufficiently so that the responder
 knows what the code
 does and is intended to produce.  It may be obvious to the questioner
 who is embroiled in
 the problem but that does not mean its obvious to others.


  rest of posting guide ...

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Re: [Rd] cpu usage high with windows change dir / winDialogString (PR#11045)

2008-03-29 Thread Sean O'Riordain
I did a few other places where askstring() is used, e.g. Help /
apropos... and friends.

No problem Duncan if you decide not to fix.  It's one of those it'd
be nice if it was fixed - but it's not a problem if it doesn't
bugs... :-)  and now that I have a modern (i.e. 5 year old Linux
machine) at home I'm no longer reliant on the ancient laptop for
everyday use!

All the best,

On 29/03/2008, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 29/03/2008 1:10 PM, Sean O'Riordain wrote:
   Hi Duncan,
   I suspect that it's not the SHBrowseForFolder call as it seems fine
   once the Browse button is pressed - the problem occurs *before* the
   Browse button is pressed.

 The Change Dir dialog in R 2.7.0 no longer uses the
  winDialogString()-like dialog, so the problem will go away in that one
  case, but any other user of the underlying code will still have the
  problem.  It's because that function sets up a loop to poll for results.
   Doesn't really seem worth the trouble to fix.

  Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] cpu usage high with windows change dir / winDialogString (PR#11045)

2008-03-29 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Good afternoon Duncan,

Thanks for that.  See below for my reply.

Best Regards,

On 29/03/2008, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 28/03/2008 12:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Good afternoon,
   This is possibly a windows only bug, definitely of comparatively low
   importance - but for the sake of completeness here we go.  I've
   searched etc., but can find no mention.
   For RGui.exe, the CPU usage goes to 100% for certain dialog boxes for
   the duration that the dialog box is visible, e.g.
   * check CPU usage is low
   * On the RGui.exe menu chose File / Change dir...
   * the CPU usage goes to 100%
   * hit OK
   * the CPU usage goes back down again

  What is the bug here?  I'd guess it's not R using the cpu, rather some
  other process hooked to the dialog, but even if it really is R, why is
  this a bug?

Using Taskmanager it shows that RGui.exe is using 92-95% CPU while the
winDialogString() is open and 0% when the dialog is closed or a
different R dialog is used e.g. winDialog(yesnocancel, Do you
agree?).  The bug is that the cpu usage is unusually high - by
comparison for other dialogs e.g. File / Open script... the cpu usage
stays low - for other windows applications it is not normal for cpu
usage to be at 100% while waiting for user input - on slower machines
(e.g. my ancient laptop) this can bring the machine to its' knees
(almost) for the short duration that the dialog is open!  If I select
the Browse button, the cpu usage for RGui.exe falls away to 0% so it
is only during the period that R is waiting for the user to fill in
the dialog.  Not an important bug by any means!

Best regards,

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] cpu usage high with windows change dir / winDialogString (PR#11045)

2008-03-29 Thread Sean O'Riordain
Hi Duncan,

I suspect that it's not the SHBrowseForFolder call as it seems fine
once the Browse button is pressed - the problem occurs *before* the
Browse button is pressed.


On 29/03/2008, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 29/03/2008 12:23 PM, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
   On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Duncan Murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On 28/03/2008 12:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Good afternoon,
   This is possibly a windows only bug, definitely of comparatively low
   importance - but for the sake of completeness here we go.  I've
   searched etc., but can find no mention.
   For RGui.exe, the CPU usage goes to 100% for certain dialog boxes for
   the duration that the dialog box is visible, e.g.
   * check CPU usage is low
   * On the RGui.exe menu chose File / Change dir...
   * the CPU usage goes to 100%
   * hit OK
   * the CPU usage goes back down again
   What is the bug here?  I'd guess it's not R using the cpu, rather some
   other process hooked to the dialog, but even if it really is R, why is
   this a bug?
   Maybe R is sitting in a loop consuming all the resources of the system?

 It's a SHBrowseForFolder call, with a callback.  If there's a bug, it
  looks to me as though it's in Windows.

  Duncan Murdoch

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