Re: [Rd] Suggestion: help()

2005-06-08 Thread Robin Hankin
The reason I like .Rd files is that I can run the examples easily and, 
as Martin points out,

one does not need to learn a new syntax.

How about adding the following to R-exts:

"We encourage the package developer to include a file named 
foo.package.Rd in the "man"
directory, to provide a terse overview of the foo package.  This Rd 
file is intended to be
the first port of call for a new user of the package, and should 
provide (or point to)
working examples of the package's functionality.  It may also provide 
details or rationale
for the package's structure, if non-standard; and perhaps document 
other features of

the package that might escape a new user's notice.

See package foo for an example"

and package.skeleton() could be modified to  write a skeleton version 
of foo.package.Rd

and put it in the man directory.

best wishes everyone


Duncan writes:

My proposal (modified following the suggestions I've heard so far) is 
as follows:

 - to check that a couple of help topic aliases exist (.package 
and )
 - to recommend that .package contain general information about 
the package, and that  be an alias for it, if it isn't used for 
some other purpose.
 - to write promptPackage() to help create an initial version of 
.package.Rd.  It can get some information from the DESCRIPTION 
file; perhaps it could go looking for a vignette, or the INDEX, or
 - to modify the other help system tools to make use of this (e.g. the 
package: heading on a page would become a link to the 
.package alias, etc.)


And as much as I do like (and read) the vignettes that are
available, I also do agree that writing one other *.Rd file is
easier for many new package authors than to write a
vignette -- the package author already had to learn *.Rd syntax
anyway -- and it's nice to be able to produce something where
hyperlinks to the other existing reference material (ie. help
pages) just works out of the box.

Duncan again:

Currently R has 3 types of help:  the .Rd files in the man directory 
(which are converted into plain text, HTML, compiled HTML, LaTex, DVI, 
PDF, etc), the vignettes, and unstructured files in inst/doc.  We 
currently require .Rd files for every function and data object.  
Adding a requirement to also document the package that way is not all 
that much of a burden, and will automatically give all those output 
formats I listed above.  It will help to solve the often-complained 
about problem   of packages that contain no overview at all.  
(Requiring a vignette and giving a way to display it would also do 
that, but I think requiring a .Rd file is less of a burden, and for 
anyone who has gone to the trouble of creating a vignette, gives a 
natural place for a link to it.  Vignettes aren't used as much as they 
should be,  because they are hidden away where users don't see them.)

Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
 tel  023-8059-7743

__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Suggestion: help()

2005-06-07 Thread Robin Hankin

My 0.02:

I use Misc.Rd for the purpose that Duncan suggests.  I put things like 
details and rationale for package
organization, pointers to the most important function(s) in the 
package,  and perhaps function descriptors
for ubiquitous functions that don't warrant their own helppage, but 
need documentation [in
the case of gsl, this would be strictify() and process.args(), which 
every user needs to know].

It would be *great* to be required to put in "package.gsl.R"  (or 
should that be "gsl.package.Rd"?)
for this purpose.  Then maybe R CMD check could check for its presence 
and throw a wobbly

if it isn't there.

Some packages have so  much material that it's difficult to know where 
the "meat" of the functionality lies,

and Duncan's suggestion would help greatly in these circumstances.

best wishes


On Jun 7, 2005, at 01:11 pm, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

Kurt Hornik wrote:

Henrik Bengtsson writes:

I would like to suggest a standard where all packages provide an Rd 
page with the same name (or aliased) as the name of package so that 
help() or ? is always here. This 
especially of interest to large packages with a large package index. 
This page could explain the package in general and gives some hints 
on how to start - not like extensive vignettes, but just to get 
started, e.g. list the "most important" functions.  This page could 
typically contain information that is in the DESCRIPTION file (which 
contains valuable information hardly every accessed by a general 
user), such as who is the maintainer, how to report bugs and so on.

I think this is a good idea.  One minor problem is that for some 
packages that topic name is already in use for a function (e.g. boot). 
For that reason, I'd suggest that there *also* be an alias called 
"package.", and the  topic should link to 

How would this be different from the results of
help(package = )

1.  It would work with ?, like other help topics.

2.  It would give an overview.  It's possible to do that in 
DESCRIPTION or INDEX, but you don't get the same style as for other 
help files (e.g. no links to other topics, at least in Windows).

We should work out what the topic headings should be and extend 
package.skeleton() and prompt() to write a bare-bones file that 
suggests the questions that need to be answered in the file.  The 
headings I'd suggest are:

\description (longer than the typical entry in the DESCRIPTION file)
\details (Should give a short guide to the main functions, should 
point out the existence of external documentation like vignettes, 

\author (could also describe maintainer, if different)
\seealso (Should give references to related packages)

There is some duplication of material from DESCRIPTION, but usually 
this should be longer and more reader-friendly than that file.

I'd be happy to write the description of this in R Extensions, and 
write the changes to prompt(), if we have agreement that this file 
should be mandatory in 2.2.x or 2.3.x, and you'll write the checks for 
it.  (I think the check should just be for existence of aliases 
 and package., and could perhaps just give 
a warning in 2.2.x.)

Duncan Murdoch

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Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
 tel  023-8059-7743

__ mailing list

[Rd] typesetting a matrix

2005-05-11 Thread Robin Hankin
in a .Rd file, in a \deqn{} environment, how do I typeset a matrix in 

I have
but this doesn't give me the 2-by-2 matrix desired.
Is there a manpage somewhere with a matrix that I could adapt?
Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
 tel  023-8059-7743
__ mailing list

Re: [Rd] Trigonometric functions (PR#7728)

2005-03-16 Thread Robin Hankin
On Mar 15, 2005, at 11:26 pm, Thomas Lumley wrote:
On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, Peter Kleiweg wrote:
Thomas Lumley schreef op de 15e dag van de lentemaand van het jaar 

result in:

The way I would deal with this would be to force asin() to work in 
complex mode:

> x <- sqrt(2)
> asin(x^2-1+0i)
[1] 1.570796+2.980232e-08i
(the error is large because the derivative of arcsin is infinite at 

Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
Southampton Oceanography Centre
European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
 tel  023-8059-7743
__ mailing list

[Rd] data() in data/*.R files

2004-11-29 Thread Robin Hankin

I'm having difficulty making a package pass R CMD check.

I need to read in a dataset from another package,  modify it, and have the
modified object available in the first package. help(require) says:

  The source code for a package that requires one or more other
  packages should have a call to 'require', preferably near the
  beginning of the source, and of course before any code that uses
  functions, classes or methods from the other package.

and 200update.txt points out that the  data/*.R files must be self
sufficient, suggesting  "require(pkg, quietly=TRUE, save=FALSE)"
if needed.  My .R file  in the data subdirectory looks like this:

   require(calibrator, quietly=TRUE, save=FALSE)
   data(expert.estimates, package="calibrator")
  expert.estimates.modified <- some.function(expert.estimates)

  But if I do this, R CMD check says

Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : couldn't find function "data"
Execution halted
ERROR: installing package indices failed
Installation failed.

[the package passes R CMD check if I cut-and-paste a dput  and assign 
directly, and dispense with the data() statement].

How do I load a dataset from another package in a .R file, and use it?

Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
Southampton Oceanography Centre
SO14 3ZH
tel +44(0)23-8059-7743
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