Re: [Rd] Colour Schemes

2009-05-21 Thread Richard . Cotton
 I've been thinking hard about generating colour schemes for data.
 There's quite a bit of existing code scattered in various packages for
 playing with colours and colour palettes, but I can't find the sort of
 thing I'm after for applying colours to data...
 To my mind a colour scheme is a mapping from data values to colours.
 There's a multitude of such mappings depending on the nature of the
 data. For example, for a factor you might want to map levels to unique
 colours. For numbers that run from -4 to +2 you might want to use a
 diverging colour palette centred on zero. This might be continuous in
 some colour space or composed of a small number of discrete colours,
 each of which covers a range of values. Or it could be piecewise
 continuous as used in topographic maps - less than zero is blue, zero
 to 400 goes from sandy yellow to grassy green, 400 to 1000 goes from
 grassy green to rocky brown, then suddenly you hit the ice and 1000
 and upwards is white.  Or you could have a multivariate mapping where
 (x,y,z) - (r,g,b,a) in complex and non-linear ways.
 I see a set of factory functions that return colour scheme mapping
 functions that map data to colours, so you'd do:
  # unique colour for each factor level
  scheme1 = exactColours(data$f,someColours)  # data$f is a factor,
 someColours is a vector of colour values
  # topological map colouring
  scheme2 = continuousColours(list(-1000,blue,0,sandYellow,
 # or something...
 Now just because I can't find existing functions like this doesn't
 mean they don't exist. There's stuff in plotrix, colorspace,
 RColorBrewer etc for creating palettes but then the user is left to
 their own devices to map colours to data values.
  Does this kind of thing sound useful? Has it been done? Is it worth
 doing? Anybody got any better ideas?

Most of the plots where colour is typically used to signify a variable 
already do map colours to data values.  Take a look at help pages for 
levelplot/contourplot/wireframe from the lattice package, and image from 
base graphics.

(The format is typically slightly different to your suggested 
specification, though the principle is the same.  The functions take a 
vector of cut points, and a vector of colours.)

There may be some utility in creating functions to generate these colour 
maps outside of the plotting functions, if only so that the code can be 
recycled for new functions.


Mathematical Sciences Unit


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Re: [Rd] Colour Schemes

2009-05-21 Thread Barry Rowlingson
On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 2:18 PM, wrote:

 Most of the plots where colour is typically used to signify a variable
 already do map colours to data values.  Take a look at help pages for
 levelplot/contourplot/wireframe from the lattice package, and image from
 base graphics.

 (The format is typically slightly different to your suggested
 specification, though the principle is the same.  The functions take a
 vector of cut points, and a vector of colours.)

 The problem here is that the user doesn't have exact control of the
mapping from value to colour. For example (using a slightly more
safe-for-use-after-lunch version of the levelplot example grid):

 x - seq(pi/4, 5 * pi, length.out = 100)
 y - seq(pi/4, 5 * pi, length.out = 100)
 r - as.vector(sqrt(outer(x^2, y^2, +)))
 grid - expand.grid(x=x, y=y)
 grid$z - r
 grid$z2 = r *0.5

Then I do:

  levelplot(z~x*y, grid, cuts = 5, col.regions=rainbow(5))

 very nice, but suppose I want to show $r2 on the same colour scale, I
can't just do:

 levelplot(z2~x*y, grid, cuts = 5, col.regions=rainbow(5))

 because that looks the same as the first one since levelplot uses the
whole colour range.

 The base graphics image function has zlim arguments which let you do:

 image(z/2, zlim=range(z))

 but again, not obvious, and complex/impossible when using more
sophisticated colour mappings.

 There may be some utility in creating functions to generate these colour
 maps outside of the plotting functions, if only so that the code can be
 recycled for new functions.

 Exactly, it would make a new package.


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Re: [Rd] Colour Schemes

2009-05-21 Thread Richard . Cotton
I'm going to take your second example first.

  The base graphics image function has zlim arguments which let you do:
  image(z/2, zlim=range(z))
  but again, not obvious, and complex/impossible when using more
 sophisticated colour mappings.

The way to do more complex examples, similar to the manner you suggested 
originally, is use the breaks and col arguments, e.g.

breaks - c(0,25,75,100)
col - c(red, blue, green)
image(z, breaks=breaks, col=col)
image(z/2, breaks=breaks, col=col)

So it is possible here, though perhaps not obvious.

With your first example ...
  The problem here is that the user doesn't have exact control of the
 mapping from value to colour. For example (using a slightly more
 safe-for-use-after-lunch version of the levelplot example grid):
  x - seq(pi/4, 5 * pi, length.out = 100)
  y - seq(pi/4, 5 * pi, length.out = 100)
  r - as.vector(sqrt(outer(x^2, y^2, +)))
  grid - expand.grid(x=x, y=y)
  grid$z - r
  grid$z2 = r *0.5
 Then I do:
   levelplot(z~x*y, grid, cuts = 5, col.regions=rainbow(5))
  very nice, but suppose I want to show $r2 on the same colour scale, I
 can't just do:
  levelplot(z2~x*y, grid, cuts = 5, col.regions=rainbow(5))
  because that looks the same as the first one since levelplot uses the
 whole colour range.

... I agree that the inability to specify a vector of cut points ruins 
your chances of doing what you want.

  There may be some utility in creating functions to generate these 
  maps outside of the plotting functions, if only so that the code can 
  recycled for new functions.
  Exactly, it would make a new package.

Excellent.  I reckon keeping the cut vector/colour vector input format 
would be sensible, e.g.

continuousColours - function(x, breaks, col)
   if(length(breaks) != length(col)+1) stop(must have one more break than 
   col[as.numeric(cut(x, breaks))]

x - runif(10, 0, 5)
breaks - 0:5
col - c(red, blue, green, cyan, magenta)
plot(1:10, x, col=continuousColours(x, breaks, col))


Mathematical Sciences Unit


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Re: [Rd] Colour Schemes

2009-05-21 Thread hadley wickham
  Yes, but these things are all at the wrong conceptual level. What you
 are constructing here is a function that maps value to colour, but
 keeping it as breaks and cut values and colours instead of
 representing it as a function. Wouldn't it be nicer to build a real
 function object and have that to pass around?

This is basically what ggplot2 does behind the scenes, with the slight
addition that scales also know how to be trained, so that the domain
can be learned from the data:

sc - scale_colour_gradient()



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Re: [Rd] Colour Schemes

2009-05-21 Thread Deepayan Sarkar
On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
 On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Deepayan Sarkar wrote:

 [oops I didnt reply-to-all]

 But you could specify an explicit 'at' vector specifying the color
 breakpoints: effectively, you want at = do.breaks(zlim, 5).

 lattice does have a function called 'level.colors' that factors out
 the color assignment computation.

  Yes, but these things are all at the wrong conceptual level. What you
 are constructing here is a function that maps value to colour, but
 keeping it as breaks and cut values and colours instead of
 representing it as a function. Wouldn't it be nicer to build a real
 function object and have that to pass around?

If that tickles your fancy, it's not a big stretch to get to


continuousColours - function(at, col.regions, ...)
function(x) {
level.colors(x, at = at, col.regions = col.regions, ...)

## caveat: level.colors requires 'at' values to be unique, hence the 999,1001
scheme2 -
continuousColours(at = list(-1000, 0, 400, 999, 1001, 1),
  col.regions = c(blue, sandYellow,
grassGreen, rockBrown, white))

## you could do something similar with your list format too, of course.


which gives

 scheme2(c(-500, -200, 200, 2000))
[1] blue   blue   sandYellow white

But generally speaking, I wouldn't presume to dictate that any given
approach is universally nicer than another; I don't expect others to
have the same tastes as me, and conversely, don't expect to be told
what my tastes should be (if I did, I would probably be using Excel).


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